Since we have already become enemies with the sea Gang, he will not let me go any way I do. Simply, I don't need to be kind to the enemy.

In fact, just now I think so much, I am trying to find an excuse for my cruelty. Now, I have changed. Since I shed the skin of Jiangnan style, I have changed. The vacillating and indecisive Suluo is no longer here. In the future, I will be resolute to anyone and everything.

From this moment on, I, no longer anyone, I'm just myself, solo.

Even if Haibang didn't look for me, I would find them. Anyway, I would kill my father from the dark moon Hall of Haibang.

At this moment, all the brothers present felt my killing intention and felt my stormy momentum.

He Yunxiang and other three felt my horror. They knew that I had sentenced them to death, and there was no room for discussion. They finally panicked.

In the face of death, no one is calm, and he Yunxiang is no exception. Maybe at some time, he is not afraid of death, but at present, he obviously doesn't want to die. He doesn't want to die in the hands he despises. He doesn't want to die so suddenly. At the last moment, he still struggles to die.

Almost as soon as my voice dropped, he yelled at me at the top of his voice: "solo, do you know what I am? I'm the law enforcement elder of the Hai Gang. If you kill me, thousands of members of our Hai Gang will not let you go. You will all suffer! "

Because of his panic, he Yunxiang's tone is not so fierce and vicious. He feels that he is not as overbearing as the surface. At the moment of life and death, he has also become a normal person, a person struggling on the edge of death. After this roar, he still tries to struggle, but his body has been broken down. At this moment, he is still pressed by my brother, and he makes money I can't take it off. I didn't pay any attention to him. My orders were irresistible and could not be changed.

At this time, the eager crab suddenly stood up. He took out a military dagger and went straight to he Yunxiang's back.

Crab is one of the most belligerent people. In the past, he was warlike. The tempering of society has made him more acute. Crab is a man born for war. He can be the executioner of our war. If Shen Muchen hadn't stopped him, he would have killed he Yunxiang. Now, I gave a death order, and he couldn't help it.

When he Yunxiang was struggling, the crab stood behind him and licked his lips. Then he grabbed he Yunxiang's hair in a flash of thunder. Between the flash of calcium carbide, he stretched out a dagger to hit he Yunxiang's throat. The next second, the dagger gently cut, and in an instant, he Yunxiang's blood splashed on the spot.

When he Yunxiang died, his eyes were still open. His eyes were full of discontent and consternation. It seemed that he was really in the dark.

As a law enforcement elder of Haibang who decides the life and death of a person, as a well-known figure of the times, he died quietly in the hands of crabs, and his life came to an end.

Crab is really a talent. At least, his ruthlessness and boldness are incomparable to many people. He Yunxiang is a terrible existence no matter how. But the crab killed him without blinking his eyes, as if killing a chicken. I can't help but admire his courage. It seems that this kind of person is born for mixing black.

Originally, elder Jin and elder Mu wanted to make threats to us. Now, seeing he Yunxiang die in front of them, he Yunxiang died in front of them. The faces of the two elders turned white in an instant, and they felt a little lost in their hearts. They could not even say the threat. They looked so helpless and pitiful.

However, the crab has no sympathy for them. After he Yunxiang is solved, he uses the same method to reap the lives of the two elders. His actions are clean and neat without any hesitation.

After killing these people, he carelessly wiped the blood on the dagger with his own clothes, and then, smiling at me, he said, "OK, it's solved!"

His words sound so relaxed. He has no pressure or hesitation to solve these three important lives.

Changed, really changed, I changed, my brothers have all changed, they are no longer that group of young teenagers, is simply a group of demons, but their ruthlessness makes me very happy, after all, such a group of terrible demons are my brothers, my subordinates, are only my talents.

Thinking of this, my mouth can not help showing a smile, all the mood is reflected in this smile, but just as I smile, suddenly came the harsh siren sound in the night sky, the sound from far to near, more and more loud.

I didn't expect that the police came, and so quickly, my smile was stiff, my heart suddenly jumped, a sense of panic filled my brain. Tonight's thing is really too big, there are countless deaths and injuries. What's more, the Haibang is the leader of the city of H Province, and now they occupy the city. Their power only covers the sky. I'm really worried about this Easy to handle.

