Now, time is life for me. When I had the last month left in Ziyi, I was very anxious. However, at that time, I was taken to the dungeon by the damned steward, which wasted half a month. When I came back, I met Sheng Mingjie, a troublemaker, to compete with him, and to inquire into the dark moon hall For a few days, seeing that the time is getting less and less, there are only ten days left. I must seize every minute and every second without any delay.

However, just after I opened the door and walked out of the room, grandfather Bai suddenly stopped me: "wait a minute!"

I stopped and turned my head to look at the white grandfather inexplicably.

White grandfather did not wait for me to ask what, directly quickly stepped out of the room door, and said to me: "you come with me!"

I looked at the white grandfather's thin back, stupefied for two seconds, then, I took a step, followed his steps.

Seeing his solemn manner, I thought he had something important for me, but I didn't expect that he walked out of his house and walked out into the mountains.

It was not until he came to the highest part of the forest that grandfather Bai stopped. He stood on the high ground, overlooking the forest below, and did not move.

At the moment, the white grandfather, with a generation of fairy demeanor, the wind gently blowing his clothes, let him more momentum.

I've been to this place before. Standing on it, the whole person will open up their horizons and be relaxed. The scenery is very pleasant and the air is very fresh.

But what makes me wonder is, why does grandfather Bai take me to see the scenery, or when I am in a hurry?

No, since grandfather Bai has brought me here, he must have his intention. He will not miss my time for no reason.

So, I directly accelerated two steps, came to his side, stood side by side with him, overlooking the beautiful landscape.

After a brief silence for a while, grandfather Bai finally opened his mouth and said meaningfully, "Suluo, after my observation, I find that you have made a new breakthrough in martial arts, and you have realized the way of mind!"

After hearing this, I realized that grandfather Bai talked to me about my martial arts. However, I didn't quite understand what he said. Unconsciously, I turned to him and asked, "what is the mind?"

Grandfather Bai's eyes did not change. He still looked at the distance. He only spoke softly. He replied leisurely, "mind is the state of mind. You can ignore the external environment and be undisturbed. This is the highest level of martial arts. Real masters will reach a certain level of state of mind, and even some people will reach the peak. When the mind reaches its peak, you can do whatever you want, and you will not be constrained by the moves. If you have no moves, you will be able to turn corruption into magic! "

Although I didn't understand the words of grandfather Bai thoroughly, I finally understood what he meant. What he said must be the realm of selflessness that I realized in the martial arts contest with Sheng Mingjie. Yes, it was this epiphany that led to the defeat of Sheng Mingjie.

It can be said that in the end, my strength in this area is still a rookie. When it comes to fighting with the old man of dark moon hall, the environmental factors and the strength of the enemy have greatly disturbed me. In the end, I didn't show my best state at the last point, so that I was defeated miserably.

In fact, I also feel that the state of mind is particularly important. It can even be said that the moves and internal forces are far less important than the mood. He can really achieve the most profound and unpredictable moves like grandfather Bai. However, he can make the greatest effect. That is, his mood is so much stronger than me. Therefore, I did not hide, and I told him everything I understood to him emerge in its totality.

And the reason why grandfather Bai asked me to stay was that he saw that the way I understood was not mature. He came to instruct me specially. After listening to my narration of his own mind, he immediately pointed out my problems, corrected them, and told me the matters needing attention. Even, he tirelessly taught me the realm he understood.

After this instruction of grandfather Bai, I immediately solved many doubts in my heart. I just felt like I had discovered a new world, so novel and excited.

The more I listen, the faster my heart beats and the more I feel happy. Sure enough, there is no end to learning. You have no foundation in martial arts. It depends on your own understanding ability. It's never too late to learn. This is a famous saying. Everyone has room for improvement, especially a genius like me, who has very high talent but little experience.

