When I heard the old man suddenly say this, I was at a loss. Seeing my father was indeed a temptation for me. I really wanted to see my father quickly. But if I went to see him now, it would not only kill me, but also implicate my father, and completely cut off Ziyi's chance to live.

Even if I want to see my father, I can't do this. Absolutely not. Time is running out. I can't spend in the dark moon hall. I can't let Ziyi die like that.

Thinking like this, my fist was squeezed tightly unconsciously, and my eyes began to turn red. Even if the old man in front of me was terrible, I could only spell it. Suddenly, I gave out a roar like "get out of the way!"

My voice brought out my extreme dissatisfaction, but also brought out my momentum. The mood in my heart, accompanied by the violent air of shuttling, also sent out.

Immediately, I was like a changed person, surrounded by a very powerful aura, which was amazing. However, I could not frighten the old man in front of me at all. On the contrary, he infuriated the hermit expert. His eyes suddenly gave out an extremely strong light, and his voice of dissatisfaction rang through the night sky: "it's really shameless!"

The voice is still floating in the night sky, his body moved, and suddenly attacked me. He is old, but he is strong. I feel that he is not as good as he is. He is wearing a gray white clothes. Therefore, in the dark, he looks like a ghost floating in the air, which is very terrible.

Of course, since I had a dungeon that dark experience, my eyes exercise very keen, especially in the night, I am much better than ordinary people's vision, at the same time, my reaction is also fast, so, in the moment of the old man's hands, my eyes also issued a sharp light, caught his body, and then quickly fought with him.

As soon as I fought, I was completely shocked by the old man's strength. The people in the dark moon hall really did not have a false reputation. I think this force can be comparable with Han Yimo, even more powerful than her. He is only one of the dark moon hall, and there must be more powerful people in it. These people are really some old monsters, too abnormal.

Without two moves, I was shocked by the old man, and I was more than backward. The fight between the masters was within one or two moves, and we could see the strength of the other side. He and I could see the difference immediately.

However, the old man was still a little curious about my martial arts. After he beat me back, he said: "yes, no wonder Peng Yi can't catch you all the time. I didn't think you really have some skills."

After listening to his words, I was shocked again. To my surprise, he called Peng Yi boy. No wonder he was so powerful that he didn't die. I was speechless. Just listening to him call Peng Yi, I knew that his identity must be different, which made me feel like I should give up. What's more, his strength is higher than me Less.

This time, I was completely trapped in the tiger's mouth. There were many dangers in my heart. However, the deepest belief still held me firmly. I still had a lot of things to do. I must escape and never fall here.

Thinking of this, my eyes can not help but become more red, the essence of the eyes more transparent, but my brain in an instant by me empty, I not only let the anger in my body into internal power, at the same time, I forced myself into the realm of selflessness, this is my card, I have raised the card, let my strength to the peak.

When the old man saw me like this, he couldn't help smiling. He felt that he didn't care about me at all. Playing with me was just like playing games. The more I performed, the more enjoyable he would be.

Suddenly, he called out in a cold voice, "take the move!"

With that, he incarnated as a virtual shadow, and impacted on me at a very fast speed.

I will give full play to my best at the moment and fight back.

The two of US fought together again. The battle was fierce. We made footprints and deep pits on the weeds on the ground. Many of the weeds and small trees blocking us were uprooted.

However, the two of us hit the earth shaking again and again. Those innocent plants were constantly injured. I could not hurt the old man at all. His strength was beyond my imagination. This old monster not only had sophisticated moves, but also had unfathomable internal power. I felt that there was infinite power in his body, making it inexhaustible.

However, I can not completely enter the state of selflessness. Last time in the arena, there were so many spectators and so much noise that I could enter the realm of selflessness without being interfered by the outside world. But now, on this desolate mountain, there is silence, and my mind is still affected. I can't immerse myself in the realm of selflessness wholeheartedly.