But Lin Yang didn't care about the harsh sound of the police siren. His expression was still calm, as if he had no fear. He just said to me, "Arlo, take someone first. I'll take the matter here!"His tone is still so confident. It seems that he can solve such a big problem by himself. Suddenly, I think uncle Yang is very tall and tall. He seems to be omnipotent. My brothers are in his hands, and they have become so fierce and fierce as they are today.

Involuntarily, I have a deep trust in him, his confidence is my confidence, so, I believe he can handle these things, I don't worry about him will be in trouble, now there is no time to delay, so, I immediately roared: "withdraw!"

Suddenly, all the members of the fire began to retreat in an orderly and orderly manner.

Everyone returned to their respective cars in a very short time. Shen Muchen and I got on the SUV together. We sat in the back of the car, and crab was responsible for driving.

In a moment, hundreds of us disappeared into the night, leaving only uncle Yang alone to deal with the police!

On the way, I couldn't stand the shock in my heart and couldn't wait to ask Shen Muchen about their situation during this period of time.

Through Shen Muchen's narration, I know that since I left, Shen Muchen took over the war and became the acting boss. However, in many things, Shen Muchen will listen to Uncle Yang's opinions.

Shen Muchen is the most clear about the relationship between me and uncle Yang. At the beginning, I knew him because Uncle Yang asked him to help me take care of me here. Therefore, Shen Muchen knew how high uncle Yang was as my adoptive father. He also knew that uncle Yang had the most voice, rich experience and his unique policy in matters concerning me and my father. In other words, Shen Muchen is the boss in name. In fact, many things are controlled by Uncle Yang behind his back.

At that time, I went to H Province alone. Uncle Yang was very angry to learn that I was so reckless. However, this did not affect his plan. Even if Uncle Yang wanted to rescue my father, he would not do anything wrong. Instead, he planned slowly and came up with feasible solutions.

He knew that if he wanted to save my father from the sea Gang, he had to cultivate an elite force and compete with him. Otherwise, whoever provoked the sea gang would be an egg against a stone.

With this idea, Shen Muchen and Yang began to use the name of war to recruit talents.

Although the war is only the most powerful force in a city, there are thousands of people in the peak period. Even the invincible Bai Qiuyan was subdued by Shen Muchen and included in the war. Of course, Bai Qiuyan's ability to come here has a lot to do with me. I'll talk about it later.

This is only the first step of Uncle Yang's plan. For the war, the number of people is not enough. After all, it can be imagined that the sea Gang is one of the best in the country. There are countless experts in the sea gang. Even if the number of soldiers is too large, they can't compete with the sea gang. Therefore, the number of people is only the first step. At the end of the war, we still need to select and train powerful people The best soldiers are useful.

At the beginning of the war, the number of people in the war was too large, so the corresponding organization system gradually increased. In this regard, Shen Muchen kept praising uncle Yang, saying that he had a good set of rules and regulations. He felt that he had special experience in governing the army. The reason why the war was so popular in this city and praised by others was closely related to Uncle Yang, a figure behind the scenes 。

In any case, the fire of war is unprecedented and powerful in this city. There is no opponent. There is no need to fight and kill. The organization will not take the initiative to bully the small cliques.

Therefore, during that time, almost all the brothers were involved in basic training, which was the first big training arranged by Uncle Yang. The training intensity was not high. Although tired, everyone could eat it. Many people also liked this progressive organization.

Originally, the basic training should last for a long time, so that we can see everyone's foundation, and then pick out the elite. However, all this was interrupted by the people of the sea gang. That night, people from the sea Gang asked to hand me over, but the organization ignored it. On that night, the people of the sea Gang invaded in a large scale and swept all the fields of the war with a powerful force. The bloody night caused a sensation in the whole city, and many people died in the fire.

On that night, uncle Yang's first request was not resistance, but flight, and a quick evacuation. On that night, some people died, some were scared out of the war by the sea Gang, and others felt that the organization had no future to speak of and fled, which greatly reduced the power of the organization.

However, there were also more than 2000 people who left with the army. This is also an amazing number. The last remaining members are loyal brothers who are loyal. Especially Shen Muchen and others who have fought with me are more than willing to stay in the war, because their hatred for the sea Gang is not only the invasion of the war Because of me, they are willing to bleed for me. They have the courage.

Therefore, all these loyal and righteous people followed Uncle yang to a secret training camp. In this camp, the devil instructor who trained them was my beloved uncle Yang.

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