At this moment, I was the king of the whole court and the supreme commander of the fire. As soon as I gave the order, the whole organization had to order. Almost as soon as my voice fell, all the soldiers in the war roared up. They were like a group of hungry wolves. The people of the sea gang were their food. They rushed to each other very quickly and fiercely. The scene was very spectacular.

In the face of our high morale warriors, some members of the sea Gang could not help but panic. However, he Yunxiang, as the leader, quickly settled down. He was not disordered in the face of danger. At the same time, he hissed and yelled: "kill!"

The word "he" was so powerful that it immediately brought out the blood and passion of the sea Gang people.

In an instant, the two groups of people fight together, scuffle, on this.

The huge venue instantly fell into chaos, the night sky, soon filled with a thick smell of blood.

The smell of blood stimulates my nerves, which makes my boiling blood continuously spray, howl, scream, fight, interweave together, constantly into my ears, stimulate my nerves, my blood will roll, the whole person seems to be in the highest point of excitement, my eyes began to emit a strange color.

Speaking of all these years, I have experienced many battles. Among them, there are great scenes, bloody and violent, and sensational. But this time, it can be said that this is the most wonderful and exciting war in my life.

No one on both sides used weapons, but their lethality was greater than that of weapons. I don't know if my brothers haven't fought with the enemy for a long time, or have a deep resentment against the sea gang. In a word, they are like a group of wild animals that are free from bondage. They fight each other fiercely. Some fight each other hard when they catch one of the sea gang members, and some fight one on one The so-called elites of the sea gang are only crushed. Now, the other party has lost one notch in momentum.

Blood makes my warriors more and more excited. They beat each other with the fastest speed and the most fierce attack. They howl all over the field. I can see the changes of my brothers as soon as I see them.

But at this moment, watching them do it with my own eyes, I really feel the surprise.

Because, they are really much better than before. I don't know what they have gone through. I only know that each of them is so powerful. Their courage, their ruthlessness, and their cooperation ability have reached the ultimate level, especially the group of my father's former members, who are very strong in their own strength, and now they have been improved The area ability is highlighted, and the combat ability is even less. It is very easy to deal with the sea gang.

Of course, there are three people in the Haigang team that can't be compared with ordinary people. They are the three elders headed by he Yunxiang. They are not ordinary people. Their strength is even higher to a certain level. What I fear most is that the brothers will be slaughtered by these three people. Therefore, I intended to take action personally and entangle the three old guys.

However, I was surprised to find that Shen Muchen and Dong Zhiming, a dozen of high-ranking officers in the war, could entangle these three powerful elders and remain invincible. This is a miracle indeed.

However, it is not that their personal strength surpasses the elders of the Hai Gang, but that their cooperation is quite tacit. Their team fighting ability is absolutely superb.

At the beginning, when I fought with the three elders, I felt that their cooperation was seamless, without any flaws, and even more powerful. But now, in terms of team cooperation, Shen Muchen and others are much better than the three of them.

All of a sudden, I felt that many of my brothers had been trained into a single mind. They knew their own ideas without saying anything. They had a clear division of labor, played their respective strengths, and cooperated in different forms. Finally, they formed a set of perfect combat plan. No matter how large they are, they will not be in chaos, and they can be very orderly.

On the contrary, some of his brothers were unable to play a part in this amazing scene.

In addition to Shen Muchen's group, others also cooperated very well. All of them had their own division of labor. As for Huang cancan's girls, they were mainly responsible for intelligence work. They didn't participate in the battle. However, they were not ordinary people. They would pick up some fish that missed the net and attack in groups, showing their crazy side. Those who were attacked by them would have a worse end I can't bear to see it.

According to this situation, there is no suspense about the victory. From the beginning, the balance of victory began to tilt towards our side, and the more backward it tilted, the more intense my heart became.

From this battle, I was really inspired, I finally realized how important team cooperation is.

At the beginning, I lifted the whole five halls with the power of one person. It was not that I was invincible in the world. However, although there were many people in the five halls, their strength was not low, but their cooperation ability was too poor. As soon as they started to fight, they fell into chaos. The more chaotic they were, the more unstable their mentality was. They were like headless flies, constantly bumping into my glass All of them died on the spot.My brothers, obviously, are an organized and disciplined team. They have a large number, but one plus one is greater than two. When they are working together, one person can't stand it, and immediately someone will go up. They will continue to play an auxiliary role and cooperate with the whole team to continue to fight. Their team spirit makes me feel ashamed.

As soon as the battle started, they formed an encirclement on the sea gang. As time went on, the people of the sea Gang fell down one after another, and the encirclement was constantly shrinking. The scene was totally one-sided.

