Sheng Mingjie's life and death is unknown. Peng Xuefei doesn't care at all. She is still worried about me at this moment. She is still frightened by the thrilling scene that I nearly died in Sheng Mingjie's hands before. She does not ban me from moving. I suddenly feel that her hard work in the arena is worth it.

I couldn't help it. I reached out and wiped the tears out of her eyes for Peng Xuefei. Then, I looked at her out of control and said firmly: "Feifei, I have promised you that I will win. How can I lose faith with you? I can't let Sheng Mingjie get you!"

My words are gentle and domineering, affectionate and righteous. Peng Xuefei listened and was deeply moved. She immediately closed her fist and rushed into my arms. She said excitedly, "thank you, Jiangnan wind, thank you, thank you for being alive, thank you for winning, thank you for everything you have done!"

One sentence expressed Peng Xuefei's true feelings and feelings. In her eyes, I seemed to be the only one in the world. She could not see other audiences in the stadium, nor could she feel the eyes of others. She just showed her emotions without concealing them.

She has changed, and she was very different, maybe this is the power of love.

At the moment, it has been some time since the end of the game, but no one left the audience. Except for Sheng family and several big men of Haibang, the rest of them still stayed in the field. It seems that everyone is still immersed in the competition just now, unable to extricate themselves. They are all pondering, observing and observing me, the winner who shocked the whole audience.

On the challenge arena, I showed an unknown side. My domineering, my calm, my unyielding, my bravery were fully reflected. That round the road competition, let me dissipate the light.

Under the challenge arena, the feelings between Peng Xuefei and me were presented in another way. Our love was moving and I paid for love. Everyone saw that Peng Xuefei was reckless for love, and everyone knew it well. I won the competition and fulfilled this love. This is just an old saying that lovers get married.

All of a sudden, a burst of thunderous applause burst out, and the audience spontaneously clapped their hands. The applause was so sweet that some people couldn't help cheering. They didn't know whether they were celebrating my victory or congratulating Peng Xuefei on their love. Anyway, after the Sheng family completely left the boxing hall, these people finally showed no restraint and showed their performance Out of their most real feelings.

Even some Sheng family members were shocked by me. They could not help talking about me in succession. Their voices were mixed, but the meaning was clear. In a word, I let them broaden their horizons. This night is destined to be a milestone in my life.

I hold the beauty home, won applause and applause, this moment, my heart can not control the joy, I blend into such a sensational atmosphere, feel happy and lively. However, the picture in my mind is not how to enjoy the rebirth like reunion with Peng Xuefei. What I expect and imagine is how I rescued my father and how to wake up Ziyi.

The victory at this time has laid the best foundation for my future road, which is also the biggest reason why I am so excited. The emperor does not fail the painstaking people. I have finally flattened everything and come to the last step. This is a great joy for me.

What makes me even more happy is that through the contest tonight, I have a very critical insight in martial arts. My martial arts have gone up to a higher level, and there have been qualitative changes. This is also the reason why I have to be excited.

So much joy, let me forget the pain, although I was seriously injured, but I did not feel uncomfortable, on the contrary, I could not help stretching out my hands, tightly embracing Peng Xuefei in my arms, everything was silent.

But at this time, a person stood up from the seat and suddenly burst into my sight,

in the crowd, she was not dazzling. She was thin and low-key. At first glance, she was very insignificant, just like a small star in a pile of stars. If you don't look carefully, you can't notice her at all. She is Qiqi, Xia Yuqi, who has been quietly paying by my side.

When I won the contest, I was only excited, excited about my goal further, excited about my achievements in martial arts. I was so excited that I forgot myself for a while.

Until this moment, her thin body stood up, I suddenly woke up, in this vast scene, there is a her, her concern for me is silent, so that I almost ignored her.

I am deeply aware that she is worried about me and has been worried about me. However, unlike Peng Xuefei, who is heartbreaking, her worry seems to be a little silent. This silence is only related to her personality, but in fact, she is no less worried about me than Peng Xuefei.

Before the competition, she went to the villa to find me and tried to persuade me to quit the competition because she was afraid of my accident.

During the competition, she came to the scene in silence. She watched the fight between Sheng Mingjie and me attentively. She saw that my life was threatened. Her expression was so frightened. She saw that I had escaped from death and stood up again. Despite her weak body, she tried her best to persuade me to admit defeat, for fear that I would use my life to adhere to the so-called persistent spirit.At the moment, the game is over, she quietly watched me enjoy the joy of victory. When the whole audience rose up and clamorous, she stood up quietly and walked towards the exit of the venue. Her back was lonely and lonely, which was out of harmony with the festive atmosphere. She didn't share this joy with me. She even saw me and Peng Xuefei cuddle together, but she didn't even call me Fight, so quietly left.

