Peng Xuefei really regarded me as a devil and bit me with all her life. Her bite contained all the hatred and anger, which seemed to vent at this moment. How deep she hated me, how hard she bit me.

My body is not made of iron. I was bitten by Peng Xuefei so hard. I felt like I was cut by a knife,. However, I did not speak, just bite teeth, continue to untie the rope for Xia Xiaoxiao.

When I untied the rope completely, I made a voice, endured the pain, and calmly said, "I have helped you untie the rope. Can you loosen your mouth?"

Peng Xuefei, who lost her mind, was stunned at first when she heard this. Then, she found that her hand could move. All of a sudden, she reflected what was going on.

So she quickly moved her mouth away and pushed me away.

I immediately got up and stepped back away from her.

At this time, I can clearly see that Peng Xuefei bit two rows of deep teeth marks on the front arm of my right hand. The wound is very deep, and there is continuous bleeding.

The mark of blood, how ironic, but, such pain, such a wound, but let my heart a little slower, after all, this is all I owe her, she bit me, gave me pain, but let me feel better.

I took a deep look at Peng Xuefei, who was still shrinking in the corner of the wall. Then I turned around and went to the wardrobe. I took a man's clothes from inside and threw them in front of Peng Xuefei. I said calmly: "your clothes are broken. Just wear one of them. Make do with it!"

If Peng Xuefei rejected me infinitely at the beginning, then at this moment, she was really confused. How could she think that I, the devil in her eyes, not only did not invade her, but also untied her and even dressed her.

At this time, Peng Xuefei dare to use her eyes, seriously look at me, this time, her mood is not so excited, look at me in the eyes is not so subjective, she looked, it seems to see that my eyes do not have a bit of miscellaneous thoughts, see my sincerity, so, she finally gave up the idea that I will invade her, her fear is not so deep Yes.

When she saw that the tooth marks of my arm were still bleeding, her face showed a different look and her eyes became very complicated.

After a long time, she moved her eyes away from me. Then, she slowly picked up the clothes, put them on carefully, and then stood up tremblingly. Facing me, she asked coldly, "what do you mean? I tell you, it's impossible for you to use me to save your father. I advise you to die of this heart!"

I have to say, Peng Xuefei's vigilance is quite strong. Knowing that I don't plan to use her, she thinks I want to use her to save my father.

Hearing her words, I couldn't help chuckling, light said: "I have no other meaning, just want to let you leave this!"

Peng Xuefei heard my words, the complex eyes suddenly showed a startled color, appears very incredible, she looked at me shocked, very puzzled said: "really?"

I nodded and solemnly said, "really!"

But the more solemn and serious I am, the more incredible Peng Xuefei is. She looks at me for a long time, and then inexplicably asks, "my father has arrested your father. Are you not going to use me to save your father?"

Hearing the speech, I couldn't help but snort a breath, speechless said: "even Du Haisheng can catch you. If I want to catch you, isn't it a very simple thing? But all along, I didn't arrest you, because I knew that catching you would not threaten your father. What's more, I have principles in my work. I'm not ashamed to do such a thing! "

Hearing my words, Peng Xuefei's eyes finally flashed a strange color. Her tired eyes seemed to emit light, as if she had discovered the new world. Perhaps at this moment, she finally saw a different Suluo

when she was shocked, I suddenly turned to walk to the door of the room, and threw a word to her as she walked“ Come with me

With the fall of the voice, my body has come to the door, and opened the door of the room.

However, Peng Xuefei seems to be in the evil, still motionless pestle in place, eyes Chi Chi Chi looking at me, I can not help but look back at her, cold voice urged: "go ah, wait a moment, if I repent, can give you back to Du Haisheng!"

On hearing this, Peng Xuefei's body immediately shook and her eyes changed. It seems that Peng Xuefei is still afraid of Du Haisheng's rude man. Now that she has a chance to live, she dares not to go back to Du Haisheng's grottoes. Therefore, when I heard this, I immediately recovered and quickly moved my steps to follow him.

Of course, up to now, she has not fully trusted me. For my enemy, she has always maintained her vigilance. Even though she had a slightly different view of me, it is difficult for her to remove her vigilance. When she walks, she keeps a certain distance from me, for fear that I may plot a wrong path.

I didn't look back at her, but walked forward. My pace was not fast or slow, so that Peng Xuefei could not only keep up with her, but also keep a moderate distance according to her vigilance.After a while, I went to the parking lot of the base camp of the flying car party. Here, I chose a car suitable for Peng Xuefei. This car was driven by our brother from his hometown. It has good performance. The Volkswagen car is a relatively new car. It should not have any problems.

After choosing the car, I asked for the key from my brother.

