I'm afraid of anything. I just talked to Peng Xuefei about the flame gang. Du Haisheng made an accident and he was in a hurry.

I knew Du Haisheng was crazy and violent, so I told Shen Muchen and Mu nan to treat him well before I left. Unexpectedly, something went wrong. It seems that Du Haisheng is more difficult to deal with than I thought.

Now, he and my brother fight, I can't help but feel a little anxious. I'm afraid that the situation is too big. However, no matter what, in front of Peng Xuefei, I don't show any difference. I'm still a light hearted person. I ask Mu Nan calmly: "what's the matter?"

Mu Nan quickly explained: "Du Haisheng thought that you were deliberately putting him up because he didn't go back for so long. He couldn't hold his breath. He wanted to come to you and was stopped by his brothers. Du Haisheng was angry. Some brothers have been injured. They are making a lot of trouble now. You should go and have a look! "

In fact, Mu Nan didn't say, I also guessed that it was so. I slightly adjusted my mentality, and then nodded to Mu Nan and said in a deep voice: "I know!"

After that, I set my eyes on Peng Xuefei again.

At this time, Peng Xuefei changed a pair of expression, her look looks particularly tangled, faint still some guilt. Just before she was ready to get on the bus and leave, she stopped to talk to me because she was worried that the flame gang would not give up. Now, Du Haisheng is working with my brother again, which makes Peng Xuefei worry more. For a while, she was at a loss and seemed to stop talking.

But I said frankly: "nothing big, I'll deal with it, you go back first!"

After saying this, I suddenly realized something. I turned my head to Mu Nan and said, "Mu Nan, you can send Miss Peng off. Make sure she gets home safely."

Peng Xuefei, a girl back, is always unsafe, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Mu Nan is cautious in handling affairs. I'm at ease when he accompanies Peng Xuefei.

After explaining Mu Nan, I was about to leave, but as soon as I turned around, Peng Xuefei's voice came: "Suluo!"

Two words, instantly touched my heart, let me involuntarily stop the pace, then, I looked back at Peng Xuefei, asked in doubt: "what's the matter?"

Peng Xuefei bit lip, red eyes, staring at the bloodstain of my front arm, tangled said: "sorry!"

Her voice is very light, but the tone is very heavy, a sorry, sincere, expressed her most sincere heart. She apologized to me, to my enemy, to someone she thought was a demon.

I know that she apologized to me because she bit my arm, because she had misunderstood me all the time. At present, she said three words of "sorry". Obviously, she didn't hate Suluo so much. At least, she didn't have extreme ideas about me. She saw my good side.

At this moment, I don't know whether to be happy or sad. My heart is still complicated. I know that her impression of Suluo has improved. I feel that everything I have done today is worth it. But at the same time, her apology to me makes me feel like a heavy stone. Because I am the one who should say I am sorry. I owe her 10000 apologies, which will never be finished.

It took me a long time to suppress the complex emotions in my heart, forced out a smile and said to Peng Xuefei earnestly: "it's not in the way, go back!"

In a word, completely explained my fearless spirit, said, I then resolutely turned around, smartly left the parking lot, ran to the conference hall.

To solve Peng Xuefei's problem, I also put down a burden, at least to make up for a small part of my fault. Maybe there is only so much I can do for Peng Xuefei. In the future, I don't know what the situation will be like and what will happen to Peng Xuefei in the end. I just hope that she will be hurt less.

Unconsciously, I quickened my pace. The wind was blowing in the face, blowing away my thoughts. I tried my best to put aside the matter about Peng Xuefei and focused on how to deal with Du Haisheng.

After a while, I came to the conference hall.

At the moment, the conference hall has been in a state of chaos. The stools in the hall were smashed, and many brothers were injured and fell to the ground. Although Du Haisheng and his whiskers were fierce, my brothers were better than others. Encircling them, they also suffered a lot of losses. Shen Muchen had been trying to persuade them. The scene was very chaotic. It was really like Mu Nan said that it was really a riot.

As soon as I got to the hall, I yelled, "stop it!"

My voice let the noisy scene still, my brothers saw me, immediately back away, clean up the next battlefield, and then obediently stood aside.

When Du Haisheng saw me coming, he was very angry. He came to me quickly with his anger. He said angrily, "Suluo, I said that you don't treat people as a wrist guard. You leave me here regardless of what you mean."

With that, Du Haisheng's forehead was full of blue veins. He was very angry and even more impolite to me. He questioned me as soon as he came up.

I understand his mood, did not blame him, just light said: "I did not say that I will come back soon? I can't wait for this time. What sincerity can you talk to me about? "As the voice dropped, I ignored him and walked towards my position.

Walking to the front of the main seat in the hall, I suddenly turned around and faced all the people in the hall. Under the gaze of all the people, I calmly sat down and sat on the throne.

This time, my dignity and courage were all revealed, and Du Haisheng was shocked. Even if he was more angry, he knew that this was my territory. Therefore, he did not rush to break out. He was slightly stunned. He took a step and came to the center of the hall.

Then, he stood up, staring at me with sharp eyes.

