After listening to that man's story, my eyes were red and red, and the ultimate hatred was intended to sprout in my heart. Although I had guessed that the fire of war had been carried out by the sea gang before, I heard the whole story and heard that the fire had been destroyed overnight, and many brothers died and injured. What's more, they were all destroyed by the sea Gang because of me, which really makes me unable No pain, let me not hate ah.

At the beginning, I put down the fire of war, put aside my brothers, and went to H Province alone to save my father. In the end, they were still implicated by me, and my whole war was extinguished. That was my root and my lifelong efforts.

Haibang has completely destroyed my whole life, captured my father, killed my lover, destroyed my war, slaughtered my brother, and left me with nothing. This terrible feud broke my heart. If I could, I would really like to kill all the Haibang to vent my infinite anger.

However, up to now, what can I take to avenge? Can I burn down the whole Haibang with my anger?

Originally, I wanted to find my fire as a support to save my father. You know, the later war, but the powerful team formed by my former brother and many of my father's old departments was destroyed, and I became a loner in an instant. How could I deal with the powerful Hai Gang with my own strength? Not to mention saving my father.

Now, I'm afraid the only thing I can rely on is uncle Yang. However, the sea Gang is so inhumane that even the fighting fire has been dealt with. Uncle Yang, as my adoptive father, will they let it go? Even if Uncle Yang is OK, I'm afraid he's already hidden. I don't have his contact information. It's crazy to find him!

This return, I came with full of hope, but got the most thorough despair. I not only could not find reinforcements, but also lost everything. I was so angry that I couldn't vent my anger. My heart became colder and more miserable.

I don't know how long I have been standing here. Until a night wind blows suddenly, which makes me wake up from the chaos, I realize that this is not the time to abandon myself. I can't just despair and give up. As long as there is a little possibility, I will fight for it.

According to the tall man, all the people who survived the war have disappeared, and there are no more people in this university. Besides, there is a summer vacation here, and there are few students in the whole school. It is meaningless for me to stay here, and I have no time to delay.

So, I quickly boarded the motorcycle, left the university which had brought me great changes, and rushed to the normal university next door.

Normal University is Shen Muchen's University. He is the overlord of this university. At least someone should know his whereabouts. Moreover, my university is on holiday, which does not mean that the normal university will have a holiday. The general university should not have a holiday at this time?

Unconsciously, I increased the horsepower, the motorcycle drove fast, roaring through the sky. Almost in the blink of an eye, I came to the normal university next door to pheasant university.

Fortunately, the normal university has not had a holiday, but it is about to be released. The students are cramming for the final exam.

When I came to this university, I felt the atmosphere of the campus. There were lights in the classrooms and more lights in the dormitories. There were many students on the campus. My heart was also hot. Finally, it was not so cold. I began to work hard to get information.

After many inquiries, I know that Shen Muchen disappeared on the night of the bloody war of the Haibang. Even other members of the normal university, including crabs, disappeared overnight. As for whether they were alive or dead, no one knows, because the Haibang has suppressed this matter, and no one dares to complain about the war. That's taboo All we know is that the escaped members dare not come back for fear of being caught by the sea gang.

No matter how many people I ask, I get this result. All my brothers are not sure where to go, what's more, their life and death are not clear. Even now, people dare not talk about the war. This once glorious organization has become a taboo object, and it is almost forgotten by the world.

After some inquiry, the heat in my heart completely disappeared and turned to be cold again. I seemed to have lost my direction and was submerged in the vast ocean. I really didn't know what to do.

Finally, because I was too high-profile and too eager to inquire about the war and Shen Muchen, the normal university made quite a stir because of me.

In order to avoid being noticed by the sea Gang, I quickly withdrew from the normal university. In despair, I rode my motorcycle to a small bar called brilliant bar.

Although the name of the bar has changed, the style and environment have not changed. The pattern is still so small. When you walk in, you can feel the strong flavor of youth. Students from nearby universities are either preparing for the exam or having a holiday. Therefore, there are not many guests in the bar.

I'm not here to reminisce about the old days with the landlady, nor to inquire about the news of the war. All I need to know is that no brother of the organization dares to show up in this city. I don't know where to find them. Maybe they have been scattered all over the world and live a life of hiding and hiding.Hope completely disillusioned, I came to this bar, just for fear of attracting attention, I chose a corner seat, ordered a few bottles of wine, a person quietly drank.

