When the letter paper showed in front of me, my heart immediately tightened, and then, the heart beat faster, some of the fast disordered rhythm, feeling very uneasy.

With this one of the worries, I slowly took over the letter to Mu Nan and asked, "what is the matter, she found my identity?"

When I asked this, my throat was almost smoking, and the voice of my speech was very dry and dumb, and the restless mood suddenly grew up. I am really afraid, afraid she already knew I was Jiangnan wind.

Fortunately, after listening to my words, Mu Nan shook her head immediately and said seriously, "it should not be. She asked me what to say or not. She didn't seem to doubt anything. She asked me for paper and pen suddenly. I bought her pen and letter at the stationery shop by the roadside. Later, she finished the letter on the way back. When she arrived at home, she entrusted me to hand it over to you. "

It seems that Mu Nan also does not know what pengxuefei is going to say, he did not read the contents of the letter.

I don't know why Peng Xuefei wrote to me. Should she express her thanks to me?

Thinking of this, I quickly opened the letter, opened it, and immediately, a row of meaningful and slightly disordered handwriting reflected my eyes. They formed a sincere emotional remark:

sulo, first of all, I want to say sorry to you. I misunderstood you. I don't know you well, but I know that our gang and you are the source of all these things. All of these are my father's parents I got you started.

But I heard that my father only wanted to get blood Ganoderma from your father's hand. Therefore, my father was willing to exchange any conditions. However, your father killed many of us in the sea, and finally he was unable to make a lot of trouble.

Listen to my father, your father and son are all murderers. I know that you killed many people in our gang. So, you give me a big devil. So I would be so scared when I saw you before.

However, after contacting you, I found that you and I thought you were different. Suddenly, you didn't look like a bad person.

In fact, I can finally make up my mind to believe you, not because of your words of comfort, but because when I bite you, I taste the smell of your blood, I have also drunk a person's blood before, so I think of him. I believe you are a good man.

Because you are a good person, I want to sincerely persuade you to say, don't fight with our sea Gang, you can't fight. My father has nothing to do these days, not afraid of you, but he is calling in the forces of various parts of the Haigang. We are all scattered across the country. All of them have returned to headquarters these days. This time, my father is ready to move out and exterminate you completely. It is very dangerous for you to stay in the capital of H.

Thank you for saving me, I don't want you to die in vain, listen to my advice, give up, take care of yourself.

Write, Peng Xuefei.

The three words of pengxuefei in the writing place are almost dragon flying and Fengfeng dance, which looks free and easy, and has a very artistic sense. But I didn't pay attention to the payment, but I just looked at the content of the letter and was dazzled.

A letter, the number of words is not much, but I have read for a long time, each word is carefully read, carefully afterthought, from the lines I read the letter pengxuefei's sincerity, she is a very grateful person, I kind hearted put her, she knew the good news, do not want me to die, just to sea help these days of the real behavior told me.

However, I really didn't expect that Peng Yi would gather the national sea Gang forces this time. Although, I guess he has been in a steady state these days. There must be special reasons. He didn't attack me bravely because he attached importance to my war. But where can I expect, he paid attention to this degree and even planned to move out and kill me And, all the big guys of the gang have returned to the headquarters. It's a real bad news for me.

I know that the reason why the Haigang is standing in H Province cannot be separated from the strong Pengjia. Pengjia has passed on for many years. There are many masters. Among the younger generation, there are many people with extraordinary strength like Pengyu. Let alone the older generation, the reason why dark moon hall is terrible is estimated to be that the old monster of Pengjia lives there.

It can be said that the Peng family scattered across the country is gathered together, which is a terrible force. This force can not be underestimated by me.

It seems that I can't delay any more, and I can't do it for a minute or a second.

Originally, it was very urgent to save people. But now, after reading the letter from pengxuefei, I am more urgent because I really have no time.

The gang of the sea is almost completely dressed. If Peng Yi attacks me, let alone others first. With the current strength of the war, it will not resist the army of the gang. Even if I can get away with the victory, I am afraid it will be a heavy loss. How many people will I have left in time. What can I take to fight against the dark moon hall and take what can I do to save my father?

The more I think of my heart, the more anxious, the head suddenly like a knot, feel like an ant on a hot pot.

Just as I was in the dark, Shen Muchen suddenly ran over and said to me, "alo, Yang Shulai!"

Listening to Shen Muchen, I immediately returned to my heart, and quickly gathered the letter, and said to Mu Nan and Shen Muchen, "go!"Then the three of us returned to the chamber together.

As soon as I got back to the hall, I saw Uncle Yang. He was not the only one who didn't come. There were also five middle-aged men who were over 50 years old. However, the years did not seem to consume their fighting spirit. They were all in high spirits. They were full of energy. There was also a strong military atmosphere. At first sight, they came from the army People.