All of a sudden, he found the bite mark on my arm. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. His anger seemed to disappear in an instant. He also said to me with a smile of a thief: "ha ha ha ha, I said you didn't come here so long. Look at the wound on your hand, it should have been bitten by Miss Peng. You are so impatient. I'm sorry, boss Su, yes I'm disturbing you

Obviously, Du Haisheng misunderstood me. In his opinion, my bite mark is the mark left by Peng Xuefei. It should be said that a normal person would think so. After listening to Du Haisheng's words, my brothers suddenly realized that I had delayed for such a long time. Maybe something happened with Peng Xuefei.

As for Peng Xuefei, I didn't want to hide it. I also knew that it could not be concealed. Therefore, when Du Haisheng looked at me with obscene eyes, I answered him solemnly and solemnly, "I have released Miss Peng!"

This is like a tranquilizer, which calms down the whole noisy scene. My words are like a bomb again, which will blow everyone's heart.

With the fall of my voice, the hall was silent, and the crowd was stunned. Du Haisheng, in particular, was blindfolded. His smile was stiff on his face. His eyes were full of shock and his face was unbelievable.

After a long time, he asked me dully, "what do you say?"

I licked my lower lip and said, "I said, I sent Miss Peng away!"

After hearing this, Du Haisheng understood it thoroughly. Immediately, his anger broke out. He suddenly widened his bull's eyes and roared at me: "Suluo, what do you mean, are you playing Laozi?"

I slightly frowned and said, "how did I play you? If you give me the gift, I will deal with it. What I want to do is my business! "

After hearing this, Du Haisheng finally burst out.

He immediately raised his legs and ran to me, and said: "dog day, I'll kill you!"

Seeing this, my brothers rushed up to stop him.

Seeing the conflict break out again, I roared and yelled: "all step back!"

My voice was deafening. When my brothers heard this, they immediately withdrew to both sides and did not dare to act rashly.

Du Haisheng ran straight to my throne with his beard.

Seeing Du Haisheng coming with his anger, I sat in my position without fear. The whole person still maintains a mysterious image.

Du Haisheng may have felt my extraordinary. He didn't start at me immediately. He just yelled at me with red eyes: "Suluo, seeing that you have developed the war so fast, I thought you were a hero, but I didn't expect that you were also a despicable and shameless person!"

I smile, inexplicably asked: "what's wrong with me?"

Seeing me as if nothing had happened, Du Haisheng was even more angry. He pointed out his finger at my nose and said, "what's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? Do you know how hard I tried to catch Miss Peng. You're good. If you don't say hello, you'll let people go. Don't you know that's one of my chips? With Miss Peng in hand, you don't need to be afraid of Peng Yi's recklessness.

But you put the chips like this. Are you afraid of the sea Gang? Or you let Miss Peng go. Just to please the Hai Gang, but I became the executioner. When the time comes, Peng Yi will draw all his anger to my flame Gang, and you will take advantage of the profits, right? I tell you, even if my flame gang can't fight against the sea Gang, we can make your war hard

Du Haisheng was more and more angry. His anger had already burned his whole body. After his voice dropped, his hand pointing to my nose suddenly swung back, bringing out a strong wind. I could feel that his anger had all burst out.

However, his anger couldn't scare me. I just lifted my eyes and looked at him coldly. I said with a strong voice: "I'm afraid of Haibang? If I was afraid of them, I would not have gone to H Province alone. If I'm afraid of the sea Gang, I won't kill five halls. If I am afraid of Hai Gang, I dare not kill their three elders. If I'm afraid of Haibang. I won't take my brother away from home and come here to openly challenge the sea gang.

Haibang arrested my father, made my favorite woman unconscious, and killed many of my brothers. I wish I could break them into pieces. However, I will not use despicable means to deal with them. I want to defeat the Hai Gang, and I will be justified.

I Suluo is not a hero, but I don't act as a treacherous villain. If I catch a woman who has no strength to bind a chicken and threaten the sea Gang, then what is the difference between my war and the sea Gang? I, Suluo, have my own principles. My war has my own rules. His Haibang can destroy human nature, but I can't follow it. I fight against the Hai Gang under the banner of justice.Then, I must make it clear that the war is a principled organization, and I will never ruin the reputation of the war. For Miss Peng, I have to let it go! "

With such a stirring and profound meaning, I said it without gasping. The fire of war and the brothers of the flying car party were all shocked by my words. In such a large conference hall, the needle could be heard.

I said this to Du Haisheng, but it clearly fell into the hearts of the brothers present and was deeply recorded by them. It was like a famous saying. It had a profound impact on the future behavior of brothers and the development and growth of the war.

Even Du Haisheng, who was furious, was instantly dumbfounded after hearing what I said. His arrogance slowly dissipated, and his turbulent anger gradually extinguished. His eyes erased all emotions, leaving only shock. His lips moved gently, and he didn't know how to speak.

However, his momentum converged, but my momentum rose with the fall of my voice. It was almost like rolling up the wind and clouds, and it was very turbulent.

In the whole gaze, I stood up from the throne. I looked down at Du Haisheng coldly. When he didn't know why, I suddenly opened my mouth and sent out a soul stirring voice: "Du Haisheng, I tell you, you don't have to threaten me. I su Luo is very eloquent. I accept your gift, and naturally I am willing to accept you into the organization. Now, I give you two ways, one I will arrange the position and strictly abide by the rules of the war. Second, get out of here immediately

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