After seeing Mu Nan's welcome ceremony, all the brothers behind me were a little stunned. How could they imagine that I went to H Province alone a few months ago, and in a blink of an eye, I became such a magnificent leader of the flying car party. It was so incredible to them that even I was completely shocked.

Originally, Mu Nan made such a grand ceremony in the middle of the night and welcomed me with great fanfare, which made me feel very surprised. By doing so, he set off my image and halo. Naturally, I was moved.

But at the moment, Mu Nan even disregarded the status, the occasion and the face. In front of my brothers and in the sight of his members of the party, he knelt down to me with a group of big men of the party. This action immediately showed my king's aura vividly. I was suddenly a little flattered. I felt that Mu Nan's loyalty and awe to me had exceeded As far as I can imagine, his feelings from the heart are not disguised.

At first, I was a little worried that I had changed my face. Mu Nan could not recognize me. But now, looking at his performance, I think he not only knew my identity, but also estimated that he had already investigated my appearance. After all, my appearance was also famous in H Province, and I was wanted by the sea gang for a long time.

Of course, my heart didn't turn for long. Soon, I stepped forward to hold Mu Nan and said, "get up quickly. It's all brothers. Don't be so polite."

After I helped Mu Nan up, the eight King Kong and some other high-level car party also gradually got up.

We did not stand at the door to do too many greetings, but simply let the brothers of both sides have a face-to-face. I led the high-level of the fire of war, and met the high-level of the flying car party one by one, and got to know each other. We can see that both sides appreciate each other, and their eyes are full of splendor. It's a pity to meet each other too late.

After getting acquainted with each other, I asked Mu nan to arrange a place for my brothers. Because it was too late, we didn't have any party. I told my brothers to take a rest after they settled down. Now is the key time. It's the most important to keep our energy up. We can't take it lightly, we can't relax our vigilance, but we can't be too tight and tired It's also important to have a moderate rest.

Mu Nan has already prepared for the issue of the residence of my brothers in the war. The base camp of the flying car party is very large, and there are many places to accommodate my brothers. Without hesitation, Mu Nan asked eight King Kong to lead my brothers to the place they had arranged.

As for the vehicles parked outside, I asked Shen Muchen to send someone to drive into the parking lot exclusively owned by the party. The other members of the party, Mu Nan, also made some arrangements. The patrol, the rest and a grand welcome ceremony came to an end.

I didn't go to bed, but agreed with Mu Nan in his office.

There was no one else in the office, and I didn't care to talk to Mu Nan. As soon as I started talking, I went straight to the topic and said seriously: "Mu Nan, you should know my identity. I'm Suluo. I bring all the elite I've cultivated. I'm going to work with Haibang to save my father!"

Mu Nan poured a cup of tea for me, sent it to me, and then said with a smile: "boss, I know!"

I shrunk my mouth and asked, "aren't you afraid?"

Mu Nan didn't hesitate at all, and said directly, "what are you afraid of? From the moment when you showed mercy and didn't kill me, I decided that my Mu Nan's life will be yours. Besides, if I struggle on my own, I will always make this contribution. With the help of the sea here, I won't have my first day. I can feel that you are extraordinary. You have a bright future with you. I believe that in the future, this city must be our world! "

Said, Mu Nan's eyes obviously sent out the essence of light, his body also exudes the heroic spirit.

I knew for a long time that Mu Nan is also a tough guy with ambition. However, the development space of his strength is limited, so it is difficult to have a big future. However, no one wants to stop. Although the feiche party is a good Gang, in this city, there are sea gangs that cover the sky, so the party will always be subordinate to the Hai Gang.

Obviously, Mu Nan doesn't like this. For him, it's better for him to have a vigorous and vigorous fight instead of mediocre mixing and being pressed by people.

I believe in Mu Nan, so I didn't say much. I just promised him, "OK, Mu Nan, I didn't mistake you. Don't worry. I promised you before that we would unify H Province. I will do this, let you know, your choice is not wrong! "

When I said this, my voice was sonorous and powerful, and my voice was full of confidence.

This time, fighting in H Province and saving my father, of course, is the most important thing, but it is not the only thing. After all, the aspirations of the brothers are great. They just want to fight and struggle, and to work together with me to make a different future. I will be committed to building my own world and sharing it with my brothers, so as to be worthy of these brothers who are willing to shed blood for me.

No matter how difficult this road is, I am confident in this moment.

Mu Nan saw my confidence and felt my extraordinary. He had already reached the point of unconditional trust in me, because no matter I was Jiangnan Feng or Suluo, he had done amazing measures, and Mu Nan, a legendary man, knew all about it. His unique vision can penetrate, penetrate a person, he believes, with me absolutely has a future.We looked ahead to the big picture, and then we went back to the front and talked about the pressing issues. At present, the hungry wolf of Haibang is staring at me. Although they do not act for the time being, they are not sure when they will come out to bite us. We should be on guard at any time.