Get the key, I directly handed Peng Xuefei, a serious tone said: "you should know the way home, take it!"

At this time, Peng Xuefei slowly believed the fact that she couldn't believe. She finally knew that I really wanted to let her go. She was just like a dream. Her expression was so incredible. Her eyes were stunned, staring at the key in my hand. For a time, she seemed unable to recover.

Stupefied for a long time, Peng Xuefei slowly stretched out his hand and took the car key from my hand.

The key arrived, but Peng Xuefei did not leave immediately. At this moment, her expression changed and became somewhat meaningful. She looked at me with a very special look and asked softly, "you are not the same as I imagined!"

She seemed to have plucked up a lot of courage to say it. After that, her look changed and became more and more complicated.

Seeing her like this, my heart suddenly relaxed. Involuntarily, I smile and say, "Oh, what image was I originally in your heart?"

Hearing what I said, Peng Xuefei's expression froze in an instant. Her mind seemed to be pulled back to a certain moment. She almost blurted out: "the devil, the devil who kills people without blinking an eye, slaughtered so many people in our Haigang, and killed three of my elders and uncles!"

Speaking of this, Peng Xuefei's eyes are red. It seems that she also cares about the death of he Yunxiang and others.

Seeing her suddenly hurt, the string in my heart was also touched. My smile was not there, my expression was serious, and my mood was rolling in my heart. You know, the battle between me and Haibang is not officially started. I just killed some of them. When I went to save my father and the Hai Gang came to revenge, there would be a real out of control between me and the Hai Gang. I would not just kill the three elders of the Hai Gang. Maybe, many of Peng Xuefei's relatives would die in my hands.

Can Peng Xuefei still have a face-to-face conversation with me at that time?

Thinking of this, my heart was even more painful. I could not help but explained to myself: "everything I have done is in self-defense. It was your maritime gang who provoked me first and forced me to the end. In order to survive, I had to resist!"

There is no falsehood in my righteous words.

In fact, I don't need to explain to Peng Xuefei at all, but I don't want her to misunderstand me too deeply. If my image of Suluo can be better in her mind, then she will be hurt a little less.

Or, to be more clear, Peng Xuefei can not rely on the Jiangnan wind so much, not regard him as a perfect man, not so exclusive to Suluo, and not regard him as the worst devil in the world. Then, the image of Jiangnan wind and Suluo in her mind will not be too bad. In this way, one day, she will know that Jiangnan wind and Suluo are the same person She's probably going to hit less.

And Peng Xuefei listened to my words, it was another meal, like a stab in the heart, frown up, she opened her mouth, also want to say something.

But I did not wait for her to open her mouth, directly reached out to interrupt her, said decisively: "well, I have something else to do, don't say this, you should leave here quickly, remember, in the future, you should be more careful, this time the advantage is to meet me, next time you will not be so lucky!"

When I stayed with Peng Xuefei, I pretended to be very natural on the surface, and didn't show any special feelings for her, but in fact, my emotions went back and forth. I'm really afraid that if I stay with Peng Xuefei for a long time, my flaws will be revealed. I'm afraid that Peng Xuefei will find out any features of Jiangnan wind.

In any case, the last thing I want is that Peng Xuefei knows that Suluo and Jiangnan wind are the same person. If I can, I really want her to never know, because no matter how small the gap between Suluo and Jiangnan wind is, this can not cover up a fact, that is, my love for her is deception and cheguoguo's deceit.

Even if this fact can be concealed for another day, I will try my best to hide it.

Fortunately, Peng Xuefei saw that I ordered her to leave, but she did not continue to stay. She bit her lips tightly, then nodded to me, and then turned to get ready to get on the bus.

However, she just walked two steps, her feet stopped. She seemed to think of something, suddenly turned back to me and asked, "if you let me go, will the people of the flame Gang have any problems?"

Peng Fei is still worried about her, but she is not easy to leave.

But her worry is also a problem. Without consulting Du Haisheng, I released Peng Xuefei without consulting him. He will certainly be dissatisfied. With his temperament, he may not be sure what will happen.

However, I have no choice. I can't leave Peng Xuefei here to suffer, let alone use her to threaten Peng Yi. I can only let her go. No matter what kind of grudges I have with Peng Yi, Peng Xuefei is innocent. For me, Peng Xuefei's safety is the most important thing.So, I slightly pause, then pretend to be relaxed back to her: "it's OK, do you think I will care about a small flame Gang?"

After saying this, I also leaked a confident smile. However, just as my voice dropped, Mu Nan suddenly appeared in the parking lot and was running to me in a hurry.

As soon as he arrived in front of me, he glanced at Peng Xuefei in a hurry, and then said to me urgently without breath: "boss, there's an accident. Du Haisheng and his brothers are fighting!"

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