Haibang, I have to admire them. They do have a bit of order. In order to stay with me, they did their best. However, their actions did not stop me. I still walked towards the gate.

Came to the door, I was full of strength, the strength of the whole body instantly instilled into my feet, and then, I lifted my feet, very powerful kick to the toughened glass door in front of me.

I kick the door simple and crude, the most important thing is, this foot accumulated my thousands of strength, with overwhelming momentum.

At once, there was a loud bang, which exploded in the hall, and the thick toughened glass broke directly.

With the broken toughened glass falling to the ground, my body in the people's incredible, also rubbed across the door, to fly to the speed of my motorcycle, midway there is no stop, I quickly stepped on the motorcycle, after starting, directly flew away.

Leaving the trap of heaven and earth, I gained freedom and galloped in the wind. However, my heart did not have the slightest joy of happiness, and only the desolation and sadness, as well as the deep uneasiness in my heart.

Night gradually fell down, the street lights on both sides of the beautiful, the bustling city of people, the wind blowing in the Pentium of me, but I feel suffocating, how can I think, I look forward to the reunion all the way, should be such an end?

I thought that the city was still dominated by the fire of war. My return today didn't ask for much scenery. I just wanted to get together with my old brothers. However, when I came back, the first news I got was that the fire of war no longer exists. This huge reversal made me feel like I fell into hell from heaven. I was really shocked and miserable.

During this time, I was really isolated from the world. I didn't know anything about Lien Chan fire. Of course, what worried me more was my brothers. I didn't know how they were now? How will they be treated by the sea Gang? Now, where are they?

Suddenly, I thought of my original University. Yes, this is my hometown. It's the beginning of my war. At the beginning, I relied on some students of this school to form the war.

At that time, as the overlord of the school, I selected the elite personnel in the school to join in my war. I worked with these brothers step by step, and eventually developed it into the largest organization in the city. But who knows, we just took the leading position and were lifted by the people of the Maritime gang.

Now, in this city, the fire has disappeared, and I have to go back to school to find out the whereabouts of my brothers. Thinking of this, my speed soared in an instant, and my motorcycle galloped to the direction of the University.

In a short time, I went to the school. To my disappointment, the campus was already very cold. In a pheasant university like ours, the holidays were all ahead of schedule. At this time, they had finished the examination and had a vacation. There were not many people left in the school. After the lively campus, it became extremely depressed, like a dead city.

In this place, I have too many memories. He can be said to be the turning point of my life. I learned to resist for the first time. I met my favorite woman Ziyi here. It was because of her that I embarked on this road and founded after War, just made the next series of things, now, that accompany me Ziyi accident, my father's accident.

But these, did not defeat me, did not extinguish my fighting spirit, I still want to fight against this cruel reality, I returned to my base camp, I also want to take these brothers who have fought with me to the battlefield, and then burn the blood, but the painful reality has annihilated my last hope.

I feel, on the naive is playing tricks on me, let me become nothing, I lost relatives, lost love, why even my brothers and friends should be deprived?

The more I think about it, the deeper the sorrow in my heart. Looking at the familiar campus in front of me, things and people have changed. I just feel a chill all over my body. I can't help but flip out countless fragmentary picture fragments in my mind, including Ziyi, Shen Muchen, Chen Haoran, crab, and many old friends in my past.

I was immersed in the memories and had so many thoughts that my attention was distracted. I didn't pay attention to the front at all. When I reacted, I found that a figure suddenly appeared in front of me, which scared me to brake hard and stop the motorcycle.

Just a little bit closer, I bumped into the figure in front of me. This is a young man, who is supposed to be a sports student. He is very tall and muscular. He is still wearing a gray sports suit. It seems that he has just finished playing and is sweating. The scene just now startled him. When he was shocked, he broke into a curse at me and said, "what are you doing Do you want to hit a dead man

His temper is still very fierce, but when he looked up to see me clearly, suddenly, he was silent.

