Standing at the door of the hotel, my brain couldn't help falling into meditation. When my thoughts were flying, the security guard at the door of the hotel suddenly came forward and scolded me loudly: "Hey, what do you do? Don't park your car at the door and get in the way if you have nothing to do."

I suddenly interrupted the memory, looked up at the loud voice of the security guard, found that it was a new face, I did not say anything, obediently put the motorcycle aside, and then lowered my cap, toward the hotel interior.

The security guard saw that I was riding a motorcycle and dressed strangely. Obviously, I was not pleased with him. However, he also knew that the customer was God and didn't stop me. I went straight to the hall on the first floor. Because I was imminent to save my father, I came here with a task. Therefore, I tried to return low-key, and everyone who didn't want to do it was well known, otherwise things would spread to Hong Gang It's not easy.

Therefore, as soon as I got to the hall, I went to the elevator, ready to go straight to the boss's office to find Shen Muchen.

But as I passed the counter in the hall, one of the bar assistants at the front desk suddenly stopped me: "who are you looking for, sir?"

Her voice is extremely soft and beautiful. However, her voice has a trace of vigilance. I know that as the headquarters of the war, the management here is much stricter than that of ordinary hotels. I came in without checking in, but I went straight to the elevator. In addition, this strange dress made the receptionist alert.

I didn't want to be embarrassed, so I stopped and whispered to the receptionist, "Hello, I'm looking for your boss Shen Muchen. Please contact me for a moment."

The waitress's look at me was full of doubts. Now, when I heard this, her eyes were even more suspicious. She said to me strangely, "Sir, I'm very sorry. Our boss is not Shen Muchen!"

"Who is your boss?" I said in dismay

"Ma Yuan, boss Ma!" said the receptionist

Ma Yuan? Who is this man? I had never heard of such a person and didn't think much about it. I asked her again, "what about the manager?"

The waitress seriously returned to me and said, "Huning!"

Well, what's going on here? Why are they all people I don't know?

There's no reason. This is my territory. It's the headquarters of the war. Even if our forces expand from the east to the city and become the largest gang in the city, our headquarters has not changed.

But why, the boss on earth has changed? Even if, for special reasons, the headquarters of the war is changed and the nightclub is left to others to take care of, it should also be the top management of the organization. How could it be someone I have never heard of?

The more I think about it, the deeper the doubt in my heart. My heart beat faster than before. I looked at the waitress closely and asked in doubt, "isn't this a place of war?"

After listening to my words, the maid's serious face suddenly relaxed. She couldn't help but chuckle and said speechless: "fire! Don't laugh, sir. Are you still living in the past? There is no fire in the present

When the waitress listened to my serious question, she took it as a joke. Her tone of voice changed. But her joke was a bolt from the blue to me, which made me dizzy.

Did I hear it wrong or what? What does she mean? She didn't mean that the club was no longer a war club, but that the fire of war no longer existed?

How could that be possible? How can the fire of war disappear? It is rooted in this city. I founded the fire and developed it to the largest gang in the whole city. It has been deeply rooted in this city. Now, which force can shake it? It's impossible?

I don't believe it. I really don't believe that the fire of war just disappeared. In a trance, my emotions fluctuated violently and my heart was so excited that I suddenly flashed forward and flashed to the counter. I anxiously asked the waitress, "what's the matter? What's the matter with the fire?"

Because I was too excited, my tone was not euphemistic, even a little harsh, so impolite that the waitress who just sneered was scared and frightened.

The little girl may have felt my momentum and suffered from some invisible oppression. Her voice was not clear. She faltered back to me and said, "I don't know. When I came to work here, the fire of war has already disappeared!"

Seeing that my attitude was not good, another older woman at the front desk was not willing to. She directly criticized me with a bad tone: "what do you mean? We have no obligation to answer your irrelevant questions

Smell speech, I this just realize oneself rash, quickly take some tiny apology way: "excuse me!"

After that, I immediately adjusted my mood, and was about to ask the older waiter about the situation of the next war. But at this time, I was acutely aware that a number of security personnel suddenly gathered in the huge hall, and they all looked at me with a look.

When I scanned at random, I found that these people were not ordinary spectators at all. Moreover, they looked at me with serious vigilance. Maybe they were alerted only when they heard that I inquired about the war.At the same time, a very bad premonition attacked my mind. According to the common sense, the boss in heaven and earth changed. So, the signboard should be changed, too?

Don't think about it. There's something wrong with it.

Thinking of this, I didn't dare to delay for half a moment. I immediately said to a few receptionists at the front desk: "excuse me, goodbye!"

The voice dropped, I immediately turned to the door, ready to leave.

