Haibang, as a big gang, has been inherited for so many years. It is impossible to have no particularity. Among them, dark moon hall is the secret guardian of Hong Gang, and its status is self-evident.

I think it should not only be a place for self-cultivation and self-cultivation. Otherwise, it doesn't need to be so hidden. Moreover, only the high-level of Haibang can live after they retire.

If I'm right, maybe there is the inheritance skill of the Hai Gang in the dark moon hall. Guild leader Peng learned this kind of inheritance when he was closed down for a year in the dark moon hall. After retiring, the high-level members of the Hai Gang lived in the dark moon hall. Maybe they didn't live there for a long time, but guarded the inheritance skill. They were equivalent to devoting all their lives to the Hai Gang.

But if I guess the truth, how powerful are these old monsters? Even if I find the exact location of the dark moon hall, I will rescue my father from their hands. What can I compare with them? How can I get rid of these obstacles?

Thinking about it, I can't help but feel a little discouraged. My ambition in my heart is like a leaky ball, and it's shrinking slowly. However, I still have to move towards this goal. No matter whether the dark moon hall is a hell or a devil's cave, I will try my best to save my father.

In order to achieve this goal, I must be more careful about the dark moon hall. Therefore, I did not stop talking about Peng Xuefei. We naturally talked about the dark moon hall. Then we continued to talk about the dark moon hall. It would be natural for me to continue to talk about the dark moon Hall.

Unfortunately, after talking for a while, I learned that Peng Xuefei knew little about the dark moon hall. Although she was the daughter of the leader of the Hai Gang, Peng Yi never let Peng Xuefei participate in the affairs of the gang. After all, he did not intend to let her daughter join the gang.

Peng Xuefei only knows that the people who live in the dark moon hall are the elders of the Hai Gang and hermits. Although they are all members of the Hai Gang, they are different. It is equivalent to that they are retired cadres. They never participate in the routine affairs of the Hai Gang. Unless the guild encounters a major crisis, they will take care of it. However, it also needs the order of the guild leader, that is to say, to rectify They only listen to the leader.

Peng Xuefei seems to have no idea that my father was locked up in the dark moon hall. If Qi Qi hadn't told me, I would have never heard of my father's whereabouts. However, it is precisely because Peng Xuefei doesn't know the connection between my father and dark moon hall. Therefore, no matter how much we talk about dark moon hall, she can't think of my father, let alone doubt that I'm Suluo.

But after a little chat, the ball in my heart was more and more deflated. Because, I am almost sure that the only way to save my father is to fight with the people of dark moon hall. There is no other way. Even if Peng Xuefei and I become the son-in-law of the Hai Gang, I still have no qualification to go to the dark moon hall, let alone command the dark moon hall People let my dad go.

So, even if I broke into the sea Gang, it would be useless. If I wanted to rescue my father without using force, only Peng Yi would give orders. But it was easy for me to cheat Peng Xuefei. I had to play tricks with Peng Yi, that is, to seek death and let him order his release. There was no possibility at all.

In the end, the only way for me was to fight hard. I had to find out the specific location of the dark moon hall and try my best to save my father.

Although, the difficulty coefficient of this road is too high to imagine, but at least there is still a chance. Even if there is only one chance to lose, I have to fight for it.

But the pain was that we talked around the dark moon hall. I still didn't get the most important information. I still don't know where the dark moon hall is, and this is also the most difficult question to ask. Peng Xuefei finally proposed it before, and naturally cut into this point, but she didn't answer me in detail, so far I still don't know where the dark moon hall is I have to ask again.

So much said. It felt like a big circle, and I went back to the origin.

I picked up the last bit of rice in the plate, then I put down my chopsticks, looked at Peng Xuefei, and asked her in a slightly curious tone: "this dark moon hall is so mysterious. Where is it?"

If I put this sentence in the first question at the beginning, I can't be abrupt any more. Now, at least, I have talked with Peng Xuefei about the dark moon hall for a long time, and after I have shown a natural interest in the dark hall, it will not be too deliberate to ask. However, it is unavoidable to be a bit abrupt, because it is a sensitive issue to know the exact location of the dark moon hall.

Originally, Peng Xuefei and I talked about the dark moon hall no matter how much, but heard me this question, she still had a sense of vigilance, her eyes suddenly showed a inexplicable color, with this trace of doubt, she looked at me foolishly and asked, "do you want to know what this one is for?"

The location of the dark moon hall should be a top secret for the Haibang. I believe Peng Xuefei must have been told many times not to spread it out. As an outsider, if I'm only interested in the mysterious place of the dark moon hall, that's OK. But in the end, I still want to know where it is. It's really strange that Peng Xuefei is unconditional to me Trust, but she is also inevitably curious, but also involuntarily produced a trace of vigilance.

