For a long time, he has planned everything in the strategy. It seems that he has calculated everything and the fate of all people. No one can escape from his Wuzhishan. But at the moment, Han Yimo's action is out of his plan, which makes his deep eyes look shocked and deeply shocked.

This time, he can no longer control the overall situation, because, under his command, Captain Meng has fallen into the hands of Han Yimo. And all those special police, they listen to the people only Meng captain, his words is their absolute command.

Maybe it's because of this that Han Yimo directly takes Captain Meng as a threat. This move can really give us a chance to live, but it's too risky and frightens me.

On the other side, the arrogant captain Meng didn't pay attention to Han Yimo since he appeared. Because he had real power and the soldiers in his hands had real guns and live ammunition, he could be said to have reached the extreme. Even if Han Yimo had a powerful side, he was not afraid.

But now, suddenly facing Han Yimo's savageness and toughness, his life was caught in Han Yimo's hand. This huge reversal made him feel shocked, but he was also very unwilling. He was red in the face, ferocious in expression, and almost burst out of his eyes when he was not breathing smoothly.

Once again, the huge scene fell into silence. The air became hotter than before. The smell of gunpowder was full, and the people were shocked. Han Yimo, who was in charge of Captain Meng's fate, saw that the guns of the special police officers had not been put down. With a strong hand, she gave a loud voice and said, "I said, put down the gun!"

With a roar of Han Yimo, finally, all the special police officers were shocked, everyone with a good greeting like, coincidentally put down the gun.

As soon as the muzzle of the other party's gun fell, I immediately felt that my breath was smooth, my body was not so tense, and the air seemed to be less repressed. However, the cold sweat on my forehead was still more than that. My eyes were fixed on Han Yimo to see what she wanted and how the storm would end.

At this time, Sheng Xing also recovered from his astonishment. His eyes were shocked and his anger was replaced. He glared at Han Yimo and roared with dissatisfaction: "Han Yimo, do you know what you are doing? If you dare to mess around, you can't afford to pay for ten lives! "

Sheng Xing's words are not threats, but facts. This is also the reason why I am scared. If Han Yimo really killed Meng brigade, it would be a big accident and could not be retrieved. At that time, don't say anything about the ghost king. I'm afraid even the king of hell will be hard to save her. Therefore, my cold sweat keeps beating, and I'm worried about myself and Han Yimo.

But Han Yimo didn't feel worried. At this moment, she was still in charge of the whole situation. She held the hand of Meng brigade's neck, which was not loose for a moment. For Shengxing's words, she didn't care. After the special police put down the gun, she turned her head and looked at the relatively calm fat man on our side and said, "Yan fatty, take my son and they go first! ”

in a word, I heard everything. Han Yimo risked to hijack the police, but she still cared about my safety. The first step for her to take Meng brigade was to let us go first to ensure our safety. However, she ignored her own life and death.

Suddenly, my mood can not help rolling up, a variety of deep emotions entangled among them, let me not extricate myself, my eyes brought out a little sour feeling, my expression can not help but stagnate.

And Yan pangzi, who has profound strength, is obviously not greedy for life and death. It doesn't matter to him whether he can go or not. He just said with a dignified face: "what about you?"

It can be seen that he is very worried about Han Yimo. For a moment after Yan's voice dropped, another thin man suddenly said, "I won't go, I'll stay with you!"

This is what the thin man said to Han Yimo. When he said this, his incomparable strong breath was sent out fiercely. It can be seen that these two people really have deep feelings with Han Yimo. No wonder they are willing to help Han Yimo in the mountain and live and die together, which may be an indestructible creed for them.

However, Han Yimo didn't give them a chance at all, nor did she have time to fight against them. Her eyes were shining and she said, "take my son away and ensure his safety. This is an order!"

Her tone is beyond doubt, which highlights Han Yimo's extraordinary spirit. I can hear Han Yimo's meaning more clearly. She is most worried about my safety, so she makes them take me away so strongly.

At the thought of this, my inner emotion stirred more and more fierce. Han Yimo's dedication to me was so selfless. Why am I worth her doing this?

However, the fat man Yan seemed to have heard Han Yimo's intention. He seemed to realize the seriousness of the matter. Instead of pinching it, he directly told a group of men in Black: "retreat!"

Finish saying, he still walked to me side, say to me urgently: "follow me!"

However, my foot seems to be nailed to the ground, Leng is unable to move, my consciousness is also telling me that I can't go, I can't be so selfish, the thing is I caused, I implicated Han Yimo, let her into such a crisis for me, but I have to leave her to escape, how can I bear it?I stare at Han Yimo deeply, just want to speak, but Han Yimo didn't give me a chance to open my mouth, and said to me in a sharp voice: "go

Since I knew Han Yimo, she always spoke to me in a soft tone. This was the first time that she almost spoke to me in a roaring voice, and her tone was even more severe. It can be seen that today's affairs are beyond the scope of Han Yimo's ability. She has already neglected a lot of things, just want to let me go, just want to ensure my safety.

I'm safe. What about her? She is alone in the tiger wolf heap, and there are so many guns at her, what should she do?

