But this time, he couldn't hit me, and I compared with him in such a leisurely manner. How could he stand the feeling of being in the cloud? He couldn't bear the feeling of holding back and bending. Because of this, he became more and more angry and became more crazy. He did not have the previous posture of plotting strategies and the style of being a master who did not panic, He seems to have lost himself.

However, the more chaotic he is, the more difficult it is to hit me. The mirror in my heart is more bright. He can easily reflect his crazy moves, and then crack them easily. After this, Sheng Mingjie seems to feel a great humiliation, which he has never suffered in his life. This humiliation makes his anger reach the peak.

He suddenly stopped attacking me and stood upright. However, his action stopped, but his anger became more fierce. His eyes turned red and red, and his fists clenched tightly. Then, Sheng Mingjie burst out a startling roar: "Jiangnan wind, you forced me!"

Sheng Mingjie's right foot has already been raised. He thundered. At once, the arena seemed to shake violently, and its prestige was shattered. At the same time, Sheng Mingjie's momentum also soared to the commanding height, reaching an alarming level.

The atmosphere under the stage reached a frenzy climax because of Sheng Mingjie's foot which destroyed the heaven and earth. Many audiences stood up excitedly and screamed, looking forward to the next more wonderful fight, Sheng Mingjie's complete power, and how I can resolve this time.

The air in the stadium seems to be burning violently. The emotional factors of so many people collide together, producing an incomparable noise effect. The excitement at this moment seems to be the climax of the battle to the present.

In such a climactic atmosphere, the angry Sheng Mingjie is like the king of human beings. His anger burns half the sky, and his momentum shakes the whole earth. This is the real strongest side of Sheng Mingjie. When his momentum reaches the peak, his body will explode and bounce towards me. His speed is too fast and his power is too strong. He tears up the resistance of the air and rushes Break through all obstacles, straight to me.

I have been in the state of self forgetting. I have never felt the most noisy noise under the stage. My sight has never left Sheng Mingjie. My concentration lies in him. No matter how crazy he is and how fast he is, he is just a grain of dust in my eyes. The dust stirs up and I still can't escape my eyes. My thoughts are empty, my mind is precipitated, and I'm focused on coping with the shooting Sheng Mingjie.

After the outbreak, Sheng Mingjie's power is really too much. His one move one by one has the power to destroy the withered. His whole person is like a tornado, powerful to the contrary. This makes my pressure increase a lot. However, my mentality has not been affected at all. Let him wind and cloud, and I move a thousand pounds from four to two. It is this mentality that makes me suddenly understand Many, my whole person's realm has improved a lot, Sheng Mingjie such abnormal attack, I can calmly resist down.

At the beginning of this competition, Sheng Mingjie had the upper hand steadily. Since he started fighting, he didn't pay attention to me. It was like his own arena. He just played cool and showed himself. More importantly, after playing cool, he wanted me to die.

This is the inevitable result, he never thought that I could escape from his palm, but in the end, I survived under his hand. Not only that, I also miraculously changed, and I was able to accept his fierce attack again and again, which made him unable to hurt me. Sheng Mingjie couldn't bear this He's mad. He's crazy. His mind is obviously affected. He wants to knock me down. He wants to knock me down.

In order to defeat me, he exposed his own strength without reservation. The atmosphere of the scene, with Sheng Mingjie's power climax constantly.

However, what makes Sheng Mingjie die is that he sends out the strongest power, but he still can't do anything about me. This is simply beyond his imagination, and even hurt his most concerned self-confidence. The force he has been proud of has been questioned, and his confidence fortress is gradually collapsing.

There is a great relationship between martial arts and mentality. At this moment, I obviously have the upper hand in my mentality. I am as stable as Mount Tai and firmly defend myself. While watching Sheng Mingjie, he is furious, more and more anxious to fight, more and more angry and impatient. After Sheng Mingjie's last round of crazy attack, his flaws become more and more obvious, and people are more and more powerless.

At such a juncture, my eyes moved, looked at the right time, with the help of my strength, I grabbed his arm and hit his body violently. The crazy Sheng Mingjie immediately retreated again and again. As he retreated, I opened my lips and made a cold voice: "now, it's my turn to do it!"

Before that, no matter how well I kept my mentality, I was in a defensive state and didn't take the initiative to attack. The reason is that I was injured too much just now and my internal power has not recovered. The second reason is that I don't know Sheng Mingjie enough and I don't know how to start.

