The plan had to be carried out ahead of time. There was no turning back arrow. Success or failure was at stake. After I dialed uncle Yang's phone call, uncle Yang did not show much anxiety, but calmly said, "when?"

"Right now, now!" I said firmly

Uncle Yang calmly replied, "are you ready?"

I said solemnly, "well, I'm ready."

Uncle Yang stopped for two seconds. Then, he said meaningfully, "OK, come here. I'm in H Province now. When you arrive, contact me!"

This can not help but let me sign, unexpectedly, uncle Yang went to H Province in advance. Although he didn't tell me why, but what he did in H Province, I guess, he was for my father's sake.

I don't care what reason he said immediately, "OK, I'll start right now. I'll contact you when I get there."

After the phone call, I went back to my temporary room, changed a suit of clothes, simply prepared some, and then walked out of the room.

My brothers are very agile. When I come to the door, the vehicles are ready and the personnel are gathered.

At the moment, the road outside the world is full of all kinds of cars. These cars line up in a long line, and the scene is very spectacular.

In the open space in front of the motorcade, that is, the gate of heaven and earth, 500 soldiers are standing upright, waiting for my arrival. They are just like expeditionary forces who are about to go on an expedition. They are so domineering and powerful. Their expressions are solemn and solemn, and their formation is neat, just like soldiers who have been professionally trained.

They are surrounded by a lot of young brothers watching the theater, as well as a lot of fans. These people admire our fighting style. When they see us going out for the war, they all rush to see us off and see us off. Some people take pictures of this spectacular picture with their mobile phones.

In the past, the atmosphere of the whole scene was hot and lively. Our action is to be powerful and majestic.

In fact, it's not my style to make such a big fuss. What I want to do is to keep a low profile. It's best to sneak into H Province in silence. But now, the inaction of the Haibang has made me uneasy and changed the way I appear.

Peng Yi's mind is too deep. I can't guess what he's thinking, and I don't understand why he didn't make any moves. You know, at the beginning, he tried his best to catch me, but now, I'm not only showing up, but also leading me to slaughter his three elders and countless elite members. He should be furious.

However, Peng Yi didn't make any movement. It was because he didn't move that he seemed to be afraid of each other. Maybe they came to the dark. It's very likely that they have quietly followed us.

If we only have a few people to go to H Province, then after dressing up, we still have the opportunity to sneak into H Province quietly.

But we are going to a large team of 500 people this time. It's too difficult to hide from the sky and cross the sea. Even if we sneak into the sea in batches, it will not work. What's more, the most fierce battle is the team combat ability. If we go in batches, the personnel will disperse, the strength will be dispersed, and the risk factor will be greatly increased. It is better to concentrate our strength and be vigorous We're breaking in.

They want to come to the sea secretly, but we will not give them the chance to sneak attack. We will form an iron bucket and wait for their arrival at any time. I just want to let them know that I am not afraid of them.

Thinking of this, my mind became more and more firm, and my heart was more surging. My eyes were burning, and I was staring at the powerful army in front of me. Then, my eyes moved and I scanned the brothers who went through fire and water for me. Their faces were engraved in my heart. I expressed my deepest gratitude to them. At the same time, because of their support, I was full of passion and passion.

In my concentration, Shen Muchen has reviewed the whole team. He quickly came to me and reported to me: "everything is ready!"

I immediately returned to my senses and nodded to Shen Muchen. Then, I straightened my chest, just like the emperor who drove his own expedition. I was proud of the whole audience and yelled: "go!"

Two words, very loud and clear, cut through the noisy night sky, bring out the most majestic momentum, suddenly, my team of people moved together, with a very neat order, quickly boarded their cars.

Shen Muchen and I also got on the cross-country vehicle. The driver was crab. At 9:30 p.m., our mighty motorcade, carrying our group of warm-blooded warriors, marched forward to H Province.

I sat in the car, feeling the enthusiasm and passion of my brothers. No matter how dangerous the road ahead is, at least at this moment, I am full of self-confidence. They have given me strength. I have already started to be unscrupulous. Once I come, I will settle down. The soldiers will block the water and cover the land.

About ten minutes later, our team entered the suburbs. At this time, there was very little traffic flow on the road. It seems that only our long motorcade left at night. This is also the reason why I chose to set out at night. In order to reach H Province at the fastest speed, I decided to set out at night They're on the highway.The highway is even more unimpeded. Along the way, we galloped rapidly, and my mind also floated rapidly. My eyes were staring at the flickering night outside the window, but what I saw in my mind was what I should face after I went to H Province. All kinds of calculations and responses should be taken into account.

In my mind ups and downs, suddenly, my mobile phone rings, this sudden voice immediately hook me back to God, I quickly took out the mobile phone to have a look, the person who called me was Peng Xuefei.

After a few seconds, I finally got through.

Immediately, Peng Xuefei's hoarse voice came from the phone: "Jiangnan wind, are you ok?"

