Duhaisheng's flaming gang can stand up in H Province. It has a great relationship with him. Duhaisheng is a fierce and fierce man. He is a famous fierce and violent gang, and he is the hardest stab in H Province.

To deal with a man like him, he must take extreme measures, or, completely tame him, as the trainer of the circus tames the lion. Or, completely break with him, a pat two scattered. I don't have to be fooled with him, nor be weak in front of him, or he will be more rampant.

My strength, my tyranny, my high-rise, my sharp speech to duhaisheng, attitude of arrogance, no one can let a rebellious him be hit, he heard my voice roll, his face suddenly changed greatly, his eyes, the look from shock to anger, his body was again burned by the fierce fire, his momentum suddenly increased, this moment He was really angry.

Du Haisheng, who launched the fire, was very scary. His momentum was almost full of smoke. With this smoke, Du Haisheng stepped forward. Meanwhile, his iron fist was pinched and he stormed at my door.

The power of this fist almost tore the air apart. If you hit it, it would be enough to kill.

Brothers saw the appearance, all the startled eyes opened, almost in unison to me shouting: "boss, be careful!"

In the voice, all worry, for the deadly blow duhaisheng gave me, the brothers were all scared, scared a cold sweat. But I am not a client, even can say, there is no tension at all, I still stand still in place, as if I did not see Du Haisheng attacking me.

When duhaisheng's iron fist hit me, his movements stopped suddenly. The strong wind from his fist came to me, and my hair was flying.

But my body is still proudly standing, my eyes blink not blink, eyes are more calm as early as the beginning.

This scene stunned all people, and the brothers showed incredible expressions. Even the founder duhaisheng, his eyes changed and became unbelievable. He looked at me in a daze and asked in a puzzled way, "you are not afraid of death?"

I smiled, quietly said, "afraid!"

Du Haisheng eyebrows a pick, surprised said: "then how don't you hide?"

I licked my lower lip and said proudly, "why should I hide, you dare not kill me, because you know that once I have an accident, you can not escape to death.". You can live to this day, it is not easy, should not go to find the way to death

I said that I have a good heart. After listening to this, duhaisheng suddenly laughed. He closed his fist and relaxed himself completely. His body was not in the flame, his face smiled and there was a little respect in my eyes. Next second, he said to me with a smile:

sulo, you must admit that you are very brave indeed. To be honest, when I first came, I was disappointed to see you so young and so tender. I thought you brought a doll army. I don't think you can rely on loyalty at all. But now, you give me a different feeling. You can see that your name is brave and resourceful, steady and generous, and will also bring people together. No wonder that the fire will grow rapidly when it comes to H Province! "

This duhaisheng is indeed a shrewd man. His mood is the same as March day. He says that change will change, thunder and wind will blow. But it turns out that these are only his superficial phenomena. In fact, he has been observing me and testing me. Under the cover of surface emotional storm, he tries every way to probe my bottom and the bottom of my war. He can mix with today, and it is quite different from ordinary manger.

If I can tame such a person, it will be very beneficial to me. However, for this smart Du Haisheng, I still can't see through it. I don't know what he is thinking about at this moment.

A little bit of a pause, I opened and asked in a cold voice, "and then, what do you want to express?"

Duhaisheng snorted a breath from his nostrils and said to me in a serious way: "sulo, I know what you worry about. Is it that my reputation of the flame Gang is too bad, you don't want us. I am not sure that, now, there are not many people who can make Du Haisheng take his word. Even the leader of Pengyi of his gang can't.

I came to fight this time not because of your reputation, nor how well you sulo can stand. I have been seeking revenge from the gang, but I am struggling with the fact that my flame sect is so weak that I can't fight against the gang. And your fire is the only organization that openly fights against the gang of sea. So I want to trust you and overthrow the rule of the gang together with the power of war.

