With the sound of a gunshot, we all fell into silence. With Han Yimo's words, Captain Meng, who was in shock, suddenly recovered. Although Han Yimo's towering momentum really shocked him, it did not affect his heart to execute us. In his eyes, we were a group of criminals who had been sentenced to death. How could he have any mercy At the command of Sheng Hsing, he immediately raised his hand and ordered.

But at this time, a special police officer with a mobile phone in his hand suddenly ran forward and yelled: "report!"

A shout, instantly Meng captain's action order to interrupt, immediately, Meng brigade then turned to look at the tall special police, tone is very unhappy said: "what's the matter?"

The special police quickly handed the phone to Meng brigade, and made a serious report: "report captain, the provincial public security department has called, indicating that you should answer it!"

His voice was very solemn and his expression was more serious. Captain Meng's face sank as soon as he heard it. His resolute eyes immediately filled with dignified color. He hesitated for two times. In the end, he still took the phone and didn't know what was said at the other end of the phone. Meng's face color is changing rapidly. He has lost the elegant demeanor of pointing out the rivers and mountains just now, but keeps saying Yes, yes.

After that, he hung up the phone, his face covered with dark clouds, standing next to him Sheng Xing saw something wrong, and quickly asked, "what's the situation?"

Meng brigade glanced at Shengxing powerlessly and said in a deep voice, "the provincial government has issued a death order and asked to release people!"

Hearing this, Sheng Xing's face immediately looked like eating excrement, which was quite ugly. His firm and confident eyes also showed a look of incomparable shock. He looked so unbelievable. While staring at captain Meng in doubt, he shook his head and said, "how can it be? I have already said hello there!"

Meng team leader sighed, leisurely said: "it is said that Secretary Xia personally issued the order!"

If Sheng Xing's face was just like eating excrement, after hearing this sentence, his face would be directly as if he had been caught in the dung pot. He was extremely embarrassed and disgusted. His arrogance was also pinned by the dung pot and disappeared. It seems that Secretary Xia is his nemesis and has seized his life gate.

He did not continue to be stubborn arrogant, but fell into a heavy thinking, silent.

Similarly, the arrogant captain Meng has already ceased to speak. He just looks at Shengxing around him quietly, waiting for his instructions.

The evening breeze gently blows, bringing out a trace of silence, but it is only this one. The silence of the night is extraordinary. All the people are standing in the silence, motionless. Han Yimo, who was wounded by gunshot, is still standing beside me. However, her bright red lips begin to turn white, indicating that she has lost too much blood and will fall at any time probably.

After a moment's silence, Sheng Xing, who bowed his head and pondered, suddenly raised his head and said to captain Meng, "don't worry about those, just execute them!"

His voice pierced the sky, tearing the stagnant silence, his tone returned to arrogance, his face also returned to cold, after some meditation, he came to the conclusion that he still wanted to kill us all at once. He really has reached the point of desperation, in order to put us to death, he has been reckless, even dare to violate the orders of the provincial Party secretary.

He dared to disobey the order, but Meng brigade hesitated. After listening to Sheng Xing's words, he did not immediately carry out the order, but fell into incomparable entanglement. After a long pause, he awkwardly said, "this is not good, this is secretary Xia's"

the captain of Meng Da did not speak, but was interrupted by Sheng Xing.

Then, Sheng Xing raised his face and looked at captain Meng seriously. He said in a sharp voice, "don't worry. I know it in my mind. Just do it. I'll be responsible for anything that happens."

When he said this, Sheng Xing's back can not help but stand up, the whole person seems to send out a vast gas, he has regarded himself as a God, or in other words, he regarded the Sheng family as the sky, there is no Sheng family injustice in the world, his spirit, instantly infected the Meng team, so that the Meng team has scruples suddenly become confident.

Immediately, Meng captain on the face dignified nodded, is recognized Sheng Xing's words.

The birds of a feather, Meng brigade and Shengxing are grasshoppers on a rope, all the same. Seeing Meng Da Tuan's nodding, my body seemed to have tens of thousands of termites biting and circling in a big circle, but we still couldn't escape to death. That phone call ignited my hope, but it was put out for me in a flash. The arrogance of the Sheng family has really crossed the bottom line of my cognition.

At this moment, I suddenly didn't want to die. I couldn't be reconciled to die like this. If I could, I really want to destroy the Sheng family and their arrogance before I die. I don't expect God to clean them up. I just want to stamp them out by myself.

