The voice of this man was so cold that his killing intention was rising slowly. His meaning was very clear. He didn't want to spend a little time with him. He wanted me to give up resistance and die obediently.

Uncle snake and uncle Gang, who protect me in front of me, immediately felt the killing intention of the man in Zhongshan suit. They knew that the situation was already very urgent and could not be delayed for a second. They quickly said to me nervously, "young master, run quickly, we will block them!"

Hearing this, I didn't have time to respond, but the other party's angry man couldn't help it. He scolded him secretly, and then he shot at Uncle snake.

But several people who were closest to Uncle snake saw that the angry people started to fight. They also attacked uncle snake and uncle gang. A scuffle started.

Uncle snake and uncle Gang didn't even have a chance to breathe, so they focused on dealing with those people's attacks. I have to say that uncle snake and uncle gang are really powerful. This is the first time I have seen them show their real strength. Sure enough, they are not ordinary bodyguards. They are supposed to be the bodyguards of Han Yimo. Their strength is extraordinary, which makes me surprised.

However, no matter how powerful they are, they can't compete with so many masters of the other side. If we say that they can still compete with each other, but they are only two, and the other side has seven people, two to seven. This gap is obvious. Uncle snake and uncle gang can't cope with it. After a few moves, they can't resist and are constantly injured.

But Uncle snake, after all, is a generation of heroes. They are not afraid to die. They want to delay time for me and let them run while fighting. I have heard their words for a long time, but I haven't left. Let alone that I'm in a tight encirclement and can't get out of it. Even if I can run, I can't leave them and leave Peng Xuefei for a living. This is not my style at all.

Although they are only my bodyguards, they have taken good care of me during this period of time. I have already treated them as relatives. Therefore, seeing that they have been severely damaged, I naturally feel nameless anger and feel very uncomfortable.

Quickly, I pulled Peng Xuefei aside and told him, "you stand still!"

After that, I clenched my fist and rushed to help Uncle snake. But as soon as I moved, the man in Zhongshan suit suddenly opened his mouth. His voice was even colder than before. He said to me, "Jiangnan wind, you won't win the contest. Do you think you are invincible in the world? Do you think you can deal with us? Since you want to do it, I'll play with you! "

Speaking of this, his murderous spirit is clear and strong. His momentum radiates from the inside to the outside. His steps also fall with his voice and move towards me slowly. Obviously, the man in Zhongshan suit is going to take my life by himself.

I left him some distance, but I still feel his infinite momentum, such momentum let me unconsciously fear.

I don't think I can handle him alone. What's more, there are twelve of them. I hope I can escape from them. But it's impossible for me to be arrested because I don't want to die.

Seeing the man in the Zhongshan suit approaching me step by step, I was so anxious that my mind was in a mess. On the other side, uncle Gang, who was constantly injured, was lifted up by a big man, and finally he was thrown dozens of meters away. His life and death were unknown.

However, uncle snake has already been scarred under the joint attack of many people. He is like a tired lion struggling to death. Finally, he fell to the ground, and a big mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth.

The hot tempered man was so angry that he saw Uncle snake fall to the ground. He continued to approach uncle snake and wanted to kill him. Uncle snake didn't care about his own life, but he turned his head and looked at me. He yelled at the man in Zhongshan suit and said, "you Sheng family is so desperate to kill my young master, don't you think about my master's revenge?"

Uncle snake was angry and completely angry. This was the first time I saw him in such a big fire. For my safety, he just moved Han Yimo out of the room regardless of his own safety, in order to save my life.

I can't help but feel a stab in my heart when I see Uncle snake like this. He and uncle Gang really moved me. However, these two uncles suffered such heavy injuries for me, and they were about to die at the scene. My heart was like being torn apart. It was extremely painful.

On the other side, the angry man who killed his red eyes suddenly heard the roar of Uncle snake. He could not help but stop his feet and seemed to have a trace of recovery. Looking at his appearance, he was really afraid of Han Yimo. Therefore, he did not kill uncle snake, but turned his eyes to the man in Zhongshan suit.

