The preparation is ready, and the rest is the problem of taking people. The dark moon hall is full of experts. Therefore, we can only go to the elite troops this time. Otherwise, bringing some shrimps and crabs in the past will make them lose their lives in vain. It will not only do nothing, but also delay our overall combat policy. What we need to do this time is absolute speed Yes, as long as I save my dad, it will be a success.

Therefore, no matter what, we must select the absolute elite. In terms of the war, all our 500 elites will go. They are good at team combat. Even if the opponent is more powerful, they also have their coping methods. They are a little younger than the old man of dark moon hall, and they are also very dangerous. However, they are not afraid of death. At least, they can keep calm in the face of danger and fight against the enemy bravely.

As for the Party of flying cars, Mu Nan was chosen to be a general. As for the newly joined flame Gang, I didn't consider taking them. It's not because I don't trust them, but because I attack the dark moon hall. It's more about my personal affairs. The purpose of the flame Gang is purely to do the Hai Gang. I don't want to involve them in my personal affairs.

According to Mu Nan, he can also select 300 strong cadres to cooperate with me.

That is to say, our power is about 800 people, a large number. But I still have no confidence in dealing with the dark moon hall, which is so powerful and unknown, and those old monsters who are so horrible and abnormal that I still have no confidence. Even if I add uncle Yang, I am still in a tight corner.

But even so, I had to fight. I had to move before dawn tomorrow. Then, Shen Muchen, uncle Yang and Mu Nan discussed the battle plan and the matters needing attention. We all expressed our opinions and talked about them.

Finally, taking into account the advantages of all parties, we have formulated a most conservative guerrilla attack plan.

After the negotiation, I told the next Mu Nan and Shen Muchen not to disclose this matter. This is a top secret operation, which is not easy for everyone to know. Otherwise, once the information is leaked, the consequences will be very serious.

Mu Nan and Shen Muchen both knew the importance of the matter. They assured me repeatedly that this matter would be kept secret. Because we would all have to get up early and start tomorrow, after the meeting, Shen Muchen and Mu Nan immediately went to prepare the arrangements before the war, and urged their brothers to go to bed early and nourish their spirits.

After Shen Muchen and Mu Nan left, uncle Yang immediately asked me, "did you go to find Han Yimo?"

I shook my head and said in a deep voice, "not yet, but I'm ready to go now."

Yang shuruo nodded thoughtfully and sighed: "well, with her joining, we are sure of it."

When he said this, uncle Yang's eyes finally flashed a bright color.

Obviously, in the case of not sure that Han Yimo can join, uncle Yang has no confidence at all. I have seen how powerful and indifferent uncle Yang is when he is confident. That kind of spirit can instantly infect people and make people feel confident involuntarily.

But after a long meeting, uncle Yang didn't exude that kind of towering spirit, nor did he show his composure. Until this moment, hearing that I wanted to find Han Yimo, he seemed to have more calm and calm color.

Indeed, Han Yimo is a powerful helper, and her team is definitely a top-notch team. Only by asking her to help me, I won't have no chance of winning.

It is precisely because of this that I will go to her. Even if I do not want to trouble her again, I have to do so. Because this action is not related to my life, but to the safety of many brothers. I can't gamble on their lives. I can only ask Han Yimo to help.

Thinking of this, I directly said to Uncle Yang: "I know, uncle Yang, you and several uncles will stay here tonight. There are many rooms here. Let Mu Nan arrange for you. I'll go to Han Yimo first."

Uncle Yang nodded his head again and said, "go!"

After saying goodbye to Uncle Yang, I went straight to my room. In the room, I changed into a set of night clothes, and then quickly went out of the door.

After going out, I went straight to the car park of the party. It happened that Mu Nan was in the parking lot, preparing the vehicles for the battle tomorrow.

Without hesitation, I got on a motorcycle directly and said to Mu Nan, "give me the key!"

Mu Nan saw that I was dressed up and had to ride a bike. He ran to me and asked, "boss, you are injured. You have to take action tomorrow morning. Why don't you take a good rest? Where are you going?"

I didn't hide it. I said in a deep voice, "go find Han Yimo!"

Mu Nan knows the identity of my Jiangnan style, and of course he knows the relationship between Han Yimo and me. He also knows that Han Yimo is a mythical existence and the right arm of the once powerful ghost king. When he saw that I was going to find her, Mu Nan immediately understood that I was going to move and rescue soldiers.

Therefore, he did not ask any more, directly gave me the key, and said to me with concern: "do you want me to accompany you?"

