Half an hour later, I came to the rumored Mangshan Mountain. The area was very desolate. No one could see the ghost shadow. The mountain was overgrown with weeds. Because few people came here, there was no decent road in the mountain. What's more, since I was secretly investigating the location of the dark moon hall, I couldn't be too exposed. I could only park my motorcycle at the foot of the mountain.

I took off my helmet, put on the hat and mask I had prepared in advance, and then I went up the mountain on foot and entered the legendary mountain of Python.

From a distance, the mountain really looks like a fairyland, but when I come here in person, the so-called immortal smell is actually a gloomy fog. In particular, the weather today is also gloomy. The whole overcast day covers the gloomy mountain. I am in the mountain, and I feel very, very depressed. The breath coming from my face seems to bring a little fishy smell, which makes people feel flustered.

The more I went up the mountain, the more chilly I felt. Fortunately, I was brave enough, especially I had a firm will in my heart. Therefore, the external environment could not affect my determination.

Along the way, I was very cautious, and kept searching, looking forward to finding traces of the dark hall, but also to prevent being attacked by snakes.

Sadly, the mountain peak is not high, but its diameter is very large. It is also full of thorns and weeds. It is very difficult to walk. What's more, it is similar in many places. I feel like I'm going to lose myself in this mountain forest. I walk around and find that any place is almost the same.

I breathe the air here, in this oppressive and cold atmosphere, coupled with the road confusion, make my head a little dizzy, but my faith is still firm, I am still focused, keep going in, step by step carefully.

I don't know how long I went. Finally, I found a sign erected artificially, which said: "this is dangerous. No admittance is allowed."

When I saw this stone tablet, I felt as if I had found a new continent. I was so happy that I finally got out of the original place and circled around. More importantly, the slogan of this sign is that this place is dangerous, which directly gives me hope.

The more dangerous the place is, the more likely it is to be the hiding place of the dark moon hall. Almost without hesitation, I entered this so-called dangerous place.

When I got inside, I found that I felt as if I had fallen into hell from the human world in an instant. Originally, the outside was gloomy and depressing. However, the environment inside was even more weird and cold than that outside. Needless to say, the key was that the air was full of the breath of death. There were less insects and birds singing, and there was not much anger at all. It seemed that even animals were afraid of this area I dare not come in.

As a person who doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, I can't help but feel a chill in my back. Some are afraid and some are flustered. As long as a person is nervous, he will lose his pace. After half an hour, I feel like walking into a maze. After half a day, I return to my original position again. This frightens me a lot. I think I hit the wall with ghosts Well, the chill in my heart was even worse. I was sweating.

After walking in the same place for a long time, I finally slowly calmed down. Thinking about it, there can't be ghosts in the world. Even if there are some supernatural events, it must be human. Especially when I think that the dark moon hall is in the mountains, I am more sure of this idea. If there are ghosts and gods, they can't live and moisten.

After I figured it out, I immediately gathered my mind. My eyes were like a scanner, and I scanned the surrounding environment. In fact, this dangerous place is better than the road when I went up the mountain. There are no weeds and thorns here. The road is relatively flat. The main one is that there are more trees, and most of them grow almost the same. I can't tell the difference, so I feel I'm one Go straight in circles.

Well, if I want to break through this dead circle, I have to distinguish these trees.

Fortunately, I have a strong memory and the ability to never forget. As long as my mood is in place, I can quickly write down any details I see. Therefore, calm down, I use my own advantages to remember the characteristics of each tree, feel the environment here with heart, let the surrounding environment, let all kinds of details come into my mind.

Then, I walked cautiously along the way in the direction of my heart. I walked slowly according to my own ideas without looking at it. It was like practicing martial arts and reaching the realm of selflessness.

Sure enough, when I fell into this state, the labyrinth of interference around me was no longer useful to me, and soon I walked out of the labyrinth of bushes.

But I finally got out of here, and I fell into another abyss.

Mangshan really deserves its reputation. It's really amazing. I don't know how long the mountain is. Every environment is different. The road is very winding and rugged, just like a giant snake winding around. But I can clearly feel that the deeper into the mountain, the more dangerous it is. The place I come to now seems to be the center of the mountain forest.

The terrain here is flat and open, but I can't help but give people a gloomy and terrifying feeling, especially when I spent too much time just now. So far, the sky has gradually darkened, and the originally gloomy day has turned grey and black, which makes the mountain more and more terrifying.What's more sad is that I saw a lot of white bones in the process of walking, which is shocking. Are these the bones of hunters who have never returned?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help shivering, but at the same time, I also had a little hope in my heart. If what I expected was right, I was close to the dark moon hall, otherwise, there would be no death here.

However, when I was a little happy, suddenly, I felt something was approaching me, and there was a Shua sound in the grass, as if something was walking. I turned around and looked intently. I found that there were many green eyes around. My first reaction was that it was not the eyes of snakes, but the eyes of wolves. They were fierce and bloodthirsty I reflected that the wolves, as if they had been ordered, rushed at me in unison, at a speed as if they had been specially trained.

