My arrogance immediately aroused their dissatisfaction, and their emotions were like a spring. Before they were high, now they were pressed by me, and they were suddenly flattened. But then they burst out, and the people of the other side rushed towards me in a swarm, and they were furious.

I took the wall behind me as a cover and stood in a favorable position. No matter how many people came to the other side, I only bombarded the first one who came to die, one by one, one by one, and one by one. The end that came close to me must be miserable.

However, the so-called elites of Haibang are still very bloody. They are not afraid of death. They know my bravery and my ruthlessness. They know that the people who fight with me will end up in such a terrible way that they will either be seriously injured or die, but they still rush to me without hesitation.

I have already made red eyes, regardless of the gods, ghosts and snakes, I only care about venting, and I have no mercy on them. Only with their blood can I vent the hatred in my heart and let the anger in my heart be released.

However, no matter how fierce I was, I couldn't frighten the tiger and wolf masters of the Hai Gang. They wanted to take me down quickly. People fell down in front of me, and people came up to me. The human body in front of me was almost folded into a hill, and my body was also splashed with the blood of the enemy. I was really like the devil in hell, fighting harder and harder The crueler the hand.

In fact, although I am filled with hatred, I will not lose my mind as before. My mind is still very clear. It is because of soberness that I always stand in this dead corner and do not take the initiative to attack. The thick wall behind me is my fortress. I don't need to worry about the rear, just keep a close eye on the enemy in front of me and on my side. Besides, this place is empty No matter how many they are, they will be tied up. Their bondage is beneficial to me.

So I stood in this best position, and kept fighting and fighting. Finally, when I knocked down about 40 or 50 people, he Yunxiang, who was arrogant, did not dare to despise me any more. He saw that I was no longer the former Suluo, or the one who was knocked down by him with one move.

So, at the critical moment, he suddenly yelled at the crowd: "stop!"

All of a sudden, everyone stopped attacking me. Those people of the Haibang didn't come close to me. However, their anger became more and more fierce. Everyone's eyes at me were filled with anger and deep reluctance.

He Yunxiang looked me up and down with a very serious look. Then, he nodded slightly and made a dissatisfied voice from his nostrils: "Suluo, it seems that I underestimated you!"

I stood straight in place, staring at him tightly, and said in a sharp voice: "ha ha, it's not that you underestimate me, it's your people who are too rubbish!"

As a matter of fact, they are not rubbish. On the contrary, they are also very powerful, especially some of them have masters. Although I have knocked down 40 or 50 people, I have suffered a few heavy injuries. My whole person has been exhausted and my body has consumed a lot of energy.

At the moment, I say this because I think that they humiliate my brother. They can insult me, but they can't insult my brother. I will return this disgrace to them and let them see who is the weak chicken.

Perhaps, it was with such a belief that I became the God of war, invincible in a hundred battles, more and more brave.

He Yunxiang listened to my words, and his eyes flashed with anger, but he didn't have a fit. Maybe he realized the seriousness of the problem, so he restrained his hot temper and didn't reprimand me. He just made a gesture.

With a gesture, many of them immediately came out and carried the pile of corpses or seriously injured people in front of me out of the alley. Even those standing behind unconsciously retreated a few steps, leaving enough space for the three elders of he Yunxiang.

After their formation was arranged, he Yunxiang said in a meaningful way: "yes, at the beginning, elder Jin and elder wood came to arrest you together. I thought it was superfluous. Now it seems that the leader really knows everything. He knows that you, a madman, must have made progress again. Indeed, you are qualified to let us do it!"

After saying this, he did not hesitate, and immediately winked at the two elders beside him. The two elders seemed to have been impatient for a long time. At the moment, he Yunxiang indicated that they almost nodded their heads at the same time. Then, the three men formed a corner and attacked me from different directions.

The three of them are the most powerful people in the team, and they are also the three people I value most. If we defeat these three elders, the other soldiers and crabs will almost be defeated without fighting. Therefore, in the face of their siege, I am not only not afraid, but also full of fighting spirit. The blood in my body is rampant, all of which is converted into internal power, and my mind is empty Everything, to achieve the realm of selflessness.

At this moment, I played my strongest power and fought with the three elders.

As soon as I fought, I could clearly feel the infinite power of he Yunxiang and others, especially he Yunxiang, who was really a real expert. His martial arts also reached a peak level. His momentum was like a rainbow and the thunder was powerful.

