How could I have never thought that this seemingly insignificant person, but in my back again and again Yin I, I want to go to revenge, but now I have no experience, I am tired, really tired, good aroma comfortable sleep, wake up and return to the happy time of a few days ago. It's impossible. It's just my fantasy.

However, it is an indisputable fact that my father is a prisoner, but he is not a rapist in the mass population. It is also a fact that Fang Qing broke up with me. What's more, I can't change this fact, and I can't return to heaven. However, the indifference of human nature makes me more frustrated. The so-called lover, far away from me, the so-called classmates, actually wish I was far away from them.

This world, still so realistic, I, is still so sad, as if overnight, I was beaten back to the original shape, even worse than in the past, I tried to pile up together, all disappeared, the original, everything is false, everything is just my wishful thinking!

In the morning, I returned to the original appearance, a deep inferiority complex, once again lost confidence in the real world. Finally, I got to the lunch break. With the bell ringing, my bad luck had already come.

As soon as the teacher left, a few strong backed men came in behind. They quickly rushed into the classroom and came to my position. Without saying a word, they directly set me up on the left and right, and then dragged me out of the classroom under the eyes of the public.

Seeing this situation, none of the students in the class expressed sympathy. They just held a little bit of the mentality of watching the good play and quietly followed them. In order to watch the excitement, they even didn't care to eat.

I was still ill, and my whole body was weak. It was like frost hitting eggplant. I was dragged all the way to the school playground by these big men. Along the way, many people saw me as a prisoner, and they immediately came to interest and followed me one after another.

The crowd behind him was vast, gathering more and more. When I arrived at the playground, I found that the playground was already overcrowded. However, for me now, even if the sky falls down, it's just like that. I don't know what I'll face next, but I'm relieved of what happened next. Let's just let them go. Now, living is just a kind of torture for me. I wish I would die.

Soon, I was dragged into the middle of the playground. The crowd standing in the playground to watch the excitement immediately made way for a road. Suddenly, I saw the position in front of me. It was Chen Haoran and his group. Their actions were consistent and their hands crossed in front of me, waiting for my arrival.

At this time, Chen Haoran looks more rampant than ever before, with endless anger in his madness, and Huang cancan standing beside him is even more furious. His eyes filled with resentment.

Lonely and helpless, in the eyes of the public, was mercilessly dragged to Chen Haoran in front of one of my big man, suddenly to my knee joint kick, and with a voice: "kneel down!"

At once, I was so sick that I knelt down in front of Chen Haoran in the unprepared state.

Now, I can't find the meaning of living. I want to see how cruel fate will be and what it will torture me to be.

Gradually, the crowd around more and more dense, more and more noisy, but no one loud noise, only issued a small voice.

Standing in front of me, Chen Haoran has been looking down on me. In his eyes, there was a subtle change, from anger to disgust. After staring at me for a long time, he said coldly: "who in the end gave you the courage to let you still dare to appear in the school."

My eyes are empty, everyone in my eyes, have become nothing. Chen Haoran looked at me like this, and his anger burst out. He bent down and grabbed my collar with one hand, while the other hand suddenly punched me in the stomach.

After one blow, I was in the stomach, and then Chen Haoran took another one mercilessly. He scolded angrily: "you're a real jerk. What I hate most is that you're such an insidious villain. When I gave you a chance to fight in a fair and aboveboard way, you made a sneak attack and used women to pester me and stab me like you How can you stay on campus

After that, he punched me heavily in my stomach, almost all of which highlighted the only sour water left in my stomach, but I tried to hold on and watch my next ending.

At this time, there was a hustle and bustle around: "maybe he is relying on his mental illness, just do what he wants."

"Ah, how thick skinned he is. He attacked brother Haonan behind his back and said that he had defeated others!"

"It turns out that he won by sneaking attack. As a man, he doesn't do men's business."

"He didn't just rely on the sneak attack, but also on the woman. I heard he was dumped by that woman again. He deserved it!"

