Of course, I won't let him succeed. The road has come to this stage. I will insist on it in any case. I will break through Peng Yi's barrier.

With this in mind, I directly said to him seriously: "Uncle Peng, I won the contest. Now Feifei is my official girlfriend. I'll spend a birthday with my girlfriend. It's nothing. Do you want to stop it? Or do you want to go back and not admit the contest? "

My words are very sharp, straight to the point, not allow this old fox to give up.

Peng Yi was a little speechless after listening to me. However, he was extremely shrewd. How could he easily make me happy? He continued to rebut me with a very calm attitude: "yes, Jiangnan wind. You win. Feifei should be betrothed to you. Isn't the marriage between these two families still not settled? Tonight, Feifei is still a member of the Peng family. Is it right to let her go home for her birthday

I don't think it's strange for me to stop once. When he can't accept me for a while, I have to wonder what he is doing. I just want to have a birthday with Peng Xuefei. Why does he interfere with us like this? What the hell is he thinking?

Peng Yi's attitude made Peng Xuefei can't stand it. She was not afraid to complain to her father: "father, I just want to have a birthday with Jiangnan wind, isn't it all right?"

Obviously, Peng Xuefei is angry. Her father's unreasonable persistence makes her angry. She ignores the occasion and challenges her majestic father.

At this time, there were still many spectators who were about to leave the boxing hall. They could not help but stop to watch the scene. For them, everything about me and the Hai Gang was wonderful.

Peng Yi is a high-ranking and powerful person. His most concern is face. Where can he stand being seen as a monkey by others? Besides, he really has no reason to stop Peng Xuefei and me from being together. Even in the eyes of outsiders, I can be with Peng Xuefei in a proper way. If he interferes with him, he will have problems.

However, Peng Yi reluctantly said, "go!"

When the voice dropped, he quickened his pace and walked out of the crowd watching the crowd, followed by some other sea gang leaders.

For Peng Yi, who wants to save face, what he wants to do most at the moment is to step out of people's sight and leave his proud back.

Peng Yi left, I should be happy, this barrier was finally pulled down, this is a matter of much to celebrate, but inexplicably, I can not be happy, the heart heavy, like being pressed by something, I always feel that Peng Yi's performance is a little strange.

However, Peng Xuefei was only excited, and she didn't think much about anything in her heart. Seeing her father's compromise, she could not help showing a smooth color on her face. Her big eyes also gave out dazzling light. At this moment, she evolved into a real youth girl, so lively, so naive and happy.

The onlookers still stood still and looked at us with admiration and admiration. I didn't care about other people's eyes, and a little ignored Peng Xuefei's happiness. I just walked out of the boxing hall with Peng Xuefei with a little mechanical force.

The outside of the boxing hall is another scene. The bustle here is even more boisterous than that inside the gymnasium. It is extremely noisy because many people who failed to get tickets are very excited to wait here to see me, a hero who became famous in the first World War.

Obviously, everyone knew the result of the contest, and seemed to have heard of the wonderful and thrilling competition. Therefore, they became more expectant of me. When Peng Xuefei and I stepped into the crowd, the crowd's screams directly reached the peak. Even some young girls yelled "Jiangnan style, I love you". The scene is really spectacular.

As the focus of me, for this kind of scene is relatively light, my mood did not produce joy, still some faint uneasiness.

Peng Xuefei was more excited because of this. She took my hand, just like holding a hero who shocked the whole world. She was happy for me, proud of me, and able to walk with me. Peng Xuefei was extremely happy and could not help it. Her head was stuck to my arm. She was going to announce to the world with her actions that Peng Xuefei was my genuine girlfriend and had already been with me I am in the south of the Yangtze River.

In most people's eyes, Peng Xuefei and I are made by nature. Since ancient times, heroes and beauties are matched. Our combination is the most beautiful scenery. People are staring at the scenery and casting blessing eyes. Of course, the little girls who claim to love me cast a crazy look at me and feel sorry for Peng Xue Fei is envious, but does not hate.

The scene was a little out of control. Uncle snake and uncle Gang, who had been escorting me, consciously opened the way for us in the crowd. Peng Xuefei and I walked along like a red carpet. Because there were too many people and we were blocked too much, we walked for a long time.

Until Peng Xuefei and I got on the bus, the crowd was completely blocked outside, and I finally isolated myself from the noise and had a rare quiet space.

