The despised war, which I thought was completely destroyed, appeared in front of me in this posture. My familiar brothers stood in front of me in such a majestic manner. The surprise was too strong and violent. I could not help crying with joy in my bright eyes.

You know, a moment ago, I was still in a state of sadness and despair. I thought these brothers died and escaped. Unexpectedly, all my brothers were there, and they all changed their faces and became so domineering. This is even more incredible than a dream. Is this still the fire of war before me?

I've only been away for a few months. How could the brothers have changed so much? This is not the rubbish of the Haigang people. It's not what they call "vulnerable waste". What's the matter?

Surprise and accident filled my mind, so that my throat seems to be blocked in general, even can not speak out, do not know what to say, this moment, I am really too excited.

After a while, I felt as if my channels had been opened, and I started to move. However, I still didn't speak. I just stepped forward one by one to embrace these brothers of life and death.

From Shen Muchen, almost everyone hugged me, and my brothers didn't dislike me for being dirty. Even when I held them, I could feel the beating hearts of my brothers. Everything was concentrated in these hugs. The language was too pale and the embrace was full of meaning.

It can be said that the scene is strong and moving. I am immersed in the excitement of meeting my brothers again. If I can, I really want to hold all the brothers.

But I was immersed in the atmosphere of reunion, some people were not happy, just when I was embracing Bai Qiuyan, suddenly, a loud drink came from behind me: "have you done enough?"

This harsh voice broke the warm atmosphere of reunion between my brothers and me, and also made me wake up. I know that it is not the time to reunite with my brothers, because I still have a disaster that has not been solved, and the crisis is behind me, so I must not take it lightly.

Unconsciously, I patted Bai Qiuyan on the back, then released him, turned around and looked at the tiger wolf teacher of the Hai Gang. Only then did I find that the Honggang team headed by he Yunxiang also came out of the alley.

They lost part of their team just now because of me, and now there are only 150 people left. However, they are strong soldiers and strong generals, and their momentum is still impressive and overwhelming. He Yunxiang, in particular, suffered a great loss just now and was not in a beautiful mood. After yelling at us, he said scornfully to us: "ouch, who am I going to be It turns out that this group of disabled soldiers are defeated again. Are you too naive? What role can you play with these dolls? Are you looking for death

He Yunxiang's tone is full of disdain without concealment. He looked down on my brothers. It was and is still. After all, although our war scene is domineering and frightening everyone, you will find that there are many young people, even women, among them who have not yet entered the world, and even women For Tang Hai Gang, it is still too young. Of course, they don't pay attention to it.

When he Yunxiang's voice dropped, many elites and other people in the sea Gang made a tut talk, saying that we, the defeated generals of our group who had been beaten away, came and died again and again. All kinds of voices rose one after another. Everyone's words have expressed that no matter how many people we have, we can't scare them at all.

Now, I haven't said anything. The crabs, who are always hot tempered, can't stand it. He stood up and said to me indignantly: "boss, these dog bastards have killed many of our brothers. You should order quickly and let us kill them!"

Sure enough, I haven't seen you for a long time. The crab's personality has not changed at all. It's still so hot and impulsive. When it comes to fighting, it's always the first to stand up.

However, this time, crab's words also received the support of many brothers, and many people echoed:

"brother, you should order first, let's kill them!"

"Yes, boss, I'm going to kill my mother's madness!"

"Yes, kill them, shame before snow!"

"Yes, with their blood, to commemorate the dead brother's soul, boss, order it!"

Wave after wave of voices aroused the passion and blood of everyone. At last, almost every brother in the field echoed his voice and demanded to fight with the people of the Hai Gang, and take revenge for the brothers who had been killed.

In the face of the anger of all members of the war, the people of the sea gang were not worried at all, and even sneered at them. It seems that our group of people who want to fight with them is a joke, and some people even made scorn.

That kind of deep disdain voice, is really too hateful, even Shen Muchen has always been calm can not stand, he also stood up, deep voice said to me: "boss, order it!"

Of course, I can feel the resentment in my brothers' hearts. Of course, I also want my brothers to fight with me. Of course, I want to share my blood with them to vent my feelings of oppression and crush those arrogant sea gang members.However, although we are two or three times as many as each other, and Shen Muchen has indeed changed their faces, the strength of these brothers is no better than that of the experienced elite of the Haigang. They are the elite of the Haibang, the underground leader of H Province. Their strength is not so high. Maybe we can kill these brothers in minutes. I finally reunite with them I'm afraid it's not even good for chatting and reminiscing about the past. It's about life and death.

