I understand Peng Xuefei. She believes in my love, and I just use her, that's all.

After listening to Peng Xuefei's words, I finally know that Peng Yi, an old fox, has been standing still these days. It turns out that he has not done anything, but that he has not acted rashly. He knows that my power can not be underestimated now. He has not acted rashly. Therefore, he has quietly made preventive arrangements. He also wants to climb to the Sheng family and strengthen himself to easily destroy him Lose me and my war.

Peng Yi was not satisfied with my identity of Jiangnan style. What's more, I was scared to hide by the Sheng family, which made him disappointed. How could he choose a shrinking headed turtle like me to be his son-in-law in the face of a big enemy.

Peng Yi is a smart person. I know that, but he should pay so much attention to me, which is still a little surprising to me.

For Peng Yi's ultimate intention, I still can't figure out, but for Peng Xuefei's sadness, I'm clear. If I don't give her a reasonable explanation, Peng Xuefei can't think of it. So, after hesitating, I said to her solemnly, "Feifei, don't think about it, I'm not escaping. I have something to do these two days. So, you wait for me God, when I'm done with it, I'll come to you, OK

At this moment, Peng Xuefei has been extremely sad. If I don't give her hope, she will despair immediately. But what can I do after two days? At that time, my action may have started. By then, can I hide my identity as Suluo?

The development of things is not as simple as I imagined. I thought that if the Jiangnan wind disappeared, Peng Xuefei would live forever. I didn't know that Jiangnan wind and Suluo were the same person, but the fact is far from so simple. Everything is still too naive as I think. The disappearance of Jiangnan wind has caused too many doubts. Even Peng Xuefei feels different. The most important thing is that she has already felt me Not so much attention to her, not so love, in this way, her heart will not tear? If Jiangnan wind loses its message forever, how can she stand it?

Now, I have no way, can comfort her day by day, really to comfort the time, I can only ruthlessly ignore.

At the moment, Jiangnan Feng listened to my promise, and her heart was really stable. She was no longer so miserable. She saw the hope of meeting me and had an idea in her heart, so she was no longer so desperate. Therefore, her tone was obviously slowed down a lot and told me that she was waiting for me.

I gave her some more reassurance, said some reassuring words, and then hung up.

Put down the mobile phone, my eyes are red, eyes full of sadness and guilt.

Shen Muchen, sitting beside me, saw something wrong with me and immediately asked, "who is it?"

I had no choice but to curl my lips, revealing a wry smile and saying, "a friend!"

After that, I turned my eyes to the window. Obviously, I was not in the mood to speak again. Shen Muchen's mind was sharp. Of course, I could feel my boredom. He didn't disturb me, but just sat quietly on one side.

Time, in the silence of the passage, I am in the silence of a daze, complex thoughts.

Unconsciously, the motorcade was about to rush into H Province. Suddenly, the crabs driving broke the silence and asked me, "boss, where do we live tonight?"

his voice pulled me back from my meditation. I realized that H province is not far away. It's a big problem about the place where we are staying. Our four hundred troops are very conspicuous wherever they go. H province is filled with the eye liner of the sea gang. We live everywhere threatened by growing crises. So, for the temporary accommodation, I was early in the morning. I think so.

When the crab finished asking, I immediately said, "wait a minute!"

Immediately, I dialed Mu Nan's phone. As soon as the phone was connected, I said straight to the point: "Mu Nan, I'm Jiangnan style!"

Mu Nan heard that it was me, and his tone was obviously excited. He said to me in a hurry: "boss, what do you want me to do?"

The big man of the Party of flying cars is also a smart man. He knows that I am the master of the three treasures hall. At the same time, he seems to be looking forward to me contacting him.

Maybe it's because he saw me in the underground boxing Hall of Haibang last time and defeated Sheng Mingjie. So he felt that he paid more respect to me. He was so excited to see me call him.

Mu Nan, although I don't have much contact with, I can see that he is a real man with blood and loyalty. Since he was accepted as my subordinate, his actions have not let me down, and I have more and more trust in him.

With this trust, I didn't intend to hide anything, so I didn't beat around the Bush and said bluntly: "do you have any vacancies in the transformation plant? I've brought 500 brothers. I want to stay with you for a while."

I have never told Mu Nanming that I am Su Luo. However, Mu Nan is not stupid. He has personally experienced my strength and knows that my reason for hiding my strength was because of me. Through all kinds of signs, he should be able to guess that I am Suluo, just without breaking the point.

At this juncture, I can't hide it from him. After all, I still need him to help me save people. It is equivalent to that he and his bike party have been on the same front with me. He is an armed force under my hand. If I want him to cooperate with me, I can't hide my identity from him.Mu Nan also knows the overall situation. After listening to my words, he didn't say any unnecessary nonsense. He said straightforwardly: "of course, boss, don't be polite to me. My territory is yours. You can come and live in many places. Do you want me to pick you up?"

