When the word "one" jumped out of Meng's mouth, I seemed to have seen the God of death waving to me. I seemed to have felt the fear that a bullet would pierce my body. My mind was suddenly blank and my eyes could not help closing. The complex look Han Yimo gave me finally stayed in front of me. Maybe this is the last painting I saw before I died noodles.

But this picture stayed for a long time and did not dissipate. I closed my eyes and didn't feel the pain of the bullet hitting me. Even though it was quiet around, I didn't hear the sound of the bullet firing at all. It was a silent silence, strange and abnormal. Immediately, I opened my eyes.

What came into my eyes was Han Yimo's helpless look. At this moment, her hand had loosened Meng's neck, and she finally chose to compromise.

Compromise is more difficult than suicide for the powerful Han Yimo. If she has a choice, she would rather die than compromise. But at the moment, she is unconventional in choosing compromise. This is not because she is afraid of death, but because she is afraid of me.

I clearly remember the look she looked at me before Meng team called out. There were indomitable, stubborn and helpless in her eyes. Originally, her helplessness originated from me. She was afraid that her perseverance and stubbornness would kill me. Therefore, she would violate her own principles of life and take the road of compromise.

This result makes me feel more and more clear. In Han Yimo's eyes, my life is more precious than her own, but I can never understand why she is like this. I am not her own son. How can she treat me better than her own son?

At this moment, I don't feel the pleasure of rebirth, only doubt and disappointment in my heart.

On the other side, Zhang Da, who was released by Han Yimo, is just like the man who hanged himself. There is a bright red mark on his neck, which is very eye-catching. At this time, he is rubbing his neck vigorously with his hands. At the same time, he breathes heavily. The air is extremely precious to him. He absorbs the precious air and finally he coughs violently Get up.

After a long time, he returned to normal. Without hesitation, he punched Han Yimo and said, "cnmd!"

It seems that Meng Da Tuan wants to use this blow to recover the face he lost when he was held by a woman. However, the captain doesn't know whether he trusts his skill too much or underestimates Han Yimo's strength. He even dares to take the initiative to fight against Han Yimo. He is indeed a reckless man who is not afraid of death.

Before his fists even hit Han Yimo, the astute Han Yimo grabbed his wrist and gently swung it. Immediately, the whole Meng brigade flew back to Sheng Xing's body and was held by him. Finally, the special police officers around him saw that they all pointed their guns at Han Yimo. Some of them fiercely threatened to say: "Don't move!"

In the face of countless guns, Han Yimo is still arrogant. It seems that this kind of guy who can kill her at any time is just like a toy in front of her. She doesn't care at all. She doesn't pay attention to the threat of special police. She has to say that her courage is really a heroine.

Although the special police said that she couldn't move, she just moved. Her pace was quick, she came straight to me and came to me. She stood still. Then, she faced the armed police with guns and said: "you'd better not mess around and kill us. None of you can escape!"

At such a time, Han Yimo even dared to issue a warning. However, the threat of this sentence was not enough. It could not scare anyone present, especially the angry captain Meng. His fire came over his head, as if there was smoke on his head. His eyes were more red than before, and his eyes were full of burning fire.

He would rather die than let Han Yimo go. Now, Han Yimo let him go. He wanted to fight back and shake off his anger, but he was thrown away by Han Yimo. How can he stand this majestic captain? If his eyes can kill people, I'm afraid Han Yimo has become dust 。

But even if he was so angry, Meng Da's long team did not immediately shoot Han Yimo. After all, although he was the commanding officer here, Sheng Xing still had the right to speak. Therefore, he first turned his eyes to Sheng Xing around him. At this moment, both of them had the same idea, that is, we were killed.

The two of them didn't talk to each other and reached a consensus with their eyes.

With Sheng Xing's sign, Meng brigade didn't care about Han Yimo's threat. He turned his head, looked at Han Yimo with his flaming eyes, and roared in a rough voice: "Han Yimo, you fierce bandits, you are really stubborn and lawless. You dare to attack police in the street and threaten the police. It's really a crime!"

The meaning of Meng Da Tuan's words is clear. He is trying to convict us without going through any procedures. He regards himself as a judge and directly sentenced us to death.

