In this state of nothingness, my expression is as calm as water, my body is as stable as Mount Tai, but my eyes are extremely sharp. Every move of Du Haisheng is reflected in my eyes. I can clearly capture any change of him, even the smallest details.

As soon as he flashed in front of me and flew out of my leg, I immediately reached out to block him. After a brief confrontation, my eyes suddenly changed, because I felt Du Haisheng's unusual. His feet were flexible, sharp and fierce. My hand touched his feet, just like hitting a steel plate. Suddenly, a burst of pain suddenly hit me, The pain of my heart can not help a twist.

Du Haisheng, however, was brave. Although his sharp foot was resisted by me, it did not affect his attack. His speed did not decrease, and then he threw a whip leg at me.

This flying leg is more fierce and faster than the previous one. My mind is unchanged, and my eyes can still catch Du Haisheng's every move. When his leg strikes, I stretch out my hand to block it. However, this block makes my hands ache even more. It seems that the same place has been hit by steel bars twice, which is very painful.

Suddenly, I felt that Du Haisheng was a pervert. He could make his body so hard. I thought his head was made of iron, which was incomparably hard. I didn't expect that other parts of his body were the same hard.

I remember the last time I fought Sheng Mingjie. At that time, I was quite relaxed, because Sheng Mingjie's body was no stronger than Du Haisheng's. what's more, Sheng Mingjie is good at martial arts, which is an invisible move. After I forget myself, I can crack his moves. Knowing the secret, it's easy to resist his attack.

But this Du Haisheng is different. His moves don't need to be captured by me at all, and can be seen at a glance, because he has no moves at all. He is easy to fight, either punching or kicking. He is simple and rough. His greatest strength is his strength and physical strength. The whole thing is totally abnormal, which is beyond my control.

To deal with such a crazy bull, I know that I can't spend it with him, otherwise, my bones will be broken by him.

So, after a few moves, I gradually couldn't bear it. After that, I didn't keep my hand, and I directly used my best Kung Fu, Taiji.

The advantage of Taiji is to overcome the strong with softness. Since Du Haisheng's strength is unmatched, I can't fight against him. Then, I can only use Taiji to dissolve his brute force, and let him hit me with great strength, which will affect the four or two thousand jin.

Sure enough, Tai Chi is a good way to deal with people like Du Haisheng. Even though Du Haisheng's body is hard and his attack is fierce and domineering, I can introduce him into the void, avoid the real and let him fight like a cotton.

Du Haisheng failed again and again. I constantly transformed the visible into the invisible, and easily resisted his greatest strength with the smallest strength.

Du Haisheng, after all, is a man of flesh and blood. No matter how strong his strength is, he will be exhausted. After a series of attacks, Du Haisheng gradually becomes a little weak. His head is covered with sweat. However, Du Haisheng did not give up. Instead, he launched a more violent attack. He almost attacked me with both hands and feet.

I can let his attack be overwhelming, and I can deal with it easily. My Taiji, not to speak of perfection, has also reached the point of being arbitrary. It will not be affected by external factors and will not be unfamiliar with the strength of the enemy. In the process of fighting, I always keep the expression of light and light.

But the whole scene became extremely hot because of our confrontation, and the hall seemed to be shaken by Du Haisheng. It can be said that Du Haisheng is really terrible at the moment. But I was in the center of the whirlpool, but I was still not hurt to half a point, and I could still keep calm and calm, which made the onlookers surprised.

From the beginning, the brothers watched with breathless concentration and squeezed a sweat for me, especially when seeing Du Haisheng's constant attacks and being so swift and violent, my brothers were even more worried about me.

But when they saw me using Tai Chi, their looks immediately changed, and they became nervous and energetic. This competition made the faces of the brothers changeable. My strength made my brothers unbelievable. They stood aside, almost without blinking an eye, looking at us in the fight.

About ten minutes later, I could feel that Du Haisheng was a little tired in terms of strength, and his attack was not so sharp. Even, at the end of the day, he stopped directly. He gasped like an ox and said to me, "Suluo, I didn't expect that you have practiced Taiji to this extent. However, what kind of skill do you have to defend all the time? You can't tell the winner or the loser until dawn! "

After listening to Du Haisheng's words, I know that I have been better than others in terms of mentality. After all, he still couldn't hold his breath, and his mentality began to collapse. At the same time, I didn't want to waste any more time. So, I gave him a slight smile and said to him, "well, come again!"

Du Haisheng was not polite. He shook the ground with his bare feet and cried out: "I'm offended!"

Before the voice dropped, Du Haisheng's whole person had already rushed at me.

This time, he was like a devil. His face was ferocious, and his momentum was endless. He was very insidious. His brothers watching the war were shocked by his momentum, and their eyes showed tension again.However, I was not affected. The stronger Du Haisheng was, the more calm I would be. I continued to maintain a calm mind and resist his attack in the realm of selflessness.

