As Peng Xuefei was taken away, the huge hall was restored to a solemn atmosphere. There was an element of disharmony in the air, which made the scene a little awkward.

To tell you the truth, because of Peng Xuefei's affair, my mind was in a mess. I was completely confused about how to deal with Du Haisheng. I didn't intend to accept him at all. But now, I have accepted his so-called big gift, so I can't get rid of him.

If you don't accept him, it's a bit hard to say. However, I'm really worried that such a person joined the war.

After hesitating for a long time, I straightened my spine slightly and put myself in a proper position. I said to Du Haisheng solemnly, "what position do you want to hold?"

I don't know how to answer this headache. I can only throw this question back to Du Haisheng.

However, the cunning man seemed to have the answer for a long time. As soon as I finished the question, he showed a proud smile, and then rushed to the road: "although I helped you catch Miss Peng, I don't need you to open any back door for me. We'll arrange my position according to the rules of the river and the river. What do you think of my position at which level of strength I am?"

What he said seemed to be really humble, and he seemed to be very decent and gentleman, but in fact, the meaning of his words fully showed his ambition.

You know, Du Haisheng's strength is really strong, and the brothers under my hand are definitely not his opponents. I'm afraid that in Du Haisheng's eyes, I can't beat him. Du Haisheng's real intention is to convince me of the whole war. His position in his mind should be the leader of the war. If he wants to defeat me and replace him, he has too much appetite!

I know clearly that he is ambitious, but I can't offer anything to refute him. His proposal to hold a position according to force is indeed a reasonable request. If I refuse, I will admit that the force of the people on my side is not as good as him. If I agree, it is tantamount to agreeing to let him join the fire of war. At that time, the war will not be disturbed by him.

It's not like entering or retreating. I feel like I'm trapped in the crack of the door. People are almost crushed. I can't help but lower my head and knead my temples with my hands.

When I was in a tangle, Mu Nan ran to me in a hurry. He attached his mouth to my ear and whispered, "boss, Miss Peng, I'm not very easy to deal with. I'm afraid she's uncomfortable, so I took off the cloth and untied it, and let her wait for you quietly. But she wanted to die, and wanted to rob scissors to commit suicide. I can't help it. I've tied her hand again. You can't go and have a look

Peng Xuefei's character is strong. She always prefers to die rather than give in. She may commit suicide if she is anxious.

Mu Nan is cautious and can't tell me my identity. Therefore, he can't make Peng Xuefei obedient. With Peng Xuefei's strong nature, she can't wait for the devil Suluo to come.

And I, after listening to Mu Nan's words, my heart suddenly rose. I was really worried that Peng Xuefei would do something stupid, if she had something wrong. I'm going to live in sin all my life.

Thinking of this, I didn't care to talk about the position with Du Haisheng. I nodded to Mu Nan directly.

Immediately, I quickly got up and said to Du Haisheng solemnly, "let me think about this. I have something to do. I'll leave for a while."

On hearing this, Du Haisheng was immediately displeased and said, "why, when it comes to business, you have to leave. You won't get Miss Peng. You want to get rid of me. I tell you, I'm not so easy to fool about!"

With that, he also showed his incomparable domineering power and confronted me.

I was a little speechless about this, and I was strict with him again: "I'm not so mean, so many people are watching, I can't make a fool of myself. Miss Peng wants to find a short-sighted way. I can't let her die here. I'll go and have a look, and I'll be back soon."

When Du Haisheng heard this, he realized the seriousness of the problem. After all, he had arrested people. If the hostage died, the Haigang could not tear him into pieces. He did not dare to be careless about this matter, and he would not be entangled with me any more.

I stopped, and then turned my eyes to Mu Nan and Shen Muchen, and said, "treat the leader Du well!"

As the voice dropped, I immediately turned and left the hall.

I walked quickly to the room where I was staying.

At this moment, my mood is indescribable, too many emotions entangled in my heart, messy and complicated, but my hasty pace tells me that I just want to see Peng Xuefei quickly, just want her to be well.

However, when I was a long way away from the room, I heard Peng Xuefei's grief stricken cry: "you get out of the way, let me out!"

Her voice touched the chord of my heart, which made my heart more painful. I quickened my pace and walked out of the room.

The door of the room is open. Two brothers of the flying car party are guarding the door of the room to prevent Peng Xuefei from rushing out.

At the moment, Peng Xuefei, her hands are still tied, but the cloth in her mouth is taken off, she is hoarse and shouting, while struggling to rush out. In order to escape from this grotto, she seems to be full of spirit. However, in the face of the five big and three thick little brother of the flying car party, Peng Xuefei's strength is always weak. She couldn't get out of the room even with all her strength.The two little brothers of the party did not embarrass Peng Xuefei. They just stopped Peng Xuefei with their hands dutifully. When they saw me coming, they stood up straight and said in awe to me: "good boss!"

When Peng Xuefei saw me, she was like a ghost again. Her recklessness was gone. The whole person immediately stopped cooking. Her face was stiff, and her eyes were full of despair.

Not only did she not rush out again, she even ran to the room shivering. It can be seen how much she is afraid of me.

I had no choice but to shrivel the next mouth, then, to two flying car party younger brother said: "you go down first!"

