Soon, the whole alley was blocked by the people of the Haigang. This lane is quite wide, and a row can accommodate five or six people. When I look at it like this, there are at least 200 people in that row, and all of them are elites. They are supposed to be the elites of the headquarters. They are better than the people of the fifth hall in terms of strength, especially the leaders It's even more of a master.

To be honest, if I had dealt with these people alone in the past, I would never have won the slightest chance. But now it is different. I am no longer a Suluo who died with the Wutang. My strength has improved several levels. In particular, I have practiced my mind to a certain situation. In the face of such a dense sea Gang elite, I did not panic, nor was I afraid At least, I think it's OK to get out of them.

However, to my surprise, these people did not immediately attack me, or even said anything to me. They just set up a battle and looked at me covetously.

Time, silence for a while, suddenly, the two rows of people in the middle of them, very orderly to the side, revealed a path.

As soon as the trail came out, I saw three straight figures coming up at the end of the trail. All three of them were familiar to me. He Yunxiang, the law enforcement elder of the Hai Gang, was the leader, while elder Jin and elder Mu followed him.

When I saw the three of them, my heart suddenly popped twice. I really didn't expect that in order to arrest me this time, the Hai Gang sent three elders to stop me. As the three of them, they couldn't have stayed in this small city. Needless to think, it must have been the evening when they got the news that I had come to this city, so they rushed all the way from the headquarters in order to catch me.

The Hai Gang really looked up to me. Originally, in their eyes, Suluo's peak strength should have been demonstrated when he slaughtered the five halls. To deal with such a Suluo, he Yunxiang alone was more than enough to stab me, but they even sent three elders to deal with me.

Of course, they didn't know that I was Jiangnan Feng. They didn't know that I was the one who could get Sheng Mingjie into the hospital. If they knew, they would look up to me even more. At that time, they might not only send three elders over.

But even so, with my real strength now, I don't have much confidence to deal with so many people in front of me, especially the other side has three unpredictable elders.

However, if I have no confidence, I will not be afraid before the war. No matter what kind of dangerous situation we are in, we must be fearless in the face of danger. Even if we fight, I will not be disorderly.

If I am not afraid, my heart is steady, my heart is steady and my shape is more stable. Facing the momentum of the other three elders, I don't show any panic. My eyes are still calm, and I seem very indifferent.

Soon, the three of them came to me. Among them, he Yunxiang was the first to open his voice. He disdained me with a very high attitude: "Hello, Suluo!"

His tone showed his excitement. He was not afraid of me at all. On the contrary, he was very happy to have this opportunity to arrest me.

At this time, I didn't want to play any riddles with them. I said in a cold voice, "what do you want?"

Even if the enemy is fierce again, I am also old well, my tone, very insipid.

He Yunxiang saw that I was so calm, his eyebrows all could not help wrinkling, his eyes cold light, said: "you say what you want, of course, is to take you back!"

As soon as his voice fell, the master of tiger and wolf immediately shook his body and showed his eagerness to try.

I know that this war can not escape, but also can not escape, forced to this point, I do not want to hide, itself, the collapse of my war, such hatred in my heart, let me have no place to vent, no matter how much I drink, I can not vent, they are now aggressive, completely on my anger, forced me to vent.

In this case, I will sacrifice my dead brothers with the blood of these people. Although I am not sure whether I can defeat the jackals, it doesn't matter now. Since I am forced to do so, I don't need to care about my own future. What I have to do now is to kill one by one and kill one pair by one, Their blood is the vent of resentment in my heart.

Thinking, the seeds of hatred in my heart have begun to sprout, my eyes are becoming more and more red, the whole body of blood surging.

Suddenly, I dropped my hat on the ground, and my mask flew far away. Immediately, my face was exposed in the other party's view.

These people in the moment to see my face, each other can not help but show fierce light, as if to eat me in general, I ignore their eyes, directly and violently pulled off my clothes, exposed my strong muscles.

In the night, I bared my arms, with my pair of red eyes, tightly staring at he Yunxiang, said defiantly: "if you think you have the ability to take me back, just come!"

My voice reverberated in the sky above the alley. With the sound of domineering, the momentum of my body erupted. My eyes were red and my veins swelled. It was like a demon coming.All the people on the scene were shocked by such a powerful momentum. Although the people of the Haibang had long regarded me as a devil and wanted to get rid of it quickly, they were still a little scared when they saw me with their own eyes. Those members of the sea gang who were eager to try were stiff in the moment, and their eyes flashed with horror.