The horrible man in Zhongshan suit was not intimidated by Uncle snake's words. He just stopped his action with a little discontent. Then he turned around and looked down at the miserable uncle snake. His eyes were still cold and his tone was very disdainful and said: "hum, why do you think we deal with the Jiangnan wind today? We are aiming at Han Yimo. Han Yimo is arrogant. She can ignore Young Master Sheng, but she should not ignore the whole Sheng family. She is too arrogant. Today, dealing with Jiangnan wind is only the first step, and we will find her in the next step. "

After listening to the words of the man in Zhongshan suit, I suddenly woke up. It turned out that the Sheng family was able to mobilize the twelve masters, but in the end, it was because of the conflict between Han Yimo and Sheng Mingjie. That night, Han Yimo not only suppressed Sheng Mingjie, but also did not even pay attention to Sheng family. Maybe Sheng Mingjie took advantage of this to let the Sheng family decide to kill me.Sheng Mingjie killed me because of his selfishness. Because of the relationship between me and Peng Xuefei, he regarded me as a thorn in the eye. Now he has to kill me.

On the one hand, the Sheng family killed me for Sheng Mingjie, but it was more because of Han Yimo. They wanted Han Yimo to know that the Sheng family dared to kill her son, or even to deal with her Han Yimo.

I really didn't expect that things should have come to this step. I should not have died. In the end, I should have implicated Han Yimo. This is the guilt that made me die. My heart fell to the freezing point in an instant. My soul seemed to be separated from my body. I was no longer a complete me. Despair tore me into two parts, half in human beings Half in hell.

But just as the sound of the man in the Zhongshan suit dissipated, a very ethereal voice suddenly sounded in the quiet night sky: "don't look for it, I've come!"

Hearing this sudden sound, I felt my soul return to my body and my heart beat violently. This voice I am very familiar with is Han Yimo's voice. Although I don't have much contact with her, her voice gives me a deep impression, because her voice is very special, with a chill in the faint. Especially when it rings in silence, it will appear very ethereal, like the feeling floating from the space of the different world.

At the moment, what she said was just followed by the arrogant words of the man in Zhongshan suit, which was equivalent to giving a loud slap to the man in Zhongshan suit. Because Han Yimo didn't need him to look for him, he took the initiative to send it to him. It can be seen that Han Yimo really doesn't care about the Sheng family.

And, as soon as Han Yimo's voice dropped, there was a loud noise on the other side of the road, and then, many dark shadows came out of the jungle on the road.

As soon as they showed up, they immediately surrounded all the Sheng family, including men in Zhongshan suit, at a very fast and fierce speed.

In fact, the number of these dark shadows that suddenly appeared was not large, which was more than 30 people. However, their overall momentum was incomparably grand, just like a thousand troops.

The most important thing is that the smell from them is the smell of blood. It feels like they are climbing out of the dead. It's very scary and extremely shocking. You don't have to think about it. They should have experienced countless bloody scenes.

In the night, they are like ghosts. The light of streetlights reflects on them, which only adds a stronger sense of mystery to them. Each of them is dressed in black, and everyone's eyes emit cold light. They are full of cold, just like killing gods.

Han Yimo didn't show up, and this group of people in black brought people infinite shock.

Seeing this, Sheng's family members could not help but sink down, their eyes became sharp, and they all seemed to be in a tense state.

After all the men in black surrounded Sheng's family, three figures appeared on the road not far away.

The streetlights pulled the shadows of these three people very long, and also lifted their mysterious veil. Among them, the man walking in front of them was the valiant Han Yimo.

Tonight, Han Yimo has completely shed her female president's dress. Instead of wearing a professional suit and maintaining a dignified and steady walking posture, Han Yimo is wearing a tight leather jacket and a pair of high boots, just like Hua Mulan, powerful and domineering.

She has a slender figure, a leather dress highlights her concave and convex figure completely, her hair has also been coiled up, the whole person looks crisp and neat, momentum is extraordinary, and more highlights her majestic momentum is the two people on her side.

The two men walked on the left and right sides of Han Yimo, which virtually set off Han Yimo's posture. However, the two people on the left and the right were not in harmony, because their bodies were completely opposite. One was very tall and thin, and the other was very short and fat. In contrast, the difference between them was too clear. It was very similar to the fat Toutuo and the thin Toutuo in Lu Ding Ji.

Of course, their different bodies can not affect their spirit. They are estimated to be in their fifties. They are quite old, and ordinary people can not have the momentum of kuibao. This momentum is not possessed by Uncle snake and uncle gang. Obviously, their strength is not comparable to that of Uncle snake. They have been extremely strong.

Han Yimo came with these two masters. The visual impact was very strong, especially the momentum of the three of them, which could change the situation, was very strong.

For a while, I was a little bit stunned, and I was even more shocked. I never thought that Han Yimo, who has been anonymous for so many years, not only revealed his identity for me, but even meant to come back to the world for me. The experts she brought out at the moment were obviously extraordinary, not like ordinary people.

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