However, no matter how angry, unwilling, or bent, I couldn't stop the cruel reality. The merciless Meng brigade had already held up his chest, raised his right hand wildly, and yelled: "all orders, prepare, open"

captain Meng's gun words didn't speak out. Suddenly, a very strong and powerful voice covered him Say, say: "I see who dares to shoot!"The voice is not loud, but it seems to contain thousands of potential, especially powerful, but also with a flavor of vicissitudes, with invisible dignity, at the same time, it also has the momentum of overlooking the world.

With the sound of this majestic fall, the side of the road suddenly showed two figures, is leisurely towards our side came.

One of them is a middle-aged man in a very formal suit, with his back combed and a pair of gold rimmed glasses on his face. The other is my old acquaintance, Qiqi.

This familiar figure once again gave me a huge impact, so that I felt like an electric shock, from the inside to the outside, trembling, I can't remember how many times this is, when I walk on the death line, Qiqi will appear in time.

However, this time, when she showed up, her aura was completely covered by another person, the middle-aged man who walked with her.

The two of them walk together, it is a huge contrast, one is like the sky, the other is like the earth, the man's aura includes everything, this kind of powerful aura can not be shaped overnight, it depends on the accumulation of precipitation, is unique, his body is not tall, not bulky, but naturally can make people feel awe Abnormal Wei'an.

But with the man together Qiqi, compared with him, the aura directly lost, especially her body bone, very thin, as if the wind can fall, but, Qiqi's eyes but sent out a unique light, strong and indifferent, the eyes seem to have everything, self-confidence from this show.

Because the light from the man is very strong, so that Qiqi is also covered by the halo. At this moment, these two people are the most brilliant stars in the starry sky. In an instant, they have attracted the attention of all the people in the audience.

Countless eyes focused on the two of them, but did not make them two have a trace of unnatural, their feet are long, walking in the silent night, brought the most obvious movement, step by step as if stepping on the hearts of people, extremely influential.

Both ends of the road have been sealed. It can be seen that they came from another side road and crossed it. Suddenly, when they came to our side, the special police around us spontaneously made way for them. Two people so unimpeded came to me.

In front of me, Qiqi immediately cast a concerned look at me. Seeing Peng Xuefei beside me, she immediately turned back her head and pretended to be nothing.

On the other side, the middle-aged man ignored me directly. His eyes didn't sweep from me. He just yelled at the special police again: "put down your guns!"

This man is a man of letters. He has no martial arts skills, but his momentum and dignity are better than everything else. His words are so powerful.

All the special police were startled by him, especially captain Meng. He quickly waved and motioned his men to put down the gun. Then, he said to the middle-aged man, "Secretary Xia, how did you come?"

When I heard this, my head seemed to be pounded heavily, and I was suddenly enlightened. At first, Meng brigade said something about Secretary Xia on the phone. I didn't think about it for a while, and I didn't want to go there.

Now, seeing the legendary Secretary Xia and Qiqi together, I suddenly woke up. He and Qiqi are surnamed Xia.

I remember Mu Nan told me that Xia family is a big family, but this family is different from Sheng family. The Sheng family is high-profile, while the Xia family is quite low-key. Moreover, Mu Nan also said that the Xia family is the most powerful in H Province. That is to say, the middle-aged man in front of him is the most influential man in H Province.

However, it is a wonder that such a big man should appear in this place in person today.

Just as I was in the mood, the middle-aged man opened his mouth. He glanced coldly at the next captain Meng, and said in a deep voice, "I don't want to come here in person. Are you going to disobey orders and rebel?"

A word is powerful. Meng Da Tuan is scared to death. The cold sweat on his forehead is even more fierce. At the moment, his expression is in sharp contrast to the arrogance just now. Facing a middle-aged man, he is like a mouse meeting a cat. He is so afraid and timid.

At the same time, the middle-aged man's words, also deeply shocked me standing on the side, let me suddenly from the ethereal thoughts of God, I finally understand, why the middle-aged man will come here in person, listen to his just meaning, it is obvious that he knows that a single telephone call can not stop the Sheng family from doing things.

In fact, as he thought, Shengxing didn't stop killing us because of the phone call. He didn't care about the pressure from above. He wanted to act first and then, or, after we all hung up, he fabricated facts out of thin air, and said that the person had been executed when he received the call.

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