In addition, it is urgent to save my father. I must find out the current situation as soon as possible so as to make reasonable action arrangements.

Speaking of the situation in H Province, Mu Nan told me that the situation here is showing signs of change again. A few days ago, the flames of war rose strongly and slaughtered the elite of the Haigang and the three elders. This matter has been widely spread in the provincial capital. The reputation of the war has emerged in the whole country, especially in this city. Many people are optimistic about our shining star.

It can be said that the fire of war has shaken the foundation of the Haigang. On the surface, the provincial capital is still calm these days. In fact, many gangs in the underground boundary of H Province have begun to be agitated. The reason why no one dares to take any obvious action is because they are afraid of the hegemonic idea of the Haigang. After all, the Haibang is the first one in terms of comprehensive strength, and no one dares to compete with them Hard work.

Last time, Peng Xuefei and I were arrested, and there was a great chaos in H Province. Many people took advantage of the fire to seize the territory. This is enough to show that the largest gang of the Hai Gang is not so popular. Many people just fear them, but they are not convinced.

Now, the fire of war, a rising star, has frustrated the spirit of the sea Gang, which has caused a great sensation to the underground forces in H Province. And tonight, I led the fighting to H Province, which was very timely.

Mu Nan is very sure that as long as he releases the news early tomorrow morning that the fire of war has been stationed in the provincial capital, and he is willing to surrender to the fire, then I will stand out again, holding the flag of the war and recruiting talented people. I believe that I will certainly respond to it.

There are many gangs who have had a festival with the Haibang. They are willing to join our team. In this way, our strength can compete with the Haibang.

After listening to Mu Nan's words, I can't help but wonder. Mu Nan is really a smart tough guy. He is not a type with developed limbs and simple mind. He can be said to be both literate and martial arts. He has unique vision and foresight.

After Mu Nan's analysis, my confidence has risen abruptly. I finally understood why the resourceful Peng Yi cared about the fire of my war. It turned out that he also saw signs of instability in the provincial capital. If he took the risk of taking people to my city, then there would be a fire on the provincial side, and many restless gangs would take advantage of the fire.

Peng Yi did not act rashly, but chose to continue to suppress in H Province. At the same time, he tried to establish a good relationship with Sheng family, so as to find a suitable opportunity to kill my war.

Now, I suddenly came to H Province. If Mu Nan said that he would blow a wind tomorrow morning, he would certainly be able to blow the fire again.

Yes, the fire of war, a strong rising Gang, is unknown to many people in H Province, but at least it has greatly frustrated the existence of the Haibang. Strength, certainly not to be underestimated. In particular, the "flying car party" is unconditionally submissive, which shows that the potential for war is huge, and such a promising gang has a strong appeal.

Moreover, the hegemony of the sea gang has long been dissatisfied with many underground forces in H Province. In the last provincial capital turmoil, the sea Gang conquered others by force, which made the underground forces dissatisfied with the sea gang. In such a form, I led the fire of war to fight against the sea gang in H Province. What's more, Haibang arrested my father. I'm on the side of justice, which makes it easier to win over people's hearts.

Thinking of this, I can't help but be happy. If I can close down other gangs, my power will be much stronger. In that way, I don't have to be afraid of the Hai Gang, and I will be able to save my father more smoothly.

This night, I had a good talk with Mu Nan, and finally decided on the perfect plan. After a long chat, I went to see my brothers in the war. Seeing that they were all settled down, I went to sleep alone in the room arranged by Mu Nan.

The next day, two big news blew up the city. 1、 The new forces entered H Province last night to fight against the sea gang. 2、 The Party of the flying car took refuge in the war unconditionally.

As soon as these two news came out, they were immediately fired. The underground world of the city has already exploded. Almost everyone is spreading this story. The fire of war has penetrated into every corner of the city's underground boundary. Taking advantage of the stormy weather in the city, I timely raised the flag of war and wantonly recruited people.

In the name of my father, I severely denounced the Haibang for its cruelty and inhumanity. I also took the opportunity to take in capable people and jointly denounce the hegemonists of the Haibang.

Sure enough, things are similar to what Mu Nan and I expected. The new star of the war was valued by people. However, the leader of the largest gang in the provincial capital for a long time, there were many enemies. My uprising immediately caused a whirlwind in the city. In particular, even the flying car Party took the lead in my war, and other gangs naturally followed suit.

Within one day, many small and medium-sized gangs came to our camp just to join the war and fight against the sea gang. Even more, many capable people came to our camp and called on them to join the war.

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