I took the key and said to Mu Nan, "no, I'll be careful. You'll have a rest earlier when you're busy. Don't wait for me to come back!"

The voice dropped, I resolutely turned back, started the motorcycle and left.I didn't go through the main gate, but from the back door of the base camp of the bicycle party. The night was very deep, and only faint stars were shining in the sky. Under the cover of the night, I rode my motorcycle to Jiangjia villa.

After galloping for a long time, I was sure that no one was following me, so I headed straight for the Jiangjia villa.

This time, I went to find Han Yimo with a mission. Therefore, when I was on the road, I could not help but brew words, thinking about how to be euphemistic and get Han Yimo's help in the best way.

Thinking is constantly turning, but my eyes are still looking ahead. Unconsciously, I have arrived at the gate of Jiangjia manor. The appearance inside has not changed a bit, but my heart has changed, because it is no longer my home, no longer the nest on which I live. In my opinion, its meaning has changed, and I feel a little strange.

I didn't stop any more. I just got off the motorcycle and went inside. When I got to the villa, I rang the doorbell.

After a while, uncle Gang's voice came from the doorbell: "who!"

Although I changed my face, my voice was still the same. I didn't hide it. I directly gave out my voice and said to him, "Uncle Gang, I'm a Jiangnan style!"

Hearing this, uncle Gang immediately rushed out and welcomed me into the villa.

Entering the living room, I could hardly wait to ask him, "Uncle Gang, is aunt Han there?"

Uncle Gang poured me a cup of tea and put it on the tea table. Then he said, "the master hasn't come back these days."

When I heard this, my heart suddenly burst out, and my chest hurt. I locked my eyes and said with a little anxiety: "can you find her? I have something to do with aunt Han! "

Uncle Gang hesitated a little and said, "is it urgent?"

Looking at Uncle gang like this, I know that under normal circumstances, he is not good to disturb Han Yimo.

Han Yimo has a kind of dignity, which makes people dare not get close to her easily. At the beginning, she was special to me, but the more she was like this, the more I wanted to show her respect, especially to ask her to help so much, I needed to come to her in person for an interview, but I was disappointed when I came to the meeting.

Now, seeing that uncle Gang hesitated to contact Han Yimo, my heart was even more lost. However, as the situation was urgent, I could not take too much care of it. I directly and seriously said to Uncle Gang, "urgent matter!"

Smell speech, gang uncle nodded, deep voice said to me: "good, I contact to have a look!"

After that, he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

With the phone call, my heart is also raised, my eyes tightly staring at Uncle Gang, but after waiting for a long time, the other party did not answer. Uncle Gang helplessly put down his mobile phone and said, "no one answers. This is the number left by the host. In general, there will be someone connected. Now no one answers. The master must be busy!"

Hearing this, I only felt my heart stopped beating and lost to the extreme. However, I still didn't give up. I couldn't help saying, "is there any other way to contact her? I want to find her tonight

Uncle Gang sighed and said, "no, the master has always been haunting and wandering. Especially these days, in order to cope with the Sheng family, she is gathering old friends, and her whereabouts are uncertain."

Hearing uncle Gang's words, my expression became stiff in an instant. This was what I had forced myself to ignore. It was also the biggest reason why I didn't want to look for Han Yimo. Later, in order to save my father, I had to let myself forget this matter, and then brazenly asked Han Yimo for help.

But at this moment, I know that Han Yimo got into trouble because of me. Up to now, she is busy running. She used to retire to the lake and live her ordinary life, but now she is constantly running. I have brought her so much trouble, and now I have to trouble her. I'm really ashamed.

Although, I especially need Han Yimo's help, but this situation, I really can't disturb her any more. Even if I find Han Yimo, I don't know how to say anything about saving my father.

After a pause, I still said to Uncle Gang frustrated: "forget it, uncle Gang, I still have something to do, go first!"

When Uncle gang saw that I was leaving, he said quickly, "don't you stay longer? If the host sees me contacting her later, he should call me back!"

Smell speech, I waved my hand, said: "thank you, uncle Gang, don't bother, I go first!"

After that, I turned around and left. Uncle Gang's words of concern came from behind: "the master called. Do you want to say that you have looked for her?"

I stopped and took a deep breath. Then I turned back and said, "no, I don't really need it. I don't have a big deal. You just think I haven't been here."

With that, I didn't stay any longer, and I left directly.

Outside the manor, I stepped directly onto the motorcycle and set foot on the road back to the base camp of the car party.

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