After such a long time of getting along with each other, I don't know what I feel about Peng Xuefei, but the only thing I can be sure of is that I am using Peng Xuefei. She is one of my chess pieces and a guide on the way to save my father. That's all.

I can't change this result, nor can I eliminate the harm to her. All I can do is to give her a short-term happiness in this last little time. Even if I am eager to find the trace of the dark moon hall, and I can't even give Peng Xuefei such a little time, am I still a human?

This may be the last thing I can give her, I temporarily suppressed the urgency of the heart, patience with Peng Xuefei slowly swing on the campus road.

Today's day has no sunshine, the sky is a bit overcast, but there is no rain, the wind is not big, I and Peng Xuefei's world is very quiet, although, she has been talking to me, but her voice is light and gentle, just like light music, listening to will let the heart have a unique quiet.

However, I can't fully put myself into this peace. When the time comes to 3:00 p.m., the urgency in my heart stands out. For me now, time is really too urgent. Every minute and every second of every day should be grasped. In particular, I want to find out the location of the dark moon hall as soon as possible. If I want to go to Mangshan Mountain, I must catch up in the daytime In the evening, don't talk about looking for dark moon hall. I don't even know how to die.

Because the urgency can not be suppressed, I can not delay, can only be cruel to Peng Xuefei, I give her the last little bit of time, there is only so much.

When Peng Xuefei was still immersed in the romantic enjoyment, I suddenly stopped and looked at her with guilt on her face. She said in a soft voice, "Feifei, when I came, my mother told me to go back early. Now it's late, I have something else to go back to first!"

In order to leave, I told a not smooth fluster, such a low-level lie, can only deceive Peng Xuefei, who is deeply in love, unable to extricate herself. Although she is a little disappointed, she also understands me, nods to me and says casually: "Hmm!"

Then, the two of us went straight to the school gate.

Outside the gate, my eyes inadvertently caught a glimpse of a stall on the side of the road, which was full of small jewelry. The price was not high, but the style was very beautiful and novel. Maybe it was out of guilt, maybe it was a little reluctant. I couldn't help stopping by the stall, then picked up a chic necklace and gave it to Peng Xuefei, and said, "Feifei, although your birthday is yours Yes, but I still want to wish you a happy birthday. I hope you will always be beautiful. This necklace will be your birthday present

The gift is not valuable, it is the intention, and its memorial. Peng Xuefei felt my heart, her face suddenly dimpled like flowers, and her eyes were shining with happiness.

Therefore, she was very happy, especially happy, but she did not take the necklace in my hand, but whispered to me: "you help me put it on!"

With that, the corners of her mouth grew deeper and her smile became more beautiful.

I also did not refuse, directly gently tied the necklace on Peng Xuefei's neck, and then, I also cast an appreciative look on her, praising and saying: "it's beautiful!"

This is my sincere words. Although the necklace is not expensive, it is very beautiful, especially in line with Peng Xuefei's style. It matches her hair style, looks and clothes, and it is perfect.

Hearing my praise, Peng Xuefei's smile in her eyes deepened. At the same time, her eyes were moved infinitely, and tears came out. She said to me with tears in her eyes: "Jiangnan wind, thank you, I like it very much!"

Smile with tears, is the most deeply moved, but she did not know, this is my first gift to her, is also the last one.

On the surface, I gave her this necklace as a birthday gift. In fact, I was a farewell gift to her. When she was smiling, I shrunk my mouth and said falsely, "OK, don't stink. Go back!"

On hearing this, Peng Xuefei couldn't help patting me, then showed a kind of coquettish appearance, and said to me: "you won the game, now my father doesn't object to us being together. When will you go to my house to propose marriage?"

Sure enough, Peng Xuefei's biggest expectation is this thing. She wants to be my bride, and she can't wait. I've been avoiding this topic. Now listening to her mention, my heart's bitterness rises again, and the pain is deeper.

But I still did not show this bitterness on my face. Instead, I showed a very gentle smile and said to her, "wait a minute. Now the Sheng family's affairs have not been solved. Moreover, my mother's injury is not good. When these things are finished, I will go again, OK?"

This lie I said is very difficult, said this, my heart is like being pulled, very painful.

Peng Xuefei but as always unconditionally believe, her eyes that happy tears become more crystal clear, can not help, she then stood on tiptoe, in my forehead kiss, immediately, soft voice to me said: "I wait for you!"

With that, she turned and walked with the most pleasant step towards the car where her bodyguard was.

