When I woke up, there was only the smell of herbal medicine that I was familiar with. At the moment, it was still dark outside the window, and there was a dim light in the room. Through the light, I saw the kind face of grandfather Bai. He was still such a skinny old man. He could not feel a trace of domineering smell. He was just like an ordinary old man.

See me wake up, he smile, gentle said: "wake up!"

I nodded stupidly, at this time, my eyes still seem to be a little numb, the body seems to be stiff, but there is no that kind of heart rending pain, a bit numb.

White grandfather saw me nod, immediately bent over the body, put in my body all the silver needles to pull down, immediately, just mouth said: "I'll go to bring you the medicine!"

As soon as the voice dropped, grandfather Bai went out.

Pull out the silver needle, I just recovered a little consciousness, not so numb, limbs can gently move, with the passage of time, the activity more flexible, my eyes also slowly have God.

After that, grandfather Bai came with a bowl of medicine. After I drank the medicine, it was like opening up the whole body's meridians. It was very comfortable, and my energy couldn't help being full.

In the dark moon hall, I was hit by many acupoints by the old man. I was as weak as a paralyzed man. Now, after the adjustment of grandfather Bai, I recovered my vitality. He is an old doctor. Any problems can be solved by him. Now I have such a special constitution. Also thanks to him, for his kindness, I am almost accustomed to, he helped me too much.

I don't think I have any discomfort. Instead of lying in bed, I just get up, put on my clothes and watch the time. Now it's two o'clock in the morning. I started from the villa at 4:30 in the afternoon. It's been so long. In this day, I seem to have experienced a samsara. Fortunately, I still stand here safely.

White grandfather saw my vitality, can not help but show a gratifying smile, his eyes also take a bit of appreciation color, can not help, he began to praise my physical fitness, recovery is faster and faster.

He didn't seem to care about the things on the mountain, but I only care about it. So, I didn't listen to his praise, so I just changed his topic and asked him in doubt: "grandfather, how can you appear?"

Today, I went to the dark moon hall. I didn't tell anyone that the mountain environment was special and similar to a labyrinth. I had to work so hard to find the dark moon hall.

Dark moon hall is so mysterious, how can grandfather Bai find it?

The first possibility is that he knew the location of the dark moon hall for a long time.

The other is that he followed me, which seems to be more likely. I always have a feeling that grandfather Bai is protecting me all the time, if not. He couldn't have saved me so skillfully every time.

Sure enough, when I heard this question, my grandfather Bai gave me such an explanation: "last time you and Miss Peng were caught together, I didn't protect me well, and I was almost blamed by linger. So this time you come out, I have been secretly watching you, afraid you will have an accident!"

His explanation was in my expectation, but he said that protecting me was due to Bai Ling's entrustment. This is really a little unreasonable. Because of Bai Ling, he gave everything to help me protect me?

I don't believe it. I feel that things are not so simple. In my subconscious, grandfather Bai appeared since I came here. It seems that it is not accidental that he saved me so many times. It seems that his duty to stay here is to protect me.

According to the law, grandfather Bai should live in his hometown to take care of Bai Ling, but he didn't. instead, he stayed here to protect me. It's so weird. I don't understand it. I really can't understand it.

But last time. Peng Xuefei and I were caught in the dungeon. It's strange here. Only this time, grandfather Bai didn't show up. Even after I was imprisoned in the dungeon for more than ten days, he didn't show up to save me.

Finally, I was able to survive on my own. After returning to the city, I was tortured by Peng Yi near Peng's manor. It was Han Yimo who appeared to save me. She was so mysterious that she appeared in front of me for the first time, as if because of my arrest.

But where did grandfather Bai go? What is he doing? He should have been protecting me all the time?

In this way, I think grandfather Bai is lying. He didn't tell me the truth. However, since he deliberately conceals it, I don't want to cling to this issue. No matter what, he is protecting me for my good.

Pause for a moment, I still sincerely said: "thank you, white grandfather, you saved me again!"

For my thanks, the white grandfather is used to, does not care, he is still that pair of indifferent posture, indifferent in and a little let people guess the depth.

Seeing him like this, the doubts in my heart surged out again. Unconsciously, I opened my mouth and asked, "but, grandfather, the dark moon hall master is like clouds, how did you escape?"

I really can't figure out the strength of grandfather Bai. I don't know how strong he is. However, he can escape from the old monsters of dark moon hall with me. It's really incredible.However, I felt so incredible, Grandpa Bai wrote back to me: "my fighting skills are not top-notch, but the ability to escape life is invincible!"

And then he showed a hint of a souring look to me, as if proud of it.

