Happiness comes and goes in a hurry, but the love I firmly believe in is missing at this moment. Fang Qing, who I firmly believe in, is so deeply rooted in his heart after his first words appear. The moment I hear this, I am petrified directly, and my mood is so delicious and unbearable.

I really didn't expect that Fang Qing's mouth would say such words, how could this be possible? Is it true? Or is it just a joke?

Just a few days ago, we were still envious of other people's little lovers. We were still showing our love and swearing that we would be together forever. Why, just a few days, Fang Qing has become like this?

I can't believe my heart trembling again. What's wrong with you

Fang Qing's expression also did not have the smile of the past, lengruo iceberg's expression showed more firm, she opened her mouth and said to me word by word: "I said, let's break up!"

A short sentence, clear into my ears, shock my internal organs are broken, my eyes unconsciously wet, my trembling legs to support my tired body, I really can't stand, again trembling voice asked: "I don't believe, because I know that you must be cheating me, must be your family forced you, you said, we will Advance and retreat together, never give up! "

Fang Qing's voice, still cold, said: "you are too naive, Suluo, all this has nothing to do with my family!"

My head hummed for a moment, nearly fell down, I don't understand why, I clenched my teeth, squeezed out a few words from my mouth, almost cried out, and said: "what is that exactly?"

And Fang Qing's calm, seems to form a sharp contrast with my excitement, she looked at me with disdain in the eyes, coldly said: "because you, do not deserve to be with me!"

Bang, I completely collapsed, I feel like falling from the cliff, falling to pieces. Originally, Fang Qing's mother didn't cheat me. Originally, all she said was true. Fang Qing really cared about my life experience.

I tried to support my body, let myself stand strong in front of Fang Qing, but these are no longer important at this moment. Poor me, I thought that even if the whole world disliked me, Fang Qing would not leave me. I thought the love between us would be very solid, but I didn't expect that I was wrong. Everything I did became cloud smoke and the promise I said was also It's all in vain.

In order to see Fang Qing again, I had been waiting for a few days, regardless of the wind, sun and rain, I had been foolishly insisting and waiting hard. Even if I was ill, at the first moment I woke up, I still thought of Fang Qing, and immediately shook my weak body to see her.

However, how I did not think that my efforts, my infatuation, finally only in exchange for her: "you do not deserve it!"

At this moment, all my strong, all disappeared, but I can't let Fang Qing see me collapse. Even if I'm a failure, I also want to keep my last trace of dignity in front of her.

I hoarse voice, said to her: "I know, I wish you happiness!"

With that, I resolutely turned around, dragged a heavy pace, strong left, my tears, can no longer restrain the flow down, now can be used to describe my words only tragic, in the end, I am still the most unfortunate person in the world.

It's completely dark, street lamps are on one after another, weak light shining on my face silent tears, tears blurred my eyes, I don't know whether my back is sad, whether Fang Qing can see it, I only know that I can't let her see me cry, I can't let her see my vulnerability, I can't even lose my little self-esteem.

My steps are extremely heavy, every step is very difficult, but I am still trying to speed up, I just want to make this heavy and weak body quickly disappear in Fang Qing's sight.

Finally, when I came to the end of the road, I suddenly turned around and turned to the right. My body just couldn't hold on. Suddenly, I was lying on the cold ground, watching the starry night sky, and tears were springing up unconsciously.

Tears, also do not know how long before it stopped flooding, the rest is a body, no soul, no thought, so rigid lying on the ground, motionless, this lay, is a night.

"It's depressing to meet a dead man one morning!" A hug of complaints, vaguely into my ears, and then my waist was pestered by something, and then heard: "originally not dead!"

I suddenly opened my eyes and found that a uniformed sanitation woman was pestering me with a broom, trying to drive me away.

However, when she saw me open my eyes that moment, she suddenly scared back a step, panic said: "children, your eyes how swollen into this, don't worry?"

I couldn't shake my head, trying to get up from the ground, the moment I stood up, my body was still shaking violently, dizzy. I'll see you. Quickly came to help me, kindly asked: "do you want me to send you to the hospital!"I looked at her gently and said weakly, "no, thank you."

The voice was hoarse and terrifying. Then, I gently broke away from the hands of the sanitation aunt, step by step, difficult to walk aimlessly on the road.

