Ha ha, I didn't expect that I would be reduced to this point again. The scenery of the past is infinite. At this moment, it has disappeared. I can't imagine what they will do to me. However, I can only bear this suffering in silence.

I slightly raised my head, looking at the little sister's heavily made-up face, my heart suddenly more desolate, the breeze blows on my body, let my desolate heart unconsciously tremble. I thought a woman loved me, but the love was so fragile. I thought that many people around me worship me and fear me. What they fear is just my neuropathy. All of them are just my self righteous.

I didn't expect to be deprived of even the little dignity I had. At the moment, I really have no strength to fight against this cruel reality, but at least, I still have a little consciousness and keep my backbone. I don't want to try to resist, but I will never be humble.

I am motionless looking at the little sister, my eyes have been completely lost, empty deep not see the bottom. Little sister see I don't know phase, raised her hand and deleted me a slap, curse: "you TMD after all lick or not?"

I still did not have any movement, looked up at the little sister, with my dry and hoarse voice gently said: "Stinky bitch!"

The voice is not loud, but instantly ignited the anger of little sister too, suddenly a foot kicked me down again, and then she used her high-heeled shoes to step on my face vigorously, while trampling and scolding: "what do you say? If you have the ability, please try again!"

Even so, she was not enough to breathe. Finally, she simply took off her shoes and stepped on my mouth with her smelly feet. She kept scolding me. I tried to resist my nausea and hold my breath, allowing my little sister-in-law to ravage me. It was not until she stepped on herself that she could not stand steadily. She finally stopped and said, "forget it, it's no fun to stop playing!"

After that, she twisted her buttocks and walked to Chen Haoran's side. She left. I finally felt that the Sao Qi around me had dissipated. Therefore, I took a few hard breaths to breathe in some fresh air, but the dust was flying. What I inhaled was still the turbid air of reality.

The onlookers are still watching this wonderful play starring me with relish. After the little sister came back to him, he came to me again, squatted down, patted my face, said contemptuously: "my woman's account and you are finished, the next to calculate the account between us, Lao Tzu from the beginning, did not get the knife, but that day was your boy gave you Yin, you say how to do?"

I opened my eyes slightly and looked at the violent maniac who was famous for his ruthlessness. My mouth suddenly curved out of a curve, and replied desolately, "since I stabbed you back, you are poking it back!"

All of a sudden, Chen Haoran's eyes jumped out of anger sparks, his left hand instantly pinched my neck, right hand mercilessly gave me a few heavy slaps, said: "you really think I dare not?"

The corner of my mouth was fanned out with blood, but still hung a bitter smile, I again from the throat issued a very hoarse voice, whispered: "come on, you happy good!"

Immediately, Chen Haoran took out a folding knife from his body and roared at me: "this is what you forced me to do!"

With that, Chen Haoran's knife came at me. After a long time, Zhao Dong, his close friend, suddenly rushed forward to hold him, and dissuaded him and said, "brother Haonan, calm down. This boy, at first glance, he doesn't want to live, and his body is so fragile. Don't really kill people in front of so many people. It's not good to drag you into the water because of his rotten life

Zhao Dong's words were like a basin of cold water, and suddenly woke up Chen Haoran. He looked at me in disbelief and said, "do you really want to die?"

The smile of my mouth grin deeper, the voice that sends out in throat also more hoarse: "have seed, you kill me."

After hearing this, Chen Haoran's eyes flashed with cold light. He suddenly waved his hand and cried out: "hit me hard. I'm responsible for what happened."

As soon as the words fell, his people poured in. All of a sudden, I felt endless pain in my body. My nerves were numb, but the smile on my mouth was still there, as if the pain from my body was like tickling, and some were just comfortable pleasure.

The crowd was talking, but no one came out to dissuade them. All of them were selfish and didn't want to involve themselves, so they would not meddle in their own affairs. It's none of their business. They just want to see the good play well. And I, already have no hope for the world, for these indifferent people, even less hope.

Heart, completely dead, my life, is also gradually passing away, I seem to have noticed that I am going to be far away from this chilling world, but those kicks on my body, proper control, in my pain to suffocate, but no coma that moment, they suddenly stop action.