Obviously, these five middle-aged men are the other instructors in the devil training camp. They were sitting in their seats. When they saw me, the five of them got up almost at the same time, showing a gesture of deference to me.

I feel that these instructors still respect me. I know that it should be because of my father. I once again got a little bit of light from my father.

After they got up, uncle Yang introduced them to me one by one. All they reported were their code names when they were in the army. It's easy to remember.

I welcomed each of them. At last, he said, "thank you, uncles, for coming to help you with your spare time."

These people are not mediocre at first sight. Everyone's strength is unfathomable. They are willing to help me. They really add a lot of confidence to me, and I am very grateful.

After being polite to me, Yang Shucai said to me, "I've been observing the actions of the Haibang these two days, and I find that they're going to make a move. Arlo, when are you going to take action?"

Sure enough, Yang shutI came to H Province early to observe the Haibang secretly. He also knew that Peng Yi's inaction was only a superficial phenomenon. As a matter of fact, the Haibang is about to start a big move. As the mountain rain is coming, the wind will be blowing all over the building.

Uncle Yang felt this and came to me at this time. He must be in a hurry to save my father.

Just in time, I have the same idea. The matter of saving people is imminent. In any case, we should finish it before the sea Gang operation, otherwise everything will be finished.

Without much hesitation, I immediately replied to Uncle Yang, "I also know something about Haibang. Let's go to the secret room to chat."

Ten minutes later, I, uncle Yang, Shen Muchen and Mu Nan, held a top secret meeting in the secret room of the party headquarters.

During the meeting, I told all the things mentioned in Peng Xuefei's letter and my father's detention in the dark moon hall without any concealment. My purpose is to discuss with you the next countermeasures.

In front of me, Shen Muchen represents the fire of war, Mu Nan represents the flying car party, and uncle Yang represents my father's old department. They are all the people I trust most. Therefore, they and I need not hide anything at all.

But after listening to my words, uncle Yang's eyebrows all can't help wrinkling up, his look has heavy and rigorous.

Of course, he knew about my father's detention in the dark moon hall for a long time. The reason why he frowned at the moment must be because he heard me say that the sea gang had gathered all forces and called on all Peng family members. This is really a headache.

Uncle Yang pondered for a while, but he finally decided to say: "according to the situation like this, we must take the opportunity as soon as possible."

Uncle Yang's idea coincides with mine. Originally, we didn't rush to fight against the dark moon hall, mainly because I was afraid that my present power would not be enough to fight against the dark moon hall. But now that things have come to this stage, there is really no way. We are forced to go to Liangshan, and we have to be brave.

When Yang's voice dropped, Mu Nan immediately followed the sentence: "yes, it's better to start first. Go straight to the dark moon hall!"

Mu Nan was able to say this because he did not personally feel the horror of the dark moon hall. Only after experiencing it did he know how powerful the dark moon hall was. His terror was not what ordinary people could imagine.

Compared with the two of them, Shen Muchen is relatively calm. After all, he doesn't know much about it, so he doesn't express his own opinions. He just turns his eyes to me and says in a deep voice, "Arlo, what are you going to do? We'll cooperate with you."

After thinking about it for a long time, I suddenly stood up and said solemnly to everyone, "I think it's more dangerous to wait for one more day. Instead of sitting here waiting for death, I'd better take the initiative and hit him by surprise. However, the location of Mangshan Mountain in the dark moon hall is very hidden. It is absolutely impossible to attack at night. It is not only inconvenient to fight, but also makes the brothers lost in it. However, if we choose to go in the daytime, we are afraid that it will be difficult to be quiet. When the sea Gang discovers something, they come to support the dark moon hall, and we will be attacked.

Therefore, I have decided that we will be ready tonight. In the early morning of tomorrow, we will set out quietly from here before dawn. We must arrive at Mangshan Mountain at six o'clock in the morning. At that time, it is already light, and we will launch a general attack on the dark moon hall! "

This is my conclusion after thinking. In any case, we can't wait any longer. Then, we can only act immediately, but the time for action is the most appropriate time to start before dawn. The three main members present agreed with my words with both hands.

Although this method is not exquisite, I am afraid it is the only way. After all, it is only at daybreak that we can easily enter the Mangshan Mountain and attack the dark moon hall.

Although I have inquired about the location of the dark moon hall last time and worked out a quick route in silence, the premise is that I can quickly find the way in the daytime. If I am in the dark sky, I don't want to take the troops, I'm afraid I will lose myself in the mountains.Therefore, it is the best time to set out before dawn. At this time, most people are still in sleep, especially those who live in urban nightlife. We should choose to go out at this time, which should be secret enough, and we can also rush into Mangshan Mountain at daybreak, which is very suitable.

The departure time was settled. Then, we discussed the issue of taking people.

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