After she got on the bus, the car started, she also put her hand out of the window and shook my arm to say goodbye. At the moment, the sky is still gloomy. Peng Xuefei's arm gradually disappeared in my sight with the movement of her car. I looked at the direction of the car's disappearance and whispered in my heart: "Feifei, I'm sorry, you can't wait for me!"Peng Xuefei left, but I still clubbed in place, this is my last farewell to her, is to say goodbye to our false love. After chasing her for so long, I finally got her hand and let her take out her heart and lungs for me. Finally, I want to change into another person, an old enemy of her family. When she knows this fact, what will she do?

The corners of my mouth gently grin up, showing the most bitter smile.

Then, I suddenly turned around to speed up the pace, get rid of the heavy burden of the whole body, quickly walked to my sports car, got on the car, I directly started the car to gallop away.

This farewell to Peng Xuefei, although there is not to give up, although there is heartache, but it is also a kind of relief, next, I will let go of my hands and feet, regardless of all, speed up, seize the time to move forward bravely.

From the initial incarnation of Jiangnan wind to today's experience of endless ups and downs, but go to this step, the harvest is very big, at least, I know where my father is, even if I want to rescue him, there is still considerable difficulty, but with the accurate goal, I have the fighting spirit, I will do my best to complete this last step, which is also the most difficult step.

Thinking about it, the blood in my body can't help boiling, my speed can't help speeding up, all the way, soon, I came to the Jiangjia manor.

At this time, Wanma was no longer in the villa. According to Uncle snake, he left soon after I left.

I didn't intend to ask for help in this search for the location of the dark moon hall. After all, the more people there are, the easier it is to frighten the snake. Moreover, it's better for me to do it myself. Only when I remember the exact route, can I take someone to save my father. Before implementing the specific rescue plan, I don't want to disturb anyone, let alone disturb dark For those old guys in the moon hall, it's better for me to figure out the position and then make the next plan.

So, I didn't tell anyone about this. I only told uncle snake that I would go out and come back later. If aunt Han came back, let him talk about it for me, and I would immediately put myself into the preparation.

In fact, I changed a set of black night clothes, a duck cap and a pair of masks. I dressed myself in a low-key and easy to move.

At 4:30 p.m., I finished packing. I went to the garage, picked up a brand-new motorcycle, and headed straight for Mangshan.

But as soon as I got to the door of the villa, I met Wanma, who came to meet me. As soon as he saw me, he was busy asking, "Jiangnan wind, you just came back and you want to go out again?"

Hearing his words, I immediately understood what was going on. He himself had just come back from the outside, but he knew that I had not been back to the villa for a long time. Moreover, he followed me out after I went out. Obviously, he knew my whereabouts very well.

So, I asked directly, "you follow me?"

He was also embarrassed. He grinned slightly and said with embarrassment: "Lao Han ordered you to be safe!"

Of course, I didn't blame him, because I knew that this must be Han Yimo's meaning. The Sheng family obviously wanted to deal with me. I was in danger anyway when I was outside. She sent someone to protect me. I was just shocked. I didn't know anything about being followed by him.

From this point alone, I knew that his martial arts had reached the level of perfection. I sighed a little, and then said calmly: "it's OK. You don't need to protect me. I can protect myself myself."

My tone is full of self-confidence, but Wanma is still not at ease, he looked at me, and then showed a positive look, seriously said: "you dress up like this, are you going to do something, or let me accompany you!"

Smell speech, I can't help but take a look at their own dress, a black dress with a helmet on the head, it is really a bit special, so, I did not hide, said solemnly: "I do have important things to do, but this is my private matter, I can solve it myself, you don't have to follow me!"

I really want to find the dark moon hall. The more hidden I am, the better. If I am not found out by anyone, I will fix the specific location of the dark moon hall. This is the best outcome. But if the master of dark moon hall finds out, so many people will only make him suffer more danger. Although his martial arts are advanced, I and he alone can't fight with dark moon at all Don's old monsters, so I don't have to pull him into the water.

What's more, as far as my father is concerned, I haven't told other people about my father's being locked up in the dark moon hall. Because of me, Han Yimo offended the Sheng family, which has already made me feel guilty. If he offended the Hai Gang again, I would be more reluctant to go. What I can solve by myself does not need to involve others.

However, the more serious I am, the more I feel that I have risks, and the look in his eyes has become more rigorous. He continued to stubbornly say to me: "let me help you, more people, more strength!"

I waved my hand and said in a deep voice, "thank you. I know your kindness, but I really don't need it. I can do it myself. Don't follow me!"When I said this, I showed the vastness of my spirit, and my voice was beyond doubt. After that, I directly started the car.

Wan Ma saw that I was so obstinate that he could not persuade me. He did not insist on it any more. He just said to me seriously: "OK, be careful yourself!"

In the end, he chose to respect me. I gave him a smile and said, "goodbye, big uncle!"

With that, I directly turned the gas pedal and rode away with a motorcycle. The target was Mangshan outside the Fifth Ring Road.

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