Now, I see your leadership and your courage and ambition, and I think the war has a future. But so far, I have not seen your strength. You want me to trust you sincerely, nor can I, but I can't respect a doll's staff. So, we will fight, you should have beaten me, and I and my flame help, both of them Willing to join the fire, let you arrange, how do you think? "

This is the first time duhaisheng appeared. I feel that he has heard his true words. His consideration is not wrong. I can't fight against the gang. He can't do it just because of his flaming flame gang. So he comes to me and tries to test me. Now, I have met all the requirements in his mind. Only one thing is strength.A stubborn and arrogant man like Du Haisheng will not be loyal to a person weaker than himself. Anyone who wants to convince this prick will have to defeat him in force.

Think of this, I can't help but smile, said confidently: "you are not my opponent!"

This is not my boasting, but my sincere words from the bottom of my heart. Although Du Haisheng has a great reputation and is famous for his combative ability, I can almost see his strength through his performance just now. I am sure that he is not my opponent.

However, I am sure that the strength does not mean that Du Haisheng has self-knowledge. When he heard this, he was obviously unconvinced and said, "only after trying, can we know. Take the move!"

After that, he didn't care about anything and rashly shot at me. It seemed that he couldn't wait.

His move, hit me to the heart, it can be seen that he is forcing me to move.

Since he wants to fight with me, I can only accompany him.

When Du Haisheng's fist was about to hit my vital point, my body suddenly flashed. At the same time, my left hand quickly stretched out, seized the strong and strong arm with bare head, and then shook it fiercely. He said calmly: "if you want to fight, go down and fight!"

With the fall of my voice, I left the strong Du Haisheng in the middle of the hall, and my body also followed me to the hall, standing proud.

Bald strong suffered a dull loss, his body was not stable, even backward, but this does not affect his momentum, he just forced me to do it, and did not play his own skills.

Now. Seeing that I was willing to accompany him, his face immediately showed an excited smile. It was the smile of a man's bloodthirsty nature, and his instinctive smile of belligerence.

With this smile, he licked his lower lip heavily. Then, his feet suddenly swung and his slippers flew away.

Du Haisheng's slippers fly away. Now he is not only bareheaded, but also barefoot. He looks very funny. However, it is undeniable that his momentum is very strong. A thin vest can not block the lines of his muscles. His flesh is stirring and extremely fierce.

Then, in front of my face, he gently made a fist pinching movement, very arrogant said: "Suluo, don't say I didn't remind you, I'm a man of no importance, you want to be seriously injured, don't blame me!"

In a word, it completely shows Du Haisheng's self-confidence, but also shows his arrogance and ferocity. When my brothers heard this, they almost came forward to help me deal with Du Haisheng.

I stopped immediately and said, "don't move, I can handle it!"

Immediately, my brothers all stopped and stood quietly aside, but their eyes were still full of worry.

Perhaps, they had seen Du Haisheng's terrible strength, and had seen him make a powerful move. They could easily knock down many of our brothers to the ground. Therefore, they did not have much confidence in me, especially Shen Muchen and Bai Qiuyan. They had the best relationship with me and most worried about me.

Indeed, after a long time apart from them, these people don't know how strong my strength is. They don't see my current strength. They only know that I'm much better, but they don't know my real strength. I've never said anything about this in front of them. Now the competition with Du Haisheng is imminent. I can't explain it to them for a while, so I have to leave it to them A reassuring look.

Later, I turned my eyes to Du Haisheng and said in a positive tone: "don't talk nonsense. If you want to fight, you should hurry up!"

On hearing this, Du Haisheng's face suddenly became ferocious. The essence of his eyes was shining, and his momentum was also surging up in an instant.

The next second, Du Haisheng's stuffy hum came from the spacious hall, accompanied by his powerful body, and attacked me fiercely.

In the face of Du Haisheng's clever attack, I still remain unchanged and calm.

My heart has been trained to a certain level, even in the face of a stronger enemy than myself, I can also moderately keep calm, what's more, I have confidence in this Du Haisheng, and my mentality is naturally more stable.

Almost in an instant, everything in the hall was ignored by me. Du Haisheng was the only one left in my eyes. My mind was even more free from all kinds of thoughts. In my heart, I had nothing to do with myself. I really reached the realm of selflessness and immersed myself in my own world.

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