Secretary Xia, who has a delicate mind, may have expected the rampancy of the Sheng family and would have arrived at the scene in person. Otherwise, a person of noble status like him would certainly disdain to appear in such an occasion. If he meets a reporter or something, he will have to make headlines, and things will become a big deal. Therefore, he must want to settle the problem with the phone first. If the phone can't, he will appear in person He did it as if to save us.

Moreover, along with Secretary Xia, there was Qiqi, which clearly showed that the person who really wanted to save us was Qiqi. But how could Qiqi be so smart? Didn't she leave the boxing hall first? How could she know that I had something to do, and she brought Secretary Xia here, but she had the ability to predict?

I can't think of it, that anxious red face Meng team seems more confused, he hesitated for a long time, do not know how to open his mouth.

At this time, Sheng Xing stood up. He grinned at the middle-aged man and said, "Secretary Xia, how can you appear here in the middle of the night? You don't have to bother to supervise this kind of small case yourself."

Listening to his tone, it seems that Sheng Xing is quite familiar with Secretary Xia. Even if Secretary Xia came in person, he didn't panic. He just concealed his displeasure, but tried to hide it. His face was still covered with fake smiles.

However, Secretary Xia had not been very angry. When he heard Sheng Xing speak, his anger rose. He frowned and said to Sheng Xing, "hum, if I don't come, will you Sheng family turn over the province of H?"

Secretary Xia's words seem to have a pun meaning. What he aims at is not only the matter, but the whole Sheng family. Indeed, both the Sheng family and the Xia family are big families. The foundation of the Xia family is in the provincial capital, and the Sheng family is in other provinces. However, the hands and feet of the Sheng family even interfere here, and how can Secretary Xia not be angry with such recklessness.

Seeing that Secretary Xia was angry, Sheng Xing's fake smile disappeared. His face began to sink, and the unhappy color in his eyes gradually revealed. He no longer hid it. He directly replied in an unwilling tone: "Secretary Xia, do you know who these gang are? They are a gang of underworld, under the Guiwang, and now they are doing business in the provincial capital And assaulting the police on the street is lawless. Do you think it can be stopped like this? "

It's really hard to beat the goods upside down. Seeing that Secretary Xia moved his anger to the Sheng family, he directly shifted his eyes and put the pot of excrement on us. It was obvious that he had no idea of the law. He even said that we were lawless and unconstrained, and he said that it was them who suffered losses.

However, Secretary Xia seemed to know everything clearly and would not listen to Shengxing's ghost words. As soon as Shengxing's voice dropped, Secretary Xia's face changed again, and his tone was serious: "no matter what their crimes are, I will investigate them clearly. The affairs of H Province can not be interfered by your Sheng family. I advise you not to make them unhappy !”

Secretary Xia didn't give Sheng face at all, or in other words, he didn't give the Sheng family face at all. In his eyes, he was on the side of justice. He couldn't take into account the face of the Sheng family and collude with them. He clearly reminded the other party that this is his world. Everything is under his control, and he can't direct the Sheng family.

Sheng Xing, of course, recognized the meaning of secretary Xia's words. It seemed that every word was so harsh to him that he was even more unhappy in his eyes. He almost turned over his face. He did not show any more politeness and directly replied: "Xia Zhonghai, are you merciless for this group of people? The relationship between our two families is not bad, is it necessary? ”

at this moment, Sheng Xing's mood has collapsed. He is not happy, and he has no respect for secretary Xia, even by his first name.

As the Sheng family, he is always so confident. Now he can move out of the Sheng family in the face of such a dignified Secretary Xia. He wants to use the name of the Sheng family to force Secretary Xia to give him face.

However, Secretary Xia couldn't see the Sheng family's arrogance. At the moment, when he heard Sheng Xing talking about the relationship between the two families, Secretary Xia was even more disdainful. He replied in a strong tone: "don't say you are the Sheng family. Even if you are my Xia family, I can't bend the law for selfish ends. I'm generally aware of the situation tonight. If you don't want to make a big deal of things, I urge you to stop it!"

However, the words from Secretary Xia's mouth were full of deterrence. Sheng Xing's face swelled after listening to it. This time, he was completely shriveled. At last, his face was not half arrogant, and some were just bent and unwilling.

Secretary Xia had already said absolutely nothing. He didn't give Shengxing any retreat at all, and Shengxing was too poor for words. After holding back for a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "OK, Xia Zhonghai, you're cruel. I'll go!"

With a big wave of his hand, he said, "withdraw!"

Immediately, more than a dozen of Sheng's family members left with resentment and resentment.

After the Sheng family left, Meng team and his team of special police officers were still standing in the same place. They did not dare to move, just like they should be punished if they made a mistake.

Secretary Xia looked at Meng team with sharp eyes and said in a cold voice, "Why are you in a daze? Don't close the team!"

When Captain Meng, who was full of nervousness, heard this, he was immediately granted an amnesty. He quickly showed a trace of calm, and then quickly became positive. He saluted Secretary Xia, and then called out: "stop the team!"Meng, a group of local police officers, did not dare to leave the scene. The so-called local police disappeared in the blink of sight.

