Sheng Mingjie's killing intention is just like a great beast. No one can stop him. Uncle snake and uncle Gang's cry and Peng Xuefei's hiss and shouts have no effect on Sheng Mingjie. At this moment, Sheng Mingjie has turned into a ruthless devil. He just wants to kill me.

However, the auditorium is a certain distance away from the challenge arena. At the bottom of the challenge arena, there are many security teams guarding to prevent people from making trouble. Therefore, at this moment, no matter who it is, can't rescue me from Sheng Mingjie's feet, because no one can fly up in a few seconds.

Time seems to freeze in these seconds, but my mind is crazy in these seconds. I have clearly felt the breath of death. One of my feet has stepped into the gate of hell, which makes me unable to breathe.

For me, death is not really terrible. I have been calm in the face of death many times. I even used suicide to end my miserable life. However, I chose suicide, not because I wanted to die, but because I was forced by the reality to commit suicide.

However, no matter how many times I walk on the edge of death, no matter how many times the God of death calls me, every time, when it comes to the moment of death, I can't help but see too many thoughts in my mind. This is the reflection of the last moment of my life and the only eternal memory flashed in my mind. It seems that my whole life can flash out of my mind at this moment before death Yes.

Now, my life has experienced a lot of sadness and happiness, joys and sorrows and separation, the combination of the picture is wonderful. If I really want to end this life, I don't feel sorry, I just feel unwilling, especially unwilling, because it's really not easy for me to get to the present. Seeing that the road of saving my father is about to reach the end, I almost throw out my life to rush forward.

Sheng Mingjie is the last big chop on my way. In order to break through him, I practiced hard for two nights, and I accumulated enough confidence. However, in the end, everything was just a failure. It felt like the Tang Monk went to the Western Heaven to learn Buddhist scriptures. He successfully passed the 80 difficulties, but died in the last one. This kind of death method is really extremely oppressive.

However, what can I do? I worked hard and gave up. I didn't even want to fight for my life. However, my starting point was too low to be compared with Sheng Mingjie, an elite who was trained and trained from a big family. I couldn't beat him. I couldn't fight him. Even if I didn't want to fight again, I had no choice.

Disheartened, I forget to admit defeat, forget to beg for mercy, I just opened my confused eyes, watching Sheng Mingjie's feet slowly step down.

However, at this last moment, in this life and death critical seconds, I heard Peng Xuefei's heartrending cry. This voice still did not stop Sheng Mingjie, but it deeply shocked my heart.

Through this trembling voice, I can feel how heartbroken Peng Xuefei is. I can clearly understand her pain. I remember that before the contest, Peng Xuefei tried to persuade me not to agree to the contest, but I finally agreed, and I vowed in front of Peng Xuefei that I would win.

My promise, let Peng Xuefei temporarily choose to believe me, but her heart can not stop worrying about me, she is afraid I lose, afraid I have any accident, even want to elope with me, she is willing to leave everything, just to be with me, in order not to lose me. However, no matter what she said, I insisted on participating in the competition, and when I arrived at the scene, I assured her once again that I could win.

In the end, I still failed Peng Xuefei. I lost. I lost so thoroughly. I lost so miserably that I even lost my life here.

Because she was afraid of my death, Peng Xuefei even took the initiative to call out the words to admit defeat for me. At this moment, she didn't care about the result of the contest, whether she could be with me or not, only cared about my life, just wanted me to live and I could be good.

Her feelings touched my heart, her cry hurt my heart, her despair hurt my heart, this moment, I suddenly realized that I could not die.

If I die, I will not only give up all my previous achievements, but also push Peng Xuefei, who trusts me unconditionally, into Sheng Mingjie's arms. Peng Xuefei, a pervert, is so unscrupulous. In any case, I can't let him become a villain, and I can't push Peng Xuefei into the abyss. My death will surely bring her more pain than death. I can't be too selfish, I won't Can die like this, since I promised her, must win, I will insist to the end, even if there is a heartbeat, I can not give up.

The resurrection of the heart and the burning of the will made my body suddenly strong, and let me break free from the shackles of death. When Sheng Mingjie's feet trampled on my door mercilessly, I tried my best to roll to one side.

As soon as my muddy body rolled, the floor of the arena pounded and vibrated. At the same time, there was a loud bang near my ear, which almost broke my eardrum.