Of course, I no longer blindly resist, but turn passivity into initiative, retreat into advance, and launch an attack. My attack is not fierce, it belongs to the kind of step-by-step. I am not in a hurry for success. I just look for Du Haisheng's flaws while resisting. Whenever the other party shows a gap, I will attack once in a timely manner, and each time I can make a sneak attack.

Although Du Haisheng's body is tough. But from time to time, I can't bear to be beaten by me. I'm like a termite, swallowing him. Du Haisheng also felt my danger. He became more and more crazy. His attack was no longer the combination of hands and feet. Even his head was used. It can be seen that it is his strongest weapon. Anyone who wants to be hit by him will be broken on the spot.

However, with Du Haisheng's hands, feet and iron head together, I was still not in a hurry to resist easily. As he became more and more crazy, there were more and more flaws exposed, and I had more and more opportunities to make a move.

Not long after, Du Haisheng was beaten by me, his clothes were all broken, his body showed a lot of scars, and his bald head had several bruises.

In fact, I know in my heart that this is a contest, not a contest of life and death. Therefore, I didn't try my best. Every time, it was just a point to stop. If I did, I'm afraid Du Haisheng would not be able to carry it. I wanted him to admit defeat and stop it.

But who could have thought that he was just an immortal cockroach. The more frustrated he was, the more fierce he was, and the more he fought with me. In the end, he was like a cow, no longer attacking with his hands and feet, but rushing forward with all his strength, using his head as the horn of a bull and pounding madly on me.

Compared with the bull in the bullring, his mad bull has much greater lethality. Every time he collides, it has great lethality. Of course, I won't be stupid enough to accept the move. Every time, I quickly avoid him in the moment before he collides.

Three times in a row, bareheaded is all over the air.

For the first time, his head hit the chair and it broke.

The second time, he hit the wall and it broke.

The third time, he bumped into a brother on the side, suddenly, the brother flew far away.

On the fourth time, his iron head finally hit the target, hitting me on the chest.

Immediately, my whole person fiercely flies backwards, soars in the air I, the mouth cannot help but spray out a big mouthful of blood, then, bang, I heavily hit the ground, the ground seems to move.

My physical bearing capacity is very strong, but I still can't stand Du Haisheng's heavy blow at the moment. I almost fainted in the past. I feel my internal organs are separated, my heart is shaking, and my eyes are a little fuzzy.

Seeing this, the brothers all cried out: "boss!"

With that, they all ran to my side and helped me up from the ground.

Then, one voice after another of concern came, asking me about my injury. I wanted to open my mouth and say something, but I didn't say anything. I coughed up directly and even coughed up blood.

When my brothers saw me like this, their eyes were full of fire. Even Shen Muchen, who had always been calm, was angry. He directly criticized Du Haisheng: "bald, this is just a friendly match. Do you need to lay such a heavy hand? Want to kill? "

The other brothers even scolded Du Haisheng. Crab was the most violent. He had to rush up and fight with Du Haisheng. Fortunately, my hand held him tightly and he didn't rush.

I know that the reason why these brothers are angry is not because I lost. They are not the people who can not afford to lose, but Du Haisheng's heavy hand, completely to kill people.

Du Haisheng, who has been criticized by thousands of people, has no sense of shame at all. At the moment, his whole body is soaked with sweat. His head may be red and purple due to the impact force, and his eyes are even more red. He ignored everyone's voice and came to me without expression.

To me close, he stood a step, coldly looked at me, doubt asked: "why don't you hide?"

Hearing Du Haisheng's words, the brothers' expressions were stiff in an instant, and then they all showed a look of shock. Perhaps, they all thought that I could not avoid Du Haisheng's fatal blow, but their subconscious brain was in disorder when they heard Du Haisheng's words.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were firmly fixed on me. In the face of the public's attention, I was not in a hurry. Until my asthma was smooth, I tried my best to open my mouth and made a very weak voice to Du Haisheng: "I thought I would keep my hands everywhere, give you the steps, you would take the initiative to admit defeat, but you did not, on the contrary, more and more fierce, and even did not hesitate to fight with me.

I just know that you are a tough guy who doesn't admit defeat, and you are also a hero who wants face. You don't want to lose to me, a young man. If you continue to fight, unless I beat you to death, you can't take the initiative to admit defeat, and the contest will never end. I don't want you to die. I have to bear your heavy blow and let you vent your resentment to calm down the contestFor a long sentence, I said it very hard, but the words were clear and every sentence was powerful. When the last word fell, only a sound of Dong was heard. The conceited Du Haisheng knelt down in front of me on one knee!

Immediately, everyone in the room was stunned.

Then, the silent hall suddenly sounded Du Haisheng's rough voice: "boss!"

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