In the public criticism, Chen Haoran's anger became more rampant. He mentioned me and said, "do you hear me? Don't think that if you win me, someone will take you as a psychopath? People are afraid of your mental illness, hurt others, they have to be respectful to you. I can bear it all, but you still have to push an inch, even to my woman, what do you think I am? dead person? Is it? "His strength was so strong that my face was twisted and the whole person was suffocating. Chen Haoran released me and threw me to the ground. Then, he stood up straight with his hands crossed in front of his chest and looked down at me.

It took me a few seconds to recover. I didn't speak or refute. I just closed my eyes gently and continued to wait for their revenge. Soon, Chen Haoran's voice came over and said, "cancan, you can go to vent your anger!"

In the twinkling of an eye, you even slapped me in the face, even though I was weak, you even opened your eyes to me

As soon as the little sister's fiery temper came up, the aura changed color. I know that she is relying on Chen Haoran to be around, so she has special confidence. At the beginning, she did not dare to revenge me because Chen Haoran was not around her. In the face of such a person as her, I really have nothing to say.

Huang cancan saw that I still did not speak, and she was a little impatient. She directly pointed her high-heeled foot to my chest, which seemed to exert all her strength. The pain made me tremble unconsciously. I tried to endure the sharp pain and let her ravage me.

However, after several beatings, she suddenly stopped moving, looked down at me and said, "Oh, by the way, I suddenly remembered that you said you would pick me up and leave me in the most conspicuous place in the school the other day. Today, I will let you have a taste of this taste!"

When I heard this, I suddenly got excited. I opened my mouth and wanted to open my mouth. But little sister didn't give me a chance. She quickly started to pick up my clothes. I quickly reached out to protect myself. But several big men nearby immediately held me down, making me unable to move. I wanted to ask for mercy, but I knew that this could not stop Xiao Tai Sister, on the contrary, will only make themselves more humble.

I can only bite my teeth and watch my little sister take off my coat and my pants. The pungent woman even wants to take off my underwear. The girls around me turn their heads in shame and even the men who press on me release their hands a little embarrassed.

I immediately took advantage of this opportunity to protect their last line of defense, not to mention the taste of how uncomfortable. And little sister almost tore my underwear, did not take off, in the process of tearing, it is inevitable that there will be some embarrassing touch. But little sister also seems to realize that it is not elegant to do so in public, so she finally stopped, rubbed her hand, and said with disdain: "forget it, it's not neat, I feel sick!"

With that, she stood up directly and went back to Chen Haoran's side. I was the only one left in the huge playground. I was naked and lay on the ground, shivering.

South, may day, it's not cold at all, but my heart is colder than that. There are so many onlookers around, but none of them can help me. They will only whisper about my embarrassment by the side. The crowd's comments make Chen Haoran have a reaction. He suddenly said to little sister: "cancan, have you had enough?"

Little sister immediately coquettish reply: "not yet, like the dead dog, even a voice is not interesting, I must educate him, let him know the truth of respecting people!"

While talking, little sister didn't know where to get a rope. She tied the rope around my neck, and then pulled the other end of the rope and slipped away like a dog.

I have lost all the original, dignity and other things have become worthless to me, but I still retain the last trace of backbone in my bones, I don't want to be at the mercy of little sister, I tightly curl up on the ground, dead still, even if the neck is pulled and suffocated, I still curl up.

Little sister holding the rope, how can't pull me, she immediately let Chen Haoran's men lift me up, I was pulled up from the ground, I want to use the only strength to resist, but it's no use, I don't go, they kick me with their feet.

Finally, I can only be led by little sister as a dog, or a dog that can wear underpants. Little sister walks with crisp steps and arrogantly pulls me. When I walk slowly, the people behind me will kick me from time to time. The onlookers were in a daze. Perhaps they had never seen a man really become a dog and be played around like this. Little sister took me to walk around the crowd for a circle, and finally stopped. Her expression revealed a sense of pride, which made her want more. Then, she once again said to me haughtily, "you just kneel down and lick my shoes, and I'll let you go!"

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