No strong strength, no money background, but I have a very strong heart, no matter how she destroyed, humiliated, I will not make changes for the things I decided, although this strong is her people are not rare, this for me, at least others do not have.

Fang's mother glared at me and said coldly, "well, since you like it, you'll wait here forever."

With that, she closed the window. With this move, the security guard opened the iron door. The car drove in slowly, and the iron door was closed. So, I once again! I was blocked out of the door mercilessly.

In the face of her such ridicule, my heart more and more firm, I really did not leave the meaning. So I lay down on the bench in front of Fang Qing's house, ready to fight a long war here.

In the evening, I was so hungry that I couldn't stand it. I got up and ran to a small supermarket nearby with the fastest speed. I bought a big push of food to satisfy my hunger. If I was sleepy, I would squint in the chair for a while. For two days in a row, I had been sleeping in the open air like this and persevered.

However, after two days of observation, it was found that many people came in and out of Fangqing's family. They did not see any sign of Fang Qing. Even I began to doubt whether Fang Qing had been quietly transferred to other places. However, this is only my guess. I will wait here until she comes to me in person.

Such days continued for several days. In the evening of that day, after returning from work, Fang Qing's mother came out of the villa and said sharply to me, "are you finished? I might as well tell you directly, Qing'er, she doesn't want to see you, so you die of this heart! "

I firmly said, "I don't believe it!"

Mother Fang glanced at me coldly and said coldly, "young man, you may have overestimated yourself. Do you think Qing'er will really be with a prisoner's son? You're not telling her anything so important! You may as well tell you that our family Qing'er hates dishonest people most, so she has decided not to be with you, so you should not linger here, or leave consciously! "

With that, she didn't give me a chance to reply again, so she turned around and walked back.

Looking at Fang Qing's mother's merciless back, a trace of fear flashed in my heart. I was a little afraid that what she said was true. I was afraid that Fang Qingzhen would dislike me because of my family affairs, or blame me for hiding these things.

But this is just a guess in my mind. My heart is more trust. I firmly believe that Fang Qing will not abandon our love because of these. So, I stood up again and yelled at Fang Qing's mother's back: "unless Fang Qing says to me personally, otherwise I will not give up!"

Fang Qing's mother didn't pause for half a minute and went directly into the cold iron door.

In the evening, my heart is always depressed, and the sky seems to feel my sadness, with my sadness, the sky even started to drizzle, I did not shelter, still sit still in the chair, strong waiting, I hope to rely on their own perseverance to influence Fang Qing's family, do not ask them to agree with my existence, can let me see Fang Qing side, enough!

This is my first love, and I'm afraid it will be my last. It's so rare and beautiful. I don't believe it's so fragile. I can be sure that Fang Qing is holding on to it. As a man, I also want to stick to it for her. I love her more than myself.

But the reality is always so cold and merciless. From the drizzle to the downpour, I waited in the rain for a night. Fang's family didn't come out to see me. Finally, when Fang Qing's mother drove out, she saw me like a drowned rat, and then she stopped in front of me. Today, she was like a shrew, directly muttering to me: "I say you are a man What do you want? Are you playing rogue in my house? If you go on like this, I will call the police and arrest you! "

After several days of sleeping and sleeping in the open air and the rain all night and the cold wind blowing all night, even if my body was beaten by iron, I couldn't bear it. My whole body was boiling hot and my mind was confused, but my mind was still firm. I didn't fear the warning of the other party's mother. I insisted: "I must see Fang Qing!"

Fang Qing's mother saw me still like this, and directly scolded: "stubborn!"

I drove away directly, the car was farther and farther away, and my sight line was more and more blurred. My head was more and more heavy. I was weak and weak. At the moment when mother Fang's car completely disappeared in front of me, my body collapsed to the ground, and the whole person fell into a coma.

Dream is the continuation of the reality. In the dream, I experienced several times of joys and sorrows. In the deep of my memory, Miao Miao's shadow actually appeared. She was still like that. She kept saying me and scolding me, but I didn't take these into consideration. As soon as I came up, I held her tightly in my arms. Why, why does Miaomiao appear in my dream? Is my love for Miaomiao?

But at this time, I saw Fang Qing behind Miaomiao. Her eyes were full of tears, so she turned and ran away. I wanted to stop her, but I couldn't make a sound. I tried my best to yell, but it still didn't help. Suddenly, I woke up.Originally, all this is a dream, but it is so true, wake up after I found myself lying in the hotel, I wonder, who sent me here?