Although, my own force has reached a very strong point, but at this moment, I still feel a strong crisis, immediately, my aura burst out, overwhelming.

At the moment, what I have to deal with is not human beings, but fierce hungry wolves. However, wolves are different from ordinary weak animals. They have great lethality. I can never be careless. In a moment, I will show all my momentum without reservation.

I don't know if my aura is too strong. These wolves suddenly stop moving when they rush to me. They seem to be very spiritual. They seem to have felt my strength and dare not to do anything to me. They just stare at me with a kind of fierce eyes.

I suddenly clenched my fist and yelled at the wolves. All of a sudden, the vicious wolves were like ghosts. They ran around in disorder, and there was no discipline at all. This scene deeply shocked me. I don't know what makes them so scared. Is my aura too shocking or my voice very special?

I shook my head and didn't get entangled in this issue, but it was strange. I felt that the wolves were well-trained. They were not like wild wolves. It seemed that someone specially trained them. They were put here to guard the house.

All of a sudden, I had a premonition that these wolves were probably trained by the old monsters of the dark moon hall, and their role was equivalent to that of a watchdog, guarding the dark hall from outsiders.

If I were a normal person, I would have been scared away by the wolves, or I would have died under their mouths. Then I won't have a chance to find the dark moon hall.

Now, I roar away such a big obstacle with a roar. My heart is bound to be excited. Most importantly, through the thought just now, I am more and more convinced that the dark moon hall is not far away.

Therefore, I continued to look for it without any further delay. Without the barrier of wolves, my walking speed was faster. However, it was not easy to find the location of the dark moon hall in this huge mountain. After passing through this flat area, I entered a rugged area. There were many grave buns here, except for some small ones There are some very tall mounds, like hills.

As soon as I got here, I immediately had an intuition that the dark moon hall was hiding in it.

Because the air here is different from every place before. It has been oppressive before, but when I enter here, I immediately feel relaxed and happy. Moreover, I can hear the sound of running water nearby. It can be seen that the environment here is the most suitable for people to live in. In addition, there is a grave in this place, which may be the burial place of the dead people in the dark moon hall.

However, through the gray moonlight, I can see that there are only small mountains and some trees here, and there are no buildings at all. In other words, the dark moon hall is not a building. Indeed, the building is too eye-catching. But if it is not a building, what would the old monster of the dark moon hall live in?

I can't guess, and I don't have time to guess. It's almost dark. It's more and more difficult for me to find the dark moon hall. When I get to the back, I don't use my eyes to look for it. Instead, I feel the breath, because every strong person has a kind of chilling breath.

In the process of looking for breath, the sky has been completely dark. There are no stars in the sky, only the moon in the clouds is looming. The whole space is in a dark place. I can only concentrate, close my eyes and keep walking with my sensitive feeling.

However, the deeper I went, the faster my heart beat and the deeper the chill in my heart. The sweat on my back wet my clothes, and my fear increased dramatically.

At this moment, I really felt that I was walking in hell. It was so terrible that my feet began to soften and my body trembled slightly. But the deeper my fear was, the more I had to move forward. There seemed to be a devil waiting for me. I had to go into the devil's mouth, where I might be looking for the destination.

In order to achieve the goal, I almost hold my breath, do not send out human breath, my steps are very light, slowly forward.

Finally, I went to a place, and I couldn't move any more, because my way seemed to be blocked by something. Suddenly, I opened my eyes and realized that my eyes were blurred. With the help of the extremely hazy moonlight, I felt like a giant dragon lying in front of me. It was a natural giant dragon formed by soil, but this dragon was not domineering and soft Lying on the ground, is facing me is its head, at the moment it, is opening a big mouth to me, very terrible.And his big mouth is like a door, there are more than one person high, do not know whether it is the erosion of the years, its mouth is full of weeds, according to reason, this is just a stone dragon, but the tower in my eyes is like real, I dare not go forward half step, as if, as long as I close to the bloody mouth, I will be engulfed by it, and even, I stare at it more, I feel The dragon is alive, it glared at me, scared my body can not help but step back.

I stumbled over a stone when I retreated. At once, my whole body fell on the ground uncontrollably. I was so scared that I almost didn't scream out this time. However, I know that I am in danger now, and I can't make a sound. Otherwise, I will definitely hit the grass and frighten the snake.

I tried to calm myself and breathe gently. After a long time, I crept up from the ground. Then, I saw my stone and found that it was a small stone tablet, and it seemed that there were words on it.

The night was too dark, and the moonlight was covered by big trees. I couldn't see the words on the stone tablet. So, I took out my mobile phone directly and leaned down to watch. With the help of the light of the mobile phone, I saw three powerful words engraved on this small stone tablet: dark moon hall!

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