After surveying the terrain, I was ready to leave. I was dressed in black. Under the cover of the night, I was not conspicuous at all, but I was still careful. I walked very light and light without making any noise, for fear of being found.

If, I can safely out of here, can safely return to the villa, did not disturb the grass and trees, then, I take this trip tonight is a complete success.

However, I am still far away from success, I am still in the scope of the dark moon hall, still need to be extremely cautious.

Time, the passage of extremely slow, I seem to walk for a long time, but in fact, I did not walk much, just because my pace is too slow, I almost stand on tiptoe.

Fortunately, as I gradually moved away, the attraction of the dark moon hall on my back became weaker and weaker. The farther away from it, the more relaxed I felt, the less fear and depression I felt.

Finally, when I walked a long way and came to a big tree, I felt completely free from the suction and had a feeling of escaping from the heaven. Now, after walking far beyond the dark moon hall, I finally got over my strength. My pale face gradually improved, and my trembling legs gradually became stronger. I couldn't help but help it With the tree, heavy closed his eyes, scattered the sweat on my forehead, and then, I opened my eyes again and took a deep breath, feeling the breath of living.

Finally, my whole body and mind were unblocked, and my spirit recovered a lot. My eyes were fixed on the front, and my eyes were firm. With a trace of happiness and relief, I took a new step.

But I just took a step, suddenly, above the big tree above my head, a strong voice sounded: "the forbidden area of Haibang, do you want to come and go as you want?"

This old voice, from top to bottom, suddenly came, like a bolt from the blue, which caught people off guard. All of a sudden, my whole body was just like being split by thunder. My pupil was enlarged and my body was stiff. Even my soul seemed to be split. I couldn't move.

My nerves seem to have been completely numb, and my inner feelings are beyond description.

Before, within the scope of the dark moon hall, I was like being entangled by a magic spell. The whole person was tightly stretched. I was afraid. I walked carefully. I was so cautious and uneasy.

Finally, when I got to the tree, I finally felt relieved, and finally left the scope of the dark moon hall. Finally, I relaxed my vigilance. However, just when I was rarely relieved, a voice suddenly sounded in the silent night sky, and it still exploded on the top of my head. It was more terrifying than stabbing me in the back. I had no defense at all I'm confused.

It's not terrible that a person brings you terror. At least you are ready to know that he is strong and strong enough to let you have a bottom in your heart. But when a person appears quietly around you, but you are ignorant, this is the real terror. There are people on the tree above me, I didn't feel it at all. It's so terrible, even I didn't know it They think they have hallucinations, or met ghosts.

In situ Leng for a long time, I slowly turned my stiff body, then, raised my head to look at the big tree, this look, my heart is surprised, the original, this tree is really someone.

I can see clearly that there is a thin man lying on his back in the treetop, seemingly resting. As if, lying on the top of the tree is what he often does, it seems so natural.

I couldn't help but swallow my saliva, and then asked, "who are you?"

In fact, I know that what I ask is nonsense. I don't have to think about it. I know that he is the person of the dark moon hall. Facing him, I seem to be not myself. I can't help asking this silly question.

When the figure on the tree heard what I said, he immediately got up and jumped down from the top of the tree. His body was very light. He didn't make any sound after landing. It was like flying skill.

When he stood in front of me, I saw each other's face in the moonlight.

This is an elderly man, his hair is very sparse, the breeze gently blowing, can blow his hair up. The skin on his face was wrinkled, and there was a feeling that he was about to sink into the earth. However, his eyes were bright and shining. In the dark, it was like the eyes of a wolf, which was frightening and frightening.

When I was shocked, the old man in front of me made his old voice again and said to me, "I have forgotten who I am after so many years. However, it doesn't matter. What matters is who are you?"

He looks as if he has reached his old age. His voice is also full of old age, but it is extremely bold, as if it can erode your soul.

In an instant, my heart trembled. My body seemed to be shackled, but my feet seemed to be stepping on a cliff, and there was the possibility of falling into the abyss at any time. Then, all kinds of emotions swept in. I was really a tragedy, a ridiculous tragedy. At the beginning, I even made a secret for myself, and I found the address of the dark moon hall, No one found out.

