After the news of the war in H Province spread out, it is growing at an alarming speed, and the reputation of the war is becoming more and more loud. The speed of our rise is simply shameful.

At such a time, Mu Nan, Shen Muchen, Bai Qiuyan, Dong Zhiming and other people are very busy.

They are busy, of course, because we need to be more careful in terms of income. Not all kinds of cats and dogs can join the organization. If we mix in the unreliable or defective products, the overall strength of the war will become unreliable, and it will be bad to become a mixed organization.

In fact, with the rapid expansion of the war, I don't want to use these new people to save my father. I only rely on my elite strength to take people I can trust to attack the dark moon hall.

On the one hand, I am trying to prevent the sea gang from waiting for opportunities to retaliate against me. At least, I can't do it in these critical days. If the sea Gang suddenly attacks me, my way to save my father will be hindered. Even more, my elite forces here will be defeated by the Hai Gang. What can I do to save my people?

Now, I've made a storm in the city of H Province, inciting various small and medium-sized gangs to join the flames of war, which has strengthened my strength. The Haigang must weigh it over and never dare to attack us at this time.

On the other hand, I still want to think about the future. Even if the Hai Gang doesn't deal with me these days, when I kill the dark moon hall and save my father, the Hai Gang will surely be more angry with us. If the war is powerful, we can bear the fierce anger of the Hai Gang, and we will not let the brothers hide in Tibet. I must give it to my brother If you want to build a safe home, you'd better stay in H Province.

However, the premise of all this is to save my father, which is also the most difficult point.

To save my dad, it's not enough to rely on the fire of war and the Party of flying cars. I also need experts and Han Yimo's help. I must talk to her about this as soon as possible.

So, during the day, I helped my brothers deal with the recruitment problems and the merger with the flying car party. After dinner, fewer people came to join in, so I was free. Anyway, Shen Muchen and Mu Nan were old hands, and I didn't need to worry about it. So, I went back to my room, ready to change my clothes and sneak to Korea and Israel Mo's villa looks for her.

But as soon as I entered the room, I didn't have time to change my clothes. Mu Nan ran to me and reported to me: "boss, the flame Gang wants to join us. I'm not sure about this. Do you think you want to accept it?"

Hearing this, my heart can't help shaking, flame Gang, I've heard about it, and I'm very impressed.

This gang is really like a flame. It can't be extinguished for a long time. It has great lethality. It can be regarded as a big gang in H Province. However, the number of them is not large. It is estimated that there are only one or two hundred of them. With the help of these two hundred people, the guild will not be defeated and will last forever.

They are strong in fighting, and they are a group of Desperado. They are crazy people who are not afraid of death. Especially their eldest brother, they fight very hard. He is famous for his iron head and ferocity. He and his flame Gang really depend on their strength to eat.

Originally, it was the best thing that such gangs were willing to join us. After all, after all, after all, after all, some small and medium-sized gangs wanted to find a backer after a day's work.

The real big gangs, even if they are dissatisfied with the sea Gang, will not easily turn to others. Other people's big gangs either have their own foundation or have their own abilities. How can such gangs submit to you as a new star.

The reason why I am willing to join the fraternity is that I am willing to join the fraternity.

Now, suddenly a big gang like the flame gang has joined. It can be said that it is a miracle. I should be very happy, but I did not. Because this gang is famous for its evil, and has done a lot of bad things. What's more, these outlaws are basically unrestrained. Even the Hai Gang, they are not afraid at all. They are like flies in the toilet, which is disgusting But it can survive all the time, and it can't be killed or eliminated.

If you accept such a person, it will affect the reputation of the war. The key is that you can't discipline him. Staying around is a hidden danger. Maybe Mu Nan also takes these into consideration and comes to let me make a decision.

I hesitated a little, and then refused without hesitation: "no, they can't rely on it!"

Mu Nan listened, nodded, seemed to agree with my words, but he did not immediately leave.

After hesitating for a while, Mu Nan finally said to me, "I mean the same thing, but this time the leader of the flame gang has come to see you by name. He said that he came with sincerity and prepared a big gift for you. He said that if you see this gift, you will accept him! "

The flame Gang is willing to take the initiative to take part in the war. I always feel that there is something strange in it.