Looking at her lonely back, my heart couldn't help a burst of turbulence. However, I didn't stop her. After all, the relationship between me and her is still quite embarrassing so far. Moreover, as far as Jiangnan wind is concerned, I'm not suitable to leave Peng Xuefei to pursue her.

But in the end, Qiqi's loss still reminds me and makes me wake up from the excited state. I know that the matter between my father and Ziyi has not been solved. It's too early for me to be happy now. I have to carry out the plan incessantly. The most important person who decides the success or failure of this plan is Peng Xuefei in my arms.

Tonight is the time when I have the highest image in Peng Xuefei's mind, and it is also the time when I make her most moved. At this time, it is easy for me to get information from her mouth, because her heart has been completely melted by me, and she has been lost in the ocean of love. For me, she should have no reservation.

And what I want to know most now, of course, is about the dark moon hall, especially its location, which is very important to me.

So, I didn't delay here. After embracing Peng Xuefei for a while, I pushed her away and said softly, "Feifei, let's leave here, I'll accompany you to your birthday!"

Her birthday is the best opportunity for me to stay with her. It is also a thing that moves her to celebrate her birthday with her. When she is the softest in heart, we can talk about a lot of things, and she certainly can't see my purpose.

Sure enough, Peng Xuefei is now almost obedient to me. Hearing this, she nodded her head without hesitation, and looked happy. Then, I took her hand and slowly left the scene in the public's attention.

After the two protagonists left, the whole audience finally realized that the martial arts contest was completely over. Although they still have endless aftertaste, it can be said that the meaning is still not enough, but if they don't give up, it is also the time to leave. Finally, they continue to dissolve. However, as they go, they still talk about the contest The wonderful, those thrilling, was described by them with very shocking words, their expression still appears excited, excited.

Lu Ping and Chen Xiaoba were the two people who showed their excitement on their faces. They blocked Peng Xuefei and me at the entrance of the track. They praised me bravely and fiercely, which made them look different and opened their eyes.

This praise almost didn't praise me to heaven. I don't know if Lu Ping was spoiled by Chen xiaogei. His flattering skills are quick. Boasting is endless. Of course, after the praise, they have not forgotten the most important thing, which is to bless me and Peng Xuefei.

We are all university alumni, especially Lu Ping, who also chased Peng Xuefei at the beginning. Therefore, they are very familiar with Peng Xuefei. They have witnessed my hard journey in pursuing Peng Xuefei all the way. Now, seeing that I am on the way to the final victory, and seeing that we two lovers get married, they are excited and express their sincere wishes to us blessing.

Then, they praised the two of us together, praising us for our talent and beauty, the perfect match in the world, and another endless talk

originally, today's Peng Xuefei's birthday, you can also find them to celebrate, but I was purposeful, did not want to have outsiders present, so I did not invite them. These two people also know how to do not disturb our two people's world, a sea of praise After that, he said goodbye to us.

On the other side, Mu Nan of the flying car party, because of the inconvenience of his identity, did not greet me when he left, but gave me a respectful look.

Peng Xuefei continued to talk with the public outside.

Uncle gang and uncle snake quietly followed us to escort us.

However, before we got to the door, we ran into Peng Yi, who was seeing Sheng Mingjie off, and Yigan Haibang.

As soon as Peng Yi saw me, he said politely, "Congratulations, Jiangnan wind, you really did not live up to the expectations and won the competition!"

His congratulation sounds so far fetched. Of course, he is not happy with the result, but in order to express this hypocritical courtesy, he can only give me a congratulation.

I didn't want to make a fool of myself with the old fox. I said frankly, "of course, lovers will get married. Feifei and I are really in love. Heaven will stand by our side and won't stop us from being together. This is the so-called providence!"

With this sentence, I took Peng Xuefei's hand more tightly. In order not to delay the time, I immediately said: "Uncle Peng, if there is nothing wrong, I will go first. Today is Feifei's birthday, I will have a good birthday with her!"

Hearing this, Peng Yi's indifferent expression suddenly became rigorous. It can be seen that he was still very unwilling to miss Sheng Mingjie's good son-in-law. He was not willing to give his daughter to me. Even though he saw my heroic performance in the arena, he didn't seem to approve of me. He even had a natural rejection of me. He didn't know whether it was because of this I'm quite similar to solo.After a while, he began to pretend to be kind and said, "Feifei's birthday has been arranged at home. Let Feifei go home with me tonight. It's too late. You've been hurt a lot. You'd better go back and have a rest earlier

Sure enough, the old guy turned his back and refused to accept it. It was he who proposed the contest. The winner could be with Peng Xuefei. Now, I won the contest so hard, but he played tricks. On the surface, he congratulated me, but on his behavior, he stopped me from being with Peng Xuefei.

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