I went to the base camp of the flying car party once. That time, I really felt the extraordinary of that place. It was a large automobile transformation plant. The protective measures were perfect, the space inside was very large, and everything was well deployed. It was the best place to use that place as the base.

By the way, we can combine the strength of the flying car party and the fire to make our whole society more powerful, so that I don't have to worry about the sea Gang's surprise attack. Therefore, I have thought for a long time that the fire of war will be stationed there.

Seeing Mu Nan so forthright, I didn't mention it. I also said, "no, I know the way. Just say hello to your brother under your hand. Don't make an oolong. I'm almost to the H Province!"

After talking to Mu Nan on the phone, the motorcade also drove into the provincial capital. I originally wanted to inform uncle Yang that I had arrived. But now, the time has passed in the early morning and in the middle of the night, I don't want to disturb him. After all, I don't want to rescue people immediately. I have to set up a camp first and go to find Han Yimo for help. I don't need to ask Uncle Yang for help.

After all, I still didn't call uncle Yang. I just edited a text message to Uncle Yang and sent him the place we were going to go, that is, the location of the party headquarters, saying that we would live there temporarily and let him come when he had time.

After texting, I immediately let the crab stop, and then I switched to the driver's seat to drive.

In H Province, crabs are not familiar with this place. Moreover, the location of the base camp of the flying car party is relatively remote. Even if I reported an address, the crab did not know. I simply drove by myself, which was much more convenient.

Led by my car and followed by other cars in order, our whole motorcade ran towards the headquarters of the flying car party.

The night has been very deep. However, when they arrived in H Province, the brothers were full of energy. Some people also made a lot of noise. This is the joy of their first arrival in the big city, and their longing for a new life in the future. The new place gives them different blood and passion.

In the excitement of my brothers, I drove smoothly all the way to the flying car party headquarters.

Half an hour later, I arrived at my destination with a large army.

As soon as I got here, my eyes lit up and my heart was shaken. Because Mu Nan knew that I was coming, he even gave me a grand welcome ceremony.

From a distance, I can see that there are countless motorcycles parked outside the wire circle. All the motorcycles have their headlights on, and they are arranged in order.

The number of members of the party was very large. They surrounded the huge barbed wire gate, leaving only a road that was not very spacious. Our motorcade could not get in at all and had to stop outside their motorcycles.

After getting off the bus, my five hundred brothers immediately formed a line. Shen Muchen and I were the leaders. Several other hall leaders followed us. In the rear were high-level leaders such as the vice hall leader. They were in good order.

In this way, I led my five hundred loyal and righteous League warriors to slowly move towards the gate of the barbed wire fence. Our team was magnificent, and the motorcycles in front of us were even more magnificent. This scene was really like the people of the whole city welcoming the soldiers who had won the victory. It was an extraordinary sensation.

On the vast countryside, the space is open, the night sky is vast, the stars and the moon are bright, and countless motorcycle headlights shine on the whole sky and earth. My brothers in war and I, in such a grand welcome ceremony, marched bravely, which virtually gave us a huge exciting impact.

The momentum of the brothers is surging, and their expressions are even more joyful and excited. Everyone's eyes are full of bright colors, and everyone's blood is boiling. When I first entered the H Province, who would have thought that such a domineering motorcycle brigade would meet us.

With full of passion and vigorous pace, we quickly passed through the middle road vacated by the motorcycles team. The brothers of the flying car party on both sides of the road saw us off all the way. Their eyes were full of surprise and excitement, and they were full of lofty sentiments.

When we 500 people entered the interior of the barbed wire, we found that in front of the largest factory building, there were still a group of people, led by Mu Nan, and many high-level members of the flying car party.

At the moment, Mu Nan personally led a gang of high-level people, such as the eight King Kong of the flying car party, standing at the door of the factory building, waiting for us respectfully.

I did not hesitate, continue to stride the heroic pace, led my brother straight to Mu Nan.

The evening wind was rustling and momentum was rolling. We all came to the front of FengChen. Then, I stood still, and the brothers behind me also stopped in an orderly manner. All of them were well-trained soldiers. At this moment, they completely showed their discipline and spirit.

Mu Nan and other high-level members of the flying car party looked at us, and their eyes were bright, especially Mu Nan. When he saw my real face for the first time, he recognized me at a glance.

In the moment I stopped, he and the high-level cyclist party behind him suddenly knelt on their knees. At the same time, they cried out boldly: "welcome to the boss!"Sound, breaking through the clouds, momentum, overwhelming.

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