I'm really worried about her, and I can't bear to leave her here alone. However, I know that if I don't leave, Han Yimo's painstaking efforts will be in vain, and her holding Meng brigade will be in vain. It's useless for me to stay here. On the contrary, it will further implicate her.

After weighing up, I finally gnash my teeth and take Peng Xuefei's hand to follow Yan Pang Pang and them to leave.

However, we have just taken a few steps, the night sky suddenly heard Sheng Xing's angry voice: "no one is allowed to go!"

This roar deafening, straight into the sky, let us all stop in an instant.

After all, we still think too simple, how can the Sheng family let us go so easily, they still want to catch us all, Shengxing's words are obviously not let go of any of us. He now does not care about Meng brigade, directly to that group of special police command way: "stop them, not a let go!"

His tone is all about command. However, although he is a member of the Sheng family, it does not mean that he can order the special police. After all, they are not under his command. These special police officers only listen to the brigade. Therefore, Sheng Xing's words have no effect.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Han Yimo quickly opened his mouth and said: "all go, they dare not mess around!"

Obviously, Han Yimo knows that as long as Meng brigade is in her hands, these special police officers will be checked and balanced, and we will not be afraid to act rashly. This is also the biggest reason why she used the 9 Meng brigade as a threat at the beginning.

When Han Yimo's voice dropped, we all stepped forward immediately. However, how could we have expected that the captain Meng was also a tough man who was not afraid of death. He was very brave. It can be said that in order to work for the Sheng family, he did not care about life and death. Has been pinched by the neck of him, at the moment, suddenly made a great effort to shout: "all listen to the order, prepare!"

For more than 100 special police on the scene, Meng brigade's words were orders. Immediately, they all picked up their guns in unison and aimed at us who were about to leave.

Our feet stopped again. We didn't dare to move. It was really bad to be pointed at by the gun. I felt as if I stepped on a mine again. My heart was holding and my nerves were stretched. The whole person was extremely depressed.

Han Yi Mo saw this, the cold light of her eyes suddenly burst out. She pinched Meng captain again and said in a cruel voice, "are you afraid of death?"

Hearing the speech, Meng brigade glanced at Han Yimo with his remaining light, showing a ferocious smile. Then, he once again tried his best to shout: "listen, I'm going to die, so I'll kill these people on the spot, not one left!"

With this sentence, he clearly explained that he was not afraid of death. Even, he was ready to die. He intended to use his own life to die with so many of us.

This Meng big captain has really thrown out, in order not to let us escape, he gave up his own life.

At this moment, all of us were stunned, even Han Yimo. It seems that Meng Da Tuan's unyielding is totally beyond her imagination. You know, she is threatening Meng Da Dui with his sexual life, but Meng Da Tuan is not afraid of death, which is difficult to do.

For a moment, Han Yimo is not able to enter or retreat. She has no choice at all. If we kill Meng team, all of us will become dead souls. If we don't kill him, we can't leave. This is really an unsolved problem. It completely baffles Han Yimo. At this moment, Han Yimo's arrogant face shows a tangled color.

Captain Meng saw Han Yimo tangled up, and immediately realized that his words had an effect. Then, he immediately called out: "Han, if you let me go, everything will be easy. Otherwise, all of you will die with me!"

He is right. His life is going to die, and all of us will be buried with him. This business is too bad for us. Captain Meng is now tantamount to a counter threat to Han Yimo. Hearing this, Han Yimo's eyes burst into fire. Her hand around Meng's neck tightened, and her red eyes roared at him: "do you believe me, I will kill your family!"

Han Yimo was completely angry. Her anger almost burned Meng brigade, but even so, Meng brigade was still unyielding. His neck was pinched to death, so that he could not breathe, let alone speak.

But all of a sudden, Meng brigade put out his hands recklessly, grabbed Han Yimo's right hand around his neck, and forced to open it. When he was able to breathe, he tried to shout: "listen to my command, I'll count three. If Han Yimo hasn't let me go, don't worry about me, just shoot!"

This command brought out infinite majesty, no doubt, and after the voice dropped, Meng brigade immediately called "one!"Suddenly, the broad road became a cage of shackles. The atmosphere was stagnant for a moment, and the whole scene was suffocated. The sweat behind me wet my clothes, and my head ached faintly, as if the bullet had been shot at my head. I clearly saw that those solemn special police were ready to shoot, and their muzzle was aimed at us, as long as Meng brigade finished counting three times At that time, all of us will become Hornets' nest. Of course, even captain Meng himself may have to sacrifice himself in the rain of bullets, but he is not afraid. He has the courage and courage to die with us. He can bet and he will not lose the deal.

In my breath is not smooth, Meng brigade and try their best to shout out a "two!"

This time, the atmosphere of the scene was even more suffocating, and I couldn't breathe at all, as if the person who was pinched by someone was myself. However, Han Yimo, who was not afraid of heaven and earth, could not be more decisive this time. Inadvertently, her eyes glanced at me, and her eyes seemed to be full of endless meanings, so complicated and profound.

However, in the moment Han Yimo looked at me, in the stagnant air, suddenly burst out the Meng captain's roar: "three!"

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