Compared with the time when I came, I felt a lot more lost. This time, I lost the powerful backup of Han Yimo. The reason why I pretended to leave calmly was that, firstly, I was too pressed for time and could not wait at all. Secondly, it was the most important reason. I was really sorry to bother Han Yimo again. She had sacrificed enough for me. I had no reason to ask her for help. After all, it was a desperate thing. She had no responsibility or obligation to help me.

With a lonely heart, I returned to the base camp of the flying car party.

At this time, after the early morning, the other brothers basically fell asleep. However, uncle Yang, Shen Muchen and Mu Nan didn't sleep. All three of them knew what was going on tomorrow. The heavy pressure on them would make it hard for them to fall asleep.

Fortunately, Mu Nan and Shen Muchen are very efficient. They have basically done their preparation and deployment before the war.

Many of the members of the flying car Party led by Mu Nan are experts in weapons. They have their own weapons of expertise. Therefore, Mu Nan has told the people under him to prepare the weapons and vehicles. In terms of time, Mu Nan has also ordered to get up early tomorrow.

Shen Muchen also arranged the war properly. The chariot and the fire were inherent. They didn't need weapons. As for the matter of getting up early, he also explained it.

Uncle Yang has not slept, is waiting for my news, so, see me come, he alone called me to no one's place, and then asked me: "how is it?"

I shook my head, some disappointed said: "no one found, I don't intend to let her help, let's do it ourselves!"

On hearing this, uncle Yang frowned, and his disappointment flashed in his eyes. But soon, his look returned to nature. He nodded and said, "it's all right, but it's OK. The dark moon hall is not as terrible as the legend says. Their old bones can't stand our people's tossing and turning. You don't have to worry too much!"

I suppressed the mood in my heart, showed a firm look, solemnly said: "I know, I am not afraid of them, tomorrow I will be able to save my father!"

Uncle Yang pulled the corners of his mouth and chuckled. Then, he patted me on the shoulder and said, "well, you should go to bed early and get up early tomorrow."

I nodded and said, "OK!"

Yang Shu put down his hand and turned to leave. When he left, he did not forget to say to me: "when you want to start tomorrow morning, just call me!"

I looked at Uncle Yang's heavy back, and my heart was full of emotion. A counter current surged in my body, making me almost unable to breathe.

Uncle Yang didn't show any negativity or loss. He even encouraged me and gave me confidence. However, his heavy back tells me that tomorrow's war is doomed to be cruel.

I closed my eyes heavily, took a deep breath, and then turned to leave here, meeting Shen Muchen and Mu Nan.

Mu Nan, seeing my sad face, also guessed that I must not have moved to rescue soldiers. He didn't mention it. He just kept repeating, saying that we would certainly bring down the dark moon Hall tomorrow. Obviously, he was also cheering me on.

My heart emotion can not help but surge more powerful, but I have no time to think too much, the time has been very late, they are tired all night, tomorrow will have to get up early, I am afraid they are too tired, directly said to them: "ah Chen, Mu Nan, you are OK, go to rest. I'll call you in advance tomorrow morning. You'll inform the brothers below and assemble quickly. Our departure time is about five o'clock! "

Shen Muchen and Mu Nan didn't say much, but gave me a firm look and went to have a rest.

And I took a shower and lay on the bed. However, although the bed was wide and comfortable, I was sleepless. What was in my mind was the attack on the dark moon Hall tomorrow. However, when it came to this stage, it became my single throw. I had no other way to go. I could only choose the most dangerous road, which was the only one with such a silk machine I will save my father. If I don't fight this time, I won't even have this chance.

With thousands of thoughts, I tossed and turned in bed. I didn't know when I fell asleep. However, I woke up at three o'clock in the morning, and then I didn't feel sleepy again.

It was not far from the departure time. I simply stopped sleeping and got up from the bed. I ran to the lawn of the party headquarters and smoked a cigarette.

In the smoke, my sight is blurred. I can't see the distance, nor can I see the hope. Today's battle of Mangshan, I really don't have much confidence. Even if I persuade myself thousands of times, the old men of dark moon hall are not terrible, but their inner uneasiness still exists.

I'm really worried. I'm afraid that there will be big problems in this war. I'm afraid that my brother will be implicated. I'm afraid that Ziyi's death will not be able to save my father. All kinds of tangles, worries and boredom are all around me, which makes my heart miserable.

Since playing the role of Jiangnan wind, I have hardly smoked. I have recovered my identity as Su Luo. I smoke less. But now, I smoke one by one, constantly smoking, in order to relieve my depression and anxiety.

