As the leader of the flame Gang, Du Haisheng is really a tough guy. He is not only tough, but also tough. In his heart, no one can really convince him. To put it simply, he is arrogant, and even Sheng family and Hai Bang do not pay attention to him.

Such a tough guy should kneel down in front of so many people and recognize me as the eldest. It's really incredible. This scene is just amazing to all of us.

One by one, all the brothers in the scene opened their eyes and mouths, and their chin almost fell off. Their eyes were full of disbelief. Originally, the brothers knew that I had deliberately let Du Haisheng, which was enough to surprise them. Now, they even saw the lawless Du Haisheng kneeling down to me and calling me boss, which made them even more astonished.

For a moment, there was no sound in the field.

And I, the heart also startled a lot of waves, Du Haisheng's action is beyond my expectation, but it is also reasonable.

Although Du Haisheng is a man of high self-respect and rebellious, it is undeniable that he attaches great importance to feelings and righteousness. It is because of his love and righteousness that he wants to go to the Hai Gang in order to avenge his second leader. Even if he knows that the Hai Gang is strong, he is not afraid. Such a person is indeed a rare talent, I attach great importance to it.

From his various behaviors just now, I can see clearly that Du Haisheng is not a man on the surface. His mind is delicate, he can observe his words and looks, and his mind is very smart. However, he is too arrogant. If he wants to win him over, he must be convinced. Therefore, I am willing to bear his heavy blow. Even if I lose the game, I don't want to lose this fierce general.

Fortunately, my injury was not in vain. After a serious injury, I finally got the corresponding harvest. I not only convinced Du Haisheng and was willing to submit to me, but also made the arrogant him not hesitate to kneel down for me. This is really a surprise.

This time, I was worth it. So I broke free from the support of my brothers. I stepped forward and helped Du Haisheng up. I said excitedly, "you are brothers in the future. Don't be polite!"

When my voice dropped, Du Haisheng had been helped up by me.

After he got up, his eyes were still shining with me. At this moment, his anger and anger were all dissipated, and the whole person was radiant. After looking at me for two seconds, he suddenly opened his voice and said to me sonorously and forcefully: "boss, you are the first person I've ever taken by Du Haisheng in my life. I'll follow you!"

His voice is very firm, fully expressed his determination, from his eyes, I can also feel that he is sincerely want to join me.

I could not help but move in my heart, and my eyes became more and more resolute. Then, I solemnly nodded to him and said, "I believe you, and I promise you, I will destroy the Hai Gang!"

When I said this, I exuded a strong breath all over my body. Maybe it was because I had taken in Du Haisheng, I could not help but feel a sense of conquering the world.

Du Haisheng is not a hypocritical person. He knows that my mind can accommodate him and that he and I will stand on the same front. No matter whether this promise will be realized or not, at least at this moment, we share the same hatred and have this confidence.

However, when Du Haisheng found that my body was a little weak, he immediately frowned and asked with concern: "boss, I'm sorry, I acted rashly as soon as I got angry. Just now my hand was too heavy. Are you ok?"

I licked the blood from the corner of my mouth, laughed, and said, "nothing. This injury is nothing to me."

After listening to my words, Du Haisheng's eyebrows immediately relaxed, and he also showed a relaxed color. He said boldly to me, "well, since it's settled, I'll go back and tell my brothers in the gang that I will completely surrender to the war in the future."

I tried to keep a sentence: "don't you sit down, or have a cup of tea?"

But Du Haisheng did things with great vigour. He could not wait for a moment. Without any hesitation, he refused me and said, "no, I have to deal with the merger. In the future, I and more than 100 brothers in my help can be dispatched by the boss!"

After that, he left me a contact information, and then he left.

When he left, he didn't wear any shoes and left directly. It can be said that he was full of ruffian spirit and walked with a domineering and unrestrained manner.

In this way, without eating or drinking a cup of tea, I took Du Haisheng under my command just through a contest. I didn't even expect that Du Haisheng, the bandit, would become the first of my five famous gods of war in the future.

When Du Haisheng disappeared, my brothers who were shocked and stunned responded one after another. All of a sudden, the silent Hall fell into a lot of noise. The brothers couldn't help but marvel and discuss what happened just now.

My military force, my mind, and my spirit all became the topic of discussion among my brothers. This time, I not only convinced Du Haisheng, but also convinced all the fighting fire and the high-level of the flying car party, so that the brothers had a new high degree of respect for my boss.But Shen Muchen did not participate in the discussion. He just calmly came to me and asked me with all his eyes in a serious way: "Arlo, can Du Haisheng be trusted?"

Shen Muchen is a cautious man. He may not have full trust in Du Haisheng. After all, he has witnessed all Du Haisheng's actions just now, and knows all his valiant temperament and arrogant and unruly personality. These characteristics of Shen Muchen are easy to burn people. It is natural for Shen Muchen not to worry.

