After about ten minutes, I walked out of the forest and came to the road outside. However, the suburbs are relatively biased and there are not many vehicles. It's not easy to get a taxi. I didn't stand on the side of the road to wait. I walked along the road, looking at the vehicles on the road, trying to find the traces of taxis.

But after walking all the way, except for the private cars and trucks, I didn't see a taxi at all. I couldn't help but feel a little helpless. When I got to the intersection, a motorcycle came at a speed not far away. I subconsciously stopped the motorcycle and prayed, "brother, can you take me a ride? No, I can give you money!"

In this city, it's common for motorcycles to drive as taxis and earn some extra money. I thought this guy would agree for the sake of money. Unexpectedly, he just looked me up and down and said to me impolitely, "get out of here!"

A word, loud, ferocious, completely exposed his arrogance and arrogance, a look is a cruel role.

I raised my eyes slightly and glanced at him for a moment, and found that this guy was really a bit of a jerk, with a ferocious look.

See my sight to catch a glimpse of him, he is a bit not happy, and then scolded: "you MB, don't get out of the way again, believe me or not, I'll whip you!"

I see a lot of such arrogant and despotic guys. They are some bullying masters. For such people, I really don't care, and I don't want to wrestle with him. I'm going to leave. But at this moment, two motorcycles killed fiercely and stopped beside the man.

One of them is wearing vest, muscle particularly developed man, open mouth to ask arrogant man way: "old three, how to return a responsibility?"

The man called the third one nuzzled his lips toward me, and said in dissatisfaction: "I don't know that silly B came out. He stopped me half the way and wanted me to give him a ride. His brain is sick!"

Muscle man listened to his words, eyes can not help but look at me, he hesitated to scan me, after a glance, his eyes showed a trace of meaningful flavor.

They didn't look like ordinary gangsters, so I immediately apologized without delay and said, "I'm sorry to disturb you."

The voice falls, my step has already stepped forward, I along the edge of the road, from their motorcycle by, did not make any stop.

After a few steps, I immediately heard the voice of old three disdain: "Damn, really bad luck, let's go."

Then came the voice of the big brother's muscular man: "wait a minute!"

After a while, the muscle man's voice sounded again: "third, fourth, do you think that man just a little like a man, like our sea Gang wanted solo?"

On hearing this, my heart suddenly trembled for a moment. However, my steps did not stop and my head did not return. I still kept a steady pace and continued to walk.

I seem to have nothing to do with it, but actually my ears stand up and I'm paying attention to their conversation. Now I am. My hearing is very sharp. I can detect the slightest wind and grass movement. After the muscle man finished speaking, the man who was called the fourth old man made a duck like voice: "yes, big brother, as soon as I saw him, I felt a little familiar with him, but I can't remember where I saw him. Now I really remember that he is Suluo !”

Immediately, the wild old three can't wait to say: "what are you waiting for? Catch him quickly. This is a good opportunity for meritorious service!"

After listening to his words, the boss immediately reprimanded him: "be quiet, are you stupid? Can we beat him with the three of us? Don't you know that so many people in Wutang have been destroyed? You want to die? "

Suddenly, the third one was silent.

Then, the muscle man lowered his voice and said to them, "well, I'll call the boss first and ask him to inform his wife to come. You two should hurry up and stare at him quietly."

When the muscle man's voice dropped, I turned around and flashed in front of the three of them at the speed of limping. I said in a cold voice, "don't stare, I'm here!"

My words made the muscle man who just took out the mobile phone, his hand trembled and his mobile phone fell directly to the ground. At this time, the muscle man's face became stiff with fright. His eyes were full of consternation and fear, as if he had seen a ghost. The other two were also scared with a cold sweat and eyebrows trembling.

Quiet for two seconds, muscle man quickly get out of the car, I beg for mercy: "brother, grandfather, I am wrong, I recognize the wrong person, please forgive me!"

Perhaps, Suluo is a devil in the eyes of the sea Gang, especially in the eyes of his younger brother, who eats people and doesn't vomit bones. Therefore, I just said a word, which made the muscle man scared to the bone. His two younger brothers were even more scared than to breathe.