I know I'm still a little bit depressed, but the more I'm at this time, the more calm I have to be. I can't show my horse's feet. Just make up a reason to let Peng Xuefei not feel too strange.So, I tried to suppress the excitement in my heart and keep myself in a calm and light look. After playing the Jiangnan wind, my acting skills have improved. After a meal, I showed a charming smile to Peng Xuefei, and pretended to be relaxed and replied, "I am just curious. I want to know where the senior people will live after retiring. Is it a paradise I want to find a carefree place to live in seclusion with you

This kind of explanation is a bit of a shift in the theme. Peng Xuefei focuses on the second half of my sentence. I know that Peng Xuefei's most longed for life is to live in seclusion with me and lead a life of men's farming and women's weaving. She mentioned this last time in the small mountain village of sun Yihan's family.

Therefore, as soon as she heard this, Peng Xuefei's inexplicable color in her eyes disappeared. Instead, she had a happy smile. She said to me, "I don't know the specific location. I only know that the dark moon hall is located on the mountain outside the Fifth Ring Road, and the environment there is not particularly good. I don't know why the senior members of our sect would meet Live in seclusion there

Peng Xuefei's words immediately aroused the surging tide in my heart. My heart couldn't control the excitement. Finally, I got the most important information and finally knew the place where my father was detained.

Just, this place can't help but let me feel a little trance, the word Langshan, let the tide in my heart stir more and more fierce.

I have heard of the Mangshan Mountain in Peng Xuefei's mouth. It should be regarded as a magical mountain. It is beautiful from a distance, but it is not a tourist attraction. It can even be regarded as a forbidden area. The reason why it is called Mangshan is because it has something to do with its name. There are many snakes on the mountain. That's why it was named after it.

Although the mountain forest is a national key protected area and a dangerous area to remind outsiders not to enter without permission, there are still people who are not afraid of death who want to go up the mountain to catch snakes, but these hunters who are not afraid of death are basically gone.

Now, hearing Peng Xuefei say that the dark moon hall is there, I suddenly realize that it's not the number of snakes in Mangshan Mountain, but the existence of dark moon hall. Those hunters who have never returned to find the location of the dark moon hall and are killed in the end. It can be seen that the people who retire from the sea gang are more terrifying than the wild animals.

However, no matter how terrible it is, I still have to face it. For me, getting the position of dark moon hall is the most important thing. Even if I don't know where it is in Mangshan Mountain, it doesn't matter. At least, I don't have to search all over the H Province to find my father. I just need to look at Mangshan Mountain. Even if there are many snakes on the mountain, I'm not afraid. I believe I will We can find out the dark hall.

With this determination, I suddenly felt calm. My heart was no longer rolling, and my surface was instantly relaxed. I said to Peng Xuefei, "ha ha ha, yes, Mangshan. I have to say that the living environment of the masters is so special. No wonder outsiders don't know it!"

After that, I talked about it and tried to bring it naturally. Anyway, Peng Xuefei had told me everything she knew about the dark moon hall, and I also got the most important information. Since she didn't know where the dark moon hall was in Mangshan Mountain, I had to find it myself.

After passing this topic, I introduced other topics and talked with Peng Xuefei.

Time, so in our two chat quietly passed, until the canteen aunt cleaning, we left the canteen.

After leaving the canteen, we two wandered around the campus. In the eyes of outsiders, Peng Xuefei and I are a pair of very loving lovers. It is also the case in Peng Xuefei's eyes. When walking on the road, she tightly held my hand in fear that others would not know that we were the same. Her face was full of happy smile and her eyes were full of love At the moment, her state is so happy.

But this happiness will soon disappear, because Peng Xuefei has no use value to me now. Even if I find the specific location of the dark moon hall, I will have a big fight with the Haibang. At that time, Peng Xuefei will become the most unfortunate woman in the world.

Often think of this, my heart can not help but the sour, even if I told myself countless times, not soft hearted, but she Peng Xuefei is always innocent ah, she is still so good to me, I put her into the abyss, can I do indifferent?

I deeply remember that when I was in the dungeon, the two of us depended on each other. What Peng Xuefei did for me touched my heartstrings and made me unconsciously have a special feeling for her. Even though I knew that I used her most and couldn't talk about love for her, how can I say that since I became the Jiangnan style, the center of my life has been her After being used to her, I can't help but want to protect her, but in the end, I can change her but only hurt, the most cruel injury.

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