The enthusiasm of the brothers has made the third floor colorful. They are a group of hot-blooded men who are not afraid of hardship or fatigue or death, but are afraid of nothing to do. They dare to break through, dare to work, dare to do, dare to challenge the limit,

but, of course, I know that my brothers support me without hesitation. The biggest reason is that they believe in me, they support me, he They want to help me. They are not only iron and blood men, but also brothers with love and righteousness.

In the past, no matter how to deal with Xie Yu, Xuanwu Gang, or the Buddha who was not expected to be there, my brothers would never say a word and die for me. Even though they were covered with blood, they still stood still and fought for their lives. They were just like this.

Now, we are facing the largest gang of H Province, Haibang, which is the king of the whole provincial city. However, the brothers are still fearless. They have such lofty feelings and blood. Their righteousness ignited my blood, which made me feel infinite warmth and incomparable passion.

On the way to save people, I always form a shadow and fight alone. This feeling is lonely and helpless in the end. With the company of my brothers, I find my original feeling again. Youth is the time to fly wantonly. If we are young, we should dare to work hard. We would rather bleed and sweat on the road of life and death than eat and die on the road of ease.

No matter how difficult the road ahead is, even if the road is full of difficulties and crises, and there are brothers around, working together to live and die together, what is there to be afraid of?

All of a sudden, I feel very lucky that I have made friends with such a group of brothers in my lifetime. For such a lofty feeling, for the rare brotherhood, we all raised our glasses and drank.

We all drank happily and enjoyed the dinner. Instead of saying thank you to my brothers, all the words were replaced by wine. I held a cup of toast to the brothers present and drank. I was happy, brothers were happy, and everyone was happy.

It was not until nine o'clock in the morning that a party officially ended. I asked my brothers to go to have a rest. However, after all, we had the ability of the Haibang last night, so we should not take it lightly. Therefore, when we disbanded, I ordered Huang cancan to send someone to investigate the news and pay attention to the trend of the city.

I also left other high-level telephone, once there is an emergency, we should quickly do a good job of counterattack. When everyone is dissolved, the disordered third floor suddenly becomes quiet. Only Shen Muchen, crab and Bai Qiuyan are left on the scene.

I asked Bai Qiuyan to stay, while crab wanted to gossip. He saw that the others were gone, so he immediately approached me and said with a smile: "Arlo, to be honest, I thought you went to the capital of H Province alone. I didn't expect that you would survive. How many sensational events have happened to you? Tell me about it Yes

Crab and I have a good relationship, so in the case of no outsider, he is not so restrained, his temperament is like this, not much taboo, think of what to say.

As for my experience in H Province, I didn't say it on the wine table. After all, many things are inconvenient to talk about. Now, the crab asked me specifically. I didn't say anything, but I didn't elaborate on it. I gave a simple answer, a little perfunctory.

Obviously, my answer can't satisfy crab's curiosity. He also wants to break through the casserole and ask the truth, but Shen Muchen stopped him directly and said in a sharp voice, "OK, crab, don't make trouble!"

After that, Shen Muchen solemnly said to me, "Arlo, you are also tired. Have a rest early. I will arrange several brothers to patrol to prevent the attack of the sea gang."

Shen Muchen has always been at ease, especially in the field of management. He has more experience than me. Therefore, I directly nodded to him and said, "well, please!"

Then, Shen Muchen then pulled a face curious crab out of the door.

In an instant, there are only me and Bai Qiuyan.

Bai Qiuyan, as the super overlord of the University and the legendary figure who caused a sensation in the whole university, is always full of some special spirit.

Now, after a few months, this kind of spirit is more and more obvious in him. In fact, he changed a lot and became a real man when he came back last time. Now, he has the real manly spirit. At a glance, he looks very bold and full of the potential of a hero.

I looked at him quietly for a few seconds, and then, I spoke softly to him and said, "Bai Qiuyan, thank you for coming to the war to help me!"

Bai Qiuyan comes from the white family in Beijing. He has lived in a superior environment since childhood. As a young master of the white family in Beijing, he could have enjoyed his life, but he let the young master not be proper and took this dangerous road with me.

However, to this matter, Bai Qiuyan is very calm, he is very calm to me: "don't say thank you, this is my own choice of the road. I didn't want to live comfortably. I can see the development potential of the war. In fact, I am trying to find a way for myself

Bai Qiuyan, like other brothers, has ambition and ambition. He really wants to make a different world. However, I think that he can help me, more importantly, because of Ziyi.

Think of purple, my heart is a burst of pain, originally did not want to say, but to Bai Qiuyan, I can't help but say to him: "Ziyi, she has an accident!"Sure enough, as soon as I heard Ziyi, Bai Qiuyan's expression changed, and his always indifferent eyes gave out an urgent light. Without hesitation, he asked me: "what's the matter with her"

hearing about Ziyi's accident, he was very calm and excited in an instant.

I replied with a bit of shame: "because of my stupidity, she was temporarily faint I can't wake up. I'll recover if I save my father! "

Hearing this, Bai Qiuyan calmed down and had to say that he really changed. He could do anything for Ziyi. If he put it in the past, he would hit me without saying a word. But he didn't, and he also knew the relationship between us, so he didn't say anything more. However, Bai Qiuyan still said to me that he must save Ziyi, otherwise he would not let go my

No matter when, Bai Qiuyan is always worried about Ziyi. Bai Qiuyan doesn't want to get Ziyi. His love has been paid in silence and never asks for return.