Maybe my mind has been affected for a long time. My fear is so deep that I can't get rid of it. Since I entered the boundary of dark moon hall, I have been disturbed by restless emotions. At this moment, although I am not within the scope of dark moon hall, I am also around the dark moon hall. Even if I have the ability to defeat the old man in front of me, I am afraid I can't escape. After all, the number of dark moon hall is large, can't we There are people hiding somewhere.

Even if there are no other people lurking around, I can't fight this old man. He is an insurmountable gap to me. I don't have confidence to beat him.Without confidence and fear, I couldn't get into the state of selflessness. The more I hit my heart, the more miserable and painful I felt. I felt like I was fighting a trapped animal. In the end, I was just in vain.

But the old man's state is completely opposite to mine. Maybe it's because he has been lonely for a long time. He can't easily find an opponent at the moment. He regards me as a physical exercise and has been playing with me all the time.

What makes me wonder is that the old man is really like a monster. In the dark sky, there is only a small moon, which is still hidden in the clouds. The space here is very dark. I can see the surrounding environment and the people in front of me because of my special eyesight and keen eyes.

But I didn't expect that the old man's eyes were more fierce. He felt like an owl, he could see things in the dark. No matter what moves I used, he could see clearly, and then easily resist it. Maybe, after practicing martial arts to his realm, he didn't need to look at them with flesh eyes. By feeling, he could find each other's movements and feel the danger. This may be the real strong.

In front of ordinary people, I feel very strong, but compared with the real strong one, I seem too weak. In addition, my mood is not in place, I can't be weaker any more. After playing for a long time, I seem to have become a man without any strength. I am completely controlled by the old man and easily played by him.

At the end of the day, the old man may have played enough and didn't want to play. His face was suddenly grim, and the light in his eyes became sinister. In a trance, he launched the most fierce attack on me.

This time, I really realized his metamorphosis. I was exhausted physically and mentally. My eyes were blurred. I couldn't see his moves clearly. I let his fingers point on me. His moves were similar to Peng Yi's, which was extremely domineering, quick and powerful.

Every time, his hand can point to the acupoints of my body, which makes me feel sad, but not fall down. My body is stiff and upright in place, but my body is overturned, which makes me heartrending.

After he quickly pointed more than ten important acupoints, he stopped.

Standing in the moment, he also put his hands on the chest slowly downward pressure, made a breath action, mouth also murmured: "stop work!"

With the sound of his finishing work, my mouth puffed out a big mouthful of blood. My black mask was soaked with my blood, reflecting a very dark red. Then, my body also fell back.

In the end, I was still paralyzed on the ground, my whole body no longer had the slightest strength, the internal force seemed to be completely scattered by him, the consciousness was blurred, I was like a person who lost his soul, staring at the curved moon in the sky with dull eyes.

The gloomy breath floated by and immersed in my nose wrapped by blood mask, which made me smell the deep sense of despair. My heart was dead and completely dead. Even the faith that had been firmly rooted in my heart disappeared with my fall. I lost my fighting spirit, lost everything, and reached the bottom of despair.

Even, my mind is empty, no idea, do not expect resistance, do not expect to escape, do not expect miracles, completely like a vegetative, slowly waiting for the arrival of death.

At this time, the old man came to me, and his momentum was very strong. He oppressed me invisibly and made my breathing difficult. I was almost suffocated by the blood soaked mask. The expression in my eyes is more and more dull, the body is more and more painful, the heart is more and more gray.

The old man stood in front of me and looked down at me quietly. Then, he even shook his head. It seemed that even he felt sad for my falling into the net and felt sorry that I was about to fall. I couldn't guess his mind. My godless eyes could only see that he slowly fell down after shaking his head.

Then he reached to my ear and tried to take off my mask.

But just as his hand touched my mask and was about to take it off, his movements stopped suddenly, and his expression changed dramatically, from arrogance and indifference overlooking everything to surprise and fear in an instant.

At this moment, he seemed to feel something. Between the electric light and flint, he took back his hand and suddenly turned his head to look behind him.

At once, the old man's voice of great shock suddenly rang out in the silent night sky: "who are you?"

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