My brothers are so brave, so determined and capable, which has opened my eyes. I really don't know how to describe these brothers. If you really want to find an adjective, you can compare them to termites. A termite may not be worth mentioning, but a group of termites together can destroy everything.

The battle lasted about 20 minutes. In a painful howl, with he Yunxiang and other three elders subdued, a battle without suspense officially ended.

With the victory, my joy soared to the sky. For me, it was the most magical night. The sudden return of my brothers has already made me feel incredible. Now, they are able to crush all the people on the sea in such a short period of time. I suddenly feel like I'm dreaming. It's amazing.

Uncle Yang, who was beside me, stood still from the beginning to the end. His face was light. However, his eyes were always looking at the brothers with a very rigorous look. When all the people of the Haigang collapsed, uncle Yang's eyes showed a little gratification. The war did not surprise him, but it also met the requirements of his mind Only then will he show satisfaction.

It seems that the change of the fire of war was really made by Uncle Yang. He was the leader who changed all these things. Just as I was in full bloom, Shen Muchen came with his brothers. They still took the three elders of the Hai Gang and the other disabled soldiers of the Hai Gang. They were either seriously injured or dead lying on the ground. No one looked at it any more.

The battle between the fire and the sea ended with the defeat of the Hai Gang. The three elders of the Hai Gang lost their prestige completely. At the moment, they were not as rampant as before. They were also in a mess. It seemed that they had lost the ability to resist and, of course, lost the confidence to resist.

You know, at the beginning, they looked down on the fire like that. In their eyes, my brother was not as good as even a mole ant. But in the end, their invincible sea gang was defeated by this group of people who were inferior to mole ants. For them, they were not only physically injured, but also mentally injured. He Yunxiang couldn't accept the fact at all. At this moment, he was so arrogant Heart is decadent, he was forced to kneel in front of me by my brothers, gave up the idea of struggle.

At this time, Shen Muchen has come to me, directly asked: "boss, how to deal with it?"

Perhaps, Shen Muchen also knows that the elder of the Hai Gang has a high status, so he didn't kill these three people and leave it to me. After listening to Shen Muchen's words, I couldn't help looking at Uncle Yang.

Uncle Yang knew what I was going to say and immediately threw it to me: "you can handle it!"

It seems that he doesn't care about such things. In the eyes of Uncle Yang, the lives of the three elders of the Hai Gang are not worth money at all.

As soon as Uncle Yang's voice dropped, I didn't even speak. He Yunxiang, who was drooping his head, suddenly woke up. He suddenly raised his head and glared at me with his red eyes. He said in a sharp tone: "Suluo, you can't kill us. You should know the way our leader is. If we don't go back, you can't bear the anger of our Haigang!"

As soon as he finished saying this, elder Mu and elder Jin immediately followed him. Their words were so harsh that they seemed to say that they were of noble status. Even if they lost, I would not be qualified to kill them, because the distance between me and the Hai Gang was always one day after another.

Originally, up to now, they have become my prisoners, but they still despise us, or regard the Haibang as the strongest backing, as the God who dominates everything.

Pressure me with the sea Gang? Hehe, they really hit the blade. I'm a person they really don't understand. It's ok if they don't threaten me. When I mention the Hai Gang, my anger can't stop rolling. The Hai Gang is just relying on his mother's powerful power to do mischief. They catch my father, kill Ziyi and kill me completely.

Even though I saved Peng Xuefei in Pengjia manor that time, Peng Yi, a sinister and cunning villain, attacked and plotted against me just because he suspected that I was su Luo. I hated the Hai Gang for a long time. What made me angry was that they attacked me in the fire of war, which has completely triggered my bottom line.

Countless lessons have taught me that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. Since they are aggressive, since I am at odds with the Haigang, and since I am about to have a big fight with them, what room should I leave for them?

It's time for me to learn how to be cruel. In Pengjia manor, I have seen Peng Yi's determination and cruelty. What he does to Wu Tianhao's gang is to kill them all and not to stay. This may be a big boss's act, which is decisive and does not leave behind future troubles.Now, as the leader of the war, I can't act with benevolence. They help others in the sea. If I don't give them some color, they don't regard me as a person. I want them to open their eyes to see clearly that they have offended me, which is the biggest mistake they have made in their life. I want them to know that I, Suluo, are not easy to provoke in the war It's a group of lambs to be slaughtered by people. What about a big fight? Anyway, sooner or later, it will be done.

Since the storm has come, let it come more violent!

Tonight, it is destined to be a sleepless night. Tonight, I will use the blood of the elder of Hai Gang to completely ignite the flame of my war, so that the fire of war will burn farther and more vigorously.

After thinking about it, my eyes looked at the boundless night sky, and then, a terrible voice came out: "kill it!"

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