Time, static for two seconds, I pause for a moment, can't help but ask him: "you still can't put down Ziyi?"

Hearing this, Bai Qiuyan couldn't help but smile and said, "she's always in my heart. I just want her to be safe and happy. That's enough!"

Bai Qiuyan's tone is very bitter, for a fruitless love, Bai Qiuyan persisted for so many years, his infatuation really surpasses anyone.

But his helplessness, but also so profound, no matter how much he loved Ziyi, he did not continue to fight for, he also knew, I and Ziyi's story, and Ziyi's heart has never been in Bai Qiuyan's body, his silent love, doomed to no result, perhaps as he said, as long as Ziyi happiness is enough.

For this former enemy and friend, I don't know how to comfort him. I can only accompany him with a bitter smile, showing a helpless look.

The box was very quiet. Bai Qiuyan and I talked briefly. In order to avoid embarrassment, we jumped over the topic of Ziyi. We talked about other things without a word. From the past in school, we talked about many things in our hearts. Although Bai Qiuyan and I are different in body and have changed, we still have common language.

Time, quietly passed in our chat, until uncle Yang came over, Bai Qiuyan took the initiative to say goodbye: "Ziyi, please, I'll go first!"

I nodded at him.

After Bai Qiuyan left, Yang Shucai came in. I can see that he has been busy all night, and his clothes have not been changed. I know that Yang Shu has been scrubbing our buttocks all night.

All night yesterday, our iron and blood army swept around the city, and the sound of sirens rang all night. In particular, we also killed the three elders and so many elites of the Hai Gang, but the police didn't come to us. All the credit should be attributed to Uncle Yang, who was on his own to take care of the aftermath for us.

However, these things seem to be a small matter for uncle Yang. He didn't mention it. As soon as he entered the door, he came to me and stroked my head like his own child. He said to me kindly: "Arlo, you are growing up again!"

When he said this, uncle Yang's eyes could not help but show a color of relief, full of love on his face.

Last night, when there were many people, he didn't say anything. Now, only when we were alone, he showed his fatherly warmth. He cared about me and worried about me. Last time, I went to H Province alone, leaving only a letter to him. Although he would be angry, he did not blame me, but spared no effort to help me. I really don't know what to say.

After a long pause, I said to him, "thank you, uncle Yang."

After listening to my words, uncle Yang chuckled gently and replied indifferently, "it's OK. The Hai Gang's influence here is not big. I'll find someone to get through the relationship and solve it!"

His words are light, and his tone is very casual, which shows his omnipotent spirit completely.

I looked at Yang deeply. My eyes were red and my voice became hoarse: "I don't mean it. I thank you for your understanding. I also thank you for helping me train my brother. You are tired, uncle Yang!"

After hearing this, uncle Yang said modestly: "you're welcome. It's all for saving your father. Besides, in the training camp, although I'm the chief instructor, I just used the plan of your father's former training soldiers. The instructor who really trained the group of boys is your father's former subordinates in the army. When they heard that your father had an accident, they all wanted to help. All of them are capable people. They are capable people now But when we go to save your father, they'll come and help

Uncle Yang's words, like a surprise suddenly fell down, hit my heart in full bloom.

I know that my father has an old army. I know that, because he seems to have mixed with the society before, and he can mix well. So when dealing with the Buddha, he can find a group of subordinates and use them to defeat the members of the secret group invited by the Buddha. Finally, my father's group of hands are also included in my war. However, although they are powerful, they are not masters, It is far from the strength of Uncle Yang.

But now, the capable instructors in Uncle Yang's mouth are old subordinates in my father's army. It is said that the place my father stayed in was the trump card army in the army. Besides, it was 20 or 30 years ago.I believe that my father's subordinates in the trump card army must have been very powerful. After so many years of transformation, their abilities will only increase. Otherwise, they can't train my brothers so much in a short time.

Now, what I lack most is the master, and with such a group of instructors, to join the camp to save my father, that is to me like a tiger with wings!

When I was excited, uncle Yang's voice came again: "by the way, Arlo, you've been a long time, have you found anything?"

A word awakens the dreamer. I know that I haven't told uncle Yang about the situation of H Province until now.

During the dinner party before, my brothers and I told them about the general situation of saving my father, but I didn't tell them about my father's detention in the dark moon hall, not because I didn't trust them, but because they didn't know the dark moon hall at all. What's more, it's not trivial, and there is no possibility of any exposure. Otherwise, once my father is transferred, it will happen It's all over.

At the moment, there are only uncle Yang and I in the box. I don't have to hide anything about him. I have to discuss it with him. As soon as Uncle Yang's voice fell, I couldn't wait to reply: "well, I've heard the place where my father was held. This time I come back, I want to find help and help my father together!"

Hearing this, uncle Yang's indifferent face suddenly showed a look of surprise. His eyes were obviously incredible. It seemed that he did not expect that I could find out such important information.

With this trace of surprise, he quickly asked me, "where is your father locked up?"

Immediately, I answered softly: "Haibang, dark moon hall!"

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