Grandpa Bai is an old boy. He is very serious when he is serious. He is joking and joking. I can hardly tell what he is thinking under his languid expression. But he said he was the first-class escape, and it seems that this is the same thing. According to the signs of these days in the city, Grandpa Bai is really like a recluse. He can always hide around you without a ghost. You can't detect it at all. His concealed pursuit skill is really beyond the reach of no one. With his strength, it is not impossible to escape in the dark moon hall.

So thinking, I did not ask about this again. Grandpa Bai was a high-level person for me. I didn't have to go to the bottom of his martial arts and couldn't find out.

But, although I have completely escaped from the Tiger now, I am not happy to get up, because I was exposed, and I was shocked by grass. The people in dark moon hall finally found me and guessed my identity.

Unconsciously, my eyebrows wrinkled. I sighed to Grandpa Bai, who was not very angry: "I have found that my father is in the dark hall. This time I went to the mountain to explore the location of dark moon hall, but I didn't use it. I found the dark moon hall very easily, but exposed myself!"

I said, my eyes became more dim. Originally, I wanted to find out the specific location of the dark moon hall quietly, find out the route, and then take people to attack them. But the fact is far from that I thought. The old ghosts in the dark moon hall were so terrible and terrible. They had discovered me. If it wasn't for Grandpa white, I didn't have a little bit of a bit Opportunity to escape, this sad self, think of all self shame.

However, Grandpa Bai listened to me, but he didn't think it. Instead, he said to me with a little appreciation: "you don't have to blame yourself. You have done well enough. You can not only inquire about the place your father is holding through your own efforts, but also find the dark moon hall. It is really not simple. I see your efforts these days. Your progress is very fast and your talent is very fast There are few in the world. You have really improved a lot, and have not failed my hard work.

As for the snake, you don't have to worry. Dark moon hall is the most secret hall mouth of the gang of the sea. They are arrogant. You escaped from them. Nobody will say anything like this. So, you don't have to worry! "

Grandpa Bai's words sound reasonable. Dark moon hall is the most powerful in the Haigang or in the whole h provincial city. All the monsters who live in it are old monsters with strong strength. They should be very confident about themselves. I escaped from them. This is a great shame for them. They will not contact with the outside world, and even more I will not want to contact the gang in order to say this shame.

Therefore, this should not be passed on to Peng Yi. I don't need to worry about it. But even so, my heart is still very poor.

After two seconds of silence, I couldn't help worrying and said, "what if they transferred my father?"

Hearing this, Grandpa Bai was all very handsome. He said nothing: "transfer? Ha ha, for the Haigang, is there a safer place than dark moon hall? And, do you think the dark moon hall people will be afraid you to save your father? Maybe they are looking forward to you, waiting for you to get into the mouth! "

Wen Yan, I can't help but be stunned. Grandpa Bai is right. Since the old monsters in dark moon hall have such high self-esteem, they will not be scared by me. Even if Grandpa Bai shows his own place, he can not escape by escaping. How can dark moon hall be frightened by us. Besides, I really have no strength to deal with dark moon hall and rescue them My father.

Thinking of this, I am filled with thick haze, feeling very ashamed.

Grandpa Bai saw me like this, hurriedly and said, "but you don't have to worry, dark moon hall is not as terrible as you think. You can still fight against people around you!"

Relying on the people around me, Grandpa Bai is reminding me that I can make the best use of human resources. I was planning to find out the specific location of dark moon hall and then take people to attack. After all, it was a night by myself, and I had to summon people to attack the dark moon hall.

In terms of manpower, my father's old Department, uncle Yang and others, it is certain that he will help me. My own organization doesn't need to say, even the flying car party can be called up. However, there are only a few people. There are no top experts. I am afraid that when there are more people, they will be destroyed by the old monsters in dark moon hall. But grandpa Bai said, the people in dark moon hall have no one So terror, maybe we are so powerful that one person drowns them with spit.

Anyway, everything is still unknown. I don't know the overall strength of the old monsters in dark moon hall. I feel that if I can take the master to win the game in the past, it may be a little bigger.

By my side, the most powerful person should be Han Yimo. She is not only her own strength against the sky, but also the old friends with high strength.

Remember Han Yimo, I suddenly remember, she is not the white grandpa introduced to me? In a word, I really have no substantive relationship with her, because grandpa white, we are both led together.I'm still very puzzled up to now, what kind of ability does grandfather Bai have? How can Han Yimo spare no effort to help me?

With this trace of doubt, I directly asked my grandfather Bai, "by the way, the master of the Jiang family treated me very well and saved me, but I heard that she used to follow the ghost king. How do you know her?"

After asking, I raised the spirit of the whole person, looking at the white grandfather attentively, waiting for his answer.

But grandfather Bai, an old urchin, is very relaxed and casual every time I ask him something that I think is incredible. When he hears my words, he just smiles and says, "I'm a little old-fashioned. Shouldn't I? Don't talk about Han Yimo. I know the ghost king! "

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