The silence in my ear restored, and my head had space for thinking. The first thing I did was to accompany Peng Xuefei on her birthday. So, without delay, I said to Peng Xuefei boldly: "Feifei, today you are the birthday star. Tell me where you want to go and what you want to do, I will satisfy you!"Peng Xuefei is immersed in the boundless happiness. When she heard this, she was stunned for a moment. In her daze, uncle snake in the driver's seat interposed coldly: "young master, it's not safe outside. We'd better go back first."

When Uncle snake said this sentence, it seemed very casual, but the meaning in his words was very clear. I was awakened immediately. The faint and uneasy mood in my heart also emerged quietly. For the man in Zhongshan suit among Sheng Mingjie's group, his eyes when he was leaving made me afraid. Peng Yi just tried to oppose Peng Xuefei's being with me The attitude of birthday also makes me wonder.

All sorts of signs seem to indicate that there are absolute dangers all around tonight. If I run around outside, I may have an accident.

Uncle snake is an old man in the world. His insight is keen. He must have seen something before he would say this to me. In fact, even if he didn't say it, I should have thought that Sheng Mingjie was beaten by me. How could I be better? I can't be taken lightly at all times. I should be vigilant.

Thinking of this, I immediately said softly to Peng Xuefei, "Feifei, don't go home with me. I'll celebrate your birthday at home!"

Hearing this, Peng Xuefei's white face suddenly showed a blush. She did not consider any crisis or crisis, but was more sensitive to the words of coming home with me. Perhaps, her mind had already imagined the scene after coming home with me, which made her so shy. Once cold, she has become a girl completely. She didn't look at my eyes, but replied shyly, "Well!"

Seeing Peng Xuefei like this, I can't help feeling a little complicated. However, I have no time to think about it too much. Seeing her consent, I immediately told uncle snake, "go home!"

Hearing this, uncle snake immediately drove the car and drove away from the scene.

At the scene, the crowd was still dense and there were many vehicles. Our car crawled like a snail for a long time before we finally drove to an open place. At this time, the car finally accelerated slowly until we got out of the area of the boxing hall. Uncle snake immediately raised the speed.

The car is speeding, and the atmosphere is beautiful. This kind of atmosphere is created by Peng Xuefei. She is a happy little woman who is expressing her feelings all the way. She nestles her head on my shoulder, leans close to me, and keeps talking to herself. Maybe it is because she has too much feeling that she has endless words and endless feelings.

As for the hard-earned feelings between the two of us, she was filled with infinite emotion, and her story was full of emotion. She even told me some small details of her pursuit before. For her now, everything I did to her before is worth remembering and precious memory.

And tonight's contest is the most shocking thing in her heart, which will become her eternal memory and imprint in her heart.

I quietly listen to her emotional expression. My heart is complicated. The more she says, the worse my heart is. It is a good memory for her. In fact, I am using him. The love she thinks is not easy is her wishful thinking. Compared with her love for me, I give her too little. What I can give her is guilt, but this is what I can give her A sense of guilt can't stop me from using her, because I can't stop.

It's not easy to come to this stage. I can't give up or be soft hearted. No matter what, it can't change the fact that I used Peng Xuefei. Therefore, even if I stop now, I can't erase the harm I have done to her. What's more, I can't stop. I must rescue my father and wake up Ziyi.

After a while, Peng Fei tried to calm down and think about how to keep the information calm.

However, when I was thinking calmly, my eyes suddenly became cool. I saw a majestic figure suddenly darting out from the roadside, coming very quickly, and directly standing in front of the car.

Uncle snake, who has been focusing on driving, responded quickly. He immediately stepped on the brake, and the sound of emergency brake broke through the quiet night sky, which was particularly harsh.

Although uncle snake's reaction was quick and he stepped on the brake in time, the car was running too fast all the time. Because of inertia, the car didn't stop when the brake stepped on, so it continued to slide forward.

The figure standing in front of our car is like a professional porcelain bumping man. Facing the inertia sliding car, he does not move. In an instant, the car slides in front of him. Just as I was in a cold sweat and thought that he was going to be hit, the big man's legs suddenly formed a horse step. At the same time, his hands pushed forward fiercely, directly against the front bumper of the car In an instant, the car suddenly stopped.

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