In a voice, I roared out my endless momentum. At this moment, I did not hide it. I exposed my terrible strength, and showed my majesty of the king incisively and vividly. In a moment, the whole audience was silent.

Originally, because Peng Xuefei appeared in the hall, there were some voices of discussion and some agitation. But this roar of mine directly shocked everyone in the hall. The huge conference hall was suddenly silent, and everyone's expression was frozen.

My brothers are all at a loss. They are totally unfamiliar with Peng Xuefei. They don't know that the embarrassed woman in front of them is the daughter of the leader of the Hai Gang. They don't know that I have countless ties with her. Therefore, I suddenly get angry, and they don't know what to do.

At the scene, I'm afraid only mu Nan understands my heart. After all, he knows a lot of things about me, especially the relationship between me and Peng Xuefei. He is the most clear. Therefore, his face at this moment is very ugly, and his eyes are full of dignity.

Du Haisheng, as the initiator of all this, was even more puzzled when he saw me suddenly angry. It seemed that my performance was totally contrary to his expectation, which was totally beyond his expectation.

However, Du Haisheng is a boorish. He will not be frightened by my majesty. He just asked me speechless: "I say Suluo. You don't know this woman, do you? She's the biological daughter of Peng Yi, the leader of Hai Gang. Shouldn't you be happy if I give her to you? "

As soon as Du Haisheng said this, there was an uproar in the hall. My brothers who didn't know Peng Xuefei couldn't help talking. They finally understood why Du Haisheng was so confident that he had caught a big fish. However, they still don't know why I have such a big fire.

And Mu Nan, sitting next to me, can't say anything. Just a soft cough, is to remind me, pay attention to their identity.

I was awakened by Mu Nan, and I immediately fell into a trance. I know, it's really that I'm too impulsive. Anyway, I have no reason to be so angry. After all, the man Du Haisheng arrested is indeed the daughter of my enemy. However, I can't bear to see Peng Xuefei suffer so much. Even if I have to expose my identity as a Jiangnan style, I'm not afraid. I just can't watch Peng Xuefei suffer and suffer in front of me.

However, when my eyes moved to Peng Xuefei again, I found that she was looking at me with frightened eyes, and her mouth kept whispering, as if, compared with Du Haisheng's terror, she was more afraid of Suluo. She had heard that I was Suluo from Du Haisheng's mouth, so she was so shocked that she saw me like a ghost. Her eyes were so frightened, so frightened. So helpless.

It seems that she didn't connect me with Jiangnan wind at all. She didn't recognize me at all. Yes, my face has changed, my voice has no longer been disguised, and my original voice has been restored. Even my temperament has changed. I am no longer the rich second generation. I have become a vassal who dares to fight against the sea gang.

But on the contrary, Peng Xuefei didn't recognize me as a good thing, and I couldn't let her know that I was Jiangnan style. Otherwise, her heart would suffer more trauma.

For her, the most cruel is the man he loves the most, even is his most afraid enemy. If she knew that the love she had given her heart and soul turned out to be a deception, she would be more sad than death.

Because of me, she has been so miserable, I can't let her worse. After a long time, I restrained my anger and tried to make myself behave normally.

Then, I suddenly stood up from the throne, and then slowly stepped forward to Du Haisheng.

Shen Muchen and Mu Nan also got up and walked behind me.

My pace is very slow, my eyes have been staring at Du Haisheng. As I walk, I say to him, "Du Haisheng, what's the purpose of catching Miss Peng's family here?"

By this time, my anger has been extinguished, but, vaguely, I still carry a sense of dignity, which makes people shiver.

Du Haisheng was even more puzzled when he heard what I said. He said to me without a word: "do you still need to ask? Of course, it's a hostage!"

While he was talking, I had already come to him. I gently licked my lower lip, and then asked solemnly, "you dare to catch the eldest lady of Haibang. Are you going to make trouble for me? Are you going to make the Haibang mad at me

When I said this, my eyes were full of light. For this point, I really doubt that Du Haisheng took the initiative to join me, which was a problem in itself. He even dared to catch Peng Xuefei. Obviously, he wanted to take advantage of this time to draw the anger of the Haibang to me completely, and then use me to fight with the Haibang.

Although I'm not afraid of the Hai Gang, I have already offended the Hai Gang. But now, the Hai Gang is not easy to stand still. If I provoke the other party again, my business will be blocked. At this critical juncture, it is definitely not the time to attract fire. I must lead my elite soldiers to raid the dark moon hall before the attack of the Hai Gang, so as to rescue my father.

Of course, these are my thoughts. Du Haisheng didn't know. When he heard me say this, he suddenly laughed. It was a contemptuous smile. After laughing, he said to me:"Suluo, I thought you were a hero. In order to save your Lao Tzu, you dared to fight against the Haigang openly and slaughtered the five halls of the Hai Gang. I didn't expect you to be a coward. Are you still afraid of the Revenge of the sea Gang? So you're still trying to drum up people? What's more, the Hai Gang has all arrested your father. What's wrong with your arrest of Miss Peng's family? This is a way of treating her in her own way. Is there anything wrong with it? "

Du Haisheng's words are full of sarcasm, but they are also very reasonable. People can't refute them at all. This guy really has the ability to play tricks, so people can't refuse him.