At this moment, if I don't drink some wine, I will burst. The turbulent mood in my heart, my full of sorrow and hatred, can only be vented by alcohol.

In fact, since playing Jiangnan style, I seldom drink wine and almost forget the taste of wine. But today, I especially miss the taste of this wine. It is that kind of long-standing taste. I want to taste it, but I can't control it. I drink it as water instead of as wine. I don't know the taste and it doesn't eliminate my heart On the contrary, the more I drink, the deeper my melancholy.

The past like smoke, vaguely floating in front of me, accompanied by my melancholy, let me extremely desolate.

At the beginning, my war was founded in this small bar. This is the place where I first saw the scene, and it is also the birthplace of the fire that I led my brothers to establish.

At that time, there was only one entrance to the war. Chen Haoran was the leader of the hall. More than 20 students of us established it here with a surging heart. Although the main purpose of my organization was to deal with Xie Yu's power, I gradually became emotional about the war and had a kind of ambition. I constantly promise my brothers to carry it forward, to take them to the top of life, to live and die with them.

The brothers in the war also inherited the purpose of the organization. They were loyal and loyal. They believed me unconditionally. They followed me to the future and died for me.

But I, in order to save my father, I quietly left the war, gave up my brothers who share life and death, and even, in the end, even implicated these brothers. I'm really not a human being. I drink to the pain, my eyes are blurred, and the world in front of me is more and more scattered.

After a few bottles of wine, my eyes have begun to take stars. I feel dizzy and dizzy. There seems to be liquid stirring in my chest, which makes me feel uncomfortable. However, I still want to continue to drink. I have drunk all the bottles of wine I ordered at the beginning.

So, I looked up at the waiter not far away, and was about to ask her to give me a refill, but at this time, my remaining light noticed that there was a man staring at me secretly.

Although I'm dizzy now, my instinctive vigilance is still very high. I can basically judge who is normal and who is plotting a plot. However, the person who is staring at me at the moment has a furtive look, which is obviously tracking.

In an instant, my drinking disappeared. My brain was stimulated for a moment, and I became very sober. Because I understood immediately that I must have been discovered by the people of the sea gang. Before I appeared in the world, I hurt some of them and alerted the Haigang. Their people must have cast nets to catch fish. Search me all over the city. I hide in the corner of this small broken bar Fall, can be watched, and can stare at me in addition to the sea Gang people, I really can't think of anyone else.

Thinking of this, I immediately put on my mask, stood up, and then walked out of the bar with my head down. Although I have a huge hatred for the sea Gang, I'm alone now, so it's not easy to meet them. Besides, I don't want to get into trouble. There are many things waiting for me to do. I can't spend time with them here, let alone be entangled by them.

Therefore, I chose to leave quickly, but my action is no use, because at this moment, it is already late.

As soon as I got to the door of the bar, I saw a large number of people on the road. They were not ordinary small characters. They were all fierce guys. Needless to say, they were elites of the sea gang.

Of course, the Haibang knew that I was very strong. In order to arrest me, they specially prepared such a strong army, waiting for me here.

Seeing this, I frowned and ran away. The place where my motorcycle stops is all the sea Gang people. I can't ride it any more. I can only run away. Although I drink too much, I still can't run fast. This has always been my strong point. After my strength is improved, my running speed will also be strengthened.

As soon as I started to run, I immediately heard a roaring roar: "chase!"

All of a sudden, in this cold street, there is a chase war, which can be more exciting than the police and bandit movies on TV. After all, we are not ordinary people. No matter in momentum or speed, we are different from ordinary people. Our pursuit makes the pedestrians in the street stop and watch.

Originally, it was not a big problem to get rid of these people with my strength. However, in order to catch me, the Hai Gang had already made full preparations. They also ambushed people at the other end of the road, and directly attacked me on both sides.

One after the first attack, let me slowly in the other side of the encirclement, I was blocked in the center of the street, unable to move forward, also unable to retreat. Helpless, I have to cross the street into the middle of an alley.

But when I ran to the end of the alley, I found that it was a dead end. When I turned to run back, the entrance of the alley was already blocked by the sea gang.

For a moment, I just feel a dark in front of me, and I don't want to run any more. I just stand in the same place and wait for the arrival of these great beasts.

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