Now it seems that the people in the dark moon hall have found me for a long time, but they have not made any noise and have been observing me in the dark. Maybe, in front of them, I am a clown, playing a one-man play here.I thought that the guardians of the dark moon hall must have lived in the cave when it was dark. I really didn't expect that there would be someone outside so late. I was directly arrested. Fortunately, I dress up very mysterious, even if they found me, they do not know who I am.

Before I set out, I prepared a mask and a hat. First of all, I was afraid that my identity would be revealed. After all, once the people of the sea Gang knew about my coming to Mangshan, I would definitely suspect that I was Suluo. Secondly, there was smoke around the mountain. I was afraid that there was some kind of poisonous gas in it. Wearing a mask was safe.

But the old man in front of me obviously does not know my identity, this is my last chance, I must make good use of it.

So, I tried to suppress the inner tumbling emotions, so that I tried to be calm. Then, I told a lie: "I am a tourist and I like climbing mountains. When I came to the legendary Mang Mountain, I lost my way carelessly. So I came here and took the risk of offending my predecessors. I'm really sorry!"

I know in my heart that those hunters who never came back may have lost their way or been killed by wolves. However, it is more likely that they touched the position of dark moon hall and the secrets of the sea Gang, and were killed by these old monsters.

So, if I lie, I have little chance to escape, but it's my only hope. I'll give it a try.

However, the hope was dashed in an instant. The old man was so smart that he saw through my lie and snorted to me coldly: "you are solo!"

In a word, it smashed me to pieces. My heart trembled even more. I couldn't believe it. I changed my face again. I wore a mask and a hat. Where did he know I belonged to solo? The most important thing is that the people in the dark moon hall have never asked about the world? How can he know my name, let alone my appearance?

Thinking of this, I forced myself to calm down again. I opened my mouth and tried to refute it.

But the old man didn't give me a chance to speak. He said in a sharp voice: "don't quibble. I can see clearly what you did just now. I'm afraid you came here for Su Qiyao. I didn't expect that you could not only find out your father's detention here, but also find this one. This is really impressive to me!"

Sure enough, the old man has been observing me. No wonder he didn't show up early. He stopped me when I was ready to return home. He was observing my behavior secretly and what I wanted to do.

And my action was very obvious. I came here to find out the location of the dark moon hall, so he had to connect me with Suluo. After all, there was no one else who could save my father so hard except me.

But, I still feel strange, dark moon Hall these don't ask the world the old guy, how can know so much about me and my father?

It seems that it is their duty to detain my father, or some of them have participated in the torture of my father. Otherwise, how could they know me.

But anyway, it was his guess. I didn't have to admit it, otherwise the consequences would be more serious. So, after a pause, I pretended to reply casually: "uncle, I'm sorry, you may have recognized the wrong person, I'm on the wrong way, I'm sorry!"

With that, I immediately turned around and wanted to escape from this place.

But I just walked two steps, the old man who appeared and disappeared suddenly flashed in front of me and blocked my way. He seemed to have practiced the Lingbo micro step, the speed was so fast and the movement was so flexible.

As soon as he stood up, he said to me in a solemn tone: "no one can go out of the dark moon hall. If you are so suspicious, it's even more impossible. Our Haigang is looking for you!"

Listening to his words, he is sure that I am Suluo. Even if I am not Suluo, I will be like those hunters. They will not let outsiders go, and they will not let the secret of the sea Gang leak. Therefore, it is useless for me to reason with him. At present, I have almost no way to go. He has firmly locked me in. But I am not willing to plant here.

Almost out of instinct, I quickly swayed my body and ran across him. Running has always been my strong point. Now, I use this strength to gamble my life for a chance.

But this moment of opportunity was cut off mercilessly again. The old man was just like a ghost. He was so fast that he flashed in front of me and blocked my way. I couldn't get rid of it.

When the old man saw that I didn't know the appearance, his tone became more and more fierce. He directly yelled at me in a angry voice: "if you are sensible, just follow me. I'll take you to see you su Qiyao!"

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