If you put it in the past, he could really kill me in seconds. But now, my martial arts have improved a lot. What's more, I have a good understanding of the state of mind through grandfather Bai's on-demand broadcast. Therefore, no matter how fierce and aggressive the opponent is, I can still deal with it calmly and keep the most sober mind and the most stable state of mind.However, in addition to he Yunxiang, the other two elders are also first-class masters. In which city, these people are few strong. Such three masters jointly attack me, even if I have a good mentality, it is difficult to defend. The pressure given me by the other side is too strong. The deep sense of oppression makes me struggle very hard.

What's more, these three elders are supposed to have been partners for many years. Their cooperation is very tacit. They don't need to speak. They can know what each other thinks by their eyes. They cooperate like one person. Yes, among them, he Yunxiang is in front of me, confronting me head-on. Elder Jin is on the left and elder Mu is on the right. He forms a kind of attack on me They are together perfectly, there is no dead end at all.

Even if I was even more powerful, I could not break through their protection like a diamond mask. Even if I could forget myself, I was still hard to resist the attack of their three experienced veterans. What's more, after the bloody fight just now, my physical strength was consumed a lot, and my body also had several injuries, and my anti attack ability was slightly weaker The greater the pressure, the harder it will be.

Originally, when I recovered my identity, I could give full play to my strongest strength. However, I couldn't use the Kung Fu given to me by Han Yimo. It was a kind of extremely fierce attack. But once I used it, the people of the Haigang would definitely associate me with the Jiangnan wind. I didn't want to expose or expose my Jiangnan style. Therefore, I have been holding on Useful, finally forced to helpless, I used my only unique Taiji.

In the way of Taiji, my achievements are not high, and I have little experience. Especially recently, I have not used Taiji. I am a bit rusty. Now, when I use it, I am just like a rookie, and I can't start it all at once.

However, Taiji is still unpredictable. Especially in defense, Taiji can be regarded as the strongest defense. Moreover, after I used it twice, I gradually entered the state. No matter how the three elders of the other side attacked me in turn and how fast the attack was, I responded calmly, Although sometimes my body will be attacked, but I can bear it.

In any case, under the joint attack of the three elders, I was able to remain invincible and not fall. This is a miracle. The other people in the alley of the Hai Gang all looked silly. Their eyes were full of surprise, and their eyes did not move. They were staring at us closely.

Tonight is destined to be an extraordinary night, and my name Suluo will eventually be recorded in the history of Haibang. However, no matter how tenacious I am, I can't hold on to it. I am a human being, not a God. Facing three experienced elders of Haibang and their tight and strong association, I gradually become a little weak, and my strength is gradually getting smaller and smaller, and I can't do anything The beginning of the light, tangible into intangible.

The decline of mentality made me more and more flaws. Finally, the experienced he Yunxiang grasped the opportunity. His eyes were cold, and he made a great move. He hit me fiercely, and his body with the momentum of moving mountains and seas suddenly flashed over.

I felt that he was angry and didn't want to delay time with me. However, my reaction speed was still very fast. I knew that this blow would definitely make me unable to bear it. Therefore, I leaned to avoid his fatal attack.

But in the moment I dodged he Yunxiang, the wood elder on the other side waited for the opportunity to move. A flying leg directly kicked me. Suddenly, my body flew back violently and finally fell to the ground. A mouthful of blood gushed from my mouth and spilled all over the ground.

He Yunxiang, because of my avoidance, did not hit me, but hit the wall behind me, which has always been my protective shield. With a bang, the walls seemed to shake and the lime splashed down. If the wall was not thick enough, maybe he Yunxiang's punch would be enough to knock it down. It can be seen that the strength of he Yunxiang's fist is so powerful. If he hits me, I will be broken to pieces.

However, I was not lucky, on the contrary, a strong sense of crisis shrouded me in an instant, which made my heart tremble. Because, I have been in the corner, has deviated from the original position, in order to avoid he Yunxiang's attack, I was attacked by the wood elder, was swept away by his leg.

At this moment, in front of me is he Yunxiang at the end of the lane, elder mu, and elder Jin. Behind me are countless hungry wolves from the Hai Gang. I am caught in the middle, surrounded by enemies and in danger.

Experienced he Yunxiang saw that I had been separated from the protection of the wall, and his mouth could not help bending, showing a strange smile.

When I got up from the ground, he didn't give me a chance to breathe. He solemnly ordered: "everyone don't be merciful. Let's go up and take Suluo!"

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