Just when I was wondering, someone pushed the door and entered. I was still wondering who it was. But it was the strange man, Cheng Zheng in Fang Qing's mother's mouth. Seeing me wake up, he took the lead and said, "if you wake up, I can go back to work!"

With that, he turned to the door, and I asked his back, "how is Fang Qing?"

Cheng Zheng stopped, turned his back to me and said, "it doesn't matter how she does with you. It's not convenient for me to say more. You just need to know, just stay away from Fang Qing!"

Said, he directly pushed the door to leave, the empty room, only left me, staring at the back of Cheng Zheng leaving.

No, I can't. I want to ask Fang Qing in his mouth, thinking, I immediately got out of bed. At the moment I got out of bed, I nearly fell to the ground, but I still stood up, ran out of the room and left the hotel,? But Cheng Zheng's back has completely disappeared.

Outside, it was late, night came, and I lost my goal. I dragged my body to the door of Fang Qing's house again. I was still sitting on a wooden chair and looking at the yard of Fang's house in a daze.

When I was in a daze, suddenly, the iron door opened, and a woman came out. But to my disappointment, this woman is still Fang Qing's mother. After she went out, she walked directly to me and said coldly, "Why are you here again! I thought you were gone when I saw you were not at home

The tone was still cold, but a little impatient. I managed to squeeze out a smile and said weakly, "I said it. I won't leave without seeing Fang Qing!"

At this time, Fang's mother, who was always cold, suddenly asked solemnly, "you mean, if Qing'er lets you go, you will leave, right?"

I did not hesitate to reply: "yes!"

I didn't expect that mother Fang would come back to me and say, "OK, you wait!" Then she turned and went back.

I look at her back, a face surprised, mouth are not close, how to return a responsibility? Did mother Fang take the wrong medicine today? Would she really let me meet Fang Qing?

I have been waiting for so many days, and finally I can see Fang Qing again. As soon as I think about it, my heart can't help but jump wildly. I really miss her. In my dream, she left me. But I believe that dream and reality are always opposite, which shows that Fang Qing and I are inseparable. I'm going to meet someone who has been waiting for a long time. I'm really excited.

Although I firmly believe that Fang Qing will not give up our love easily, just now Fang's mother seems very sure that Fang Qing will drive me away. I'm still a little nervous. Although I'm not discouraged, I'm full of confidence in my partner.

I got up from the wooden chair, adjusted my clothes, patted my pants, and then nervously rubbed my hands and rubbed them. Finally, the iron door opened again and a woman came out.

This time, the person who came out was really what I thought about day and night, Fang Qing, but she did not see for a few days. She seemed to have lost a lot of weight, her face was particularly haggard, and even her eyes were red. She must have cried. In a flash, all my emotions are covered by heartache. I really love this kind of Fang Qing. I think she has suffered no less than me.

Seeing her appear, I no longer hesitated. I dragged my heavy steps and ran to her as fast as possible. I opened my hands and wanted to hold the woman I was looking forward to day and night. However, as soon as I opened my hand, Fang Qing stepped back two steps conditionally, and she looked at me with disgust.

My violent beating, all kinds of emotional disputes come, I don't know why Fang Qing is like this, is it really like her mother said, Fang Qing is concerned about my concealment of family affairs from her, impossible, I don't believe that Fang Qing is such a person, I don't believe that our love can not stand the test.

I stabilized my mood, pretended to be calm, and then looked at Fang Qing in front of me with affectionate eyes, and said with concern: "Qing'er, how are you these days?"

Fang Qing's mouth, emerged a bitter smile, light to me said: "I'm ok, went to the field a few days back. But you don't look very good! "

I feel that Fang Qing's tone and attitude are no longer the same as before. I'm more and more nervous. I'm afraid that the girl I love deeply will leave me. I'm afraid that the love I firmly believe will be broken. I look at Fang Qing and reply in horror: "it's still OK."

However, I never thought, the next moment, Fang Qing is not chatting with me, straight to the theme, Fang Qing's face instantly changed like an iceberg, and even became colder than her mother's expression. Suddenly, I felt that Fang Qing at this time was not the one I knew before. Her eyes filled with indifference and said to me coldly: "Suluo, let's break up !”

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