At the end of his speech, grandfather Bai said to me word by word in a very serious tone: "the heart of this thing, ultimately depends on their own to understand, savvy and talent is the most important, I have not fully understood this aspect in my life, has been stuck in a point, can not progress, but, Suluo, I believe you, your talent and understanding are top-notch I think you can become a dragon in the future as long as you understand it with your heart! "

Dragon in man, this is a great praise for me, but I didn't care much. I only thought that grandfather Bai was comforting me and encouraging me to make progress. My only curiosity was that he didn't understand his mind thoroughly? In my opinion, grandfather Bai is like an old immortal. He has really achieved no desire and no desire. He can live an ordinary life, not participate in the affairs of the river and the lake, and is not seduced by money and power. I feel that his mood has reached the limit.But listen to his tone, as if he still thought his achievements were very bad. He was so strong. To what extent would he be successful?

By contrast, my curiosity in my heart is getting deeper and deeper, and I can't help but say to Grandpa Bai: "no, I just listened to your analysis, explanation and you looked for a try. I feel you can't go beyond it. Is there any stronger existence in this aspect of my heart?"

Grandpa Bai listened to my words, and he could not help but gently pull, showing a bit of bitterness. Then, he sighed leisurely and said frankly: "of course, my talent is not high, I can have the achievements now, and mainly rely on the efforts of so many years. But in other words, there are not many people who can understand my heart thoroughly. I know a lot of people , only one person, the heart actually realized the ultimate! "

Hearing this, I thought I didn't think, almost blurted out, and asked grandpa white, "who is it?"

Hearing the words, Grandpa Bai's eyes suddenly became deep, as if all of the nature, reflected in his eyes, became nihility, in his eyes, there was something that others could not see.

After a long time, Grandpa white only made a sound, some of the high and unpredictable said: "ghost king!"

The simple two words, once again, shocked my heart. The ghost king and the ghost king. In these days, I have heard the name too many times. I don't need to see his dignity. Just hearing people mention his nickname, it makes me shocked. Originally, when I can't understand him, he is the legend in my heart. Now it is mentioned several times by others. I am even more He was very impressed. At the moment, listening to Grandpa Bai said that the ghost King reached the highest level of quiet mind, which made the ghost King's image rise a high level in my heart. He really became an insurmountable myth and became the most remote existence.

No wonder, more than 20 years ago, he could cross the Jianghu, and he was powerful and invincible. Originally, he had already understood everything. If he was a strange man in the world, with his model, my motivation was increased a lot. Unconsciously, I closed my eyes and thought of all the methods about the state of mind.

With Grandpa Bai's guidance, I realized more about it, almost in a moment, I entered that state and reached the state of forgetting myself. I forgot where I was, who I was, even the white grandfather beside me, who I was. I was only immersed in the empty world, studying martial arts and couldn't pull myself out.

Time, as if still, and as if passing very quickly, when I open my eyes, it is noon, the sky is shining from my head, but, I seem from the body to the heart, in the soul, have been sublimated, by the summer hot sun exposure for several hours, I even did not have a little sweat, did not feel hot, even these few days An hour for me, like a few seconds, passed by, and passed.

This time, I have made new changes and new breakthroughs, and my state can not help but rise a level. But when I turned my head, I suddenly found that Grandpa Bai was still standing beside me, and was staring at me seriously.

It can be seen that he has been with me, from morning to noon, he and I can be said to be inseparable.

For this teacher who has benefited me a lot in martial arts achievement, I have not too much politeness, but I look at him calmly and say firmly: "Grandpa, thank you for your guidance, but it's not too early now. I really should go!"

My voice is so cold and ruthless, the expression is indifferent and colorless, and there is no excitement and joy of martial arts breakthrough. No one can see my heart, but grandpa Bai's eyes are fine and bright. He sees my change at one glance. His mouth is full of relief. Then, he nodded to me and said softly, "go!"

I opened my lips and said two words: "goodbye!"

As soon as the voice fell, my body turned, and my steps quickly and quickly opened, and with the sun on my feet, I walked out of the forest of the lush trees, and gradually my figure was submerged in the distance.

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