The crime is certain, he immediately swept his ferocious eyes to the group of special police with guns, and then, with a sonorous and forceful voice, said, "listen to the orders, shoot this gang of bandits to me on the spot!"Sure enough, Meng Da Tuan doesn't want to give us any chance. He wants to use his private right to solve all the people present on the spot. When the time comes, he can crown us with 100 charges. Even if there is news leaked, he also has his reason, because Han Yimo did hold him and indeed beat him.

Hearing the order of Zhang brigade, the special police of the whole scene immediately pointed the muzzle of the gun at all of us, ready to pull the trigger and annihilate us in one fell swoop.

In this critical moment, Han Yimo suddenly roared: "wait!"

Two words, she almost roared out. Standing beside her, my eardrum almost broke. Those special police officers who were about to shoot were all stunned. Even captain Meng couldn't help but be stunned. She looked at the outbreak of Han Yimo.

Han Yimo yelled at this voice, his eyes turned, and he pointed at captain Meng. He said word by word, "have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this?"

When he said this, Han Yimo's body all exuded the breath of terror, especially her voice, which sounded very frightening and full of threat.

However, the most sensitive thing of Meng brigade is threat. He was threatened by Han Yimo's neck before, which has aroused his infinite anger. Now, hearing Han Yimo's verbal threat again, his anger suddenly soared to the extreme. His hand suddenly moved, and he pulled out his handgun from his waist. Almost without half a minute's hesitation, he pulled the trigger and faced the Han Yimo blasted out a shot.

Bang! A loud noise cut through the sky, at the same time, Meng brigade roared with endless anger in the night sky: "go to the consequences of your mother!"

Bang, I seem to hear the sound of my own heart broken, this sound mixed with the sound of gunfire, as well as captain Meng's roar, constantly concussion in my ears, I seem to lose consciousness in general, the brain keeps buzzing, heart broken into a petal.

Meng brigade's one shot, let my tight nerve suddenly break, in front of my eyes, suddenly fell into a dark.

I didn't expect him to shoot! They're not threatening us, they're not intimidating us, they're actually shooting, and they're still shooting at us.

Han Yimo has been standing beside me with pride. Even in the face of the bullet attack, she is still standing still. After a shot, everyone is stunned. Because Han Yimo still keeps her heroic demeanor and stands still beside me. It seems that she really thinks that Meng's toy gun is in her hand, so she doesn't want to hide.

At first, I thought Meng brigade's shooting was unstable and missed. But when I saw the bright red blood on Han Yimo's left shoulder, I knew that she had been shot. She was so calm that she was hit by a bullet, but she was still the same as nobody. Don't cry out. She didn't even frown. How can you be surprised?

Just ask, ordinary people who can bear a shot but are indifferent, but she Han Yimo did, this, the audience was shocked.

Everyone's eyes showed a look of surprise, even the arrogant and domineering captain Meng showed a look of panic, his eyes are unbelievable.

However, Han Yimo, who was widely watched, did not look at her own gunshot wound, as if nothing had happened. Seeing that she could not threaten the stubborn Meng brigade, she turned her head slightly and looked at Sheng Xing, who has absolute right to speak. She said coldly, "Sheng Xing, I'd like to advise you finally that if you don't want to make the Sheng family suffer because of your stupidity, you'd better hurry up Stop it

Han Yimo's voice is very terrible. When she speaks, there is blood flowing from the wound, but Han Yimo completely ignores it. If she doesn't hurt, I feel the pain for her. Seeing her like this, my heart is dripping blood.

After Han Yimo's voice dropped, Yan Pang also stepped forward to Sheng Xing and said, "Sheng Xing, listen, if you really kill us, I promise the ghost king will come out and kill all your Sheng family!"

The last two characters of "manmen" bring out the power of artillery.

Yan pangzi is a relatively calm person. But at this moment, the lawlessness of the Sheng family and the injury of Han Yimo made him lose his temper completely. He was angry and very angry. Even, he moved the famous ghost king out, and his tone was so absolute that he did not lie at all.

His threat was so powerful that I was all over my heart to hear his threat. But Shengxing was still not frightened. His facial muscles trembled. Then, he said with a strong voice: "don't threaten me. Since our Sheng family has decided to deal with you, we have already thought about the consequences."

After saying that, he ignored Han Yimo and others, suddenly turned his head, looked at Meng captain, and said in a cold voice, "do it!"

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