As the leader of the other party, he Yunxiang was indifferent and didn't care about my outburst. After all, he had the courage and the confidence. It seemed that I was a clown in front of him. He was not afraid of me at all. Seeing me rampant, he just felt funny. He said to me jokingly: "Suluo, I have seen your madness before. I didn't expect that you are really a madman You don't think we are the five hall group, do you think you can deal with us by yourself

He Yunxiang can be an elder of the law enforcement Hall of the Shanghai Gang. His temper is the same as his identity, and he has made a comparison. However, at the moment, he does not show his decisive and straightforward means to me. He knows that I am challenging him, but he still has the leisure to talk nonsense with me here.

It seems that he is very interested in me, but I have no interest in him. In my eyes, all the people in the sea gang are damned. They are all my sworn enemies. My heart is full of anger and hatred.

After listening to he Yunxiang's provocative words, I hate him more and kill me even more. With my red eyes on the people of the Hai Gang, I roared: "you guys, you brothers who killed me in the war, even if you are dead, I will take you to be buried with me!"

This roar, roar out of my heart infinite anger, roar straight into the sky, ring in the lonely night sky, the night seems to be because of my anger and change color, the sky more and more dark down, only the distant street lamp light shine a faint light here.

The glimmer reflected in my eyes, my eyes seem to have a fire, red, although, I still have a strong wine gas, but this wine force makes me look more crazy, my momentum, row on the sea, magnificent.

Seeing me like this, he Yunxiang was stunned. He squinted and thought for two seconds. Then he said to me, "Oh, I can't believe that you still have feelings for your war. After listening to you, I remember. The last time, on the night of the fifth hall, you were taken away from under my nose. The next day, I came here I've come to see you, but? You don't know who you are. If you don't account for your whereabouts, I'll clean them up and show you! "

After saying that, he Yunxiang also disdained his lips. He despised the war to the point that he even disdained to say his name. That was the Jiangshan I fought with blood and my life. The organization that I worked hard so hard to create finally unified the whole city's war. In his eyes, he Yunxiang was not as good as a fart.

What did he say? By the way, he cleaned up the ignorant guys. My brothers, who are devoted to life and death, were just cleaned up by him. By the way, he destroyed all my brothers and my lifelong efforts?

Even after he Yunxiang's voice dropped, a lot of people from the sea behind him also followed him with a lighthearted and incomparable voice of discussion:

"I went, I thought that where did Suluo come from, I thought it was for the sake of some rubbish organization!"

"Yes, that old fire is really too vulnerable to a blow. It was put out in a moment!"

"Ha ha, that's a bunch of rubbish. It's said that there are students in it. I can't bear to do it!"

"Well, that was the battle I couldn't bear to look straight at!"

The rustling sound of discussion spread over the alley, bringing out endless contempt. Many of them seemed to have participated in the original incident, but for them, it was not a battle, but a game of cat and mouse. They came here to play and played so contemptuously. Up to now, talking about the past is also a joke, and no one has put it into it One night's experience in my heart, no one took the fire seriously.

But these voices fall into my ears, but let my heart burst, my head is going to burst, fury severely tore me, humiliation mercilessly suppressed me, the waste in their mouth, can be my brothers of life and death, the whereabouts of brothers are unknown, the ashes of war, these are more painful than death for me, but they are so light and joking.

I couldn't bear it. My veins almost burst out of my body, and my voice was even more earth shaking. I roared at them crazily: "don't fuck nonsense. Aren't you going to catch me? Come on

By this time, my hate had reached the limit, and my anger had set me on fire.

However, the more fierce I was, the more helpless he Yunxiang seemed. He seemed to feel that my anger was just futile. He shook his head a little disappointed. Then, he said faintly, "since you don't know what's good or bad, don't blame me for being rude!"

With a big wave of his hand, he ordered in a cold voice, "take him down!"

Immediately, a man behind him rushed to me with the wind speed. He relied on his own strength and courage. He didn't fear me at all. He thought that if he caught me, he would take credit. He attacked me directly, quickly and fiercely, trying to take me down.At the moment when his leg was about to kick me, I suddenly moved. I clenched my fist and burst out. A punch hit his feet. For a moment, a cry of grief tore up the night sky, shaking in everyone's ears. With him, he flew out and smashed into the crowd.

My domineering and my ferocity surprised many people in the Hai Gang, but they didn't scare them. In a twinkling of an eye, two more people rushed to me, giving me a front and back attack.

These two sea gang members are faster and more powerful than the one in front. However, in my eyes, they are still like two mole ants, vulnerable to a single blow.

When they approached me, my body moved forward two steps like lightning, and my fists burst out and hit them directly in their chest. Immediately, the two sea gang members vomited blood and fell to the ground, wailing more than once.

When I saw the blood, my anger was more fierce and my hatred was deeper. I almost yelled at them and said, "come on, all TMD. Come on, you punks, it's just so!"

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