I know that it is Sheng Mingjie's foot that makes a sound on the platform. I don't need to open my eyes to see that the ground of the challenge arena is cracked. It can be seen that Sheng Mingjie's foot is so shocking and crying.

Death and I just passed by like this, just a little bit closer, and my end would be worse than this arena. It was really breathtaking. I escaped from death, rolled directly to the edge of the challenge arena, and then stopped.The people at the scene took a breath when they saw the breathtaking scene. Even the girls who did not dare to look over their heads thought that I had been trampled to death. They screamed with horror, and the scene was full of excitement again.

I ignored the noise of everything, only a belief in my heart, to survive.

As soon as I stopped at the edge of the ring, my eyes suddenly opened. As soon as I opened, I found that Sheng Mingjie did not continue to pursue me. He stood in his place, did not move, but his expression was very interesting. His eyes were full of color and looked at me with interest. It seemed that he was surprised that I could escape, and also felt a trace of interest.

According to the rules of the game, the time on the ground can't exceed a certain limit, so after I took a breath, I immediately supported the railing on the edge of the arena and slowly supported myself to climb up.

When the audience saw that I had not only escaped my death, but also got up, their eyes immediately showed a color of surprise, and the sound of surprise could not be heard, while those who were worried about me were a long sigh of relief.

Peng Xuefei was the first one to speak. She was so scared that she saw me get up and yelled at me: "Jiangnan wind, stop fighting, admit defeat, let's admit defeat!"

Her voice was almost hoarse, and her tone was so sad and helpless, and uncle snake, who had made a false alarm, said to me in a sharp voice: "young master, admit defeat quickly!"

Obviously, for uncle snake, the result of the contest is no longer important. My life and death are the major events. He can't watch my accident.

One side of the gang uncle also immediately agreed: "admit defeat, young master!"

Even Lu Ping and Chen Xiao on the edge called out: "brother Feng, give up quickly!"

All the voices under the stage urged me to admit defeat, but as if I hadn't heard it, I still clubbed in the arena without any movement.

Seeing me like this, even Qiqi couldn't help shouting at me: "Jiangnan wind, admit defeat!"

Qiqi is not suitable for speaking aloud. It took a lot of effort to break through the noise and make a sound, which came into my ears.

Originally, Qiqi's face was already pale. At the moment, she may be more pale because of her excessive tension. Her baseball cap was taken off, revealing her forehead full of sweat. Obviously, she was scared by the thrilling scene just now, and has not recovered.

At this time, other audiences also made a rustling sound, all told me to stop fighting and quickly admit defeat.

Everyone is looking forward to a wonderful contest, but when it comes to death, there are still some people who can't bear to see it. Although there are not many people like this, the only ones are sincerely persuading me that I don't want to gamble with my life.

But at this time, I just turn a deaf ear to any sound. My mind is in chaos. I can't hear these voices at all. I don't have the habit of admitting defeat. My life is never giving up.

However, my faith is firm, but my body is not very good. My previous injuries are really too heavy. The innumerable fists Sheng Mingjie gave me really broke my whole body. Now I even stand trembling, like an old man in the twilight.

On the contrary, Sheng Mingjie, standing in the middle of the ring, is a young man with high spirit. He is powerful and heroic. The dim light from his eyes coldly shoots at me. When he sees me trembling, he can't help but show contempt in his eyes. His lips open slightly and utter a cold hum, saying scornfully, "waste, no A blow

His tone was full of irony, mingled with deep disdain and disappointment.

Although my head is chaotic, I can feel it. Sheng Mingjie's saying this is actually stimulating me. Of course, he doesn't want me to take the initiative to admit defeat. If I admit defeat, he can't kill me in the arena. Although he is not afraid of killing people in public, it's not easy to break the rules. Now that I've escaped a robbery, he can't kill me.

Therefore, he only encouraged me to fight again. Once we started the competition, then, he killed the assassin in the fight, and others had nothing to say.

For his this thought, I am so clear, but I still have no idea of retreat, on the contrary, his provocative words still stab my heart, his arrogant image also slowly become clear in my blurred eyes.

At this moment, I couldn't see anyone else or feel the atmosphere under the stage. Everything was automatically ignored by me. In my eyes, there was only Sheng Mingjie's image. Perhaps, it was related to the hatred in my heart. The familiar voices that haunted my ears and the voices that advised me to give up were all automatically disappeared. All I could hear was Sheng Mingjie's arrogant words, And his arrogant clamour.

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