They were ordered to leave immediately, and I went straight into the room and closed the door.

When I turned around, I was surprised to find that Peng Xuefei, who was too afraid, had retreated to the corner of the room. Her trembling feet could not support her body. She squatted down tremblingly and curled up in the corner of the wall.

Her eyes continue to slide tears, her appearance of panic, she used that tears of eyes, panic staring at me, that sad appearance, really let people heartache, I look at her eyes, in the heart of anguish, involuntarily, I took steps to her.

But as soon as I took a step, Peng Xuefei suddenly moved. She sobbed bitterly, and warned me with a trembling voice: "Suluo, don't come here. If you dare to move me, I will bite my tongue and commit suicide immediately."

For a long time, Pengfei's voice became more and more nervous, because her voice was so nervous that she became so nervous.

But her unyielding spirit remains unchanged. Her body can not stop shaking, tears can not stop the flow, but she is still so determined to defend themselves.

Tragic and pitiful combination in her body, I see more and more heartache, I am afraid she really disorderly, immediately stopped the pace, dare not go forward half step.

I stand straight in place, eyes complex looking at her in the corner of the wall, quietly asked: "am I so terrible?"

Perhaps, I have been used to Peng Xuefei's kindness to me and her love and devotion to me. Now, all of a sudden, she is not only strange to me, but also so afraid of me, and regards me as the most terrible person. This contrast makes me really a little difficult to accept, my heart is like what to block, very depressed very uncomfortable.

Peng Xuefei, who was immersed in panic, immediately burst out a strong anger in her eyes when she heard my words. She looked at me with red eyes, both flustered and hateful. She yelled: "you are a pervert, scum, murderer. I tell you, even if I am dead, I can't let you get mine!"

Her voice was still so hoarse, her tone was still so frightened, but there was a strong hatred in her fear. Every word of her is like a steel needle, which stings my heart.

I just want to get a smile from you

After that, I could not help but open my feet and take two steps forward.

However, Peng Xuefei saw me go forward, trembling more seriously, her body kept shaking, her lips were trembling, her eyes were more frightened, she did not care about everything. "I said, you don't come here, you don't want to cheat me, Suluo, I warn you, I'm from the south of the Yangtze River, you have to move me, he will not let you go, certainly not!"

Hearing this, my heart is really mixed, she even moved out of Jiangnan wind to threaten me.

The same person, in her heart, has become two extremes. The name of Jiangnan wind, her love and Suluo's name, she hated it so much. She threatened Suluo with Jiangnan wind. It sounded like a joke, but I didn't smile at all. I was just shocked and shocked. When Peng Xuefei's life was most fragile and her heart was most desperate, the first thing she thought of was Jiangnan wind. Feeling, in her heart, the position of Jiangnan wind is rooted deeper than her father, which makes her more trustworthy.

She is so dependent on the people, in fact, standing in front of her, this moment, I really almost blurted out. Tell her that I am the Jiangnan wind, which is her favorite. Let her not be afraid.

But in the end, I still resisted, because I knew in my heart that once I said it, then Peng Xuefei would suffer fatal injury, and the pain was even worse than now.

Her weak body, her tired spirit, can't stand this terrible fact at all. How can she accept that she relies on such a man who loves so much. In fact, she has been using her all the time. How can she accept the love that she most trusts, but the result is nothing. She was tired and pathetic enough, she couldn't stand a bigger blow.

I can't let her bear it any more. I have to keep hiding her identity.

I stood in the same place and tangled for a long time, then opened my voice again and said slowly, "Jiangnan wind, isn't he hiding? I heard that he was scared by the Sheng family and didn't show up for several days. Do you still think about him?"

If I can, I really hope Peng Xuefei's love for Jiangnan wind will be less, so that she may be less hurt in the future.

However, this is obviously impossible. Peng Xuefei has already loved Jiangnan wind to the bone. If he loves too deeply, he will hurt more.As soon as she heard this, she was struck by lightning and froze. Her shaking body became stiff, her frightened eyes became dull, and her soul seemed to dissipate.

Because, I broke the point in a word. When she was most helpless, the Jiangnan wind that she relied on was not at her side at all. Instead, she hid herself. This is the most cruel fact for Peng Xuefei.

She had to accept the fact that she couldn't move out of Jiangnan to threaten me. She was desperate to the extreme.

When she was dull, I quickly came to her in front of me, squatted down and pulled Peng Xuefei's arm to untie the rope tied to her body.

Originally, Peng Xuefei was still in a sluggish state, but as soon as I touched her, she immediately became crazy. She kept shouting and struggling. Her whole body kept squeezing into the corner of the wall, trying to avoid my magic hand.

However, her strength is too small, where the struggle over me, I took her arm with one hand, and untied the rope for her with one hand.

As I explained, I spoke, trying to calm her excitement and comforting her: "don't worry, Miss Peng, I'm not interested in you. Just want to let go of you, you don't struggle any more, OK

I thought I had said that, Peng Xuefei should be a little more relaxed, but I was wrong, very wrong, maybe my image has gone deep into Peng Xuefei's heart, so that she could not hear my good words. On the contrary, my voice also stimulated her, so that she suddenly turned her head and bit on my arm.

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