When I heard the word "ghost king" from Han Yimo's mouth, I heard this, and my inner emotion became more intense and sour. I really didn't expect that the situation at this time forced Han Yimo to move the ghost king out. It seems that we are really in a desperate situation. Han Yimo almost has nothing to do to suppress each other Come on!

However, what really broke my heart was that the name of the ghost king didn't frighten the middle-aged man. On the contrary, the middle-aged man snorted with disdain. His eyes were still so arrogant. He almost squinted at Han Yimo and said impolitely: "hum, don't use the name of the ghost king to oppress me. You are just a dog under the ghost king. You think he may do it for you Against our Sheng family? What's more, the ghost king has disappeared for many years. I don't know whether to live or not. "

Hearing this, Han Yimo's eyes became colder and colder. She looked at the middle-aged man with a kind of almost frozen eyes. She said in a deep voice: "Sheng Xing, I advise you to leave a line for yourself. Don't leave no room. The thin camel is bigger than the horse. Don't let your stupidity affect you or your whole Sheng family!"

This time, Han Yimo really threatened the middle-aged man, and her tone did not seem to be joking. The middle-aged man heard this, he was really pause for a moment, but only for a moment, he regained his indifference, and then said darkly: "don't confuse the public with rumors here, you have the ability to escape tonight."

Finish saying, he no longer hesitates, turn head to Meng big captain to say: "catch a person quickly!"

On hearing the speech, Meng captain immediately waved his big hand and sternly ordered: "take it away!"

Immediately, the gang of armed special police quickly forward, ready to arrest us together, but these people brought by Han Yimo are all real men, who are willing to die rather than surrender. Even if the special police want to arrest them, they can show their due courage and are ready to fight. This posture is like trying to fight with the special police.

Those powerful special police officers did not expect that there would be anyone who would dare to resist and could not help themselves. They stopped and did not dare to go forward. If we wanted to fight for weapons, we would certainly die. But in terms of close combat attack, those special police officers were certainly not our opponents. However, if the people did not fight with the officials, we would not be able to fight against them, and they still had something in the end Scruples.

The other party's captain Meng saw that we wanted to resist, and his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled and said very unhappily, "why, do you still want to attack the police? I tell you, assaulting a police officer is more serious. If you shoot a policeman on the spot, you will be arrested with both hands holding your head. "

Captain Meng's voice was very loud, and his tone was very severe. It seemed that he was going to act seriously. Even so, the people brought by Han Yimo were not afraid at all. They were really fierce men. They were not afraid of death or threat.

Among them, the powerful tall man couldn't help shouting: "we didn't break the law, no one is allowed to arrest us!"

His voice is also very loud, obviously in the fight with Captain Meng.

And Meng captain's dignity was damaged, and he was angry. He opened his eyes and raised his voice and cried: "all of you, hold your head in both hands and squat down, or you will be in the right place!"

As soon as his voice fell, more than 100 special police officers pointed their guns at us again.

The atmosphere immediately solidified and became very suffocating. The air seemed to be filled with the smell of gunpowder. The situation could not be triggered at all. Once there is a change on our side and the other party starts shooting, we will become the sieve no matter how fierce we are.

Unconsciously, my forehead began to drip cold sweat, and my breath was holding. Peng Xuefei beside me also pinched a sweat. I knew in my heart that I had already implicated Han Yimo and others. Even if I wanted to recover, it was impossible. The main purpose of middle-aged men today is to deal with Han Yimo. I can't change anything I say.

But Peng Xuefei is not the same, she is not in the scope of Sheng family, I can not implicate her, although, I know that the other party can not hurt her, but the bullet does not have long eyes, in case she is injured by accident, it will be over. So, I quickly said to Peng Xuefei, who is holding me, "Feifei, there is no matter for you here, you go to one side first!"

Peng Xuefei listened to my words and refused without hesitation: "I won't go!"

When she said this, there was a bold look in her eyes. She wanted to live and die with me.

I see her so, can't help but anxiously said: "don't monkey, here is very dangerous, hurry to go!"

Peng Xuefei firmly replied: "I will not!"

With that, her eyes were red. Once again, she showed an attitude of taking death at home. She would never abandon me, nor would she die.

I know Peng Xuefei's personality, and I know that I can't get rid of her like this. But I can only raise my vigilance and protect her secretly. My eyes are fixed on captain Meng and those special police with guns. My heart is burning with anxiety.

However, Han Yimo didn't seem to care about the 100 muzzles. The incomparable spirit of her body was sent out unconsciously. Instead of retreating, she took a step forward. Facing many special police, she said forcefully: "I don't believe it. You dare to kill us unarmed citizens in the street!"

