Farewell to Jiangnan style and become my real self, Suluo. This is the first thing I will do next.

White grandfather suddenly heard me say this, his eyes inexplicable color do not feel even more, he slightly frowned, again asked: "why?"

Smell speech, I still did not look back, eyes are still looking at the white grandfather in the mirror, eyes firm, serious voice said: "I already know where my father is, I don't need this identity!"

For me, Jiangnan wind's mission is to get close to Peng Xuefei and get out of my father's prison. Up to now, I have completed my mission and achieved my goal. I have made Peng Xuefei fall in love with me, and she has told me what she knows. In other words, I have got the information I want from her mouth, and she has already treated me No use value, I don't need to use her any more. If I can, I don't want to hurt her any more.

As long as I take off the skin of Jiangnan style now, Jiangnan wind and Suluo are the same thing. Maybe it will become a secret forever. In the future, people may not know that the legendary Jiangnan style is actually Suluo.

In this way, Peng Xuefei may suffer less harm. At least, she will think that Jiangnan Feng really loves her all her life, which may be the most precious wealth for her.

In addition, if the people of the Haigang knew that Jiangnan wind was Suluo, Han Yimo would be the object of shielding me. The Haibang would definitely transfer her anger to her. She had already offended the Sheng family for me. I don't want her to offend the Hai Gang because of me Yu, whether she will help me deal with the dark moon hall, I have to discuss this with her, rather than directly drag her into the water.

Therefore, removing Xu can's face is the result of my thinking for a long time. However, just after I finished this sentence, my mobile phone rang suddenly.

The sudden bell interrupted my conversation with my grandfather Bai. I immediately took out my mobile phone and saw that it was Peng Xuefei who called.

In fact, I am eager to remove the Jiangnan style make-up. The main reason is Peng Xuefei. I really didn't expect that she just called. I don't know if it's a good idea. Does she feel that the Jiangnan wind is going to disappear?

In a moment, my heart and a touch of melancholy, pause for two seconds, I still connected the phone.

Immediately, Peng Xuefei's urgent voice came from the other end of the phone: "Jiangnan wind, I dreamed last night that you didn't want me. I was scared to death. Are you free today? I want to see you! "

Hearing this, my heart was stabbed. Sure enough, love a person to a certain depth, there will be telepathy. Peng Xuefei loves me too much and cares too much about me, so she is afraid to lose me subconsciously, but the reality is that she will really lose me and lose me forever.

I didn't expect that she would really feel this. She was so afraid that I would leave her, but I had to leave her. My heart was torn up. Self blame and guilt tightly pull me, let me can not release, I know, I completely hurt a girl, no matter how I want to minimize the harm to her, I am destined to let her suffer the pain of losing her love.

After a long pause, I said, "Feifei, I can't go out recently. The people of the Sheng family have actions. My mother is afraid that I'm in danger, so I can't go out at this time. I'll meet you after I solve the problem of Sheng family, OK?"

Since I was with Peng Xuefei, lying has become my talk. It's at your fingertips, and it's well founded.

Xia Xiaoxiao is not brainless. She loves me so much that she believes in my words. However, even so, she is still sad. Her voice is so pitiful that she says, "can't I go to your house to look for you?"

Her voice made my heart hurt more. I tried to bear the tremor and continued to lie: "well, I'm not at home now. My mother is afraid that I'm in danger. She took me to a secret place. I can't see anyone else for the time being. I'm afraid I'll have an accident. Feifei, I'm sorry. You should stay at home first."

Peng Xuefei is also a sensible girl, will not be dogged. Although her fear makes her want to firmly grasp me, her love for me is too deep. She would rather bear such suffering on her own, but also think for me, knowing that I am in danger, she is more unlikely to embarrass me.

After a few seconds, she said to me again, "it's OK. I'll wait for you. If you can come out, you must come to me."

Her waiting will be endless, will let her more and more heartbroken, more and more haggard, the thought of this, my heart's guilt is deeper, sadness wrapped me up, but, I still want to use the most cruel lies, to cover all the lies woven in front.