No contact for a few days, Peng Xuefei's voice has a strong sense of fatigue. I can imagine that she must be haggard on the other end of the phone. I know that she must be waiting for me these days, but this waiting is too painful.

On the phone that day, I told her that I was arranged by my family to a secret place and let her wait for me. This is a promise I made to her, which may be an endless waiting. Of course, she couldn't bear the wait, but she couldn't help calling me.

Her haggard pressure on my heart, let me can not help but suppress the pain.

I took a deep breath without trace and tried to control my emotions. Then I continued to make up a lie and said to Peng Xuefei in a relaxed tone: "I'm ok, but I don't have freedom."

Peng Xuefei heard, the voice more bitter: "when can you come out, I miss you!"

The longer time goes by, the cruelty of the truth will surface more easily. In the end, paper can't cover the fire. Even if Peng Xuefei loves me more deeply, she is not a fool. Perhaps, she feels something. This long-term waiting makes her suffer and may also make her feel uneasy.

After all, in the past, even if I risked my life, I would secretly meet her. To say the least, even if it was inconvenient for me to go out, I should have contacted her by phone, but I didn't do anything these days when I disappeared, which inevitably hurt Peng Xuefei.

I can't find a better reason to explain what, and what's more, I can't find any reason to make her not sad. After pondering over it, I just made up a blind lie: "Feifei, I'm sorry, I've been busy these two days, and I haven't taken care of you!"

Hearing what I said, Peng Xuefei suddenly lost her voice, but I seemed to hear her heartbreaking voice, saying that women's sixth sense is very smart. Did she recognize my perfunctory meaning? Is it because I'm so busy that I don't even have time to make a phone call? This is a lame reason that can't be any worse, no one will be better.

Silence for a long time, Peng Xuefei again issued a hoarse voice, some sad said: "Jiangnan wind, can you come to me?"

This time, her tone is not only helpless, but also with a bit of bitterness, like something happened, I can't help but ask: "what's the matter?"

Peng Xuefei sobbed softly and said, "Sheng Mingjie is back. He has come to my house. He, he still wants to get me!"

Sheng Mingjie is also Sheng Mingjie. He is a villain in the city. He does not admit defeat. For him, face is above everything. Even if he loses the contest, he will not give up Peng Xuefei.

If Peng Xuefei is really good with me, he will not be able to raise his head all his life. Moreover, he likes Peng Xuefei and how can he give up easily.

Speaking of it, he had already planned that I would die. Therefore, he never thought of giving up Peng Xuefei. If Han Yimo and Qiqi arrived to save me one after another, I would have died without a burial place. Sheng Mingjie, he and the Sheng family behind him would not let me go, naturally I won't be with Peng Xuefei.

Such a person, bad to burst, Peng Xuefei with him, certainly will not be happy, even if I can not give Peng Xuefei the future, but I do not want Peng Xuefei to be good with him.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but say, "did you agree?"

My words stimulated Peng Xuefei. She was excited and yelled in a hoarse voice: "Jiangnan wind, are you stupid? How can I promise? I love you, don't you know?"

At the moment, Peng Xuefei, just like an abandoned resentful wife, is full of resentment. Every word of mine has deeply hit her. I feel that she is sad, really sad, and her voice is shaking.

Her pain made my heart feel more flustered, I rushed back to her and said: "Feifei, I'm sorry, I know you love me, I shouldn't have asked!"

Hearing what I said, Peng Xuefei sighed. After a long pause, she said powerlessly: "Jiangnan wind, you were not like this before. You are not afraid of the heaven and the earth. Even if you compete with Sheng Mingjie, you know that you can't be defeated. You will have no hesitation to compare. But now, how can you shrink back? Your mother is not very capable. Why do you want to hide? Why don't you come and see me! "

Hearing Peng Xuefei's words, I have some difficulty breathing, chest tangled uncomfortable.

Sure enough, Peng Xuefei has felt something. She not only felt that I didn't pay attention to her, but also felt the abnormality in my behavior. All these things made her hard to accept and made her miserable.Yes, my change is too obvious. I hide because I am afraid of Sheng family. This reason is the best reason I can give her, but it doesn't make sense. What lies can I tell again? I really don't know how to answer her.

When I was speechless, Peng Xuefei said to me with deep sorrow: "Jiangnan wind, I'll tell you the truth. Something happened to my family. Suluo appeared again. He also killed three elders in our gang.

According to my father, solo and his war have grown up, which is a great threat to our sea gang. And you, at such a juncture, have been running away, did not appear, Sheng Mingjie but dignified appearance.

You don't know what kind of person my father is. He just wants to climb up to the Sheng family as a support. In this situation, he has to hold on to the Sheng family. He advised me to give up you and be good with Sheng Mingjie. I'm really forced. I can't help it. Can't you show up? "

Peng Xuefei's tone was helpless and full of sadness. She was forced to breathe by her father. How she wanted me to face with her, but I didn't do anything. It was too cruel for her.

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