My body is proud of the challenge arena, my feet are on Sheng Mingjie, and my hands are on my back. In my body, I naturally have the spirit of king in the world.

This incomparable spirit can not be produced by ordinary people, but at this moment, my body is proud and my eyes are like a torch. When Sheng Mingjie falls down, I jump out of my small world. My eyes are clear, my eyes are clear, my eyes are clear, and my inner haze is completely dispersed. Even my breath becomes very rhythmic, The whole person seems to have come back to life.

All the people in the audience were shocked by me. Everyone seemed to be a sculpture, unable to move or make a sound, but they were shocked for a long time and could not extricate themselves.

At this moment, people fell into endless silence.

I don't know how long it took. In Sheng Mingjie's team, a man in a Zhongshan suit suddenly stood up, pointed to me and cried in a deep voice: "let go of master Mingjie!"

His tone is as if he is giving orders, so overbearing, but also appears anxious, we can see how much they care about Sheng Mingjie's safety.

However, I didn't pay any attention to him at all. It's not that I didn't hear his words, but I didn't care at all. I just slightly raised my head and looked at the time displayed by the challenge arena. When Sheng Mingjie fell down, I slowly folded my right foot.

Right foot landing, I proud of the whole court, issued a very loud voice: "I won!"

Three words, extremely overbearing, incisively and vividly showed my unique King's glory. My spirit soared to the sky and broke through the shackles of silence of the whole audience. After a while, the stagnant crowd began to speak, and the silent venues began to stir.

The audience finally reflected that the final winner of this breathtaking contest was me, the Jiangnan style.

I won, won quite domineering, won incomparably brilliant, a generation of God's favorite son Sheng Mingjie, fell down, did not get up again, he, after all, lost.

However, there was no congratulations, no cheers, no cheers, no applause from the audience. All the people's faces were heavy. Even Peng Xuefei and Qiqi and other people who supported me did not show joy. Even their eyes had some fright.

This kind of fright comes from the fear of the unknown. No one knows whether Sheng Mingjie is alive or dead. He lies motionless on the challenge arena. He is really like a corpse. Everyone's eyes are projected on him. His eyes are dim and his face is gloomy. The sky above the stadium is covered with a layer of dark clouds. The atmosphere is extremely depressed and no one dares to make a loud noise.

The picture is dignified and profound. Sheng Mingjie brings a total of 12 people. The man in Zhongshan suit who just stood up and pointed to me to drink was obviously the leader of them. Each of them has his own characteristics and is not an ordinary person.

After the trumpet announced the end of the competition, they almost all rushed to the challenge arena. As soon as they got on the ring, someone immediately sniffed Sheng Mingjie's breath and found that he still had a weak breath. He quickly yelled, "where are the medical staff? Come on, carry the stretcher!"

In this kind of underground boxing hall, there are special medical staff. When the players in the arena have an accident, these medical specialists will rush to give emergency care to the injured. Even if the injury is very serious, they don't need to wait for an ambulance. They can take emergency treatment and directly send them to the hospital.

As a matter of fact, we are all familiar with this kind of thing. Even if the defeated general in the challenge arena dies at most, it is just a pity, and it will not have any impact on others. However, the situation is different at the moment, because it is not others who are injured, but Sheng Mingjie, the eldest young master of the Sheng family.

It is because Sheng Mingjie is the one whose life or death is unknown. Therefore, I won. In this arena where the winner is the king, no one dares to celebrate for me.

Everyone knows Sheng Mingjie's identity. No one dares to show excitement at such a time. Even the people of the Hai Gang are in panic. You know, this boxing hall is the territory of the Hai Gang. If Sheng Mingjie dies here, the Hai Gang's guilt will be great. Therefore, Peng Yi, the leader of the Hai Gang, is covered with cold sweat, and he no longer has that kind of high-level theatrical demeanor At last his eyes showed anxiety.

He took several big men from the sea gang and personally led the rescue personnel to the challenge arena. After examining Sheng Mingjie's injury, the rescue doctor immediately said, "we must hurry to the hospital, or we will die!"

I don't need to see Sheng Mingjie's injury. I didn't kill him. I deliberately kept my hand. I didn't want to make a big deal of things, so I didn't kill him. But I still gave him a lesson of blood. After all, Sheng Mingjie's sin was too heavy. He tried to kill me several times. I couldn't rest assured that such a person would not let him lie in the hospital There are consequences.

No matter what other people are worried about his injury, I have no influence. I walk leisurely towards the lower part of the challenge arena like nobody else.

But before I took two steps, I was stopped by someone's hand, accompanied by a very powerful roar: "you beat my young master's life and death is unknown, you want to leave like this?"

Hearing this, I couldn't help but turn my head and look at the blocking dog.

This man is tall and muscular. Wearing a black shirt on his body makes him look more powerful. His most prominent feature is a pair of wolf like eyes. Even when the surface is peaceful, his eyes look like evil spirits, which is very deterrent.This moment, his eyes are emitting a penetrating light, as if to eat me.