At this moment, the nervous I finally relaxed, I can not help feeling thousands of, really did not expect, a catastrophe ended like this, a moment ago, I thought that I must die, 9 I die does not matter, the most sad is that I have to implicate Han Yimo and other people, which makes me unbearable.

However, in a flash, things would have such a huge reversal. Even though Han Yimo and others moved out of the ghost king, the unruly Sheng family members did not flinch. In the end, they were settled by Secretary Xia with a few words. They did not need military force or brain power. They solved the problem with his majesty and courage. They felt that Secretary Xia sneezed and the provincial capital could shake Shake it.

At this moment, I finally realized how huge the power is. If you don't have the right, even if you are strong in force and face the oppression of the white people, you will be a mole ant after all. Tonight, without the help of secretary Xia, we will be dead in the street. In terms of force, we are experts, but we have no ability to fight back against bullets.

It seems that I was too naive before. I thought that with the support of Han Yimo, my identity was almost the same as Sheng Mingjie. But today, I can see that there is no difference between me and him. People have such a powerful backstage of the Sheng family.

As for me, Han Yimo, my backstage, is very skillful, but she is a person of the past. In today's society, she has no such thing as power. What's more, Han Yimo is not my real mother. What can I do to fight Sheng Mingjie?

Today, I took him to the hospital. Can I have peace in the future? Even if Secretary Xia helped me to prevent this robbery, could he help me to block the countless robberies in the future?

The anger of the Sheng family has completely burned up. I will spend every day in danger, and even more, I will implicate Han Yimo and them.

I didn't dare to think about it. I just felt confused in the future, anxious and helpless in my heart. My mood was still heavy. I didn't feel happy because I was reborn. For a time, I was still immersed in the ocean of melancholy.

Han Yimo, standing beside me, looks very pale, but this does not affect her spirit. Even if today's events have hit her heavily, and even if the bullet has been shot into her body, she still stands tall in the wind. After the Sheng family and the Meng team leader have retreated, she immediately takes a step forward and faces Secretary Xia. She does not feel humble and says: "Secretary Xia, today Thank you very much

Her voice was flat, but her tone was full of gratitude, genuine gratitude.

Secretary Xia couldn't help smiling. Just now, in front of the Sheng family, Xia Shuji was serious and serious. Now, when they left, Secretary Xia looked as if he had completely changed his personality. He said to Han Yimo with a smile: "it's a piece of work. I heard about you. You haven't done anything against the law since you retired. It's all because the Sheng family has gone too far It's all right now. You can go! "

Sure enough, Secretary Xia came to save the scene and solved the matter. He didn't investigate our problems and asked us to leave. What he said is also true. No matter how many corpses Han Yimo has stepped on, at least now she is a businesswoman and has not done anything harmful to nature. Even if Sheng Xing just said that she attacked the police, it was just self-defense in a hurry. Xia Shuji did not investigate and did not ask.

Hearing this, Han Yimo didn't delay. Her gunshot wound needed to be dealt with in time. Uncle gang and uncle snake were also seriously injured. So, she nodded to Secretary Xia, and told people to carry the injured uncle snake and uncle Gang, while saying retreat.

With the injury of Han Yimo endure the pain, do things or so vigorous, if not for her pale face, really do not know that she is the injured person.

In my meditation, I saw Han Yimo and others were about to retreat, so I immediately came back to my mind. Then, I took a few steps forward and came to Qiqi. I sincerely said to her, "thank you!"

All thanks to do in these three words, smell speech, Qiqi can't help gently raised eyes, on my eyes.

Maybe it's because of this special occasion, or maybe it's because Peng Xuefei is here. Qiqi didn't say a word to me since she appeared. She only glanced at me at the beginning. All the words should be in the eyes. She and I are familiar, because I'm Suluo, but she can't let Peng Xuefei know my identity, so it's not easy to talk to me Because of the relationship between me and Peng Xuefei, she did not have a position to talk to me, so she finally chose to be silent.

But I am deeply aware that it is secretary Xia who rescued me from the fire and water, but Qiqi is the one who really helps me. Therefore, I sincerely thank her.

For my thanks, Qiqi didn't reply anything, just squeezed out a warm smile for me, which made the atmosphere a little embarrassed.

Sometimes, two people can have tacit understanding without words in time. But at this moment, Qiqi and I can't seem to make eye contact. I don't know what she thinks. I only know that the situation is not suitable for verbal communication. Not only can Qiqi be present, I can't reveal my identity, but also the Xia Shuji beside Qiqi can't suppress me His image is really tall, his aura is too strong, I don't know him at all, so, some words, in front of his face, I can't say at all.Time was silent for a few seconds. In these seconds, I said what I wanted to say to Qiqi in my heart. Then, I resolutely turned around and came to Peng Xuefei, holding her hand to keep up with Peng Xuefei and others, and was about to leave.

But at this time, behind me suddenly came the voice of secretary Xia: "Jiangnan wind, you stay!"

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