Under the dark night, my dress is very different. The most important thing is that the fight between heaven and earth just now made me splash some blood. The blood light combined with my clothes made my momentum suddenly show. Without me talking, the other party could feel my extraordinary.

This person saw the signs, may think I am a cruel role in society, he is a student naturally dare not be too rash.I didn't care what he said before. I just got off the motorcycle and said to him, "I'm sorry, I almost hit you!"

This is an apology, but I said it with a different spirit, but the tall man felt the difference and quickly replied, "no, it's OK!"

Despite his strong body, he is not brave enough to speak easily.

In any case, I was also the overlord of this university. Every student here can be regarded as my younger brother in a sense. I have no intention of rejecting them. After he finished speaking, I continued to ask him politely: "excuse me, are there any people in this school who are fighting?"

A listen to the two words of war, this guy's face suddenly changed, he was curious to look at me, and then, just quietly said to me: "what are you looking for the fire?"

His tone was obviously alert. I realized that it was too abrupt to ask. I didn't know. I thought I was looking for something.

So, after a pause, I patiently explained to him: "it's like this. I used to be a little brother of the war, and then I left for a period of time. I didn't expect to come back now. I heard that the organization had an accident. I want to know what is going on?"

This pheasant university, after all, is the birthplace of the war. No one should not know about it. Students here should be aware of such a big event as the disappearance of the war. Therefore, I don't need to go around in circles. I'd like to make a white point.

Sure enough, as soon as this guy listened to my explanation, his eyes immediately went out. It seemed that he adored the fire of war. He scanned me twice with his shining eyes to make sure that I didn't look like a liar. Then, he opened the conversation box and talked to me about the fire.

The reason is that the tall man didn't know in detail, but he understood the general situation. Through his narration, I knew that since Shen Muchen took over the leader of the war, the war has been developing rapidly in his hands. Moreover, it is also developing very rapidly. He is the leader of the whole city.

In addition, people in the war will not engage in any illegal activities. They are very organized and disciplined, and are praised by others.

However, at the height of the war, the people of the sea Gang suddenly killed here and attacked in a large scale. Overnight, the fire spread all over the city and was swept away.

It was a bloody night, and the brilliant fire of war was destroyed overnight. It is said that many people died, and those who did not die fled. They did not appear again. Even in the school, there were no people who were fighting. Anyway, from that day on, the fire in the city was completely extinguished, out of the sight of the public. After that, the underground forces of the city were destroyed They are controlled by the sea gang. Although some people have complaints against the sea Gang, no one dares to say anything. No one dares to interfere in their hegemonism, whether it is a mafia or a white one.

As for why the Hai Gang wanted to target the war, the tall man only knew that he had something to do with his former boss, Su Luo. He didn't know about the others.

But by comparing the time he said, I immediately knew the reason. That is, on the night of Ziyi's suicide, I became crazy at the Wutang headquarters. That night, I killed many people. That night, Zhang Lei came to save me in time. Therefore, he offended he Yunxiang, the law enforcement elder of the maritime gang.

The time when the fire was swept was the second day after the first battle of the five halls. It can be seen that the reason why the war was destroyed was because of me. Because of my impulse, I angered the Haigang and challenged their bottom line, so that the Hai Gang moved its anger to my brothers.

My brothers, because of my impulse, die, hurt, escape.

At the thought of these, I just feel difficult to breathe, my heart is shaking, my eyes gradually become red, more and more red, the light moonlight reflects my eyes, let me like a bloodthirsty ghost, eyes are full of red light.

The tall man saw my abnormality, and his face immediately changed. His eyes showed a look of fear. He did not dare to stay with me any more. He only sighed and said in a deep voice: "well, how beautiful the war was at the beginning. I broke my head and didn't add it. But it turned out to be a flash in the pan. What a pity!"

Said that, the tall man immediately took a step, left me alone, in the depressed moonlight, red eyes, watching the cold campus.

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