However, I have not yet reached the door, behind the sudden came a sharp voice: "stop!"

Almost reflexively, my body stopped and my steps stopped.

At the moment I stopped, seven or eight security guards came up and surrounded me. The man in white shirt and black tie took the lead. He came to me and said to me in a very strict voice: "you, take off the mask!"

His attitude is very unfriendly, and his tone of voice is just like giving orders. It can be seen how overbearing he is.

I raised my eyes slightly, looked directly at him, said impolitely: "by what?"? Is that how you treat your guests? "

When I said this, I deliberately took out the guest's posture, appeared to be justified.

However, I have no sense of self-respect in him. When he heard me say this, he looked at me directly, and his tone became more and more fierce: "I said, take down the mask. We suspect that you have a problem. Please cooperate with us in the investigation."

I disdain said: "I'm sorry, I don't have this obligation, I have something else to go first!"

With that, I immediately stepped forward, ready to pass him and head for the door.

But the man in the suit suddenly held out a hand and blocked me. Then, he suddenly said to me kindly, "wait a minute!"

But in a flash, he changed his face. His tyranny was gone, and the only thing that appeared on his face was a polite smile. With a smile on his face, he whispered to my ear, "don't go. Just now it seems that you inquired about the war. How can the front desk know about this? You should ask me. Come on, it's not convenient for us to talk here Speak

At this moment, he was just like my brother, calling me a courtesy.

I was a bit caught off guard by his 180 degree turning attitude. However, his words really went to my heart. It's no use asking the front desk how to understand the gang's affairs. This man in suit is different. He should know something about the disappearance of the war.

So I dispelled my doubts and said to him, "OK."

Then, I was ready to go with him, but when I turned back, I caught a glimpse of the man in the suit with a smile of success in his mouth.

Only in this second, I almost wake up, my brain light suddenly appeared, heart turbulent.

At the beginning, I thought that there might be something wrong with the world. After all, the signboards have not changed. Now, judging from his attitude, he is serious for a while and polite to me at the same time. Obviously, he is delaying my time. I suddenly realize that there is only one possibility in the current situation, that is, the heaven and the earth have fallen into the hands of the sea gang.

In this city, no gang can be active in the war, and it is impossible to make the fire disappear. Then, I'm afraid that only the sea gang can destroy it, and only the sea gang has a big hatred with me, and they try their best to catch me.

After I figured out, where would I be trapped? If I had a fierce attack, I would turn back and run towards the gate. However, the flat headed man seemed to have been on guard. As soon as I turned around, one of the security personnel quickly blocked me. I was not polite, and kicked him to fly with my feet up. I was quick and smart.

After clearing the dog, I immediately continued to walk outside the gate.

The man in suit knew that his plot had been seen through by me. He immediately showed a ferocious face and yelled at all the staff: "give it to me!"

The voice fell a moment, the suit man first rushed to me, the speed is also extremely fast.

This man in suit can give orders here. Obviously, he is the steward of this hotel.

As a leader, his strength is not bad, and he has a little Kung Fu foundation. However, compared with me now, it's too poor. I didn't pay attention to him at all. Before he rushed to me, I had already attacked him.

This morning, under the guidance of grandfather Bai, I had a whole mind to understand the mood essentials he had taught me. At noon, my whole person was like a completely new man, and my heart comprehension suddenly rose to a new level.

It's a very important point about the mentality when fighting. Today, I have understood my mind to a certain extent. Therefore, during the fighting, I kept my mind very good. At the moment, facing the siege of so many people, my mind was not in disorder. Even though I knew that I had fallen into the trap of the Hai Gang, I was not surprised. I really realized that Mount Tai collapsed in front of me and remained unchanged.It is because of the good mentality, my force will play better, and I can exert the strongest power with little effort.

Two moves, the strong suit man was beaten by me, and finally lay on his back on the ground, his face painfully tangled together.

Although some other security personnel have some strength, for me, they are ants. In less than two minutes, I can easily defeat them. These security personnel are not ordinary spectators, they are members of the sea gang. However, they are not even elites in the Haibang, and they can't compete with me at all.

It took no effort to solve them. My handsome moves and my unparalleled strength shocked the front desk staff, especially the old waiters who just spoke ill to me. They were even more confused.

I didn't care about those people any more, and I didn't have time to pay attention to anyone. After killing the security personnel, I clapped my hands and continued to walk to the hotel gate.

At this time, the man in suit lying on the ground suddenly raised his voice and yelled: "he is solo. Lock the door, hold the time. Don't let him run away. The boss will be here soon."

In an instant, the security personnel inside and outside the gate locked the gate with thunder.

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