I suppressed the sadness and deep pain, and swore back: "Feifei, don't worry, I will!"

At this time, I already saw my eyes red from the mirror. If I continued to speak, I might cry, so our chat ended.

I gave Peng Xuefei a promise that will not be fulfilled, let her keep the promise of nothingness, and wait for the Jiangnan wind which does not exist at all.When I hung up, the white grandfather behind me immediately understood what was going on. He didn't say anything more and didn't chase me to ask again. He just said in a deep voice: "I'm going to prepare the potion. You can wash your face!"

With that, grandfather Bai went out of the room directly, and I stood there, looking at myself in the mirror, making a final confession, and formally saying goodbye to this face. Then, I went to the bathroom to wash.

After washing and gargling, I went back to my room. At this time, grandfather Bai's Potion was also ready. I immediately consciously lay down on the bed and began to accept grandfather Bai's makeup removal.

The process of removing make-up is not troublesome. At least it is much easier than putting on makeup. Grandfather Bai used his specially made liquid medicine to clean my face bit by bit. I don't know what kind of medicine he mixed. It smells very bad. When I apply it on my face, I feel numb and numb. After numbing, I feel the burning pain on my face.

However, I am used to suffering from pain. I don't care about this pain. I just take it as if it doesn't exist. I just have a quiet rest with my eyes closed.

With the passage of time, the memory of Jiangnan wind in my mind, life, is slowly disappearing. When I am completely free from the memory of Jiangnan wind, grandfather Bai has already wiped it for me, and then he uses water to clean my face.

Suddenly, I heard the white grandfather's voice like the sounds of nature: "OK!"

These three words were introduced into my ears and stimulated my nerves. All of a sudden, my eyes suddenly opened. Although I still can't see my face, I can't help feeling free from bondage. I don't need to camouflage any more. I don't need to live under a human skin mask. I don't need to be self disobedient. I finally return to myself.

This time, I only felt my body full of vitality. Almost in two blinks of an eye, I turned over from the bed and walked to the mirror.

It seems that Su Li's face has changed from that of Tianluo in the past, but this is not my face.

Before entering H Province, I found grandfather Bai to destroy my face. When I came to the provincial capital, I lived with an ugly thirteen for a period of time. After I was in a coma in Wutang, grandfather Bai saved me and restored my appearance. Later, I changed my appearance to Jiangnan style. Today, I washed off the makeup of Jiangnan style.

A face after so many times of processing, of course, become not exactly the same as before, although, Suluo's mold is still there, but my facial features at the moment look more correct. Coupled with the profound experience of this period of time, my face has more fortitude, more mature charm, and the whole person looks more manly.

In my mind ups and downs, white grandfather's voice suddenly from behind me: "what are you going to do next!"

I immediately took back my mind and gave the white grandfather a few words: "go back to the old place, look for help!"

In a simple word, it represents my determination. This is also the first thing I need to do to restore my identity as Suluo. Anyway, for me, I have really tried my best and I have done everything I should. The place where my father was detained has been found out. Then, I will use all available resources to rescue my father from the dark moon hall.

Besides, I have been here for several months, and I should go back to see Uncle Yang and my brothers. Since I came here, I haven't contacted them. After so long, I don't know how they are now.

During this period of time, I lived as someone else here. I completely lost contact with them in the past. Even when I changed my mobile phone and changed my mobile phone number, I didn't even have their contact information. I don't know whether those brothers are OK?

Don't need me to explain. Grandfather Bai understood what I meant. He nodded at me and didn't say anything more.

I stood for a while, then turned around and looked at the white grandfather behind me. A copy of the book said to the white grandfather: "grandfather, in the next few days, please take care of Ziyi for me, and then prepare other medicinal materials. I will definitely get them on time. There's not much time left for me, so I'm not delaying to get ready to go! "

With that, I bowed deeply to the man who saved my life. Then, I resolutely turned and left.

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