I have been looking forward to rescuing my father for a long time. Since I entered H Province alone, I have been moving towards this goal. At the beginning, I was a person. Now, my influence has almost reached the limit. I really tried my best to develop to this day. It is already good. Soon, it is time to test myself and my brother It's time for us, but this test is to fight with my life. If we are not careful, our life will end there, but I still will not shrink back.When I have almost a pack of cigarettes, the time is more than four o'clock in the morning, I also slowly figured it out, just like Han Yimo said, no matter when people can't lose confidence, no matter what, I can't be knocked down by myself first, no matter how hopeless the hope is, there is hope from the code. I must firmly believe in this point, muster up courage and show confidence.

What's more, uncle Yang also said that dark moon hall is full of old bones. When we are old, we are numerous, and grinding can grind him to death. I don't need to be afraid at all.

I'm on the side of justice. I'm my own father who saved me. I think the heaven will take care of me. I can't lose my confidence.

The more I think about it, the more firm my faith is, the more confident I am like a vine, which haunts me, so that my spirit can't help but shake up. Finally, I took a puff of cigarette, then held the cigarette end in my hand, and bounced up the hazy sky. I looked at the cigarette end with a beautiful arc in the air, and said to myself with pride: "get up!"

This moment, I seem to see my dad and Ziyi waving to me through the parabola!

After leaving here, I informed uncle Yang, Mu Nan and Shen Muchen to prepare for departure. Then I went back to my room and got ready to go.

I am a well deserved leader in this battle, so I must play an exemplary role in taking the lead. I must have the spirit, the confidence, the courage and the courage to give all brothers confidence.

After washing up, I changed into a light-weight clothes, dressed myself up, and then I went out of the house to the assembly place, the car park of the party.

To be honest, the movements of my brothers are also quick, especially my brothers in war. They have received special training in the training camp, and their movements are even more agile and continuous. All of them come to the parking lot. They are all in a hurry and energetic.

However, Yang Shuhe and the five instructors were not in a hurry. Later, they came here. By the time the brothers were all assembled, the time had already reached 4:50. At this time, the sky was still shrouded in darkness and darkness. The other brothers were all immersed in dreamland. However, all of my 700 elites were full of energy and eager to try. They seemed to be special But they don't know how powerful the enemy we are facing this time and how terrible the place we are going to go.

Therefore, after all of us arrived, I stood in front of the large team and yelled to them in the most sonorous voice: "listen, we are gathering in an emergency, not to travel, but to fight. Moreover, the enemy we are facing is very strong and afraid. We are going to this time, which is also extremely dangerous. I hope you will be prepared in mind if there is any If you are afraid, it doesn't matter. You can choose to stay and continue to sleep! "

This is my most solemn reminder to them. In any case, I think it is necessary to say hello to my brothers in advance, so that they are temporarily in disorder. I am not worried about the brothers in the war. When they came to H Province with me, they already knew that there are dangers everywhere, and they may swallow up the souls of everyone, but they have no objection Gu, no one flinches back, so their 400 elite should have been prepared in mind.

What I am more worried about is that the 300 elite members of the flying car party are not ready for psychological preparation. But to my surprise, when my voice dropped, almost all my brothers roared into the sky: "we are not afraid of it!"

The roar flew straight into the sky, shaking the sky and expressing the determination of each and every one of them.

Knowing that it's a tiger's den, they dare to break in. When I heard that my opponent was so strong that they were still ambitious and invincible, they were just like a group of warriors who conquered the world. They were so angry and upright that they were invincible.

Seeing all the brothers so unrelenting and impassioned, my blood was ignited in an instant. My passion began to burn wildly. My confidence suddenly increased. My soul seemed to be sublimated. My eyes were already shining. The next second, the loudest roar before dawn burst out in the sky: "go!"

I instilled all my strength into these two words. I brought out the momentum of my whole body. Every dust in the air trembled for me for a long time. The hearts of my brothers were continuously inspired by me. In an instant, all of them were inspired.

Under the guidance of Shen Muchen, the brothers of the fire of war boarded their respective cars in an orderly manner. Under the guidance of Mu Nan, the elite of the flying car party also quickly got on the car. Uncle Yang and five instructors also entered their own cars.

As the commander-in-chief of the whole army, I played a guiding role. I was alone, riding a motorcycle in the front of the team, leading the people.

At five o'clock sharp, our motorcade followed in turn and left the headquarters of the flying car party. The sky was still dark in winter. Before dawn came, I led 700 people and formally headed for Mangshan.

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