But now it's different. The momentum in my body has gradually recovered. Even through a fight with Sheng Mingjie, I have reached the peak. I am like a ball. Sheng Mingjie's attack on me is equivalent to giving me a boost. Now I have expanded to the extreme and need to be released.In addition, up to now, Sheng Mingjie is just like a transparent man in front of me. I can see through him completely. He has already reached the point where he is poor in skills. He has shown his cards.

So, the time has come, I will take the initiative to attack, when my voice is floating in the sky of the stadium, the whole venue is once again hot, and the scene is almost out of control. In the eyes of the audience, even though I had done well in defense, I was still in a passive position. Compared with Sheng Mingjie, who has infinite power, I didn't seem to have an advantage. On the contrary, I was a bit stubborn. But at this moment, I suddenly said such a hegemonic remark, and people on the scene immediately realized that I still had a hand.

As a result, almost all the people in the audience were excited and excited. The most wonderful thing they had been looking forward to might be in the next moment, which excited them and made them look forward to nothing more.

As for the scene, I still can't feel it. I just immerse myself in my own world. After speaking, the invisible aura hidden in my body began to penetrate slowly. Suddenly, my whole person had a feeling of immortality. When my voice dissipated, my body rushed to Sheng Mingjie. My action was not fast, but it could make people see a kind of illusion Illusion, almost in the blink of an eye, I came to Sheng Mingjie.

Sheng Mingjie, who has been retrogressive, didn't stand firm. He suddenly attacked me. In a hurry, he leaned forward and threw a heavy blow on me.

Maybe it was his mentality that was so weak that maybe my initiative was too unexpected. Sheng Ming's quick blow seemed to have no impact. I just raised my hand at will and hit him on the wrist to open his fist.

My other hand, like an eagle's claw, quickly grabbed his chest and gave him a heavy blow. A simple move made Sheng Mingjie suffer a heavy blow. Originally, his body was already tired. Now, by such a blow, his body and heart seemed to sink into the abyss. What's more, his whole person has been locked in by my powerful momentum Let him suppress, let him suffocate, let him unexpected.

After a successful move, I didn't stop. I continued to hand at him. The movements were coherent and agile. My two hands seemed to be massaging him. They kept falling on his body, while hitting me, my body kept flashing.

Sheng Mingjie is like a stake standing in the middle of the challenge arena and can't move. I am like a thug who practices martial arts with a wooden stake. All around his body, he is constantly beating. My feet are constantly moving. My hands are either fists, claws, palms, or elbows. From all directions, I hit Sheng Mingjie closely.

The originally noisy stadium was suddenly quiet, and everyone was still. Almost everyone held their breath and widened their eyes, watching the scene on the challenge arena nervously.

Under the attention of the whole audience, I suddenly stopped the attack and stood in front of Sheng Mingjie. My eyes gave out an extremely cold light and looked at Sheng Mingjie coldly in front of me.

At this moment, Sheng Mingjie's bones were broken by me, but he was strong and never fell down. He stood upright in the middle of the challenge arena. His eyes were staring at him. His eyes were full of surprise. He was very surprised. I was just like a devil in his eyes, which made him incredible.

After a short silence, he opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something to me, but he could not speak. As soon as he opened his mouth, blood came out of his mouth, and his feet finally could not support his heavy body. With a thump, the upright Sheng Mingjie knelt down uncontrollably in front of me. His kneeling was so sudden.

Such a sudden, suddenly set off a heat wave in the field, the silent venue suddenly roared. At the moment Sheng Mingjie vomited blood and knelt on his knees, those stagnant spectators burst out a startling sound. The sound was like the tide. Waves after waves, the crowd became louder and louder, and the scene became more and more explosive.

In the excitement of the whole scene, I suddenly raised my right foot and slowly raised it. In the end, my feet were all facing the sky. My legs were almost stretched into a horse state. The noisy audience's eyes were shocked again. I didn't know why. But my raised right foot was already facing Sheng Mingjie, who was kneeling on the ground, full of indomitable and unwilling eyes.

This foot accumulated all my anger and dissatisfaction with Sheng Mingjie. When I went down, I only heard a dull bang. My right heel hit Sheng Mingjie's head.

At this moment, Sheng Mingjie finally fell to the ground. In this moment, the noise stopped suddenly. The audience suddenly stopped their voice, and their faces were dull. The huge stadium suddenly fell into a dead silence.

In silence, I slowly put down my right foot, leisurely stepped on Sheng Mingjie's body. Stepping on Sheng Mingjie, I felt like stepping on the world. All my powerful momentum spread out, covering the whole boxing hall,


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