Grandfather Bai is a mysterious old man to me. When he said this, his eyes were shining, and he seemed a little excited. At this moment, he didn't seem to be lying, as if he really knew the ghost king. However, Han Yimo and the ghost king had such a close relationship, and grandfather Bai and Han Yimo were old friends, so it was not necessary for him to know the ghost king Yes.

Grandfather Bai is really a mystery. I can't see through him more and more. For his words, for a while, I don't know what to say. Seeing that I am entangled, grandfather Bai seems to know what I want to say. He suddenly put aside his playfulness and said solemnly to me: "boy, if you want Han Yimo to help, you can go straight ahead Tell her, she will help you, but now you have to hurry up. After all, there is not much time left for you. Ziyi can only last ten days at most! "

White grandfather's meaning is very obvious, he is very sure that Han Yimo will help me, which is a good thing for me, but he later talked about Ziyi, which inevitably made my heart suddenly rise, I did not hesitate to say to him: "take me to see Ziyi!"

Although I had known for a long time that Ziyi didn't have much time, which was also the reason why I reminded myself to hurry up every day. However, when the countdown came, I still couldn't help but panic, and a sense of uneasiness sprang up in my body, becoming more and more fierce.

My favorite woman is about to leave me. This kind of taste is really indescribable. I dare not face it, but I am eager to see her. After saying that, I went out of the room with my grandfather Bai and went to the room where Ziyi was.

Ziyi still lives in the original small room, and has not moved. The room she is in is unchangeable, simple and narrow, and has a strong smell of Chinese medicine. However, Ziyi still lies quietly on the small wooden bed, motionless.

She looked worse than I had seen last time. She was completely tarnished. Her lips were pale, her skin was dry and her eyes were sunken. She looked like a corpse.

Seeing her like this, my heart suddenly twisted. I was afraid, really afraid that she would die like this. She had suffered so much pain. How could she die so regretfully? I can't let her die, absolutely not.

When I was immersed in pain, grandfather Bai stood by and talked to me about Ziyi's condition. She said that she could last ten days at most. During this period, I had to get blood Ganoderma lucidum before he could make Ziyi wake up. If he didn't get it, he would not be able to save Xu Nan.

That is to say, in these ten days, I not only want to save my father, but also get the blood Ganoderma lucidum to save Ziyi.

Referring to snow Ganoderma lucidum, I can't help but think of another dying girl. Qiqi, her days are not many, less than a month. If I can, I really want to divide the blood ginseng into two and treat both of them well. Therefore, I can't help but ask grandfather Bai: "grandfather, can a blood Ganoderma lucidum save two people at the same time?"

White grandfather listened to the root did not think, decisive reply: "no, especially Ziyi this situation, not even more, blood Ganoderma lucidum is just a drug guide, I also need to cooperate with other drugs, in order to fully play the efficacy!"

Grandfather Bai's words completely annihilated the only bit of luck left in my heart. Without both, fish and bear's paws can't have both. We can only ignore Qiqi and keep Ziyi. I have no choice but to save Ziyi. As long as I still have one breath to live, I will try my best to save her. The rest I have to put aside temporarily, even if I forget my gratitude I will not hesitate to be unjust.

After a pause for a while, I was stunned for two minutes. Then, I turned my head and said solemnly to grandfather Han: "I know. I'll get the ginseng as soon as possible. It's so late. Go to rest first. I want to stay alone with Ziyi."

Smell speech, white grandfather also did not disturb me, just concerned said: "well, but you are still injured, also early rest!"

The voice fell, he walked out of the room, immediately, the small room only left me and Ziyi two people, the window is still dark, the moon seems to hide, insects and birds also rest, no cry, outside a quiet, the room is very quiet, the smell of traditional Chinese medicine in the air, stimulate my nerves, my mind began to fly, deep heart Heavy.

When I entered the University for the first time, I felt the sad university life. Not long ago, I met Ziyi. The changes of my life, my growth and transformation fell into Ziyi's eyes. She and I experienced a lot, and saw me from the previous cowardly and incompetent to today's tyrant. However, from that day after the battle of the five halls, she lost consciousness and she lay here She missed this period of my life.