No wonder the flame gang has always been a thorn in the provincial capital, and the Hai Gang can't be destroyed. It turns out that he is not a brave and unscrupulous person when he is the boss.

I can understand his point of care, but the egg hurt is that my brothers don't know. After listening to Du Haisheng's words, they even held a supportive opinion. Many people thought that it was very good for him to treat people in his own way. It is necessary to be cruel to deal with the sea gang. It can be seen that the hatred of these brothers towards the sea Gang is not generally deep.

But who can know how deeply I feel sorry for Peng Xuefei. She has never missed anything. She has a father like Peng Yi, which is also her misfortune. She is not only used by her own father, but also used by me. She can't help but become the most pitiful person. How can I bear it.

After two seconds of silence, I finally said to Du Haisheng, "I'm not afraid of Haibang. I just don't want to be used by others."

Du Haisheng was also angry when he heard my words. He suddenly reached out and grabbed Peng Xuefei. He grabbed her shoulder, pulled him to me and said, "I really want to join the war, otherwise I don't need to try my best to catch Miss Peng. You know, if I catch someone, I will have to bear serious consequences. The first one the Haigang has to deal with must be the flame gang. I come here with sincerity. It's like putting all my eggs in one basket because I can't wait to work with the Hai Gang. Of course, if you are afraid of anything and dare not take me in, I can take Miss Peng away and never implicate you! "

Du Haisheng's words, the great righteousness lingran, embodies a heroic spirit of looking at death as if returning home.

Peng Xuefei, who was clamped by Du Haisheng's big hand, looked even more pitiful. Especially when she was close to me, her face turned white with cold sweat.

I know very well that no matter whether I accept Du Haisheng or not, I can't let him take Peng Xuefei. Otherwise, the consequences will be quite serious. Peng Xuefei will end up worse and worse in the hands of the flame Gang, and may even lose his life.

I didn't allow this to happen, so I directly reached out and grabbed Peng Xuefei's wrist, and said coldly to Du Haisheng, "let her go!"

Hearing this, Du Haisheng was stunned at first, and then, puzzled, asked, "why?"

I smile, meaningful said: "you don't say this is a gift for me? Now, I take it! "

Hearing this, Du Haisheng's eyes immediately let out a bright color, he immediately understood what I meant, ha ha, he let go of Peng Xuefei with a smile.

I pulled Peng Xuefei to my side. However, compared with Du Haisheng, this girl seemed to be more afraid of me, the devil. As soon as I pulled her, she trembled. She refused to go, and she struggled with her life and death. Mm-hmm, she screamed. Her eyes were scared to the extreme. It seems that she is really afraid of me.

In this regard, I have no choice but to release her.

Immediately, I told Mu Nan beside me: "Mu Nan, take Miss Peng to my room!"

Among all the brothers, only mu Nan knows the real relationship between me and Peng Xuefei. Therefore, only he knows how to treat Peng Xuefei. I give Peng Xuefei to Mu Nan, so I feel at ease.

Mu Nan heard, immediately understood the meaning, he quickly came to pull people.

However, the words I just said seemed to have some other meaning to her, so that Peng Xuefei was even more scared. Her face was shaking with tears and sweat, and her eyes were even more frightened. She was trapped in a wolf's den, so helpless, but she still had to struggle as hard as she could, even if such struggle was meaningless.

Even Du Haisheng misunderstood my meaning and said to me with an obscene smile: "boss Su really has a good eye. This little girl is really good-looking. She is the woman who competes with Han Yimo's son and the eldest young master of Sheng family. You are lucky now

After that, he laughed twice.

It's no wonder that they would misunderstand Peng Xuefei is so embarrassed, but not losing her beauty. It is another kind of messy beauty, especially her clothes are wet, which is really attractive. I asked her to take her to my room, which inevitably makes people think of it askew. No wonder Peng Xuefei was so scared that she was in a bit of a dilemma when she heard my order, and even Mu Nan was in a bit of a dilemma, so she took Wuxi for a moment 。

I really don't want to see Peng Xuefei suffer in public, so he said to Mu Nan seriously again: "take her away!"

Mu Nan nodded his head, reached out to hold Peng Xuefei up and carried it on his shoulder. No matter how hard Peng Xuefei struggled, it didn't help. The hall only echoed with her miserable murmur.

Gradually, the voice disappeared, Peng Xuefei also completely disappeared in the public's sight.

Du Haisheng could not wait for someone to leave. He immediately rushed to the theme and said, "since boss Su has accepted this gift, is he willing to accept me? Should I be assigned a position?"At last, Du Haisheng's Fox Tail finally came out. Unexpectedly, he was so impatient that he asked me to take up the post before I agreed to join him. His ambition was obvious.

I did not rush to answer him, but slowly walked back to his position, slowly sat down.

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