From the old man's expression changes, to the movement of his head, to the tone of his voice, and finally combined with his questions, it means that there is someone behind him.

In addition, this man is absolutely not an ordinary person. He can appear without being aware of it. Even, the old man is always aware of it. You know, the person who can appear quietly must be an expert. Therefore, the old man appeared in the tree before, and I didn't find it at all, which proves that his strength is unfathomable.

However, at this moment, there are still people who can quietly appear around the dark moon hall behind the old man. What kind of existence is this?

The whole body aches fast suffocate, my eyes have already blurred, regardless of the pain, I try my best to slightly raise my head and look at the position the old man stares at.

Until then, I found that under a big tree not far away from the old man, there was a man standing upright. He was thin and small, as if the wind would fall. But his thin body is wearing a big black clothes, looks particularly awkward.

In the night, the most striking thing about him is the mask on his face. When the mask is matched with his clothes, he is full of mysterious flavor. You don't need to feel his momentum at all. Just from this dress up, you can see that he is stronger than the old man.

However, he did not show a bit of strong spirit. He dressed strangely, but his momentum was weak. I could not feel it. I know that means that his strength has reached a level I can't imagine. Even masters like the old man have a hindsight on him.

Almost in the moment of falling voice, the old man suddenly stood up, and then, facing the mysterious mask man.

The man was still standing in the wind, as if he had not heard the old man's question. He stood still. Maybe his appearance was too sudden and too silent. The feeling he brought to me was not only mysterious but also terrible, which made me feel cold in my heart involuntarily.

But the old man saw that he didn't pay any attention to himself. Finally, he couldn't help asking again, "when did you appear?"

It seems that the old man has no confidence. Yes, a person quietly appears behind you. This is really terrible. Fortunately, the man did not attack him, otherwise the old man could not stand here safely. Because of this, the old man did not rush to start. He knew the strength of his opponent and didn't dare to mess around. He had to try to communicate with the other party and find out the details of the other party.

Finally, when the old man asked for the second sentence, the mysterious man responded. He moved his feet and said: "don't worry, I don't mean anything. I just came to find my child. He lost his way and didn't know his way home. I'll take him home."

When you talk. The mysterious man came straight to me. His tone was casual and his attitude was sincere. He didn't lie at all. He seemed to be looking for the missing me. He was indifferent to everything else.

It is because of his casual tone and natural speech that I can recognize his voice, which is actually the voice of grandfather Bai.

I am familiar with the voice of grandfather Bai, but I can't hear it wrong. Immediately, my heart pounded and my heart seemed to recover. My blurred eyes miraculously gave out a trace of brilliance, and my soul seemed to return to the attached body.

To tell you the truth, just now I don't know who this mysterious man is. What he brings to me is just mystery. So I see that he doesn't feel lucky at all, but he has a trace of fear in his heart.

But now, I suddenly know that the mysterious man is grandfather Bai. This time, I feel a great surprise. My fear suddenly disappears, and the chill disappears. I suddenly feel that the dark moon hall is not terrible. I finally see the hope of life.

It's not that I don't have fighting spirit, it's not that I don't have passion. No matter what time, I always have a heart of never giving up. However, the strangeness of the dark moon hall and the abnormal strength of the old man make my passion vanish and my heart turns to ashes. I completely become a lamb to be slaughtered, waiting to die obediently.

Until the appearance of white grandfather, it gave me the light of hope and the courage of rebirth.

The mysterious and unpredictable grandfather Bai is really my natural Savior. How many times he has saved me from fire and water, and how many times when I was on the verge of death, he saved me. He seems to have been hiding in secret to protect me and become my guardian. He can bring me a strong sense of security.

At this moment, I suddenly couldn't help but connect grandfather Bai with the ghost king. After all, he could ask Han Yimo, the Great Buddha, to help me. Moreover, his force made me not see through at all, as if there were endless profundity.

Especially at the moment, his dress is really like the legendary ghost king. However, after a close look at his mask, I can clearly find that it is different. In legend, the mask worn by the ghost king is a Shura, which is a very terrible mask. The mask that the white grandfather is wearing today is a mask of Sun Wukong, which is totally different in style. The light body of white grandfather is not like it It's the body shape of the king of ghosts who is domineering and powerful. The most important thing is that the age does not match. Therefore, after a moment, I immediately gave up the idea.

When I was floating in my mind, grandfather Bai was about to come to me. His steps were so light, as if the old man in front of me was just like the air. Power should not exist.The old man who was ignored could not bear it. Even if he had scruples before, he could not bear it at this moment. His anger suddenly burned up, accompanied by his roar: "wanton!"

