The middle-aged man's words seemed to express his doubts. However, his expression did not show any color of doubt, nor was he frightened by the formation of Han Yimo. He seemed very calm. This seemed to be just a casual opening remark.

Han Yimo listened, his expression did not move, but returned to his extremely indifferent sentence: "my son is in danger, how can I not be a mother!"

With the words, she gently stroked my head, a simple move, a gentle word, are enough to prove her beloved son.

However, the middle-aged man didn't care about her answer. He just used his sharp eyes to sweep the people brought by Han Yimo. After a glance, he stopped his eyes on Han Yimo. Then, with a little dissatisfaction, he said, "look at your ostentation, do you really want to return to the world?"

Hearing this, Han Yimo could not help but snort coldly and said, "no, it's just that your Sheng family is so powerful that I have to find some old friends to help me, so as to ensure the safety of my family."

Old friends? Sure enough, these people are not simple roles. How can people who can be called old friends by Han Yimo be ordinary people.

However, what shocked me even more was that Han Yimo suddenly brought her so-called old friends, including two top secret experts. This is definitely not a coincidence. In other words, she came prepared.

It suddenly occurred to me that Han Yimo didn't go home these two days. I thought she left me alone. Now it seems that she didn't care about me. On the contrary, she made a plan for me. She is going to gather people.

It's not a coincidence that she showed up in time today, but she prepared for me. Han Yimo is a smart person. She should have guessed that the intention of Sheng family is sinister. She knows that Sheng Mingjie and I are fighting for a start. No matter whether they win or lose, they will not let me go. Therefore, she sent uncle snake to protect me on the scene, but this is the first step, and she herself Then secretly mobilized people to protect me.

Yes, it must be like this. No matter how powerful Han Yimo is, she has to deal with the whole Sheng family alone. Obviously, it's an egg against a stone. In terms of fighting alone, none of them can match Han Yimo. But if they are united, Han Yimo will not be their opponent.

Because of her limited ability, Han Yimo would go to help her. It should be a little difficult for a person like her who has retired for many years to gather her old friends of many years ago. But for me, she was so bold that she did not hesitate to go out and pull out these people.

Thinking of this, I was amazed by Han Yimo's wisdom and moved by her efforts. She really treated me like a mother treating her son.

In the eyes of outsiders, it should be taken for granted that she, as a mother, gives me these things. However, in the eyes of the Sheng family, Han Yimo's practice is a demonstration. This kind of Han Yimo makes the middle-aged man very unhappy. His eyes are slowly cold, and his tone is even colder than his eyes: "Han, do you really think you can challenge my Sheng family by your surname?"

His words are very sharp, especially when it comes to the word Sheng Jia, which is full of resentment. Obviously, he still resents Han Yimo's failure to take the whole Sheng family into consideration.

Perhaps, for the big family, the most important thing is their own dignity. He does not allow an outsider to challenge their dignity, especially those who have already retired. However, Han Yimo is a person with personality and boldness. Even if the Sheng family is a big family, even if they are in the middle of the sun, she is not afraid of it. In the face of the fierce words of middle-aged men, she is not afraid of it "I didn't want to fight against the Sheng family, but you, as the twelve zodiac animals of the Sheng family, are also influential figures. Now they are ambushing a child here. Are you afraid of being laughed at?"

After saying that, Han Yimo's eyes were almost able to burn people's light, which was the light of anger for Sheng family's shameless behavior.

When I heard Han Yimo's words, I knew that she knew the twelve Sheng family members in front of her. Even though I had never heard of them, they still sounded domineering. It's no wonder that everyone has a variety of looks and good strength.

In the face of Han Yimo's accusation, everyone's face was not happy, especially that he had a bad temper. His eyes were full of fire, and the fire was still very fierce. However, due to the current situation, he could not help it.

But the middle-aged man is the most influential one among them. He still keeps his original attitude to Han Yimo's anger, and says: "Jiangnan Feng is not a good man. He has to rob master Mingjie's woman and hurt our young master's face. Therefore, he should die!"

In his flat voice, with endless momentum, it seems that he regards himself as the judge of life and death, and can arbitrarily sentence people to death.