For her sake, I incarnated as Jiangnan style, and became an eccentric and powerful rich childe. But Ziyi didn't see me like this. She didn't witness my life story since I became the Jiangnan wind.

Therefore, I almost subconsciously told her the experience of these days intermittently, for so long, I have never opened my heart to speak, no matter who, I have reservations, I live a hypocritical life, many things are difficult to say, but I did not take into account the coma of Ziyi, happily chatted with Ziyi, whatever she has not witnessed I'll say what I think of, especially the three women who are closely related to me.Lin Shihan, who died for me, Peng Xuefei, who was cheated and used by me, and Qiqi, whose life is coming to an end, are all good women. I told Ziyi about their good, and I also told them my guilt.

I'm sorry for them and betrayed their kindness to me. In front of Ziyi, I constantly tell my fault, but if I'm wrong, I don't regret doing it, because I have to do this for Ziyi. This road is my own choice, and I will go on without hesitation.

Therefore, the past does not affect my determination, but makes me more firm. Anyway, I will save you, Ziyi.

I almost hysterically yelled at the comatose Ziyi: "Ziyi, I will get the blood Ganoderma lucidum and save you. You must persist, you must persist!"

With this sentence, my whole person seems to be loose, the body is also weak, time has no sense, came to four o'clock in the morning, I finally deeply looked at Ziyi, and then went back to my room to rest.

This sleep I sleep very deep, but the dream is very chaotic, very real, as if the next ten days in my dream first, thrilling and shocking, I fight in the dream, in the dream fight, in the dream fight, but at the end of the dream, I fell in the battlefield, then lost my life, ended my miserable life.

The moment I fell down, I suddenly woke up, only to find that this is a scene, a terrible bloody dream, at this time, I have a cold sweat, palpitation, my dream in the end is death?

No, dream and reality are the opposite. I believe that in reality, I will live, I will succeed, and I will achieve my goal. After lying on my back for a long time, I can get rid of my dream completely. Then, I got up from the bed.

At this time, the sky has been clear, the time came to seven o'clock in the morning, I did not go out of the room, just came to the mirror, looking at his face, dazed.

This is the face of Jiangnan style, which represents the life of the second generation of rich people. In fact, I haven't been wearing this kind of shell for a long time, or even very short. However, I feel that I have experienced something that ordinary people may not experience in their whole life. Among them, there are sweet, bitter, sour, painful and spicy. The taste of life is really colorful, and the things I have experienced are ups and downs In the middle of the storm, I'm in the middle of the storm, and I'm in the middle of the big black. I'm in the middle of the big change. I'm in the middle of the big black. I'm a big change.

In H Province for a long time, I have learned a lot and changed a lot. At the same time, I have seen through a lot. I am no longer the former Suluo, nor the one who was slaughtered at the beginning. Now I have changed and even I don't recognize myself. I have made some things that I can never imagine before, this germplasm change Change, I don't know whether to be happy or sad.

I don't know how long I have been standing in front of the mirror. The face of Jiangnan wind is more and more clear in my eyes. Everything about Jiangnan wind is floating in my mind.

I seem to be infatuated, immersed in this complex emotion, immersed in the memories of this period of time, I forget the time, forget all, even, forget my real identity. At this moment, I am still the Jiangnan wind, still representing the Jiangnan wind alive.

Finally, the white grandfather who knocked on the door woke me up and let me return to reality slowly from the state of uncertainty.

White grandfather see I have been looking at the mirror in a daze, his eyes can not help flashing a trace of surprise, he went straight behind me, to me have this puzzled asked: "Arlo, you have a good rest?"

I didn't look back when I heard grandfather Bai's words. I just looked through the mirror and looked at the white grandfather in the mirror. All the complicated emotions were scattered in my eyes, leaving only fortitude in my eyes.

After a while, I was staring at the white grandfather firmly and solemnly said: "grandfather white, help me prepare the potion to wash off this pair of makeup, I want to restore the original appearance!"

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