After all, how could a lawless gang like the flame Gang, even the Hai Gang, be willing to submit to me? I don't think my small organization has such a great charm, and our temple can't accommodate it. I don't want to waste time on such a vicious gang. Therefore, I refused.Now, the more important thing for me is to find Han Yimo.

But at the moment, hearing Mu Nan's words, I suddenly feel that the flame Gang is still quite interesting. I can accept him if I see a big gift. This really raises my curiosity. I can't even see him.

What's more, since he said that he came with sincerity, if I refuse him too strongly, I may offend this rascal Gang, and then it will be a trouble.

Think about it. After all, I have the same opinion. I'd like to see what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of the flame.

After thinking about it, I still solemnly said to Mu Nan: "take them to the conference hall!"

Mu Nan listened, immediately nodded his head: "good!"

Ten minutes later, the headquarters of the flying car party, the conference hall.

I sat on the throne, Mu Nan and Shen Muchen sat on both sides of me.

At the bottom of the hall, there are two rows of chairs on both sides of the center of the hall. The high-level people of the war and the flying car party sit on these two sides of the chair. Moreover, behind these high-rise buildings, there are many people of high status.

Now the fire of war has been very standardized, and the discipline is very strict. I sit on the throne, just like the emperor, with great dignity. We are rigorous, model and like, waiting for the people of the flame Gang to come.

After a while, the people of the flame gang were brought in.

In the hall, there were only two people in total. The leader had a long, thick eyebrow and big eyes. His head was especially bright. It seemed that the light reflected on his head.

As soon as I saw his image and looked at his momentum, I knew that he should be the leader of the flame gang. This man's name is also special. His name is Du Haisheng. He is his elder brother's.

As a boss, he has no image of a boss at all. When he comes here, he still drags a pair of slippers, crackling, his trousers are very short, and there are several holes in his trousers. His clothes are just a simple vest, which is really out of shape. It is out of line with my relatively formal occasion.

On him, what is more striking is that the scars are so miserable that the exposed parts of his body are almost covered with all kinds of scars, which looks very frightening.

Following Du Haisheng, there is a bear like man. His body is very strong, his face is full of whiskers, and his body is full of ruffians. But judging from his momentum, he should have good strength.

These two people are really a bit of bandits, but they are still the kind of bandits who are not restrained. I can't help but reduce my impression of the flame gang by attacking their two images.

I had promised to see them just now, for one thing, out of curiosity about his great gift, and on the other hand, it was a walk in the street. Anyway, I didn't plan to take them in.

But Du Haisheng didn't think so. He seemed to feel that his arrival also made us look like we were gorgeous. Looking at his expression, he was arrogant and looked a little arrogant, as if he were criticizing us.

As soon as he entered the door, he kept looking at our people, as if he had come to visit our base camp instead of joining me. While looking at it, he said, "not bad!"

Du Haisheng's tone, full of arrogant taste, shows the man's unrestrained.

When he came to the center of the hall, he had basically looked at everything that should be looked at. He naturally stood still, then looked at me and asked me casually, "are you solo?"

Although I didn't like him, because of the basic politeness and the demeanor of my boss, I politely replied to him: "exactly

Perhaps because he saw me so talkative, Du Haisheng became more arrogant. He felt like the king here. He snorted contemptuously, and then murmured, "it's nothing special."

In his eyes, I am nothing special, that is to say, he doesn't value me, the boss of the war, and even despises me. He doesn't pay attention to me at all.

I know his character, but I don't think it's too diaphragmatic, but the crab sitting in the hall can't stand it. As Du Haisheng's voice falls, the crab leaps up from his seat, points to Du Haisheng and says: "you're a bald head. Pay attention to me when you talk. Be careful of me

Facing the crab's anger, Du Haisheng didn't care at all. He directly glanced at the crab with his residual light, and said with disdain: "on your own, can you beat me?"

Indeed, not to mention loach, the people in this hall. I'm afraid nobody beat this guy except me.

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