Arrogant, it's really arrogant. This middle-aged man is crazy because he is the Sheng family. Even if I'm Han Yimo's son, he can kill me as he likes. Even now, in front of Han Yimo's face, he still shows his arrogance, and still regards himself as God on that day.Perhaps, he is No. 1 in the Sheng family. Therefore, he is so arrogant that he doesn't pay attention to Han Yimo at all. It may also be because of this that Han Yimo has a little consideration for him. From the moment he appeared, Han Yimo did not come to deal with this arrogant person, but talked to him here The argument of the tongue was intended to reason with him.

However, this middle-aged man is really too ungrateful, pressing step by step, relying on the big tree of Sheng family, who is arrogant. No one can bear this, let alone Han Yimo, who once dominated the world.

Therefore, at this moment, Han Yimo's anger was completely aroused, her body faintly flashed killing intention, her eyes gently glanced at Uncle snake and uncle Gang lying on the ground.

She didn't look at the middle-aged man any more. She just opened her mouth gently and made a very domineering voice: "Sheng Xing, do you think I dare not kill you, or do you think you and your eleven brothers can beat me?"

Han Yimo's words are not a threat, but they are more powerful than the threat. In a word, the air of the night becomes cold and silent, and there are many opportunities to kill.

When the people in black around heard Han Yimo's words, their momentum suddenly changed. They immediately prepared for the battle and were ready for battle. It seemed that as long as Han Yimo ordered them, they would swallow up the twelve members of the Sheng family. When I was in it, I felt that my body was torn by an invisible air, and my heart couldn't help mentioning it.

In the past, as long as Han Yimo was by my side, I had a strong sense of security. I felt that I was not afraid of anything. Tonight, Han Yimo was here and took so many experts to protect me. I should have felt more secure, but the madness of middle-aged men made me a little strange, especially his next words, which made me unable to understand.

He knew that Han Yimo was angry and that the men in black she led were ready to go. He knew that his twelve people were not sure to compete with Han Yimo. However, he still did not show any nervousness. On the contrary, he looked at Han Yimo with disdain and made a more frivolous voice: "Han Yimo, you are really like the young master said. You are lawless, don't you think Are you the king of ghosts? You have no right to fight against the Sheng family

He is challenging Han Yimo's bottom line. He is slapping Han Yimo's face in public. He is so merciless. Let alone Han Yimo, even the villain behind her can't stand it. Among them, the tall and thin man couldn't help but shout at Han Yimo: "Han protector, why do you talk nonsense with them and solve them all directly!"

The tone of the thin man is angry and extremely domineering. He feels that in his eyes, the twelve animals of the Sheng family are nothing at all. They can be easily killed.

On the other side, I was shocked by the three words he said. He even called Han Yimo as Dharma protector. This kind of address should only have existed in the past. In this way, the fat and thin two unfathomable experts should also be the old Department of the ghost king. No wonder they have such arrogance and bravery, and have undetectable and profound strength. Their appearance seems to be like this swift and violent.

Thinking of this, my heart can not help surging up, feeling very excited, excited to be able to stand on the same front with these ghost King's old Department, this kind of excitement let me just to the middle-aged man's that little puzzled to give up.

At this moment, I just feel extremely ambitious. If I can, I really want to join their team and fight with the Sheng family.

Han Yimo, who had been promoted to death, was so provoked by the man in Zhongshan that her murderous spirit was directly boiling to the highest point. Therefore, under the urging of the thin man, she raised her hand and was about to give an order.

But in this moment, the arrogant middle-aged man burst out laughing. His laughter was even more crazy than his tone just now. His voice went straight to the sky, so abrupt and so bottomless.

Such a sudden voice made Han Yimo stunned for a moment. She slowly put down her hand and looked at the nearly crazy middle-aged man with a serious face. Other people also cast puzzled eyes on the middle-aged man. Everyone's expression was inexplicable.

At the moment, the middle-aged man is really like a madman, but in his laughter, he can't hide the overbearing atmosphere. At the same time, he also has a slightly abnormal feeling. It sounds very penetrating. Peng Xuefei, who has been silent all the time, came to my side and firmly grasped my hand.

After a long time, the middle-aged man finally stopped laughing. Then, he looked at Han Yimo with a pair of deep eyes and said, "Han Yimo, I knew you would come back to the lake again. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. In fact, I had guessed that you would show up. Dealing with Jiangnan wind is just a bait I throw out. My purpose is to Just now, I would like to give you a chance to see if you are repentant. I didn't expect you to be so stubborn and ungrateful. Don't blame me for being merciless

With that, he did not wait for Han Yimo to reply. He took a walkie talkie from his pocket and put it to his mouth. He said succinctly: "action!"

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