To tell you the truth, I don't care about the exposure of identity. After all, it's no surprise that Suluo appears in the provincial capital. Moreover, when someone sees my real body and my true face, it proves that Suluo really exists. In this way, no one will associate Suluo with Jiangnan style.The only thing I was a little bit shocked was that I almost forgot that I was now in the provincial capital, and the Haibang was looking for me in the whole city.

This is the world of Haibang. I think whether I go back by car or by train, as long as I'm within the scope of the provincial capital, I should be easily detected. I don't want to expose my whereabouts as soon as I appear, and I don't want to fall into the tiger's mouth of the Hai Gang. Therefore, I can't go to the provincial city for a ride. At present, the safest way is to ride a motorcycle by myself.

Thinking of this, I suddenly showed a strange smile to the three Haibang people in front of me. This smile immediately made the legs of the three people shiver.

While they were shivering, my smile suddenly froze. At the same time, my body moved. In the room of electric light and flint, I put out my hand. Three times five parts two, I knocked down these three people.

Of course, I didn't kill them. After all, they were not guilty to death. I just let them faint in the past. At least, they can't wake up today.

After solving them, I immediately locked my eyes on the three motorcycles. Then, I picked one with good performance and drove it away at a high speed.

My destination is the city where my base camp is located, which is not too far away from the provincial capital, which can be directly reached by motorcycle. However, before I went to the main road, I bought a casual suit, a baseball cap and a black mask at a small shop along the way.

After I couldn't recognize the ghost I was dressed up in, I got back on the motorcycle and flew away. This suit of dress up was helpful to disguise my identity. Originally, I didn't enter the provincial capital, but drove directly from the suburbs. Except for the three unfortunate men who recognized me, no one knew who I was. When they woke up, only one message would be sent out, that is I showed up in the suburbs, and nobody would know that solo had actually returned to his hometown.

For me, that city is my foothold and my world. My organization, my brothers and my friends are all in that city. The underground boundary of the city has been under my command. It is my world. That city is my home. Today, I will go home.

It's a luxury for me to go home. Originally, where my father was there was my home. My father and I formed a family. But now, my father is locked in the dark moon hall, and my little home is fragmented. However, I still have another home, a home that belongs to my own fight. It is a big family. It is a big family that I founded by myself. It is the fire of war.

At the beginning, in order to deal with Xie Yu's backers, I created the fire of war. Later, with the help of my father, the fire defeated the Buddha and led the underground forces of the whole city. I was the underground emperor of the city.

Time has changed and I have been hiding in H Province for so long. I, the underground king, finally want to go home and return to my territory. This makes me look forward to seeing my old brother again.

Now I just want to go back to speed, speed to reunite with my brothers, speed to gather people, speed to achieve my final goal, so I can't help but increase the horsepower, almost riding a motorcycle to fly.

The faster the speed is, the more boiling my body's blood is, the more fierce the passion in my heart is rolling. On both sides of the street, the scenery along the way is ignored by me. I just accelerate and fly forward one by one.

Finally, when the sun is hanging in the sky, the time, came to the evening, and I also arrived at my destination, that is, my base camp, heaven and earth.

This city, I have a lot of memories, there are many places I am familiar with, but my headquarters is in this world, naturally, my first stop is this, this is my home.

The motorcycle stopped not far in front of the hotel door. I stepped on the motorcycle and looked up at the place that I was very familiar with. It was once a one-stop consumption place. However, on a closer look, the exterior wall of the motorcycle seems to have been refreshed. The furnishings outside and inside the door seem to have been renovated. It should be that after a new rest, the past is more gorgeous It's spectacular.

The sky is not completely dark, but all kinds of lights outside the door are turned on, flashing a different light, especially the heaven and earth signboard headlight, very eye-catching, these four characters are magnificent.

I stare at the signs on earth and heaven, and I feel a lot of emotion in my heart. I remember that when I left, I started secretly from here on a motorcycle and went around for a circle. Now, I am back riding my motorcycle.

In a few months, I changed too much, became too fast and fierce, and the development of this city did not catch up with my changes. I experienced countless pains and tribulations, experienced several times of life and death, I grew up and matured, my strength has also undergone tremendous changes, my whole person has been completely transformed.

However, no matter how big and how many changes, there is one thing I still have not changed, that is, my love for my brothers. They have accompanied me to fight in the world, accompany me to live and die together, they have developed and expanded the fire of war with me, and have experienced many hardships together. Therefore, we are the same, brothers and brothers.

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