I understand Shen Muchen's concerns, but I believe in my own judgment. I firmly explained to Shen Muchen: "you can trust it. Don't worry. People like Du Haisheng will not turn to you. Once they do, they will die!"

Hearing the speech, Shen Muchen nodded his head to show his approval. At this time, the crab suddenly came over and said to him, "I said, brother Su, you are not interesting enough. You have changed so much that you don't say anything. I've been training hard for this period of time. I thought I could catch up with you. I saw you this day, and I knew that it was still a long way off!"

Finish saying, he still does not believe the spirit with the fist under my chest.

This action is generally a greeting between brothers, but he forgot that I was still seriously injured. Just now Du Haisheng was present, I didn't want to be too fragile. I kept up my image of greatness.

But in fact, Du Haisheng's iron head, so desperately hit, I really almost saw the king of hell.

Originally, I have been holding back nothing, but now, the crab's fist happened to stab my wound, so that I suddenly coughed, cough is very fierce, can not stop, my cold sweat began to come out, the body can not help but soften.

Brothers see me like this, immediately panic, quickly help me to the seat, there are people busy running to get the medicine box.

And the troublemaker crab, scared face is green, he lenglengleng looking at me, keep apologizing to me.

I tried to squeeze out a smile, weak said: "it's OK, it's none of your business!"

Soon, a brother of the flying car party came to me with a medicine box. Bai Qiuyan, standing beside me, immediately helped me untie my clothes. It was only then that I found that my chest had been swollen and swollen, which looked very serious.

Of course, I knew that although the collision was serious, the bone did not break. Therefore, I only let Bai Qiuyan daub medicinal wine on me.

For me, injury is a common occurrence. It's a piece of cake to be seriously injured. I don't care much at all. But when my brothers saw that I was hurt so badly, they couldn't help talking about it.

The broad hall is filled with all kinds of comments and exclamations of brothers. No matter what their mood is, they can't be calmed down in a short time, because the shocks brought by the previous ones are so great that they need to digest, explore and even study.

Some brothers are still pondering on the fight between Du Haisheng and me, especially when Du Haisheng launched his iron head offensive. At first, they couldn't see that I was deliberately hit. Therefore, they can't help thinking about whether they missed any important details before.

At the same time, Mu Nan came back. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the brothers around me and said, "what's the matter? What's the matter with him?"

One of the brothers immediately said, "hit by Du Haisheng's iron head!"

Hearing this, Mu Nan's nervousness disappeared. Instead of worrying, he showed an unfathomable look in his eyes and asked the brothers, "is that bald head turning to the boss?"

Mu Nan's words directly attracted the attention of all brothers present, and all of them could not help but cast their eyes on him, a face of inexplicable. Maybe they don't understand why Mu Nan still asked me how the injury happened to me the second before, but he guessed the result the next second.

After a short period of consternation, the crab could not hold back for the first time. He asked Mu Nan in a voice: "how do you know?"

Immediately, Mu Nan laughed and said: "don't fight, you don't know each other. The personality charm of the boss can only be shown in the battle. I also take refuge in him like this!"

In a word, those inexplicable brothers were all awakened, the atmosphere was harmonious, said laughter constantly.

My heart was also touched by Mu Nan. I didn't know him if I didn't fight. Indeed, when I took over Mu Nan, I convinced him by force, and then influenced him with words and courage.

But mu Nan and Du Haisheng are different. Du Haisheng is a hard bone. I used a step back to gain his sincere submission. And Mu Nan, he is a person who knows the current affairs. I use my courage and ambition to make him trust me and let him know that his future is limitless with me.

I can't help but feel glad that I have taken in such two people.

Looking at the vigorous brothers, listening to their laughter, the corner of my mouth can not help but grin out a trace of smile, my heart relaxed a lot, the injury is not so painful, the spirit has recovered a lot.And Mu Nan after chatting with his brothers, he winked at me and left first.

Seeing Mu Nan so, I couldn't help but jump quickly. I asked Mu nan to send Peng Xuefei home. Now, looking at his situation, it seems that there is something wrong with him. I don't dare to delay. I immediately get up and put on my clothes, and then tell the brothers to go away.

Then, I quickly followed Mu Nan, and then to a place where there was no one, he stopped and stood in front of me.

I walked quickly to him and couldn't wait to ask, "Feifei, is she home safe?"

Mu Nan did not hesitate, immediately returned: "well, home, she also entrusted me to bring you something!"

Hearing this, my tense heart suddenly relaxed, but at the same time, doubts flooded into my mind, I can not help but ask: "what?"

Smell speech, Mu Nan quickly took out a thing from the pocket and handed it to me.

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