After all, I still had no confidence. I glanced at the brothers who were eager to try, and then looked at Shen Muchen beside me. Then, I lowered my voice and made a bitter voice in my dry voice. I said, "they are the elite troops of the Haibang, followed by the three elders of the Haibang. We don't have to fight!"

My voice just fell, suddenly a clang, the night sky suddenly sounded a very simple voice, this sound in this empty and silent night is very abrupt.

I turned to the source of my voice.

After seeing this, I knew that it was the back door of the car that had just hit the wall that the front door suddenly opened. The clang was the sound of the door suddenly opening.

At this time, I suddenly realized that there were still people in the car. My heart could not help but be surprised. At this moment, a person slowly came down from the back seat of the car.

He was wearing a camouflage military green vest and camouflage trousers, and a pair of military boots on his feet. At first glance, he was a soldier.

When I saw his appearance, I was completely stunned, because he was no other than uncle Yang who raised me from childhood.

At this moment, uncle Yang completely lost his original scholar's breath. As soon as he changed his body, he became a tough man with full of domineering power. He just went to that station, and his whole body was filled with the momentum of earth shaking.

When he got out of the car, he looked at me with his empty eyes. Then, he calmly said to me in a very calm and confident voice: "Arlo, let them try it!"

When Uncle Yang said this, he seemed so calm, but he showed his incomparable self-confidence. As if, in his eyes, the teacher of the group of tigers and wolves of Haibang is dust in general, so tiny.

In particular, his seemingly casual words contain the momentum of destroying the heaven and the earth. If you try, it will clearly show that my brothers can defeat the elite teachers of the Hai Gang.

Listening to Uncle Yang's tone, he was calm to the extreme. Obviously, he had complete confidence. I believe in Uncle Yang, because I know him. He has always been a man of his word. He will not fight an uncertain battle if he does what he says.

However, what shocked me was how Uncle Yang became like this. In my eyes, he was a small boss of an ordinary company and an authentic businessman. Although I knew that he was my father's comrade in arms and had been in the army together, that was a thing of the past. Anyway, I stayed in uncle Yang's house since childhood and lived with him. I have never met Yang Shuhe Others have had conflicts.

Later, my father came out of prison, and uncle Yang was only responsible for my father's trifles. He didn't see any special performance of him. The first time I saw Uncle Yang, he was still fighting with Buddha. He showed a little bit of skill, which was not very powerful, but it also made me look at him differently. At that time, I saw a different uncle Lin.

However, today, it seems that uncle Yang is far more than superficial, his strength must be hidden by him. Yes, on the night my father was arrested, uncle Yang and my father were together. He could escape from the encirclement and suppression of the sea gang. I thought it was nothing before. But now, I have seen with my own eyes the power of the high-level Haigang, and I know how difficult it is to escape from them. It is almost impossible to go to heaven.

But Uncle Yang did it, and he was able to come back safely. This is just incredible. Isn't it enough to show that uncle Yang's strength is unfathomable?

Think of this, and then look at the overbearing clothes of Uncle Yang, all over his body revealed a military demeanor. Moreover, his hidden momentum has been revealed inadvertently, which makes people feel awe.

Involuntarily, it suddenly occurred to me that my brothers could change their faces and make a complete transformation. This should be attributed to Uncle Yang?

Did Uncle Yang help train my brother? Now think about it, it's not impossible.

I don't know why Uncle Yang's aura is too strong. The tiger wolf masters of the sea gang saw that he was so calm, natural and bold that they all lost their arrogance. Even he Yunxiang was a little uneasy. His sharp eyes were staring at Uncle Yang with caution in their eyes.

However, uncle Yang didn't look at he Yunxiang and ignored his existence. He just walked slowly to me and added: "they can do it!"

This sentence more definitely shows that the strength of the war today can completely suppress the elite who have experienced many battles in the sea gang.

Hearing this, and then feeling the momentum of Uncle Yang, I can not help but gush out of my chest infinite passion, the blood in my body is rolling, self-confidence arises spontaneously from my heart.

I have no doubt about Uncle Yang. He has given me more courage and confidence. I have no more entanglement. I turn my eyes and immediately stare at the big troops of the sea gang.Looking at these rags that I hated so much, thinking about their rampant and domineering, their cruelty and ruthlessness, their bullying of me and my brother, and their insult to my name of war, my anger in my heart fiercely rose. My eyes began to blush, and my momentum gradually rose. Suddenly, I opened my throat and roared into the sky: "go!"

A word, earth shaking, angry clouds, lofty sentiments, all my momentum brought out.

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