But then, another foot stepped on my chest, followed by a big spit, spray on my face, my blurred eyes dim see, is Chen Haoran, he is a face of ferocious looking down on me, disdain said: "I don't want to kill people, let you go temporarily, but I give you two days, in this period, I quickly get out of school School, otherwise, I will let you pay a heavier priceWith that, he moved his feet and left with his arms around her proud little sister. Those big men also accompanied Chen Haoran to leave. And the onlookers, with a variety of eyes to see me after a few eyes, in one after another, also embrace the scattered.

On the field, I was the only one left. Chen Haoran left, and no one was willing to come to help me. Originally, this is the so-called human heart. Originally, this is the so-called reality. Ridiculous love, cold heart, why all this is so ridiculous for me, since to torture me, then torture to death, why let me keep a trace of consciousness to sober up, soberly face this ridiculous world.

In the end, I could only rely on myself. I got up from the ground and stood in the scorching sun. I straightened my back and tried to stabilize myself so that my feet would not tremble.

Looking at those indifferent people in front of me, my inexplicable smile, smile so loud, laugh at this ridiculous world, laugh at this realistic society. The more you laugh, the happier you laugh, and the more miserable you laugh.

This bleak laughter, ringing in the noisy playground, spread to the ears of those in front of them. Slowly, those people basically stopped their pace and looked back at me inexplicably. Even Chen Haoran, who was in the front of the crowd, stopped their pace and looked at me because of the crowd's commotion,.

Seeing that I could still stand so straight when I was ravaged, Chen Haoran immediately turned around and walked towards me. With Chen Haoran's return, his group of people rushed over again. As soon as Chen Haoran came to me, he showed his fierce eyes. He looked at me with a little surprise and said sarcastically, "I didn't expect that your mother is really a tough guy, so you fight all the way back It seems that my brothers are too light to stand up! "

With Chen Haoran's return, people who have left in succession have gathered again to look at me and discuss me. I'm still laughing. I'm so unscrupulous that tears of laughter come out.

Chen Haoran, standing in front of me, suddenly took out the folding knife and shook it in front of me. He said, "it seems that if you want to soften up completely, you must have something authentic."

The knife shook my eyes. I narrowed the red and swollen tears, looked at Chen Haoran, and said with a smile: "come on, if you think you are a cow B, you want to be a man, yes, a man, you will kill me!"

After that, I laughed more and more. Now, the anger in Chen Haoran's eyes was raging, and his face also showed an impatient expression. He suddenly squeezed the handle of the knife and growled angrily: "go to your mother's death for me!"

Say, his knife, the twinkling of an eye toward me stab come over, his brother wants to block already too late.

Knife, stabbed into my body, my laughter, suddenly stopped, staring at the boss, this moment, I have no sorrow, no pain, no pain, only a relief. With this relieved smile, I slowly fell on the ground in all kinds of sighs and exclamations. I felt that I had never stopped. But this time, it was not a sad smile, nor a bitter smile, but a happy smile. I seemed to enter another space, which was like a peach blossom land, full of happiness, no exploitation and no pressure Forced, some just enjoy endless happiness.

But such a sense of happiness is still short-lived, I was eventually squeezed back into reality. When I opened my eyes, a familiar face came into my eyes. She had an angel's face and a devil's body. She was a beautiful school doctor's angel sister.

Seeing me awake, she immediately showed a gratifying smile and asked me with concern: "how are you doing? Do you still feel uncomfortable?"

Her voice is very soft, but it can't melt my cold heart, but I don't know why I'm here. My mind is still blank. Later, the angel sister told me that I was in a coma for a day and a night. Fortunately, the knife was not inserted deeply, so there was nothing serious. I would like to rest for a few days.

Before long, the school leaders and counselors also came to see me. They always ignored me. At the critical moment, they behaved quite differently, as if they were very concerned about me.

They kept giving me spiritual encouragement, chattering on many scenes, saying that Chen Haoran had been recorded a demerit. They also said that they had publicly warned some students that no one would openly bully me. Otherwise, they would be expelled immediately and would not tolerate it. I would be relieved to study in this school in the future.

After listening to the nonsense of the school leaders, my heart is even more painful. The reality is still so realistic. Chen Haoran publicly humiliated me, beat me in groups, and even stabbed me with a knife. He was so blatant, but he just remembered a mistake.

It's no wonder that a black sheep like Xiang Haoran can do whatever he wants in school. There must be a very hard backstage behind him. Thinking of this, I can't help but show a bitter smile

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