Han Yimo is still so domineering. She is not afraid of death. Even if she dies, she will die with courage. She can't lose her dignity. Sure enough, Xiaoxiong has a face.Her momentum, her words also really baffled the arrogant captain Meng, he unconsciously turned his head, looked at the middle-aged man, Sheng Xing.

Sheng Xing's face is still gloomy, in the face of Meng captain's confused eyes, he did not open his mouth to say anything, just nodded.

Captain Meng got the sign of Sheng Xing, and he came up. Immediately, he strode forward and faced Han Yimo. His attitude was firm and said: "I dare!"

Two words, brought out a Meng captain's spit, but also brought out his overbearing spirit.

Now, the uneasy mood swept over my whole body, and my heart went directly to my throat. I clearly felt that these special police officers would definitely dare to sweep us with bullets, because they had the support of Sheng family behind them. At that time, we might be able to deal with them as terrorists. It's useless to find ghosts to reason with.

The cold sweat slid down my forehead and onto my cheek. At this moment, I didn't care about my own life. However, I was really afraid that Han Yimo would be implicated. They were all retired heroes and heroes of a generation. But if I died in vain at the muzzle of a gun for my sake, I would not die in peace.

The silence of the air once again stagnated, as if the next second the air will be torn, bullets will be fired, I seem to have smelled the breath of death, but in this case, Han Yimo is still fearless and fearless, her heroism is more and more strong, and her proud face is still with a bit of egotism. It seems that she is not going into poverty at all At the end of the way, she seemed to be the empress who drove her own expedition. Without compromise, she threw five words to captain Meng: "you can try it!"

This is the five most domineering words I have ever heard in my life. Her calm, her confidence, her courage and courage all shocked me and made my uneasy heart suddenly calm down.

However, I had just calmed down for a second, and the next second, my heart burst. Because, after listening to Han Yimo's words, Captain Meng was completely angry. He suddenly raised his hand and roared into the sky: "ready!"

The sound of preparing two words is still lingering in the space, my heart has completely jumped out of the body, startled out of a cold sweat, the breath of death expanded in a wide range, covering us all.

My brain was buzzing, as if I had heard the sound of a bullet firing in advance. I had completely entered the state of waiting for death, and my soul was out of the body. However, Han Yimo suddenly moved like a shadow. I didn't notice how she moved. I only felt the strong wind coming from her running.

When I reacted, she had already flashed to captain Meng's eyes, and her right hand had been pinched on captain Meng's neck.

Captain Meng is such a big man with a big waist. It seems that Han Yimo is going to lift him up.

The special police with guns on the scene, however, reacted a step slower than I did. When they reacted and were ready to point the muzzle of their guns at Han Yimo, Han Yimo's barbaric voice was burning in the air: "all put down the guns!"

At this moment, Han Yimo is really domineering to the extreme. She is like a standing goddess of the night in leather, with sharp light all over her body, which stabs people's soul.

For a moment, everyone in the field fell into incomparable astonishment. This scene was really beyond everyone's expectation, so sudden and so incredible.

I have entered the state of waiting for death, she was shocked back to the soul, I was never expected that Han Yimo would make such an amazing move.

You know, we are not fighting with people, but fighting with bullets. No matter how strong a person is, it must not be stronger than the submachine guns of the special police. There is only a dead end to resistance. There may be hope of life for compromise. However, Han Yimo chose to resist and adopted such an extreme way.

I can't imagine that a woman would have such courage. Han Yimo is worthy of being a great general fighting with the ghost king. Maybe she came here on countless skeletons. Life and death are just like a common meal for her. She can keep calm and have such momentum when facing the edge of death. She can also use lightning before the bullet is fired The speed of holding the arrogant Meng captain.

How can she not be shocked? However, it is too risky to do so, because the act of holding captain Meng is not only defined as attacking police, but also we can be treated as terrorists. The other party can not kill all of us.

Perhaps, this is Han Yimo's character. As a heroine in the middle of the country, as a hero in the past, she can never be at the mercy of others, let alone be captured, or die obediently.

The people brought by Han Yimo may have a good understanding of Han Yimo's character, or they are the same kind of people, who prefer to die rather than surrender. Therefore, they were only slightly surprised at the beginning of Han Yimo's holding the captain of the special police force, but in a moment they showed a calm face, and even looked at Han Yimo Among the eyes, there are also admiration and admiration.

On our side, only Peng Xuefei and I were in a cold sweat, and everyone on the other side was stunned. Especially Han Yimo's bullying words of Captain Meng, which was very intimidating, immediately made those special police officers dare not move. Their eyes were only shocked, and even Sheng Xing, who was in charge of everything, arrived at this moment, They're absolutely stunned.

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