When the voice dropped, his whole person rushed towards the white grandfather. He was very old, but his figure was extremely sharp. His speed was even more amazing, just like a flash of lightning.

In the fight with me, he didn't try his best to play games. However, in the face of the haunted white grandfather, the old man immediately kept extremely vigilant. As soon as he made a move, he almost did his best, and the momentum was overwhelming.

Such a terrible old man, issued such a fierce offensive, but white grandfather still does not care, the whole person or performance is very relaxed, the pace did not stop. It was not until the old man flashed in front of him that the white grandfather suddenly moved. At first glance, his movement was very slow, but on closer inspection, it seemed to be very fast. It had a kind of illusory flavor, which was hard to see. But in fact, he has really managed to cope with all changes with the same.

A confrontation completely shows the strength of white grandfather. However, the old man was not built. He failed in one move. He launched a more fierce attack again. His moves were changeable, his movements were fierce, and his moves were deadly.

The strength of this old man is really abnormal. Especially, he is in an explosive state. Just like the old demon who has become a spirit, his evil spirit can burn people. I can feel the strong killing intention from him when I lie on the ground.

In contrast, grandfather Bai, like nobody else, has a peaceful mind and his eyes have not changed.

Such an environment, such an enemy, he can do mind without distractions, how strong his mentality is, how thorough his understanding of Kung Fu is.

Just as the old man's finger was about to touch him, the white grandfather moved again. This time, he was not polite, and showed his strong strength directly. His martial arts were not fancy. It was Taiji. I knew all the moves. But the feeling he played was really different. I was much worse than him.

His Taiji is absolutely to the peak. It is not a talent that can be practiced. It is accumulated over a long period of time. Tai Chi and grandfather Bai have been perfectly formed, and the unity of human and martial arts has been achieved.

When Tai Chi was played on him, he was absolutely perfect. With one simple move, he resisted the old man's powerful attack and beat him back.

After repelling each other, white grandfather's body immediately flashed to me, his steps are still very calm, it seems that the old man can't hurt him at all.

But the old man was deeply shocked by the simple two moves of white grandfather. He didn't make a move to the white grandfather any more, but said an incredible sentence: "Tai Chi?"

In the face of the old man's doubts, the white grandfather didn't pay attention to it. He just bent down and picked me up from the ground like a chicken. Then he put me in his waist with one hand. Then, he said softly: "I have found someone. I have to take him home. Excuse me, goodbye!"

Finish saying that, the white grandfather suddenly stepped on the foot, quickly left. At this moment, white grandfather is no longer calm, his momentum suddenly showed out, two thin legs, like a rabbit, extremely fast, in the dark mountains, can run with lightning speed.

At the moment when grandfather Bai ran with me. Behind us came a very loud whistle, like the cry of a wolf, soaring into the sky.

You don't have to think about it. It must be the old man's whistle. It must be a signal of the dark moon hall.

Sure enough, after a while, I heard a rustling sound in the jungle. It seemed that many people were approaching us rapidly, and the danger was coming.

I understood why grandfather Bai could have beaten the white old man, but he chose to run away in a hurry. Originally, he knew that there were many high people around the dark moon hall, not only the old man. He didn't have time to entangle with this man. If the other party's help arrived, he might fall here himself. His ultimate goal was to save my life and take me away from this hiding place Dark moon Hall of dragon crouching tiger.

Although I know that as long as we are still deep in the Mangshan mountains, we will not escape. The crisis still haunts us, but I don't know why. I have unconditional trust in grandfather Bai, especially when I smell the familiar herbal smell on him. I have no fear or worry in my heart. There is only peace.

After unloading the burden in my heart, I was relaxed. My brain seemed to be empty and my body was soft, but my spirit was completely consumed. After the bumps along the way, I was completely shattered. Suddenly, my eyes were blackened, and I completely lost consciousness.

Time passes slowly in my unconsciousness. I don't know how long it has passed. I don't know how long it has passed. It just seems that I have entered a deep sleep. Until a certain moment, I suddenly feel that someone pricks my acupoints, which makes my paralyzed nerves feel extreme pain. The pain stimulates me and makes my spirit rise continuously, just like a spirit protecting body.

After struggling for a long time at the junction of dream and reality, I finally woke up in a cold sweat.Opening my eyes, I looked around blankly. Immediately, there was a familiar smell coming to my face. I remembered that this house was the residence of grandfather Bai in the suburbs. I lived several times, so I felt the familiar smell.

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