Now. Genius just dawn, the sun is also rising, surrounded by a quiet, quiet is so desolate, as if the whole world is only me, I am tired, really tired.

Walking along, the morning sun gradually rose, the weak sunlight on my face, stinging my fragile and swollen eyes, I can not help but squint, efforts to meet forward, the pace, become more slow.

What happened yesterday, just like a dream come true, everything happened in the dream has been realized in reality. Maybe I've been used to it, and I can't feel the extreme pain. My heart is empty, all the pain turns into ignorance. I become a real walking corpse. On the open road, I slowly move the rigid steps and have no direction On the way.

Gradually, the number of pedestrians on the road began to increase, ears began to be filled with bustling, many people passed me by, no one paid attention to me, this weak sense of existence and very low person, unconsciously, I went back to school, after all, this is where I belong.

When I walked into the campus, the sun was already very high. The sharp sunlight made me feel hot all over and my head became more and more drowsy. Occasionally someone passed by on the road, but they were pointing at me. In those people's eyes, there is no sympathy, no surprise, some just dislike, despise, fear, and panic. In a trance, I felt as if I had come back to the first time when I came to school. A deep darkness enveloped me.

I don't know what's wrong with the world. A few days ago, I walked on campus, holding hands with Fang Qing. I was happy and sweet. What I enjoyed was the envious eyes of others and the look of blessing from others. A few days ago, I defeated Chen Haoran, the invincible single player king, and enjoyed the worship and awe of others. But why in just a few days, Fang Qing has changed, and the people on campus have changed. What is going on?

But I ignored the scorn and ridicule of others, lowered my head and went back to my bedroom alone. But the bedroom has lost the vitality of the past, empty, the original, everyone went to class, but in my heart, there is always a sense of suffocation, swept over the body, making me breathless.

Perhaps, back to the noisy classroom will be out of such a feeling, think of this, I immediately washed some, changed clothes, picked up heavy textbooks, quickly walked towards the teaching building.

Walking in the corridor of the teaching building, the bell of the first class just rang out. I waited for the teacher to come out and then walked into the classroom. Once into the inside, it seems that all the eyes immediately shot at me, and I ignored, straight back to their own position.

Why all of a sudden, my love is gone, and it seems that the group that I am not easy to integrate into also seems to be far away from me. When I touch the eyes of other people in the class again, I suddenly find that all the students' eyes are different. They have no worship, no awe and no sympathy. In their eyes, only contempt and fear.

Accompanied by these eyes, there was a small voice of comment:

"look at his horrible appearance, that spread should not be false. Sure enough, Fang Qing broke up with his father after he knew that his father was a rapist!"

"Yes, no wonder he was not afraid to cut and cut in the last fight. He had a hard encounter with Chen Haoran. It turned out that he was mentally ill again!"

"That's right. We'd better not go too close to this kind of person, or we'll go crazy one day and maybe do something to us!"

"I've also heard that he's just a loser. Whoever he is with will have bad luck. Ah, it's terrible to think about it!"

"Oh, by the way, I heard that Chen Haoran was angry again. He said that the madman had offended his woman a few days ago, and he would certainly drive the madman out of school this time!"

"To tell you the truth, it's really good for him to leave, so that we don't have to worry all day long!"

These voices, merciless drill into my ears, every word, are so hurt, hurt me, so prick my heart, prick me a hundred holes.

Dignity, self-confidence, arrogance, friendship, love, happiness, these things I want to have, all of them are like a flash in the pan, after a short time of possession, they are finally smashed.

God, why do you like to tease me so much? Why do you want me to taste all the pain? Why hit me mercilessly again and again? My heart is not made of iron, I am also a person, I also want dignity, want everything that normal people should have, why is it so difficult!

Who is it? Who on earth let out my life experience on purpose? Who wants to harm me so carefully?

Fang Qing's mother? No way. Her purpose is to keep me away from Fang Qing. Since her goal has been achieved, she will not do such unnecessary things at all.

Besides her mother, who else could do this? I tried my best to guess and try my best to read all the people I offended. All of a sudden, I thought of a person, a person who existed from the beginning to the end, a person I had seen not long ago, Cheng Zheng!

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