However, for his obstruction, I did not care very much, just indifferent said: "how, you Sheng family can not afford to lose?"

Hearing this, the facial muscles of this man trembled. His eyes were cold, and he made a more icy voice to me: "hum, winning or losing is a common thing in the army, but you are too heavy. You clearly want to kill people!"

His words made me sneer. I glanced at Sheng Mingjie who was like a dead dog, and then said to him with disdain: "ha ha, if I really want to kill him, he is dead now. But it's your young master who killed me several times. All the people on the scene watched me. I didn't kill him. It's a blessing from the law. Don't be ungrateful. Get out of here! "

In the last four words, I especially increased the volume, which was full of vigor and power.

After a peak match with Sheng Mingjie just now, I have no doubt about my strength. I will naturally send out a kind of awe inspiring momentum. Ordinary people can be bluffed by me without me.

But this man is not an ordinary person. He is from the Sheng family, and his strength is not low. Of course, he is not afraid of me. After listening to my words, he is angry and wants to fight me.

As time went by, my support groups, uncle snake and uncle Gang, had already arrived at the arena. Seeing that the situation was wrong, they immediately stopped the man and yelled, "do you want to deceive the less with more?"? It's very dangerous to compete in the challenge arena. As we all know, boxing and feet don't grow eyes. Young Master Sheng is a precious body. Isn't our young master? "

What he said was Uncle snake. At this moment, uncle snake also showed his due momentum. He was very powerful and domineering.

Uncle gang and uncle snake came here with me from the villa because they were afraid that the Sheng family and the sea people would play tricks. Indeed, the Sheng family was very powerful and the Hai Gang was with them. I had a fight with Sheng Mingjie tonight. No matter whether I lost or won, they would not let me feel better. Maybe, it was because of this that Han Yimo asked them to come with me.

After uncle snake's voice dropped, uncle Gang said angrily to the Peng Gang's subject on one side: "Mr. Peng, this is your field. You also proposed this competition. Now that our young master has won, don't you let us go?"

Sure enough, these two bodyguards are old people in the lake. One refutes the Sheng family and the other threatens the sea gang.

No matter how much Pang Yi's gang leader is afraid of the Sheng family, he still has to take Han Yimo into consideration. Now, the truth is clearly on my side. Peng Yi can't show his preference for Sheng Mingjie and ignore Han Yimo.

Therefore, even if Peng Yi didn't want to take care of it, he had to stand up and make a round for us.

However, the man was eager to protect the Lord, and his temper was relatively irritable. He even refused to give Peng Yi face, and wanted to continue to settle accounts with me.

The current situation is a little tense, like a string that is about to be broken. But at the critical moment, a man pulled the string and didn't let it break. This person is the leader of the Shengjia team, the man in Zhongshan suit.

He has been concerned about Sheng Mingjie's injury since he got on the challenge arena. When the rescue doctor gave emergency treatment to Sheng Mingjie and put Sheng Mingjie on a stretcher, the man in Zhongshan suit suddenly turned his head and looked at us and said, "forget it!"

The man was so drunk by the man in Zhongshan suit, and immediately stopped the action that was about to break out. However, he still seemed unconvinced and said, "but."

The man in Zhongshan suit didn't want to listen to his wordiness, and roared: "go!"

A word, with endless dignity.

Hearing this, the man didn't dare to fart any more, so he took orders immediately. The other ten people also got orders to escort Sheng Mingjie on the stretcher down the arena.

The man in Zhongshan suit was the last one to leave. When he left, he also bowed his hand to me and said, "sorry, my brother has such a bad temper. He doesn't know how to offend him. Goodbye!"

With that, he left quickly.

His tone is very modest. In the eyes of outsiders, it's a sincere apology, which reflects his capacity. However, his eyes make me scared. Because through his black eyes, I can only see my own image. The audience and the scene behind me do not exist. His eyes seem to lock on me, which is particularly frightening People.

As a result, I clearly feel the horror of this man in Zhongshan suit. It is unfathomable. I deeply understand that biting dogs never bark.

Peng Yi, on the stage, saw a group of Sheng family escorting Sheng Mingjie out of the arena. He didn't look at me again. He quickly followed him. He really cared about Sheng Mingjie, or the Sheng family behind Sheng Mingjie.

I didn't care so much about it. I ignored them directly, kept my cool face, walked down the challenge arena and walked towards Peng Xuefei.

Until now, Peng Xuefei is still immersed in the shock, has not recovered, her eyes are very red, eyes are very dull, her eyes have been staying on me.

I met her crazy eyes, quietly came to her side, solemnly said to her: "Feifei, I won, promise you, I did it!"I thought that my words would make Peng Xuefei feel excited. Unexpectedly, as soon as I said this, Peng Xuefei broke down directly. She was depressed and burst out. She suddenly stood up, stretched out her pink fist and punched me, crying: "you fool, you scared me to death. Do you know? It's all like that. Why don't you admit defeat? Why do you still have to work hard? If you die, what should I do

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